Like a rocket to the sky

By twloves

4.9K 63 3

Beth finds her life becoming perfect for her but when she starts to fall for one of her best friends band mat... More

Like a rocket to the sky
Get packing
I think i like you...
I've got a girlfriend.
'Crazy nights lead to hilarious morning'
Couples strike back
I think im pregnant
oh, Kat
'We're together'
I Love You
'Suddenly i'm not hungry'
'Horny teenager'
First fans
Anythings possible when your with The Wanted
She's a fighter
Home again
6 months later
Truth or dare
Let's give them something to write about
i like these small things
Moving on
I think your pregnant
We're having a baby!
You're going to pay for that
It's a surprise
She said yes!
Happy Birthday!
We did it
'I Do'

Gone but never forgotten

109 0 0
By twloves

The next day the boys all had the day off before they shoot the video for their new single ‘Walks Like Rihanna’ so we all decided to spend the day at the pool at the hotel. “Nath have you seen my bikini anywhere?” I asked walking out of the bedroom to where he was making tea, “no babe why?” he asked, “I cant find it” I sighed, “you could just go without?” he said with a wink, “oh yeah great idea. Let the whole world see me” I said, putting my hand on my hip, “good idea, why not wear a snowsuit?” he said scowling at the thought of other guys looking at me. He’s always worrying about that, I don’t know why because I really don’t see myself as attractive and I don’t even know how I managed to get him let alone having other guys staring at me but whatever, “have you looked under the bed?” he asked, “no actually” I said, walking back in and just as Nath said, it was laying under the bed. “got it!” I shouted out to him before slipping it on as well as a tank top and my Hollister shorts.

“What’s all the shouting for?” Jay asked walking in in his underwear, rubbing his eyes, “I couldn’t find my bikini but I got it now” I answered taking a sip of my tea Nath had made. “You could just go without?” he winked and I rolled my eyes as Nath glared at him, “dud I was joking, why would I be perving over your girlfriend when I have Jodie?” he laughed and walked into his room. “come on babe, we can meet them at the pool” Nath said putting our dirty cups in the sink. “yep, let me just grab my bag” I said grabbing it from the bedroom before slipping on my sandals and joining Nath.

We walked through the hotel to the lift with Nath’s arm snaked around my waist. We got to the pool and since it was only about 8 o clock in the morning, nobody was here so we gathered 12 chairs and scattered our stuff over them so nobody would take them before stripping down to our swimwear and laying on our towels on the deck chairs sunbathing. “babe?” Nath said, “yeah?” I asked, turning my head to look at him, “you know we said about thinking of a future for us?” he asked, “yeah..” I said, “well why don’t you move in with me?” he asked, “but you live with the guys” I said, “That’s the thing, we were all thinking of moving out into our own places. Still near each other but we’re all in long term relationships and we thought it was about time we separated ya know?” he smiled, “really?” I asked, “really.” He grinned, “but my flat” I frowned, “Kat can keep the flat?” he suggested, “okay then, if your sure” I smiled and a grin spread across his face before he placed his hand on my cheek and leaning over to kiss me.

“ew gross!” Max said dramatically, covering his eyes, “get a room!” Jay shouted and Tom groaned again. “Oh get over it” I laughed and rolled back over. “don’t talk to us like that” Max said in mock anger, “what you gonna do about it?” I smirked, “oh we know” Jay said as him and Max shared a worrying look before they grabbed me and threw me in the pool and stealing my chair. “YOU BASTARDS!” I shouted at them as I spluttered to the surface before the life guard had a go at me for using bad language in a family place which they all found highly amusing. “aw babe, come here” Nath cooed opening his arms where I climbed onto his lap and pretended to be upset. I could feel Naths chest vibrating with his laughs, “I don’t know what your laughing at Sykes” I scowled at him and he just carried on laughing, “fine, no sex for a week” I threatened earning an “ohhhhh!” from the boys. Nath soon shut up and shuffled so he was leaning back and I was sitting between his legs laying my head back on his chest and his arm crossed around me, holding my hands.

