Love Beneath The Darklines(co...

By shachiseth

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A Dark Past - Shyna. A Very Ambitious Future - Davidson They are two contradictory personalities. Yet they me... More

Chapter 1 Unwanted Attraction
Chapter 2 Staring Contest
Chapter 3 Friendly Encounter
Chapter 4 Divine Attraction
Chapter 5 Twists In Friendship
Chapter 6 Listen To Your Instincts
Chapter 7 Without You
Chapter 8 Make Her Smile
Chapter 9 A Night Together
Chapter 10 Dreams, Hallucinations And Chimeras!!!!!!!
Chapter 11 Fighting The Past
Chapter 12 Adventure Ride.
Chapter 13 Developing Bonds
Chapter 14 Need You Now
Chapter 15 Hands Of Help
Chapter 16 His Divine Touch
Chapter 17 Evil Birthday!!!!!
Chapter 19 You Are Beautiful
Chapter 20 Wanna Help You
Chapter 21 Enigmatic Smile
Chapter 23 A Companion
Chapter 24 Lucky Charm
Chapter 25 Influx With Past
Chapter 26 Influences Of The Upbringing
Chapter 27 Word Fights
Chapter 28 Free Falling
Chapter 29 Breathtaking Beauty
Chapter 30 Past Grimaces
Chapter 31 Definition Of Love
Chapter 32 Love You Like I Do
Chapter 33 Perfection
Chapter 34 Power Of Love
Chapter 35 Wrecking Ball
Chapter 36 Sometimes Pain's The Healer
Chapter 37 Cheating v/s Vengeance
Chapter 38 Deadly Silence
Chapter 39 Winner Stands Alone

Chapter 18 Togetherness

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By shachiseth

Chapter 18


Roma is rubbing her palms, they are sweaty with fear and nervousness.

'Did she do the right thing?' she is asking herself again and again. 'Is it fair to trust an unknown person?'.

The car honks and she passes a half hearted smile to her uncle who has a wide add on an evil grin on his face.

He looks contorted and happy. Tonight he is getting something for which he had to force Roma always. She too is enjoying the act now he believes as he smiles devilishly in his head.

Obviously all girls do. Initially it hurts them but gradually they enjoy. This physical pleasure is such a thing. This is how he convinces himself why a shy girl who is scared of his mere presence in the same room with her has called her albeit invited him to pick her up at this hour of night in such a lonely place.

Though he couldn't believe initially why Roma had called him on such a secluded place at this hour of the evening. Soon it will be night and the streets which are already scanty where she'd called him to pick her up would soon go dead and empty and then he can have a rejuvenating round of his deed and the little girl, his niece is also at the consent so it is like he can have butter stuffed in his piece of chicken. He gestured her to enter in the car.

She obeyed him instantly, her eyes holding same fear.

Roma is shifting places, her armpits are stained with sweat and her eyes are going weary.

'what if this was a wrong decision?

What if she was silly; believing a stranger?

What if she had to go through the same torment again?'

She heard a sudden clicking of the seats wher her uncle had back stretched the driving seat and pulled it straight to give him enough space.

He now looks at Roma, his sweatpants undone and his eyes full of lust and stretches to works on the pale blue shirt she is wearing. His face not visible only dark lines due to the small streetlight behind.

Roma tries to shift to the far end of the door scared to death.

Her uncle nods his head disappointingly. She called him here; amicable fact that she was ready for it. She wanted it too. So why this tantrum?

He gets a bit harsher and pulls her to him.

With shivering hands she unclamps the door lock and rushes out of the car.

Stumbling with her feet she hardly reaches any far before her uncle clasps her.

He gives her a loud whacking slap that she falls flat on the ground. He then works on her white pants undoing it. He sets asides her p@nties and starts rubbing her genitals harshly till it is sore and then when he is about to enter, Roma gathers all her fighting spirit that she had stored in her since the day she planned to get back on her paternal uncle and pushes him hard and once again tries to run far ahead on the empty muddy road.

Tears liberally flowing from her eyes with the huge mistake she'd done to interact through an Internet site and call for Help but she was not going to give up. She was not going through that repetitive abuse that she was going through every week since she was ten.

She sprinted straight deeper into the empty streets only to be blocked and bumped by a lean figure dressed in only black.

Huffing, panting and breathing heavily she looks up to see her saviour ^Angel, her face glowing under the moonlight. Relief surges into the veins of Roma as she now sits on the muddy road folding her knees and embracing herself still crying over her narrow escape.

Empathy envisaged in ^Angels eyes at the dismay of this little girl only 14 and is assaulted and abused by her own uncle who was her god father after her parents died in a car accident as interacted by the little girl in her internet site.

