
By Hopelessly_Holly

236 12 8

Twenty three year old Jace is anything but average. She not only has a dark past, but she kills and hunts the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

17 1 0
By Hopelessly_Holly

** A/N: I'm going to try and have a picture for every chapter for you guys :) I love seeing my characters come to life, so I try to find pictures that resemble them closely. You already saw the gorgeous Susan Coffey which I based Jace off of, and now you can drool over're welcome! ;) Oh, and if there are songs in the chapter, I will try to link a lyrical video to them :) (Although that's not currently working at the moment. It just keeps saying "Youtube link not valid-try again) >:/  Anyway, if you don't already know it, you should check out "Don't Believe" by's awesome! :D

~Holly **

    It was bright outside, but the sun was covered by a thick layer of gray clouds, so the world was looking pretty bleak. The morning’s light trickled through my window and onto my face, and I squinted to avoid it. When that didn’t work, I rolled over, only to remember my wounded stomach. I sat up abruptly, wincing as I did so. My eyes widened as I realized I had no idea where I was, and I lifted my shirt to see my stomach bandaged neatly. The bed I was laying on was more than comfortable, and big enough to fit the whole state of Texas. And the rest of the room was even bigger. The walls were a beautiful deep purple, with light lavender curtains draped around the huge stained glass window. The curtains were tied back with an elegant burgundy rope, and I felt like I was Sleeping Beauty, or something. There was a large dark wooden desk about fifteen feet away from the end of my bed, and a large oval mirror hung on the wall behind it. It was angled perfectly so you could see your whole body. A matching dresser was to my right, and that’s when I noticed my three suitcases neatly placed on the dark wooden floor. I narrowed my eyes, wondering who the hell had the nerve to get all of my shit and bring it to their home like they owned me. And how the hell did they even find me?! I pride myself on being well hidden, and if you want to hire me, you can only reach me on my untraceable cell phone. I looked in the mirror before I left, seeing most of my scratches and bruises were healed. I was tempted to undress my stomach, but the shuffling of feet downstairs awakened my anger, and I stomped out into the hallway, which must’ve been the length of the Mississippi River. Doors were stretched across each side, and while I tried not to let myself get distracted by the all of the gorgeous paintings, wall paper, sculptures, furniture and small end tables, I couldn’t exactly help it. I had never been in a castle before (at least that’s where I assumed I was…), and I wanted to remember every little detail even if I wasn’t in the best mood. I walked down the elegant white marble staircase even though I was pissed, and noticed the huge wooden double doors I must’ve come through. I looked around the main hall for a moment, seeing the doorways to the kitchen, study, and living room. I saw a few small closets, and what I guessed was a bathroom, though I couldn’t tell because the door was closed. Is this a dream?? This place is magnificent…I won’t even be mad if I’m dead!! I heard some rock music playing softly somewhere back upstairs, and took a few steps toward the living room. I wonder who the hell lives here…I mean, how can they afford this?? I shook my thoughts, remembering that I was still angry, and footsteps toward my right made me turn. I stared at him for a moment, struck by his handsomeness. He was probably around my age- I couldn't imagine him to be much older. He was a few inches taller than me with wispy medium length maroon-colored hair, a strong jaw, perfect facial features, full lips, and striking pale blue eyes. He was looking me over too, wearing a devilish smirk. He wore a floor-length crimson jacket-no shirt on underneath- with black leather pants and matching boots. His body looked as if it was carved by angels, and I quickly composed myself. I put my hands on my hips, leaning to the left. “May I help you?” I asked coolly, raising one of my eyebrows. He chuckled and blinked, throwing his hands in the air. “That’s a nice way to greet the guy that saved your sweet ass…” He had a sexy voice to match the rest of him, and I finally pinned down his celebrity look alike- Jared Leto. Only, this guy was way hotter. I relaxed, folding my arms across my chest and standing up straight. “Oh, that was you! Well, thanks…I guess.” He cocked an eyebrow, looking me over. “You ‘guess’??” I shrugged, looking around as I introduced myself. “The name’s Salem-Jace Salem.” He outstretched his arm, and I shook it without any fear. “Dante,” he murmured, his gaze too deep and intimate. I nodded, putting my hand back at my side. A shiver ran down my spine as I looked at him again. I had definitely met guys like him before…not as good looking of course, but attitude wise, I could already read him like a book. And that didn’t bother me…guys like him were a load of fun. But the way he looked at me, as if we had already met…well…it was a little disheartening. Not to mention kinda’ creepy. I figured he was harmless…horny, probably, but harmless nonetheless. “So? Do you know who the hell owns this place?” “This dude named Savlian,” he murmured, walking back into the kitchen. I followed after