Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader {Coll...

By cetacean

433K 16.3K 5.6K

A collection of short stories/drabbles featuring the lovely Kuroo Tetsurou I do not own Haikyuu!! or any of i... More

Rain // drabble
Getting Even
Scaredy Cat
Road Trip
Wake Up (Request)
Triple Trouble
Beach Day
Parenting 101
Partners In Crime
Insecurities (Request)
Things Change (Request)
Judgment (Request)
Nightmares (Request)
Frustration (Request)


34.3K 901 586
By cetacean

The sound of the rain pattering on the roof and dripping down the windows of your house was tuned out by the noise from the television in the living room. You sat cross-legged on the couch, snuggled up in a blanket, eating popcorn as you watched a movie intently, forgetting about the world around you and the storm that was rolling in outside.

It was quiet at your house. Your parents weren't home for the time being and your brother was at university. It had been fairly quiet around the house since he left, but you had another person to fill the void he left behind. And you just happened to invite that person over to watch movies with you and keep you company, but they were running awfully late.

Just as you were wondering where he was, there was a loud knock at the door that jolted your attention from the movie, almost making you spill your popcorn in the process. "What the heck...?" you murmured as you slowly stood up, bringing your bowl of popcorn with you. It was fairly late now and if the visitor was who you thought it was, then he was in for a scolding.

You cautiously peered through a gap in between the blinds covering the window to see none other than the young man in question. Huffing, you opened the door and took a deep breath before bellowing, "Tetsurou! Where have you been?! I've been-"

Without a word, Kuroo barreled past you and into your home before shutting the door, making you squeal with surprise. The chilly wind and the sound of the downpour from outside immediately stopped as the door slammed shut. You stood frozen in place, listening to the sound of panting before turning to face the source.

In front of you stood your boyfriend, breathing heavily as he dropped his bags onto the wooden floor. You soon realized that, like his bags, he was absolutely soaked. His white practice shirt was drenched and its now see-through fabric clung to his muscular torso. His red jacket and sweatpants had turned a darker shade and you could hear dripping as water leaked out of them. As you stood there in shock at seeing his disheveled and soggy appearance, he reached over towards you and grabbed some popcorn out of your bowl.

"Hey, (f/n), how's it going?" Kuroo asked casually, as if nothing was wrong with showing up at his girlfriend's house late and absolutely soaking wet.

You raised an eyebrow at him and watched him munch on popcorn as he gazed at you with his cat-like brown eyes. "Oh, it's going just fine besides the fact that my boyfriend showed up late and looks like he just took a shower with his clothes on!" you growled.

He brushed his wet hair out of his face and let out a long sigh. You could sense that he was clearly disappointed in himself and his situation, so you decided to go a bit easier on him.

"What happened, Tetsurou?" you asked in a gentler tone.

"This little kitty got caught out in the storm-that's what happened," he answered, looking slightly grouchy now as he reached into your bowl and took more popcorn.

"I mean, I totally cooked this popcorn for you so feel free to eat it," you commented sarcastically.

"Thanks," Kuroo responded and took another handful. He knew that you were being sarcastic but he didn't care at this point in time. He was just a hungry, exhausted, soaking wet volleyball player at the moment. You listened intently as he explained what had happened. Apparently, his coach had held him back after practice to talk to him. Then, he'd realized that he'd forgotten his notebook in one of his classes. After he'd walked back across campus to retrieve it-luckily the janitor had found it-he'd ended up missing his ride home, so he had decided to walk instead. His plan to walk was going well... until the downpour of rain started. He had then sprinted to your house, since it was closer, and now, here he was, standing in front of you with water dripping from his clothes.

Now that you had a better understanding of the situation, you weren't as angry with him. You actually felt pretty bad for him. But even though he was soaked to the bone, he still had that signature smirk of his on his face as he ate your popcorn and watched the television from where he stood.

"Hey, can I take a shower?" he requested. He didn't wait for an answer, however, before he started upstairs and turned down the hallway towards the bathroom, leaving you with a bowl of popcorn kernels.

I swear... That guy is something else, you thought as you went into the kitchen and opened another bag of popcorn before putting it in the microwave.


It wasn't long after you'd settled down with your brand new bowl of delicious popcorn and tuned back into your movie until you heard Kuroo calling your name. You groaned and got up before trudging up the stairs and over to the bathroom.

"What is it?" you called through the door.
You were surprised when it opened, revealing your boyfriend, who was wearing nothing but a towel. You felt your face heat up as you tried not to stare at his well-built torso.