This little girl happened to locate the site and was courageous enough to press the orange button. Since then Angel has been private messaging her.

This was their pre decided plan to call her uncle here as a lift home. With his attitude he wouldn't spare the golden opportunity to r@pe her once again

Soon her uncle's skin was well garnished with the scars left with the harsh blows of the hunter Angel was using on him. Castration and the attack on his heart followed next.

Angel gave one sympathetic look to the shivering Roma glad about her work that the little girls sufferings are put to an end and left the premises before it was hauled by cops for their investigation.

Elina looked at the little girl who was not ready to share a tiny bit of the incident. Her eyes were dry and she didn't cry like others. Rather she'd cried enough before they reached. She was also well clothed a sign that she wasn't r@ped and not too many bruises. That does symbolise something.

But the fact that Elina learnt about the girl that she'd been abused by her own uncle who also happened to be her late father's real sibling

She has the desperate desire to rip that guys head with the same knife that Angel had used on his heart.

The girl is scared but contended and stood straight with a sense of freedom. She refuses to disclose anything about the Angel.

Elina excuses the girl and decides to take a follow up on the girl later on.

For the time being, the rainy weather has helped her with the clue and she celebrates internally for she had the biggest break through of all times. She can now learn the mode of communication used by Angel. She investigates the crime scene with her group of officials feeling disappointed earlier but then she was not the one to give up.

She inserts her hand in the plastic uniform, wipes her face with her wet hands and continues her search.

There is no chance that Angel would have walked bare footed to such a secluded place. It is almost seven miles from the main city. She cannot use any local mode of transport otherwise her interrogation with the local gang of cab drivers at crime scenes would have given her some clue, not that she wouldn't check it from the cab drivers association of the area.

She worked to perfection!!!

Even though so far they couldn't recollect any intimidating personality in black with a bit of baggage enough to hold a knife, bottle of chemical which needs ample space to carried and a belt that angel uses to assault the victims.

She walks forward and then backwards travelling a lot of distance on foot. Though tired at 2:00 of the night but she continues her search till her feet clog on the little dent on the roadside.

The traces of wheels grooved on the wet mud and the traces of tyres, speed bike and that was the only vehicle marks on the secluded road after that the road had been sealed.

She can add it to her list of positive probabilities that it was the mode of communication used by Angel- A speed motorcycle used by racers...


Davidson's pov

It's been a week that I have been continuosly visiting and staying over at Shyna's place. She is opening up slowly.

Today is her birthday. I know it because I have stalked on her records. It was when she was maintaining a record of t-Shirt no 10. I however rechecked day before. Something was really pushing me to check, some inner instincts and I was right. It wa her birthday on 23rd June.

So like a good friend I ended up at her door with a chocolate cake for her and fingers crossed.

My one hand was holding the cake from bakers paradise and the other hand was on my back with my index and middle finger crosses, a habit that I normally do when I am in perplex about my results so was I unaware or you can say prepared for whatever reaction she would portray.

I expected her to leg kick and throw the cake on the floor when I would side line and duck it thereby saving the cake. But this was not the scenario.

She opened the door dressed in her same traditional baggy clothes and a loose hooded tee, her glasses hiding the golden pearls beneath, the black scar on her face enticing as the scar on the crystal clear moon and the orbits around her golden browns blood shot and weary.

She again didn't sleep last night and the sight of cake was enough to infuriate her. I was waiting for her outburst.

But the unexpected happened....

Her golden balls suddenly shifted upwards and her legs wobbled as she went unconscious and was about to fall on the ground, passing out. I handed the cake to Rob immediately and picked her in my arms just in time to land her on the floor and hurt her more.

Rob immediately called for the medics who claimed that she was tired, starved and highly stressed leading to low blood pressure and fainted.

He prescribed some medicines, a dose of hot coffee or chocolate in case of sudden fatigue and also recommended a long and peaceful sleep. He assumed the examination stress to be the reason behind this.

But I knew deep down that she was restless and did not sleep whole of last night closing the doors and windows checking and rechecking them, eating was not there in her list of routine so she was starving for sure.

Spike shouted initially but soon when he saw me attending Shyna he stood still and silent lying besides her bed and waiting for her to get up.

The cake was not cut instead I just spooked a spoonful from the white plastic spoon provided by the bakery and fed it to Shyna as prescribed by the doctor for she was too low on sugar and he wanted us to feed her with chocolate, lack of which all I could think was plunge into this cake and push it into her closed mouth.

Rob stood looking wearily at the Shyna.