We stayed sunbathing for about an hour before the heat started to build up and we all put sun cream on. “Max, do my back would you?” Jay asked handing him the bottle. Max gave an evil look before drawing the shape of a penis into Jays back and writing Jaythan too. We all stifled a laugh as Jay thanked him and layed on his stomach sunbathing. “You won’t be saying that tomorrow” I mumbled and Nath chuckled.

I sighed in content as Nath rubbed sun cream onto my back before my phone started ringing, “It’s you mum” he said handing me my phone. “Hello?..yeah?...what? he okay?...But mum I'm in the Bahamas... okay ill try.. bye mum” I said hanging up and let my phone drop out of my hand. “baby what’s wrong?” Nath said looking worried, “i-it’s my dad” I stuttered before breaking down into Naths chest. “WHATS HAPPENED?!” Tom shouted, jumping out of the pool and running over, “Beth babe whats happened?” He asked worriedly, “D-dad h-has had a h-heart attack” I stuttered in between sobs. “do you want me to fly home with you?” Nath asked, “you need to work” I said shaking my head, “well you can’t go alone” he sighed, rubbing my back, “I’ll take Kat, I’ll be fine” I said, “alright, ill go get Kev to book a flight back asap.” He said jumping up and Tom replaced his position so I laid in his lap sobbing.

Soon enough all the other boys and girls were sitting around me trying to comfort me and Kat had gone with Nath to pack our stuff as Kev had got us a flight back for this evening. Tom carried me back up to my room and sat on the bed cuddling with me whilst we waited for everything to be done and I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to Tom shaking me awake, “Kev’s going to take you and Kat to the airport now” He said as I rubbed my sore eyes. Nath guided me out as Tom carried my stuff and Logan carried out Kat’s to the car where everyone gave me a hug and kiss goodbye wishing me well. “I love you babe, he’ll be fine and ill call you when I can” Nathan said as he kissed me quick and wrapped me in a strong but comforting hug before letting go and blowing me a kiss as we drove away.

The journey to the airport was about an hour and all the fuss of checking in and everything went by as a blur and soon enough we were sat on the long flight back home. The whole journey was spent with Kat trying to keep my mind off of everything but it wasn’t working. A young boy about 20 walked over and started to talking to Kat, “So, you single?” he asked, “no actually” she said blankly, “well why don’t you come see me if you get bored” he winked handing her his number, “ew gross!” She said throwing it back and his face was priceless I couldn’t help but laugh, “what about you?” he said trying to make himself look less rejected, “you seriously stink” I said, “what?” he asked smelling himself, “of what?” he asked, “Desperation” I said blankly before high-fiving Kat and turning my attention back out he window as he walked away in shame.

The rest of the journey went pretty quickly as we listened to The Wanted albums and daydreaming. We got to the airport and met Craig, another one of the boys bodyguards who drove us to the hospital and waited on us.

Kat held my hand as we walked through the hospital doors to see my mum as she came running over with tears streaming down her face as she engulfed me in a hug. The tears kept falling until we finally composed ourselves enough to go and see him.

Nathan’s POV

Saying goodbye back there had to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. She really needed me yet I was out here in the Bahamas living my dream and having to leave her when she needed me the most. The others must have noticed as Tom and Kelsey came and put their arms around my shoulders as we all walked back to the hotel. “I'm gonna go to my room, I don’t feel like staying out anymore. I’ll see you guys later” I said as I made the lonely walk back to mine and Beth’s room.

I stripped out of my swim shorts and put on some trackies and a hoody instead which smelt like Beth. What am I doing?  I thought to myself, She needs me right now and I just let her leave to deal with this alone? I know Kat went with her and her mum is there but I'm her boyfriend, I should be with her.

Just then Tom came barging in, “I've spoken to Jayne and we have 4 days off so we’re all flying back to London. Get packing” he said and walked back out again. I wasted no time in backing just my essentials and rushing down to reception to meet the others. I was the first one down but It didn’t take long for the others to come rushing down and before long we were on the flight back.