"So," Kuroo began as he turned away slightly to gesture to his bags, "all my stuff is completely soaked, which means I have nothing to wear." He put his hand on his hip as he leaned against the doorframe. "I mean, I could always walk around the house naked if you would prefer," he added when you didn't make an answer since you were too busy staring at his abs. You quickly snapped out of your trance and looked up at his face as his lips curled up into a smirk.

"N-No, no, no. You don't have to do that," you assured him quickly. You mentally kicked yourself when you stuttered and blushed.

"In that case, you'll need to find me something to wear."

You sighed quietly and grabbed his warm hand before leading him out of the bathroom and over to your brother's old room. He had left some of his belongings behind since his university was nearby and he often came back home to stay over during his breaks. He was bound to have clothes that your needy boyfriend could wear for a day.

"I probably would walk around naked if it wasn't so cold in here," Kuroo commented, his voice sending chills down your spine because of how deep and smooth it was. He leaned down closer to your ear and added, "I bet you would like that since you're such a little pervert."

He snickered and you rolled your eyes, pushing him away with your cold hands before leaving his side to dig through your brother's closet. "It takes one to know one," you retorted. Upon finding them, you yanked out a sweater and some sweats for him to wear. "If you want underwear, you're going to have to find it yourself," you told him as you gently nudged him inside of the room before shutting the door. You were not about to go digging through your brother's underwear drawers.

"What? You're not staying in here with me?"


For the third time, you had settled yourself down on the couch in the living room, snacking on popcorn as you continued to watch the movie. You weren't going to sit outside your brother's room and wait for your mischievous boyfriend to finish changing. Instead, you were going to force him to come to you if he wanted company, which he always seemed to crave. You desired his company as well, but you wanted to coax him into watching movies with you as you had planned, so you remained downstairs.

You started to wonder about him and his situation, though. He had just come from practice and an additional sprint to your house, so he was probably worn out and hungry. Which meant you were probably going to have to feed him something... Another question popped into your mind:

How long is he going to stay?

The rain was still coming down in buckets, so he probably wasn't going to go home until the next morning. Even if the rain dissipated to a light sprinkle, he would probably still refuse to go home since he was a big baby when it came to rain. And now that he was here with you, he didn't really have any reason to go home anytime soon. He was comfortable.

The minutes you waited for him didn't seem that long until you realized that you'd finished your bowl of popcorn and the ending credits of the movie were rolling across the screen. What the hell is he doing now?

You turned off the television and threw your blanket off in a huff, setting the bowl of popcorn down before storming upstairs to investigate. "Knock, knock! I'm coming in!" you grumbled as you opened the door to your brother's room. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, however, when you realized it was empty. You checked the bathroom only to find that it was empty as well. Sighing, you make your way to your room, pushing open the door, which was already open a crack.

Inside, you found your lazy boyfriend snoozing away under the covers of your bed. Part of you was flabbergasted, while the other part of you somewhat expected him to be there.
"Tetsurou..." you murmured as you walked into your room. You wanted to object to the situation, but you found that you weren't too upset about the fact that the guy you'd wanted to spend your time with was curled up in your bed, waiting for you.

Instead, you closed the door and trudged over to your bed before peeling back the covers and plopping down beside him. He was sprawled out all over your bed, obviously very comfortable and blissfully unaware of how little space he'd left for the bed's actual owner. You lifted up his arm and situated yourself underneath it, moving across the bed so that you could wrap your arms around Kuroo. As you did this, his eyes fluttered open and focused themselves on you.

"Oh, so you finally decided to join me," he said, his voice thick with drowsiness.

"Shut up or I'll kick you out of my house," you threatened. The words held no weight, however, since you would never actually do that. It was cold and his body made a nice heater.

"Aww, you wouldn't do that to your wonderful boyfriend would you, (f/n)?" he asked, feigning sadness as he ran one of his hands through your soft (h/c) hair.

"I guess not," you mumbled, sticking your bottom lip out in a pout.

"Of course you wouldn't. Because you love me and you can't resist me," he responded playfully, a sly smile making its way onto his lips as he pressed them against your forehead.

"You know I love you, you little nerd."

"I love you too, (f/n)."

The hand that was stroking your hair moved to your face, gently bringing it towards him before planting gentle kisses on your lips. You returned his kisses before the two of you broke away and wrapped your arms around each other tightly.

"I'm sorry for messing up this night," Kuroo apologized softly as he ran his hand up and down your back.

"You didn't mess it up. I'd much rather be doing this than watching a movie," you assured him.

It wasn't long before you drifted off to sleep, wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms, listening to the steady beating of his heart as well as the pattering of rain droplets on the roof. Your bed always seemed to feel more comfortable when you shared it with him.


A/n: so here's my first piece lol it's kinda long and idk why but here you go and I hope you enjoyed it if you read it until the very end! Let me know what you think! There will be more short stories to come!

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