Brendon Urie Imagines

By poeticemerald

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Some imagines with Brendon Urie <3 More

Imagine #1: Nicotine
Imagine #2: Singing Competition
Imagine #3: Old Photographs
Imagine #4: Birthday Breakfast
Imagine #5: Scary Basement
Imagine #6: Game Night with the Boys
Imagine #7: When the Day Met the Night
Imagine #8: Sick Roommate
Imagine #9: The End of All Things
Imagine #10: Get Well Soon
Imagine #11: The End of All Things (Part 2)
Imagine #12: Best Cousins
Imagine #13: Guidance
Imagine #14: Coma
Imagine #15: The Past
Imagine #16: Breakfast in Bed
Imagine #17: Broken Promise
Imagine #18: Shopping Day
Imagine #20: Life in Color
Imagine #21: Life In Color Pt. 2
Imagine #22: Therapy
"Life in Color" Coming Soon...
Imagine #23: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
Imagine #24: Role Reversal
Imagine #25: Nightmares
Imagine #26: Teacher's Pet?
Imagine #27: Perfect Fit
Imagine #28: My Boyfriend does my makeup
Imagine #29: Collision of Worlds
Imagine #30: About Last Night

Imagine #19: Surgery

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By poeticemerald

Imagine #19: Surgery

 You waited patiently in the hospital waiting room for them to call your name. Today was the day you are getting surgery on your knee because you tore your ACL. Your healthy knee was bouncing up and down like crazy and you probably looked like a nervous wreck at the moment.

"Hey, you look like a nervous wreck." You glanced over at your friend that had brought you here, Brendon. You took a deep breath and set you hand on the arm rest. You almost jumped out of your skin when you felt Brendon's hand overlap yours. You looked up into his eyes and he gave you a warm smile, allowing you to calm down a bit and you stop fidgeting so much.

"{Y/N}" you heard the nurse call your name and all of your jitters came back. You gave Brendon another nervous glance and he pulled you out of your seat and walked into the back with you.

The nurses made you change and put on paper robes, then they took your height, weight and all that other stuff, making sure you were clean and ready for surgery. It was quite a long time before you actually got to a bed. You shakily laid back onto the fluffy pillows and Brendon took a seat in the chair next to you. That was when the anesthesiologist came in and starting talking to you about your IV. You have always been afraid of needles and you had gotten used to getting shots in your arm but this needle was going to stay inside your arm for a while, so you were a bit anxious. The anesthesiologist finished up her little speech and then went to fetch the IV.

"Brendon, I don't want them to put a needle in me, please don't let them." At this point, it probably sounded a lot like you were begging for your life even though it was just "one little needle."

"{Y/N} I know that you're gonna be fine and this needle is going to be nothing, believe me you're a lot stronger than you think." Brendon said with a small wink and that was when the anesthesiologist walked back in with the IV equipment. You braced yourself for the worst as she tied your arm up and asked you to make a fist a couple times so that the veins would stick out. You got a bit teary eyed and look over at Brendon who looked like he was holding back tears himself. You waited for the sharp jab into your arm.

"Alright then, the doctor will come in to talk to you in a minute. You did a great job by the way." And with that, the anesthesiologist was gone and you barely even felt anything. You looked at Brendon and laughed and he smiled at you again.

The doctor walked in and marked you knee, then explained that all they had to do now was roll you into the operation room. After the doctor left, a nurse came in and put some Morphine into your IV. You could feel the Morphine go through your IV and it burned so you started to tear up again, until the Morphine started to work its magic. The burning sensation had gone away and everything felt 20x better than two seconds ago. You didn't know what was so funny but you also couldn't stop laughter from erupting very loudly as Brendon video taped you and was cracking up himself.

"Brendon... stop that!" you giggled as Brendon followed you out of the room with his phone. Brendon only got a few steps until he placed a kiss on you forehead and a nurse started to wheel you through a bunch of hallways. You passed other people in beds and continued to laugh extremely loud, bringing a smile to their faces and getting some of them to laugh along.

You finally got to the operation room and everything went by in blurs of people and monitors. The assistants moved you from the bed you were wheeled in on to the operation table and by now, your giggles had gone away but a smile still glowed on your face.

Your eyes slowly started to open and you couldn't focus on anything because your eyes kept rolling back into your head. You giggled a little and then realized how dry your mouth was.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty..." you heard Brendon's mysterious voice from the side of your bed and smiled to yourself since your mouth was too dry to even talk. "How do you feel?" You still couldn't manage to produce words so you just hummed happily and hoped that Brendon got the message.

The nurses came over and started to spoon feed you little bits of ice while some of the others told Brendon how driving you home was going to go. The ice felt good because you had also woken up with a sore throat since there was a tube down it during surgery. You eventually ate enough ice to tell the nurses how you felt, which was really good.

The nurses rolled you into a different recovery room and started to help you get your clothes that you arrived in back on, which was only a pair of black leggings and a baggy marvel t-shirt. Only problem was that you now had a humongous brace on your leg to keep your knee from bending. So, you ended up cutting your leggings on one side to fit over your brace and then got dressed regularly after that. Instead of putting you back on your bed, the nurses put you in a wheelchair and told you that you were going to go home now.

You met Brendon in the lobby and he had a huge smile on his face. You returned the smile and giggled to yourself. You were wheeled to the mini van that Brendon had borrowed from a friend and Brendon climbed inside to pull you into your seat with help from one of the nurses.

"So what do you remember from today?" Brendon laughed after he had got you all situated and buckled up.

"I remember laughing a lot." you said as you smiled to yourself and Brendon laughed from the driver's seat again.

"Nothing else then?" he chuckled.

"Nothing significant, why?" You became self-conscious all of a sudden and nervously laughed.

"Well right before they wheeled you away from me, you said some things." Brendon laughed and he handed you his phone with a video on it. You pressed play and watched yourself laughing hysterically, but then you stopping and looked right over at Brendon.

"Hey, I really like you and I know you like me too 'cause you always do everything for me like bringing me here today and I think I love you Brendon Urie." Your jaw dropped as the video ended with you being pushed through some doors. Brendon continued to laugh from the front seat and you hid your face in your hands, feeling as red as a firetruck.

"Hey, you weren't wrong though..." Brendon chuckled casually.

"Wait what?"

"You're right, I do like you." Then the impossible happened, Brendon leaned back in his seat a pressed a kiss against your lips, but softly as if he didn't want you to shatter like glass. You blushed even harder and you and Brendon laughed together.

Brendon finally pulled out of the parking lot and the whole ride home, played your favorite Panic! At The Disco songs and put some All Time Low and Fall Out Boy in there every now and then. You didn't want to talk much so you both just sang your hearts out the whole time.


I hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as the last one because the last one got a lot of really positive feedback and it made me feel really good so thank you all a lot. It's starting to be December here, so I was wondering if you guys wanted Christmas Imagines? Yes? Yes? I really want to write some so comment if you have any ideas or a specific story and I'll do my best to make a really awesome imagine out of it! Thanks to everyone!

Stay Victorious,


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