When I asked him to join in the morning because I thought more the merrier and since she didn't have any friends he immediately accepted expecting it to be fun but I think he was mortified with what he was witnessing.

He simply sat besides Shyna holding her hand and caressing her hair.

Shyna woke up after couple of hours and apologised for being trouble to us.

She was silent all the while and ate everything from sandwiches, fries and burgers even cake that we had brought on bargain that we two were hungry too and wouldn't eat if she doesn't.

Rob left after a while wishing her birthday with a peck on her cheeks. I noticed her flinch but she had tightened her fists to control herself.

This girl had some serious issues!!!!!

After he left I turned to wish her. But before I could speak she turned towards me with moistened eyes "Please I do not like to be greeted" and fell on the floor looking vulnerable. Soon she composed herself and stood up "thanks for everything."

I resisted the strong felt urge to hug her tight and wipe off the dread in her life to tell her 'everything will be okay' but I let it go.

I mutely stood dumbstruck feeling a little glad that she takes that comfort in at least expressing herself to me. If she didn't want to be greeted she told it to me and I respect her enough to not touch the sensitive area of her life especially on her big day. She needs time and I can give her that. I had brought her a pen but I would not present her, she looks so fragile that she'll piss and burst any moment so I decided to keep it on her table when she would be busy preparing my notes.

I helped her with a glass of water which she took with both her hands and drank whole not leaving a drop in it. She then turned towards me "Back to studies?"

"I guess yeah!!!" I shrugged my shoulders. If that was needed to keep her sane on her birthday, I was in for it.

I wish I could strangle to death, the person behind her broken self.

Within few days she means so much to me. I wonder what kind of bond is this. Though we aren't official friends but I feel a lot of concern for her deep in my heart.

It was 6 in the evening and none of us did any kind of fitness today. She was too lost in her own self. I did pick glances at her. She would study and then would get lost in her reverie, her knuckles would get white as she pressed them tight in fury.

I always tried to distract her with my queries on the management skills subject which we had our assessment tomorrow and she would comply with me getting lost in the black and white prints of the reference books.

I would mentally throw my fist in the air as a small celebration of success in keeping her mind off from the dirty harsh thoughts that were disturbing her.

Spike started hauling in front of Shyna reminding her it was his time for walk.

Disinterested and tired Shyna looked at me for help. She probably intended me to do the honours.

Though I'd love to fulfil even the slightest of her desires specially today being her birthday but I did not have the courage to leave her alone. She already had passed out once in the morning.

Moreover a stroll in open air would also cheer her foul mood that she was carrying since morning.

Though she is never cheerful but today I smelt something even more dreadier than a dead rat.

"I'll accompany you Shyna." I pulled the neck belt of Spike from the rack and buckled it to Spike. Excited to go for a stroll Spike cooperated with me.

Since its been a week I am staying here, I have been accustomed to where things are located in the house specially when Shyna is not very particular about 'Right things Right place' attribute, I took it my sole responsibility of maintaining the presentation of the big mansion kind of house. Some kind of my cacophobia to maintain cleanliness.

I followed a highly excited Spike at the door ready to move out and waited for Shyna. When she took some extra time in shutting down her computer Spike hopped inside restlessly jumping on his two feet and roaring non stop asking her to hurry.

Shyna could not resist his impatience and carried her small wallet and pair of socks to the door.

She pulled up her ankle socks and wore her Nike sneakers, picking the keys from the holder in a hurry and moved out of the house following me and Spike.

The loyalty of Spike is commendable as he didn't move a step till Shyna was out of the house and door closed behind her.

He stayed besides Shyna as a loyal employed guard walking with her.

We walked side by side in comfortable silence.

Once we reached wall mart Shyna started a conversation "I need to pick the groceries"

"I'll stay with Spike" I suggested half heartedly. I did not want to send Shyna alone. What if she passes out? Neither did I want her to pay the bills. I was feeding myself everyday at her place and even using her luxuries.

"He'll be own his own. He is used to it. " she stated reluctantly thinking and scrutinising a lot in her mind, not disclosing it.

"You sure. I can join you in?" I confirmed.

She simply nodded moving ahead. She is not used to interacting with people. I guess I am the only one who makes her speak highest number of words in a day.

I was watching intently the way she filled the shopping cart with all the dog food needed for Spike choosing wisely the best of the brands with best of the quality. She then moved to the grocery section picking brown rice, frozen chicken, fruits, muesli, energy bar, eggs, milk and few more healthy stuff.

"someone has learnt a lesson after fainting in my arms!" I gave a whole hearted smirk.

"It is for you. Being a basket ball player you need to eat well. Matches start next week after exams. You have to particular about your diet." She spoke.

