Wolf and a Mask (Eyeless Jack...

By biggestcats

418K 14.1K 3.8K

-Attention! This story is very old and has been remade! The newer version is much better and it is on my page... More

Wolf and a Mask (Eyeless Jack Romance)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
(Important: Please Read!)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
(UPDATE~) Please Read This!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Something I've been thinking about for a while. (Not an update)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank You
Chapter 35
I Need Help.
A heads up
Calm down.

Chapter 4

14.2K 467 219
By biggestcats

Luna's P.O.V.

Slender Man left, forcing Jeff to follow, saying that Jack needed some 'alone' time with me. I looked up at him with curios green eyes. I was sitting on the couch, Jack sitting next to me. There was silence, and I almost wished Slender Man or Jeff were in here to make things not so awkward. "Does it hurt?" He suddenly asked, breaking the silence. 

"Does what hurt?" I asked, confused. He motioned towards my wounds, and I looked away, gently placing my hands over my shoulder and stomach. I shook my head. "N-no... not really." There was another pause. "I-I never got t-to um.. to um.. t-thank you..." I mumbled, tripping over my words. Why was I being nervous? I mean, I was never good with words but this is ridiculous...

"For what?" He asked. His black hoodie was still pulled over his head, and the blue mask still covering his face. I wonder whats under there... 

"For saving me.. I-I guess... I m-mean, you didn't have to do t-that." I mentally kicked myself. Why? What did this boy do to me that I couldn't even speak right? I know nothing about him. I frowned, and he noticed.

"Whats wrong? Are you hurting?" He asked concerned. His black eyes stared into mine. There was nothing there for eyes... Just endless black holes. I wonder if he had eyes beneath the mask. I lifted up a hand, shakily reaching for his mask. I realized what I was doing, and quickly pulling my and back and grabbing it. Who was I to reveal his face? He obviously wore a mask for some reason and its none of my business to force him out of it.

"S-sorry..." I whispered. He looked away, not saying anything. The strange silence engulfed us once again, but was broken by a loud pounding noise in the hallway. 

"Get out you freak!" A feminine voice shrieked. "Slendy! Get him!" She called desperately. Her voice was more filled with a hint of anger than terror. 

"I was only playing!" A male voice yelled to his defense. Suddenly there was another loud bang, as though there was something being thrown across the room. There was a door slam, followed by angry shouts. 

"Luna, I was actually hoping you wouldn't have to meet him so soon..." Jack sighed, sympathy almost ringing int his voice. He stood, giving me and hand. I took it and he helped me stand. A sharp pain filled my entire body and I almost fell to my knees, my brown hair falling all around me. He caught me, holding me up with his left arm. He stood beside me, not moving. 

Suddenly there were a set of arms wrapped around my chest, pulling me backwards and out of Jack's grasp. He whipped around, reaching out for me. I yelped as I was pressed agianst someone. "Oh~ and who's this?" A voice cooed. 

"Let her go, Ben." Jack sighed angrily. "She's hurt." 

"Is she?" He smirked, gripping me tighter. I yelped out, and did what I usually do when I was in trouble. I lowered my head and sank my teeth into his arm. He let go with a cry, holding onto the small bite mark. Jack reached out and grabbed my arm, spinning me around and holding me tightly. Ben was dressed in what looked like an elf costume. A green hoody and tan pants. A Brown belt and brown boots as well. His devious smirk faded, leaving a evil grin. "You shouldn't have done that..."

"Go play threat some where else, Ben." Jack hissed. Ben grumbled something under his breath before turning and leaving the room, defeated. Jack turned me so I was facing him. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking me over. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine..." I said.

"Sorry you had to meet him. That's Ben. He's really perverted, and can be sometimes really scary. Just don't mind him though. He won't hurt you." Jack explained. There was another loud crash, and a girl dressed in a pink gown covered in blood came in. She was holding a white teddy-bear with blue button eyes in her right hand. She grinned happily when she saw me. She skipped over to me, her eyes of amazment looking into mine.

"Puppy." She said happily. She reached out to my head and playfully touched my ears, stroking the soft fur. I smiled. She was so cute. She looked over at Jack. Suddenly the happy glare she once had faded to anger. "Wheres Ben?" She spat.

"He came through here a few minutes ago." Jack said. He looked over at me. "Luna, this is Sally. Sally, this is Luna. She will be staying with us for now on." 

"Hiya." She smiled. "I would love to talk to you more but I have to go. I think you will like Smile Dog." She said warmly. She then pushed past of and angryly stomped to where Ben had went.  

"Smile dog?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Yeah. I think you guys would get along well. He's really good with people." Jack said, leading me to the a hallway. We turned a corner and entered what looked like a kitchen. There were a few counters and fridge, a table placed in the center of the room. At the table sat two boys, both wearing a yellow hoody. One's hood was up and he was wearing a pure black mask with a red sad face painted on, while the other had his hood down and wore a white mask. Around the eye holes and lips was painted black, and brown hair peeked from behind the edges of the mask. They both looked up at me. "Hoody, Masky, this is Luna." Jack introduced me.

The one with the white mask, I'm guessing was Masky, said, "Hello." While the other, Hoody, just nodded, greeting me emotionally. I waved and smiled. They were both eating toast, and exchanged a few words every once in a while. Maybe they were brothers or something. 

We made our way though the halls, and I met a few more people. There was Tails Doll, a small doll that resembled a yellow squirrel or something. Lost silver, a video game character that was completely white, and Smile Dog,a cheery big dog who was surprising well mannered considering it lived in a giant house of psychopath's. 

The house was nice, and I would have never guessed in a million years it was the home of deranged killers. They each had their own story, just like I had mine. But there was still this pang of curiosity in my heart for what was under Jack's mask...

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