him as I looked around, uncomfortable in such a huge house. “Is he here?” Dante grabbed a few things from the fridge, pulling out bread from the cabinets. He answered me as he made himself a sandwich, and my stomach started to growl in hunger. “He pretty much stays in his study all day…it’s on the second floor at the end of the hallway. What’s up, Sweetcheeks?” I rolled my eyes, and he grinned as he turned and took a bite of his sandwich, looking me over. “All of my stuff is here. I…I don’t get it! How did he even find me?! No one can find me!!” I growled, more to myself than him. Dante shrugged, stuffing the lunchmeat back into the fridge. “I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s pretty safe here. So? What the hell were you doing to get yourself so banged up?” I sighed, leaning against the wall behind me. “What’s it to you?” “Just makin’ conversation, Baby.” I nodded, fixing my amulet. “I was doing business,” I answered calmly, refusing to explain how real all of today’s horror movies and novels were. That usually didn’t go over well. “Does your ‘business’ involve you getting yourself killed??” I nodded and smiled, making my way back to the stairs. “Well, I’m going to get a shower since I feel disgusting. If you see this Savlian guy, tell him I want to talk. Oh, and no peeking,” I teased, flipping my hair over my shoulder. He swallowed the food in his mouth, jogging after me. “Wait! Aren’t you hungry?” I turned around and laughed with a shrug. “I dunno, a little I guess. Why?” “Well…you’ve been asleep for two days…” “What?!?”  Dante nodded. “Well then…I’ll be back down later to eat, I imagine. See ya’,” I muttered, shaking my head as I went back to “my room”. I set an outfit out on my bed, grabbed my razor, and headed to the bathroom. I locked the door just in case Dante decided to sneak-a-peek, and turned on the hot water. I unwrapped my stomach, flinching as I did so, and stepped in the scorching hot shower once I was completely naked. I had to admit, my stomach didn’t look as bad as I thought, but I figured it would become a nasty scar, which didn’t really sit right with me. The boiling water relaxed my sore and tense muscles, and I allowed a little groan of pleasure to escape me. Once I washed my hair and body, I quickly shaved my legs and armpits. I never passed up opportunities on a free shower, and considering some dude I don’t even know decided to plop me down in his castle, I figured I owed myself a nice shave. I stepped out of the shower a few minutes later, quickly drying myself off. I wrapped a towel around myself after I picked up my dirty and bloody clothes from two nights ago. I opened the door, steam whirling around me, and nearly screamed. A tall, gorgeous man with dark, thick sienna-colored hair and a body just as mouth-watering as Dante’s was standing in front of me. His deep cerulean eyes were wide as he gazed at me, and I quickly put myself back together. It wasn’t that I was upset about him seeing me in a towel-I was used to men staring at me, and staring at me while I was naked-, it was just that he happened to almost literally scare the piss out of me. “Stare all you want, but get it straight that I’ve got a name, and it’s Jace.” He continued to stare, and I raised an eyebrow at him. “You gotta’ name?” I asked with an exasperated sigh, and he finally looked into my eyes. “Deanon,” he rumbled, his voice deep and more than sexy. He was wearing a black button down shirt, with all of the buttons undone, and no shirt on underneath. He had a red and gold dragon tattoo on his right peck, and it was climbing its way up his shoulder. He also looked to be around my age, or somewhere close to it. His fitted dark denim jeans crumpled around his black and white Vans, and I nodded to him. “Okay…hi Dean. If you don’t mind, I’d like to go and get dressed…I’m naked, and the cold air is freezing. I guess I’ll see ya’ around,” I muttered, walking past him and back into my room. I closed the door behind me, letting out a sigh of relief. I quickly got dressed, clipping my purple and black amulet back around my neck. It was made of amethyst and onyx, and was shaped into an imperfect circle with the amethyst in the middle, and the onyx bordering it. The chain it was on was also black, and I wore it even in my sleep. I redressed my wound , wondering why the men in this castle looked and dressed as if they came straight from the pages of an erotic harlequin novel. I shook the thought and dried my hair a little more with my towel, jumping when a knock came from my door. I straightened and went over to open it, surprised to see yet another man. He was only about an inch or two taller than me, with short brown hair, and aristocratic nose, pointed teeth, and muddy brown eyes that almost looked reddish. He looked to be in his mid thirties to early forties, and I automatically knew he was Savlian. “Good morning, Jace. I hope you slept well.” “I did…thanks, Savlian. Why is all of my stuff here?” I asked, getting right to the point. He smiled and clapped his hands together, looking me over quickly before answering. “I know who you are, Jace. I know all about the fabulous work you do, and instead of hiring you, I took the liberty of gathering your essentials and providing you with room and board in exchange for your services.” “That’s great and all…but don’t you think you should’ve asked me first? You’re lucky I’m not too creeped out to say no. And