I looked at this Shyna is awe. How can any body be so thoughtful especially when her life is completely wrecked.

" Hey thanks" I helped her to lift one of the boxes of oats which were at little height for her to reach.

"For what?" She asked confused.

"For letting me stay at your place for rest of the tests and also for helping me in studies." I blushed nervously as I scratched my neck.

She simply nodded her neck and moved ahead with the cart

While she was fumbling in her wallet looking for a change, I handed my card to be swiped and made the payment.

"Hey" she shouted furiously but I walked ahead carrying bags along with me.

"I would have paid" she said.

"I did so...." I said arrogantly. I knew otherwise she would have forced and paid me for the stuff.

She put her hands in the pocket of her hoodie and walked ahead of me with Spike sprinting showing her disappointment.

She looked amazing with anger expression on her face. Though I was scared of her short temper but somehow she looked cute today.

It made me chuckle but I maintained an expressionless face.

After few steps, she stopped making me smile and returned only to carry few bags from the loads I was holding. She indeed is very sweet at heart.


"Naaaay!!! It's your birthday so I am cooking" I insisted.

"I cook in the evenings..." She forced but I pushed her out of the kitchen saying "last chapter 'crisis management please"

"I have done the notes" she argued.

"But I am still not clear with the concept so please.." I tried to give my innocent face that had so far worked on all the girlfriends of mine as yet.

Cursing internally she sat on the computer working on the chapter which I was already thorough with.

She helped me serve the dinner and we both ate silently. For the first time she'd help me clean the table and with the dishes too which she normally would ignore leaving it for me to do.

"Can I ask you one question?" Shyna asked.

"Sure" I replied shocked. It was the first time Shyna was starting a conversation.

I was excited too because it was her first attempt to communicate with me with her free will. I wasn't arrogant nor was I pushing her. She too was neither feisty or troubled.

"You can fight so well. Then why didn't you fight back when those two guys from your opponent team attacked you at the car park?...."she asked.

I hid a smirk forming on my face when I wanted to answer 'its rare to see a girl defend a boy and fight for him. It is such a turn on then I replied simply "I enjoy seeing your fighting moves."

I could feel a smile forming on her face but it disappeared quickly but she attempted at least to smile....

That was the end of the day but a bright beginning...

I wanted to drive her to school but she'd always leave early with Spike and I had to pick Jack on my way so may be with all three of us and Spike would not be comfortable and again I go back home to change my clothes and do the essentials for maintaining my house so I guess it was better off if she had the independence of being on her own.

I would however join her after we were done with our gym and fight sessions.

I would always look for her once I'd enter the gym feeling relaxed that she was there and fine too.

I was getting used to and even addicted to our togetherness.

Eating, studying and sleeping together felt so good. Don't take me wrong sleeping together only meant was me on the couch of the living room and she in her room only. Though she slept late at night after working on her computer where she sat for long hours. I did not dare to see what she did though the curiosity was whacking me but I maintained my decency as a gentleman.

She did offer me to use one of her guest rooms but after studying long hours, the couch consumed me so comfortably that I didn't have the need to go to the guest room on the another floor. Again the small gesture by Shyna to put covers on me while I slept made me feel warm. Cliche but true.

Today is the last assessment and I stand with my gang talking and wasting time enjoying the free rein from the stress of studies.

"Hey guys you owe us a treat" Steve said as he punched me and Miron on our shoulders in our bro code hug kind of way.

"Treat?" I asked confused.

"The selection bro! Selection! It's a big thing and time for a big bash!" Steve said enthusiastically.

This is what sportsman spirit is all about. Though he is not been selected but he is thrilled and equally happy for me and Ron.

"Sure thing" Ron smiled "otherwise also it's been ages I guess we haven't done anything happening."

"Does that include not being able to get laid too." Peter chuckled besides me.

"Yeah girls are like if they happen to f##k someone, it would be a bad omen for their tests so we have been dry like a desert in Africa." Steve babbled.

I wondered if it was Caira's chickening out of relationship with him or she actually felt it to be a bad omen. Probably with lack of interest from Caira, he might have tried some other hottie but his buddy was left hanging. I chuckled as I visioned his hanging buddy.

"Someone seems to be lucky in that respect!" Jack pointed at my smiling face.

"Hey.! Am not the one who needs $ex as a booster. I'd do it only if I feel for a girl, not to satisfy that hanging stuff of mine" I said as I slapped Jack on the back of his head

" Aawwwooouch!!! I know you that well man. I was kidding" Jack said as he overreacted with that mild blow rubbing his head to ease the pain.

