high school under different c...

By martpep27

8.2K 198 30

Previously High School Never Got So Hard (Agents of SHIELD) The two siblings, Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons... More

2- the first week
3- the club
4- the good morning
5- the ruining party
6- the school of jealousy
7-better in some ways
8- the secrets of our lives
9- a beach house a step up
10- a fixing storm
11- The light in our past
12- Bad things happen in bad weather
13-Our moments of happiness
14- Surprise of the come back
Autor's note (SORRY☹️)
15- Part 1: Even in the darkess nights
16- Part 2: We can see the clouds
17- Smiling Morning confrontations
18-the wrong of the rights

1- First day for the new ones

966 23 3
By martpep27

Today was Simmons and Hunters first day at their new school, SHIELD ACADEMY. Like every morning, Simmons alarm went off at 5:45 a.m. She grabbed the first running clothes she saw and went on a run, she came back around 7:00 a.m. After wards took a shower and went down stairs only missing her breakfast to go to school. And like every morning, Hunters alarm went off 20 minutes before leaving for school, giving his just enough time to take a shower, eat and be told by his sister that they were gonna be late like ten times. When they finally reached the school, Hunter turned to face his sister, noticing she looked really nervous. He said "Don't worry, everything will be fine, i will be by your side the whole time, assuming i don't find anyone else." She playfully punched his in the arm and said "haha, real funny, now let's go before were late." "Yeah, yeah, mom, coming" he said sarcastically. They both got out of the car and headed inside the building. The hall ways seemed empty, Hunter spoke first "Hey, genius, any clue where the main office is?" "One, stop calling me that, you know i hate it. And two, no, i have no clue." Then before they could turn the corner, each bumped into someone. Hunter said "I am sorry, should have been looking where i was walking" " he said, his head still down. "No, it's fine." Said the person in front of him, he finally lifted his head up, the one in front of was a girl, tall, blonde, blue eyes and athletic. She said "Hi, i am Barbara Morse, But every one just calls me Bobbi." He said "I am Lance Hunter, every one calls me Hunter. I am new here." As their conversations was taking a life of it's own, Simmons still had her head down while getting up. The person she bumped into talked first. "Hey, sorry for bumping into you, i am Lincoln by the way, are you knew?"
"Yes, i am Jemma Simmons, every one calls me Simmons, i just moved here with my brother" she said pointing at Hunter. "So, he is your brother?" "Sadly yes" she said with a little smile "Well, this is my sister, Bobbi, i am guessing that she is heading to the principal's office 'cause she got in trouble." "Haha, i am guessing your heading down there to receive an award for smart ass of the year." "No, actually i am showing the new ones around school, so i'm guessing you guys" Lincoln said. "Yeah, guess so mate." Said Hunter while smiling. "Just follow us, since were heading down there anyways" said Bobbi. They walked for a while, talking about this and that before reaching the main office. As they entered Principal Coulson greeted them, "Ah, m.Hunter, ms.Simmons i see that you've met Lincoln and Barbara."
"Yes sir." Said the british man. "Ah, m.Campbell thank you for coming and ms. Morse, i can only assume you are in trouble again." "You know me so well, sir" said Bobbi. "Well, m. Campbell and ms. Morse would you be kind enough to show our new students around, they have almost all the same classes as you." "It would be our plesure, sir." Said Lincoln. After wards, they all headed out and began to talk again, Simmons and Lincoln seemed to be enjoying the show that Bobbi and Hunter were putting on arguing about something related to star wars, since they both seemed very interested by the subject. After a while they arrived in front of the door and opened it. The teacher said "Oh well, ms. Morse, m. Campbell, Nice of you to join us again, you may take your seats, and class, meet our new students coming to us from London, you may take an available seat."  They went to sit down, Hunter behind Lincoln and Simmons in front of Bobbi. Lincoln said "Hey Hunter, this is my friend Leo Fitz, you can call him Fitz." " Hi, i'm Hunter." Said the british boy, holding his hand out while the scoltish guy shaked it. On the the other side of the room the girls were having about the same conversation. "Hey, Simmons, this is my best friend Skye, Skye, this is Simmons, she's new." Said Bobbi. "Hi" said Skye. "Hi" said Simmons. The rest of the day was uses by them to get to know each other. After school, Hunter and Simmons went back in the car and started to talk. "So, see any guy you like today." "Well, there is this one Guy, Fitz i think, he's kind of cute and really smart. You, did you meet anyone interesting?" "No, not really." "Not even Bobbi?" "No, i mean, um, why would, i don't know, i, just, why would you think that?" "I don't know, maybe by the way you were drooling when you were staring at her in class." Said Simmons, while laughing a little. "Oh just shut up." Said Hunter.
*At the same time at the Morse and Campbell house hold
Bobbi, Lincoln, Skye and Fitz came back to the two siblings house after all of them were done with school. Bobbi said, "You guys can just grab a beer, they're in the fridge. Would it okay with you all f i invited Hunter and Simmons?" Then Skye said, "You just want to invite Hunter cause you like soooooo like him." "Shut up" said Bobbi fighting a small blush from hearing the hot brit's name. "Well, i'm okay with it." Said Fitz. "You're no better, you just want to see Simmons again." Said Lincoln "Maybe a little." The scotish boy said. Lincoln texted them and they both came right over. The 6 friends talked the rest of the night, falling asleep on any surfaces that could be slept on.

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