how did you find me, anyway?” He smiled and shook his head…maybe I spoke too soon. He was really creepy, after all… “Those are questions for another time. And I’m happy you’ll be staying with us. I take it you’ve met the others…” “Dante and Dean? Yeah…they seem alright.” He laughed as he looked me over. “You still haven’t met Kareesus, then. You’re in for a treat.” I wore a mock happy face, giving a big, cheesy smile (though trust me, it was still effective). “Great. So…you have things for me to kill?” “I do. I’ll give you the details later though, my love. I have business to attend to, at the moment. Until we meet again.” He gently took my hand and kissed the back of it, which not only made me want to kick him in the balls and throw up, but left me in a weird daze. So weird, that I couldn’t move until he was out of sight. Literally…I couldn’t move. And even then, I wasn’t sure whether five minutes or five years had passed. I stood for about ten more minutes, wondering if I should go after him or wait for my revenge. And even then, I had no idea what had really just happened. It’s not like I was flattered by his gesture, or anything. I’ve been compelled by vampires before, and the sensation I got from him felt nothing like that. My fear slowly disappeared, my heart beat slowing to its normal pace. I took a deep breath and shook the feeling, slipping on a pair of high-heeled black leather boots to match my black and white striped sweater dress. It had a swoop neck and came a few inches above my knees.  I did my make-up and just when I was about to go downstairs, I realized I didn’t have my weapons- any of them. Panic raced through me, but I figured Dante must’ve taken them from me when he brought me here. I grabbed my holster and threw on a long black jacket lined with faux copper and gray fur before heading downstairs. I saw Dante and who I assumed was Kareesus sitting in the living room. They were watching an action movie I didn’t know, and I walked toward them, my boots clicking as I did so. I knew Dante could hear me, but Kareesus was the first to turn around, and his mouth literally hung open. He looked a few years younger than me, probably around eighteen, his short blonde hair spiked up in the front, his features reminding me of a little puppy. His dark amber eyes were shining, and his smile stretched from ear-to-ear. “Do you know karate?? ‘Cause your body’s kickin’!!!”  I smiled coyly, quickly putting my foot to his throat. His eyes widened and he swallowed hard. “Oh, I know somethin’, alright! And if you look up my dress, I swear I’ll break your arm.” He nodded quickly, and I put my foot back on the ground. “You must be Kareesus. Savlian told me about you. Name’s Jace,” I muttered, flashing him a pretty smile. He grinned again, like I hadn’t just threatened to hurt him. “You can call me Reese, honey.  There’s no need to be formal.” “I see. And how old are you, twelve?” I teased, and I laughed when his mouth hung open again. Dante laughed with me, looking me over. “You clean up well! It was hot having you dressed like you just killed a bunch of zombies, but I like this a lot better,” he murmured, though his words had fear pricking up my spine. “Thanks. Anyway, I came here to ask about my weapons…you have ‘em?” I leaned on my right hip, looking him over expectantly. Dante smirked, and though it left me a bit winded, my composure remained cool with a hint of annoyance. “That body of yours is a weapon, Baby. And since all your limbs and appendages are attached, I’d say you’re lookin’ fine!” I rolled my eyes. “Cute. But seriously…do you have them?” He looked surprised that I had shot him down so quickly, but shook his head. “Nope. Whatcha’ doin’ with weapons, anyway? Don’t you know you could get hurt?” He asked, his voice soft as if he were talking to a baby. I hummed a laugh and leaned closer to him, well aware of the surprise in his eyes. “I’m more worried about what will happen to you if I don’t get them back, Sweetie…” I mocked in the same tone. When he just smiled and puckered his lips, I straightened myself, turning in the opposite direction. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find my stuff,” I muttered, walking back toward the main hall. “Bye Jace!!!” Reese called, and I waved to him without turning back around. I looked around at the various doors for a few moments, sighing inwardly. The clicking of Dante’s boots startled me, and I jumped when I turned, alarmed to find his face so close to mine. “You should follow me if you want your stuff back, Sugarpants…” I rolled my eyes, laughing in his face. “Like I’m supposed to believe that?!?! How do I know you won’t try to kiss me, or something??” He shrugged, walking past me. “Suit yourself, but the armory’s this way!” He called over his shoulder, and I bit my lip in uncertainty. I jogged after him with a sigh. “Alright, I’ll play along. But try anything, and it’s your ass I’m beating!” I caught up with him, and he flashed me another gorgeous grin that knocked the breath out of me. I would never let him know that, so I just smirked back, though I knew it wasn’t as sexy. Just when I thought he was leading us to a room where we could be alone, we stopped at a large wooden door that was at least ten feet tall. “Just as I said, Sweet Pea. The armory, you’re highness…” he murmured, bowing in front of me. I got this overwhelming feeling of déjà vu, which had me standing there looking at him for at least a minute. I slapped him on the back of his head, walking past him. “Hey!