"You were actually a saint taking crash courses putting your ass completely into books." I winked at Jack.

He smiled sheepishly "my dad had warned that if I flung, he wouldn't sponsor my next terms fees so...."

I gave him 'i understand look' dad's... Oh dad's..

"So tonight at Miron's" Steve confirmed.

I shrugged in acceptance "I won't stay long though. I want to catch up with practice early morning tomorrow."

"Can't you take a break?" Steve commented sarcastically.

"He already has broken up with his girl." Jack said mockingly.

"Don't worry i'll check with the supplies of Hot girls." Steve said.

We all gave a horrid look to him. Was he kind of calling umm.. Girls from....

"Heyyyy.. Not those looks. I am simply inviting girls from our college" he relieved us.

"So Drink ,Dance and Dingdong" Jack exclaimed excitedly. It was like he had untied his tongue today which was locked for two weeks during the tests.

I hit him another smack which he easily ducked.

"You guys can invite whoever you want to! The party is open for all." Miron offered to all the bunch of players and friends who passed a freaking scream of thanks combined with excitement.


We were standing outside the gym with our bags waiting for the maintenance guy. There was some power failure and therefore the gym was dark with no machines working. The conditioning too was not working so even the fight training was not possible.

I therefore went to Shyna's to work out at her personal gym and then we can fight train too.

She was improving everyday.

Today she hit me two severe blows on my lower abdomen, I was lucky enough to bend on my knees and save my groin.

Another punch of hers almost landed on my jaw and it would have bruised me black on my right eye but again I was smart enough to side flip and save the blow otherwise I wouldn't have been able to carry 'I am sexy and I know it' look to the party meant for me and Miron.

She was creating new moves everyday surprising me and getting an upper hand on me in our fights.

This was amazing when he hit me on my abdomen making me bend and then she elbowed me on my shoulder. I winced in pain and she was again ready to hit me on my face when I tried to play smarter.

With an evil playful smirk I pulled her rubber band from the bun of hair she had tied making her luscious shining golden licks unfold and fall to her waist. She got distracted, her furious red eyes confused and I pinned her to ground.

Her back was on the floor, her hands above her head and wrists in my grip. I laid on top of her. Her angelic face covered with few of her golden tendrils mimicked anger and was uncontrollable, likely to be lost in her darklines again. I blew my breath on her eyes and she closed them. I reverse counted 5....4...3....2...1. And she stood still breathing heavy joining with erratic breaths of mine.

Slowly she opened her eyes looking at me, her anger all gone and sudden replaced by fear and helplessness.

"Shyna" I spoke in a soft tone and softened my grip on her wrists.

She relaxed immediately.

"Shyna" I repeated again waiting for a response from her.

"Yes" she said half heartedly.

"Will you join me?" I asked pleadingly.

"Where?" Her question was a mere whisper as she knew the answer.

"We are celebrating my selection today. Please join me for the celebration......."


Elina walks in the dark streets with the same confidence with her elite neck, firm back bone and steps controlled. She shouted power and determination.

Dressed in her tight pants and a white shirt which is topped with a halter jacket just enough to hide her weapon incase of emergency. Though she is a good hand to hand fighter but this place is no ordinary.

And she is not dealing with any stray hawkers here. She is here to have a word and some information from the illegal vendors of arms and ammunitions.

Yes they are still available in the markets inspite of strict government rules and regulations but mutiny to the law by these people is what feeds officers like her and it is her job in hand that has brought her here.

The street is complete dark except that small tinge of light like a single star shining blurred on a cloudy night.

She follows the light however.

The pin drop silence helps her to concentrate and she revives about the case in mind wondering that one single clue here is going to ascend her case to a new level.

Her clue that she bargained in the last crime by 'Angel being his mode of transport has brought her a new dimension and she did not find it difficult to put two and two together that Hot and handsome loverboy Davidson and his group of friends really have something to do with it. But pertaining to the huge influences of their parents and they being multimillionaires and add on known celebrities of the country she has to take her investigations very cautiously. One mistake on her part and the entire chain of investigations would be put to a dead end.

She had read about intuitions and she is a getting a strong one that Davidson or his group of friends have something to do with the case and she is not scared to follow the instincts. She'll go through every possible corner to get to this 'Angel and get herself back to her loving and doting boyfriend.

A smile occurs on her face remembering how wet she had gone yesterday having phone $ex with him followed by peek a boo of some of each others exclusivities on the skype which is further replaced with a tinge on her heart as she missed him a lot. She never had time to think about love. But missing someone like crazy just as she misses her business tycoon boyfriend, then she is actually in love. She had many boyfriends earlier but none of them happened to take so much space in her personal thoughts like him.