Beth’s POV

I walked in holding my mums hand as Kat followed behind us. “He’s in a stable condition but we don’t know the full force of things yet. We aren’t certain he’ll make it through the day. I'm so sorry.” a nurse said with a sorrow look on her face as we walked in, I gave her a slight nod before approaching my dad as he lay in his bed with all sorts of wires coming in and out of his body. I let go of mums hand and took his cold hand in between mine. “Hello princess” he croaked with a hollow look in his eyes, “hi dad” I half smiled, “oi, what are those tears for? I'm fine” he added, his voice hoarse and forces, “don’t worry about me. how are you feeling?” I asked him, “fit as a fiddle” he smiled, “Still cracking jokes eh?” I said, “I brought Kat with me” I smiled, gesturing to Kat who was standing at the other side of the room watching, “oh hello Kitty, come ere, let papa see you” he laughed and Kat came walking over and stood next to me with her arm around my waist, “your hair’s still as bright as ever” he chuckled and Kat giggled, “Where’s your mother?” he asked me, “I'm here honey” she said, taking his other hand, “I'm tired” he croaked, “go to sleep daddy” I said, “I love you all so much, never forget that okay?” he said, “Why are you saying that? Your perfectly fine” I said trying to lighten the mood. “I just want you to know” he smiled, “I love you too.” I said and my mum agreed.

Just then the door opened and someone walked in, “N-Nathan?” I asked, “I'm here” he smiled, “so this is the lucky lad? Come ere boy” My dad said, gesturing for him to come over, “hi Mr Harris” Nathan said, shaking his hand, “oh please, Call me Mark” my dad said returning the hand shake, “take care of my princess wont you or I will haunt you for the rest of your life” My dad threatened but added a smile at the end, “wouldn’t dream of it” Nathan smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing the side of my head which I’ve noticed he does a lot now. “then I approve” My dad smiled, “the others are all here too but they’re waiting outside.” Nath said, “is Tom here?” My dad asked and Nathan nodded, “send the lad in! I haven’t seen him in forever!” Nath nodded and went to bring Tom in, “Hi Mark!” Tom said walking in, “You alright Tommy-boy?” My dad laughed, “not to bad thanks, yourself?” he asked, “well” my dad laughed and we all smiled.

A nurse walked in whilst we were all talking and asked to speak to me and my mum, “Well he’s lasted longer that we expected but we really don’t think he will be much longer. His health is deteriorating. You may want to say your goodbyes” she said, “thank you” I answered and she nodded before walking away, “we can do this” I tried to assure my mum. We walked back and I could see Nathan and my dad having a private conversation in quiet.

“We’ll leave you to it. Goodbye Mark” Tom said as he and Kat said their goodbye’s and left, borh with a tear in their eyes. “look after her” I heard my dad whisper to Nathan as he went to walk away, “always” Nathan said before kissing my head and following Tom and Kat out, also with a tear in his eye.

“I cant believe this is happening” I whispered, “Sweety come here.” My dad said opening up his arms, “I may not be here in person but I will always he with you in here” he said pointing to my heart. That Nathan lad is a keeper. I love you always” he said and he kissed my head before I got up and my mum took my place, “Honey I’ll always love you. Ever since we first met 6 years ago, I have never once stopped loving you. I will always be with you in here” he said pointing to her heart as he did with me before they shared a quick kiss and she got up again. “I love you both more than anything. Look after each other okay?” he said, “of course. We love you too daddy” I said, trying to hold back the tears as I held his hand, “goodbye girls” he said in his last breath before the machine started playing that shrill beep that signalled he had gone. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and collapsed onto the floor sobbing as my mum sat with me wrapping her arms around me and the doctors and nurses came in. Tom and Nathan then came in and took us out, Nathan put his arm around my waist and guided me out as I sobbed in his shoulder and Tom did the same with my mum. We stood outside the room watching as they pulled the blanket over my dads now lifeless body.

Nathan held me in his arms for ages as I let it all out and me and mum signed all of the relevant forms. Jay then came round the corner and whispered something to Tom which he nodded in understanding before Jay gave my mother and me an understanding look before walking away.

“We don’t need to go back to the Bahamas, they have enough footage for the video so Jayne is bringing back the rest of our stuff and we can stay here” Tom said and Nathan nodded before they guided mum and I back home.

3 weeks later

It was the day of my dad’s funeral and I was sitting on my bed in my underwear just staring into the picture of me and my dad on my first birthday. I would be crying but I’ve cried all my tears.

