
By AltoPentaholic

177K 9.4K 7.8K

*FIRST BOOK IN DIFFERENT SERIES* Being abandoned for being different makes you wonder why you couldn't be lik... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
I am
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
New Story/Oneshot Collection
LoveCarousel and Mitchell2125!!!
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Important...please read
Self-Promo, y'all

Chapter Thirty Three

2.6K 173 151
By AltoPentaholic

Kevin got the laptop and clicked on the security camera icon. He then plugged the camera into the laptop and cheered to himself when he pulled up the footage from the night Mitch got kidnapped.

"Score one for Team Awesome," Kevin whispered to himself, trying to think back to the time he left. "9:45? That seems about right."

He then fast forwarded to that part and cheered once more when he realized that the time was right. He watched the footage carefully, seeing as he walked out with Alyssa. After he did so, he saw two figures break the window. He widened his eyes. He could've sworn it was open.

Why would they break it when it was already open.

The smaller figure then snapped their fingers and pointed towards Scott and Mitch's room. The taller figure nodded and did what they were told to do. The smaller figure then threw stuff around, having no mercy for anything.

"What the heck? Why did that figure do that?" Kevin asked to himself. He then saw as the figure pick up some pieces of glass and threw them out. Kevin widened his eyes, realizing that Alyssa is indeed the most intelligent Beta he knows. "Alyssa, you smart little cutie."

The taller figure then came out, carrying Mitch. The Omega tried to get out of the strong grip with no avail. He was then set down. He tried to run away, but the smaller figure kept him still. He began to cry, causing Kevin to tear up. The taller figure then picked up a book and slammed Mitch with it as hard as he can, throwing it down when the Omega fell down, passed out. The figures then removed their masks, revealing their true selves. Kevin widened his eyes and gasped loudly.

"Kirstin and Jeremy?!"


Scot noticed a note on the counter when left his room. He encountered yet another sleepless night. He picked it up, widening his eyes slightly.

To Whom It May Concern,

Jessa, Nel, and I are going to find our son. No, we did not leave. We want nothing more than for him to be found alive. If we don't come back, chances are we died on the way getting to him. That doesn't matter though. All we want is to find Mitch and tell him that we love him. Thank you for everything.

-Mike Grassi

Scott set down the letter, feeling his heart burst with happiness.

The Grassis love Mitch. If only he could learn that.

Avi and Tori then came in, noticing Scott's smile. They smiled themselves and went up to the Lead Alpha.

"Why are you so smiley?" Tori asked amusingly. Scott shrugged his shoulders, happy that the Grassis were serious about finding Mitch. "I couldn't find the Grassis this morning."

"They're finding Mitch," Scott replied, his voice quiet. Avi then smiled a real smile. "They're going to find him. They care about him a lot."

"Yeah, they do," Avi agreed quietly. He then noticed the stuffed Ariel in Scott's hand and smiled. "You haven't let go of that yet?"

"No. It smells like him," Scott noted quietly. He then kissed its forehead, smiling a bit. "Who would have known that vanilla would have smelt so good?"

Avi and Tori shrugged their shoulders, happy to see Scott happy. They're possibly one step closer to finding Mitch. Kevin then ran out of his room, Alyssa running behind him. They them stopped, breathing heavily.

"Kevin, what's the matter?" Scott asked, worried about the Beta. "Did something happen?"

"I found who kidnapped Mitch."

Everyone widened their eyes. Alyssa then looked at Scott, taking his hand gently. She sighed and looked up at him, her eyes turning yellow.

"It was Kirstin and Jeremy."


Ben tilted his head when he couldn't hear Mitch. He loved hearing Mitch talk. It calmed him down, even though his brother felt differently.

"Kirstin?" The Omega asked sweetly. The Beta then rolled her eyes and turned towards Ben. "Why isn't Mitch talking?"

"He's sick," Kirstin replied, shaking her her head. She then turned back to the laptop and went back to what she was typing. "I'm doing something. Go color or something."

"Okay, ma'am," Ben obeyed, smiling when Kirstin ruffled his hair.

"At least you act like a good Omega, unlike Mitch."

Ben then raised an eyebrow, confused by her statement.

Mitch is a good Omega. He always listens to Jeremy, but he always gets in trouble. What did he ever do to deserve that?


Mitch woke up, wanting to take off the scarf. The door then opened, revealing Kirstin. This time, she doesn't have anything to hurt him with; however, she always had an alternative to everything.

What is she going to do now? I don't want to get hurt again.

"You're stupid," Kirstin began, not hesitating once. "You will never excel. You're ugly. You're worthless. You are not beautiful."

Mitch wanted to cry at every insult that was thrown at him, but he knows that he'll get in trouble if he does. Kirstin went on for about ten more minutes, her warm smile know an evil smirk. Se grabbed Mitch's chin, saying the final insult.

"No one loves you, especially Scotty," she fibbed. Mitch closed his eyes, not wanting his emotions to show. "He has lied to ever since you were brought in the Pack. Poor little boy. You are so unloved and worthless.

"I sent an email to your little Pack. They won't find you though. The minute they will get it, they will throw a party. You will be gone and they will be happy. You ruined everyone's lives.

"Also, one more thing? A Beta never, ever lies. Sorry for telling you the truth. Wait, that's a lie. I guess they do lie a bit. Bye, Mitch."

Kirstin walked off, laughing heavily. She then closed the door, leaving an emotional Mitch behind. He bit his lip to fight of the tears. He doesn't want o get hurt anymore.

Scott, even if you don't love me, please find me. I need you. You make me happy. I need you, my Prince Erik.

Mitch then thought one last thought before letting a forbidden tear run down his cheek.

Kirstin may be a Beta, but she is lying about one thing. Scott does love me.

A/N: Well, everyone knows what happened to Mitch! It will take a few more chapters to find Mitch. Also, I think I will end this story about next week, depending on how everything works out. Thank you to everyone who was here since the beginning. Without any of you all, this story would not be where it is right now! I am so grateful for you all. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I love you all very, very, very much...forever and forever.:)


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