Another pain shot through her but this time it was on her shoulder.

Smart as she is she immediately leaned sown to pull the attacker with his arm.

The attacker pushed another blow on her stomach but she clenched his fist right on time, pushing him with full force when he tumbled on his feet.

She realized she was quite close to the source of light and the scarred face of her attacker came into her vision. This time she kicked him hard in the middle of his legs to which he responded quickly holding it tight cringing in pain and half bending, his upper body folded.

Right then four arms approached Stella holding her tightly from both of her shoulders.

"Hold it! Hold it!" Elina spoke relaxed "I have money. I am here for business.

"You have money?" one of the dark men with salt and pepper hair who held her right arm asked, his eyes twinkling all of a sudden with the voice of money.

"I do" she spoke confidently.

"Show it then" the fair one who was completely bald holding her other arm ordered.

She pulled fresh crisp bundle of bills from her pocket and was about to put them back when the one with scar of stitches on his face who was now able to stand properly snatched it from her.

Within the minutest fraction of a second, Elina pulled out her sharp knife from the jacket and pulled the dark guy into her grasp and pointed it directly on his neck.

"One move and he is slithered" he gave a glorious warning staring at the other two right in their eyes, not failing to intimidate them.

The way their faces were worried made it clear that the three of them were together.

"You have already tasted my strength, this jerk has hardly anything left with the tip ready to slit of his neck" she directed towards the one under the knife "and you" she pointed at the bald one "are not the kind I cannot handle. So the decision is yours" she raised an eyebrow.

The three of them nodded to each other and returned her the bills.

"Good. Now where will I get few more of these?" she asked licking the non sharp edge of the knife in her hand daunting all of them.

They gulped in the lump formed in their throats.

"So you are a customer?" the bald one asked winking at her cheaply.

"What do you think I was here to play fight with you morons" she kicked him hard on his balls.

Respecting the customer they did not react instead took her to a very old man sitting in a very small dim light room filled with arms and ammunitions of all sorts.

There were knives, guns, bullets, machine guns, bullet proof jackets and much more.

"Mind it they are all old ones cannot get the latest ones, police nowadays very strict" the old man commented.

Elina smiled a closed smile feeling proud of her teammates.

"He told me you have lot of money. We need money for our family" looking at the half dressed children roaming around sadly.

"Do you have any specific preferences?" the old man asked.

As if getting the clue I pulled the paper which had the drawing of the dagger that 'Angel uses to kill her victims as drawn by joint efforts of different technicians, sketching artists, forensics and forwarded it to him.

The old man looked at the paper carefully from all the angles.

Brightening his eyes he said "Very sharp, excellent results, only one pierce with right force and the person is gone. Once bought there is no need to sharpen the blade till years, just wipe it with a soft cloth and its ready again. Good choice ma'm"

"But I am sorry" his face saddened immediately you wont get it now. It is a very old model. We too have sold only one piece and that too years ago. Even though repeat orders were placed but there is no supply. Now we have stopped placing orders also"

"Can you tell me who bought it from you?" I asked excitedly.

"No ma'am I did not sell it, I was not into this business then." The old man claimed.

"Who are you?" the old man asked suspicious and scared.

"That's none of your business. You take your money and give me information." Elina stated curtly.

"Sorry. You may leave." The old man got angry "Larris show her way out." He directed towards the dark complexioned guy who guided her to the shop.

"Please" Elina now kind of begged. This was her only chance. "I promise NO harm to you if you help."

"Who are you?" the old man asked again insisting sternly.

Elina took a deep breath sighing for there was no way out she finally blurted "I am a cop and on investigation."

All the four men stared at her in horror, shock and surprise.

They knew the answer to the question they had been asking themselves since they met her 'if this woman was made of steel?....

"You may leave before I order one of my guys to shoot you. None of your officials could even get to your dead body lady...." The old man warned.

"If I was scared of death, I won't have been here at first place." Elina stated oozing her fearless temperament. She continued "I am only here to get answers to my questions. I can assure you safety of your whole tribe."

"I like it. You are a feisty one." The old man laughed.

"We have been helping few cops in the past but it was long time ago but later one of your officers ditched us and that came to an end. I guess you can reverse the circumstances. again" he tapped on her shoulders.

Elina relieved with hope.

The old man entered another room and returned after a short while to escort her inside.

Though she did not display any consternation in her expressions, entering that small room surrounded with all the ammunitions, they were on upper hand.