There was a knock at the door before Nathan came walking in in his black suit and his tie left hanfing around his neck, “babe you need to get ready” he sighed, sitting beside me, his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder, looking at the photo. “I don’t think I can do this Nath” I whispered, “of course you can. Your stronger than you think, you dad would be really proud” he said. “now come on, let’s not leave him waiting” he said, getting up and passing me my dress. I stood up and just stood there as Nathan dressed me and placed the photo back on my nightstand before leading me downstairs and into the waiting car where Tom and Kat were sat with my mum. Kat and Tom were really close to my dad so we asked them to join the hearse and Nathan came too but the others were just coming to the church which I thought was really nice of them. I climbed in the car and Nathan climbed in next to me, shutting the door behind him as we set off behind my dads car.

The funeral went by really slowly as the minister said his words and then my Uncle, Aunties and various other family member said their speeches, then my mum and then finally, me. I sat up and walked up to the front where I turned to speak to everyone. My breathe got caught in the throat and I struggled to get the words out. I scanned the crowd to fine Nath where he put his thumbs up to me and gave me a reassuring glance. I finally found the will to start.

“Losing someone you love affects you. It is buried inside of you and becomes this big, deep hole of ache. It doesn’t magically go away, even when you stop officially mourning. And perhaps there’s a limit to the grieving that the human heart can do. As when adds salt to a tumbler of water, there comes a point where simply no more will be absorbed. Death isn’t something that can be stopped, only prevented. But there comes a time where nothing you do can hold it off any longer and no matter how empty you feel inside and no matter how big that hole feels, you have to accept it. Dad, I don’t know why this had to happen to you, you were always such a strong and happy-go-lucky character but obviously God needed you to be another angel up there. I know you will always be watching over me and I hope I make you proud. I love you dad, Forever and always.”

 I finished my speech without having to stop and cry, I stepped down from the stage and walked back to my seat between my mum and Nathan as everyone clapped. “I'm proud of you baby girl” Nath whispered before he stepped up and walked to the front. What was he doing?

“Now a lot of you may not know me but I am Beth’s boyfriend. I only met Mark once and even though he was at his worst, he still powered through and kept a smile on his face. He made me make a promise to him and that promise was to always look out for Beth and I vow in front of all of you that I will keep that promise for as long as I live. Mark asked me to make a speech today as he already accepted me as part of the family and I can’t thank him enough and I hope I can make him proud. Here’s to Mark, one of the bravest and most inspiring people I have ever met.”

Nathan walked off stage and took his seat back next to me, “thank you” I whispered to him with tears rolling down my cheeks. Once Nathan’s speech was done the minister finished the ceremony and we proceeded out into the grave yard where we did the burial. As we stood over the coffin when people were saying there final goodbyes, Nathan put a locket into my dads hands before standing behind me and tying something round my neck. “Open It” he said, I opened the locket and inside was the same picture that I was looking at this morning. Its my favourite picture of my dad and me. “I put the same one in his” he smiled. I closed the locket and threw my arms around Nathan’s neck engulfing him in the biggest hug I could imagine. “What did I ever do to deserve you?” I asked, wiping away a stray tear from my cheek. “by being yourself. I love you” he said, kissing me on the lips quickly. “I love you too” I smiled.

Once we were finished my mum joined us, placing an artificial rose in his hands, “I chose one that will last forever. Just like my love for you” she whispered, blowing a kiss into his coffin. “I love you dad” I added before they closed the coffin and lowered in into the ground and filling up the hole. I placed a bunch of flowers on top before kissing his headstone and stepping back admiring it.

Marcus Gareth Harris

Beloved husband, brother, uncle and dad


God's newest angel, gone but never forgotten. RIP.

“You’ll always be my hero” I whispered before walking to Nathan's awaiting hand and walking back to the house for the after party.

I was the last to get back and I got the usual messages from family and friends and we all shared stories of him, I even got a few gifts such as photos and things to remember him by. But none compared to the wonderful gift from Nath. I don’t know what I would have done without him.

Beth's speech was one i saw on google but with more added, i didnt think of it completely on my own:P

and as always, thank you for reading! please give me feedback!

Vote, comment, fan etc :)

Beth xox

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