The other room too was like that of old 60's slum with one old man lying in a broken bed balanced with blocks of bricks coughing and other toddler probably 10 months lying on the floor over a sheets, his diaper bulged due for a change.

She collected her thoughts and bent to the old man lying on the bed. His brother had already explained him the facts.

"two people... acccuhhhh accccuhh" he couhed "a very young boy and a girl, her face hidden under the hood. Acccuh.... Aaccccuuuhhh...acc.. harmless comple...cuh... harmless..... they took it for cooking....Acccuh Chinese. They had to chop veggies and acccccuuuh....cuhhh and meat ands stuff..."

"can you describe both of them their features, height body?" Elina asked politely but with elated voice that shouted her cop status.

"Three accuhhhh..cuh.. years long time... aaacccuhh they might have changed..cuuuhh boy was very young, girl 17 or 18, not very cuuh.... Sure and . Boy had blueblack eyes and dark brown hair.

"Thanks I said. I handed whole bunch of the bills I had in my pocked to the old man and sprinted from that place to work on my latest clue. Though it was only of a little help.

She wasn't sure if they were the ones playing 'Angel or they have passed on the knife to someone else.

And if there were two people involved in the crime then why didn't we ever realize?

The facts have rather tangled the investigation than to help her.

But she decide her next code of conduct

Check all the Chinese cuisine restaurants that had started three years back, even the street hawkers.....


Shyna's pov

This boy is unbelievable!!!

I felt that he'd feel awkward rather embarrassing to walk with me to Walmart instead he was keen in joining me there. And then there I tried to maintain distance with him so that our friendship doesn't spoil his jocks image. But he followed me everywhere. He also volunteered to pick the groceries and paid for them too.

And what really touched me was the fact that he understood that I did not want to be greeted on my birthday. He let the day pass normally as if it was not much a deal and the dinner, he cooked I must say he is going to make some girl really happy and she would be one lucky thing. I wonder what strange feeling I get in the pit of my stomach with that very thought.

Today when I returned from my final assessments I thought I was back to my lonely self with no one to wiggle my head with his continuous blabbering or no one at the couch whose presence lets me sleep peacefully throughout the night.

But again he managed to gate crash though with a reason to train with me. I wonder why? He could have gone to the grounds or tracks for a run or something but he ends up here and an anticlimax thing is "out of the hot an sexy girls all around blooming and fluttering in front of him or begging for his one look, albeit accompanying him to a party would be a big thing for them, he wants me to join him for the same. He is INSANE insane in bold letters. He wants to make fun of himself escorting me to his so called party.

I know that he is quite aware that my reply would be in negation.

I am not the one to fit into that group. They would cringe or make a face of disgust by mere looking at me. Though I do not mind that but I am not in for any party, neither am I going.

I pushed him from above me, though he simply stood on his toes, not hurting me a bit but his closeness was increasing my heartbeats, not that I was scared of him but it felt weird in a way.

"No. Not. Never" and thanks for this Session. You may leave." I said curtly.

He offered me his hand to let me get up as I still stood lying on the floor; I pushed it aside getting up on my own.

"You are coming." He insisted as he wiped his bare chest with the towel. I avoided looking at him as I zipped my jacket on and was about to drink water from the jar when he handed me my towel to wipe myself. Little does he know that I am going to jump into a cold freezing shower after he leaves.

"I am picking you at 9. Be ready." He said as he wore his tee and waved a good bye to me.

That look in his eyes said that he was determined enough to come and pick me up.


It was half past eight and I was through with Spike's ride and his feeding activities. I hurried myself to close all the doors and switch off all the lights so that David retreats once he arrives to pick me up. He can keep on ringing bell with no reply from me, impatient he would leave me to myself if I do not answer.

Another courageous task that I have to do is switch off all the lights and sit in my room. I know how much difficult it is going to me but lesser than facing those curious bimbos staring back at me in the party.

I checked all the windows, took a final step towards the main gate to open and shut it locked again.

As I opened the door, there on the pillar on left side entrance a little ahead of wrought iron main gate, he stood leaning over it, his one leg folded as his shoe touched the pillar for support and his back rested on the same pillar.

Dressed in the most 'sexy and I know' looks with dull blue denims and a button down blackshirt, he looked back at me with mischief in his grays and an elongated smirk outstretched on his face.

"Don't lock me outside" he finally spoke after a long staring at each other game.

It was then I realized I had been gawking or standing still at the same place for a longer time than essential.

"I am not coming." I said folding my arms.

"I knew it and that's why I am half an hour early." He came towards me towering over me.

"Listen David let go. It's your day, your party. Why are you trying to spoil it accompanying a nerd like me?" I argued.

"Exactly my day, my party and I want to accompany my friend with me. Why aren't you cooperating" he pouted.

He pushed me aside relaxing on his couch, his because he'd been sleeping at the same couch throughout the tests.

He put his hands behind his head and relaxed closing his eyes.

The best part was he was quiet. There was silence in the house and this silence shouted peace and calmness.

He opened his eyes looked at me and said "Whenever you are ready to go tell me I am all ready" and went back resting as he pressed his golden and brown streaked hair on the couch.

"I do not have any dress." I excused.

He stood up and evened my hands resting on my waist and looked into my eyes "You don't have to dress up. You are beautiful anyways."

I stomach did a backward flip and then my anger took over "You are trying to mock me?" as my hand rested on the artificially created scar.

He felt guilty.

"No sorry! I didn't mean that." He said and he meant every word of it.

And I got the clue, I can use my temper, make him loose his and then scoop out of this plan of going to party.

"I know what you meant. I ain't beautiful and no match to your Miss Beauty Queen friends and so let me be." I shouted and giving a final yell "YOU LEAVE"

Strangely enough he ended up with a guiltier face "I am sorry if I hurt you. But I do not judge my friends with their appearance or looks." He tried to cup my face but I kicked his hand harshly.

"You. You are talking about appearance. You cannot even bear a book kept half open, you want it perfect, you cannot leave utensils unclean, you need even a presentable kitchen. Stop pretending Davidson. You cannot cheat with me." I shouted angrily/rudely expecting him to retaliate but....

He held my wrist in his tight grip, not the painful tight but tight enough.

I was on an upper hand I would have given him one kick and he'd be holding his groin through out the night but I didn't. I don't know why but I couldn't.

Instead I started reading honesty in his grays "I know I am a cleanliness freak, things at right place freak. I just can't help it. But you, I no longer find you ugly... I am sorry. I felt you were ugly once but now I have witnessed your innerself and beneath the pain, those darklines" he showed the lines on my forehead making me touch those lines "You are beautiful, very beautiful"

I stood stunned, shell shocked at his words 'beautiful, darklines, beautiful' words were running in my head playing hide and seek with my pain, my past but winning gradually.

"Now you are changing. Forget it I like you as you are" and he pulled me out of the house grabbing the keys from the table besides the stand chuckling because they weren't at right place and he gave his special whistle which was a cue to Spike that it was time to leave, they have developed fondness for each other in last few days.

As Spike jumped up and down in excitement, he forwarded towards him, his favorite coconut 'n cream ice cream that he had brought for him. He's been getting something or the other for Spike lately be it his bone or meat chunks even bought fluorescent belts for him as if Spike could differentiate the colours but Spike accepted everything with a wagging tail showing his gladness.


I switched the conditioning of his car to full to cool down my temper or you can say my restlessness but I guess it did not help.

It was mere centimeters away, his captain's house but still he drove here. He is strange....

He left the car, letting Spike out and then he opened the passenger seat for me. I stood still tightening my fists.

'Come out. You know I can wait here for ever." He said as he smirked asking me to be out of his big sedan.

I wiped my palms which were sweaty now with my sweatpants and giving an irritated nod, I got down of the car.

I walked ahead of him angrily and he followed.

When I saw the house where the party was organized, the place was filled with teens, music was full on and I was traveling in full speed to my past. I was running into lanes which were surrounded by party, decorations, music and drinks on either sides but I was running on a lonely lane with fear embracing me like a woolen jacket on a cold and windy day...

I stopped myself. I shouldn't. I tried to focus ahead.... Davidson's day, his party, his celebration.... Don't ruin it.....

I was now trembling and my hands shivering.

Suddenly a masculine hand stretched from behind held my hand and I looked at him.

I jerked and was about to.......

a/n *Whose hand was this?

*Will she as usual give him a kickass?

Hope you like the chapter!!!!!

Do comment and give your views.....:)

A big thank you to all my readers and a thank you with a cherry on top to all those who vote.

Please VOTE generously, maybe with your votings we might catch the top ten position again (please.....)

£ So guys any idea what would be Shyna's reply?????.....

£ Do answer in your feedback in the comment box.

£ Will these assessments bring them any closer?

£ Or Davidson is going to get busy with his jocks now?

£ Will Shyna open herself to new life or continue to lock herself in £ her darklines?

£ Would the new breakthrough take Elina closer to Angel?

To know...

Keep reading

And please keep voting and commenting.

Lots oh hugs, brownies, candies and ice creams to all my sweet voters:)

P.s : if you like my style of writing, you can check my other work You, Me and She in Love in non fiction and romantic category. Thanks:)


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