-” “-Don’t be stupid. Now, you coming?” I asked, trying to shake the feeling. Dante stood up and gave me a weird look as I opened the doors in front of me, practically having to use all of my strength to get them to even budge. The room was awesome. The walls were white with at least a dozen windows on each side. The carpet was blood red, and swords, maces, and loads of other weapons hung neatly on the walls. There were even some in glass cases on pedestals, and the ceiling seemed to be five miles high. I saw my things thrown in a corner to my right, and I ran toward them. I bent over to pick them up (well aware of Dante’s eyes on me) and opened my jacket, placing my two pistols, Sin and Misery, back in their holsters. Sin was crimson with some areas of black, while Misery was the opposite. I spun them around my fingers before tucking them back safely. I grabbed my throwing stars, stakes, and silver bullets, realizing I was out of holy water hand grenades. I grinned as I saw my sword, and twirled her around for a moment before throwing her in the air and catching her with one hand. “Babylon…” I murmured, gazing over the lethal black blade with fondness. It was made from the strongest metal, and the enchanting purple handle always captivated me. Dante leaned to one side, crossing his arms as he watched me. Once I turned around, he chuckled. “Oh, and nice ass, by the way.” I grinned and cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah, it’s too bad you won’t be tappin’ it.” Dante’s eyes widened, and I smiled triumphantly. I had finally left him speechless, and he looked as if I had knocked the air out of him. “Sorry Babe-I’m not easy.” I walked toward the door, stopping before I left the room. I turned toward him for another second, uncertain whether to be flattered or creeped out by the fact that he was still watching me with his mouth slightly open. “Thanks,” I murmured, quickly heading back to my room. I took off my holster, setting it in my nightstand, and tucked my sword in the crevasse between my mattress and bed frame. I grabbed my ipod and began listening to one of my playlists before I took my laptop from my suitcase, and plugged it in to charge. I sat in my large windowsill and looked out to the gray sky, getting lost in my music. For some reason, I really wanted to unpack my things, but I refused, since this castle was just another job. As cool as it would be to live here, I was so not sharing a house with any of the guys downstairs for more than a week, at most. I doubted it would even be that long, and that made me oddly sad. This place was more amazing then I could describe, and I knew I would never ever be set up like I was here. I realized I hadn’t explored the outside of the castle, and slipped my jacket back on before making my way downstairs. Reese was still watching TV, though he was now by himself. I shrugged, opening one of the heavy wooden doors and closing it quietly behind me. The air was much colder than I had remembered, and I jammed my hands inside of my pockets. In front of me, there was a large circle of dirt road, which made for a make shift parking lot/driveway, and in the middle, there was a beautiful fountain with flowers planted all around the bottom. A huge forest surrounded the castle, which made me feel unusually secure and comfortable. I had always loved the serenity and simplicity of the woods, not to mention the animals that lived within them. We have this unspoken connection, though usually cats, dogs, and horses liked me best. There was a huge courtyard outback, with marble benches and another fountain. I found the garage and a few paths that led into the forest, which I desperately wanted to explore. I decided against it and went back around front, finding a secluded bench under some cherry blossoms. I sat on it for a few minutes, but ended up laying down and meditating shortly afterward. Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine had my full and undivided attention until I heard a low growl a few feet away. I opened my eyes and leaned my head back to see a large gray wolf, snarling and baring its sharp white fangs at me. I stared at it calmly, and even flashed it a pretty smile before closing my eyes again. Not more than a minute later, I felt my hand being pushed forward, and fur on my palm. I looked down and grinned as I pet the wolf, which was as harmless as a puppy. It even licked my face, and I sat up and turned off my ipod once the song had ended. I shoved my ipod back in my pocket, intrigued when I heard a faint voice in the distance. The wolf pricked its ears, and quickly sprinted toward the sound. “Wait up!” I hissed, chasing after it. The voice grew more and more hypnotizing the closer I got, and I could clearly distinguish it was a man’s. I had no idea what I would say if I found the man to be Dante, but the wolf padded along fearlessly, so I figured he knew the person. I recognized “Don’t Believe” by Seether once I was about ten feet away, and the wolf sat by my feet, looking up at me expectantly. I brushed back the trees that were in front of us, surprised to see Dean. He was laying on a bench like I had been, eyes closed and head tilted toward the sky. He wasn’t listening to an ipod, and I was impressed with how well his timing was. He was on the second verse, and I quietly hummed as he sang:

“When stink fades into smell
The liquor has washed you away
When face cracks into smile
You've taken all you can take

(You can take)

(You can take)

(You can take)

Don't believe in anyone
'cause they'll feel you so much more
Deep inside the venom is burning

           His voice was amazing. It was a marvelous blend between Shaun Morgan’s, Ben Burnley’s, and Adam Gontier’s. It was clear, yet scratchy when needed. It had a sense of darkness, but it was angelic in its own, twisted way. It was enchanting, but could haunt you if the right dismal words were sung with a dark melody. I felt myself smiling, but adrenaline quickly coursed through me as he stopped singing, and began to speak. “You can come out now. I know you’re there, Jace.” I swallowed hard, feeling stupid and exposed. I sighed, making my way through the trees. The wolf bounded up to Dean, who sat up and pet him like he was a normal house dog. Dean looked me over, his gaze icy, and chuckled once. “Let me guess-some clever remark followed by pursed lips?” He teased, barely sparing me another glance. Anger shot through me, but I composed myself as I leaned to one side. “Not unless ‘Wow, that was amazing’ is a smart remark,” I retorted, narrowing my eyes at him. Guilt washed over his features, his eyes widening. He looked me over quickly before stuttering. “O-Oh…” “Ya’ know, you shouldn’t judge based on first impressions…” I turned to go back the way I had come, still a little ticked off. Why did he even try to act like he knew me?? I was much more complicated than he would ever know… “And keep a better watch on your pooch!” I called over my shoulder, pulling my jacket tighter around myself. A few minutes later, Dean popped out in front of me. I jumped back, raising my hands defensively. “How did you-?!” “-I don’t know why you’re so blown away by my voice. You’ve got one too.” I shook my head, pushing my initial reaction aside. “Number one, you’re dead wrong. And number two, how in the hell would you know? I don’t even sing…” “But you hum. I can tell how well you sing by your clear and accurate humming.” I smiled, tilting my head, a little embarrassed that he had heard me. “You know a lot about singing…don’t you?” He smirked, flashing his brilliant white teeth. It took all I had not to let him know I was practically panting. I wasn’t crazy about his hot-and-cold personality, but he did have a charm to him. “You should smile more often,” I murmured, though I wasn’t sure why. I could see a painful past in his eyes, and his smile was so radiant, that I guess I figured it should be revealed more often. “Maybe I could, for you…” We stared at each other, and I wondered whether I should be flattered or creeped out. I had only been awake for one day, and already me and a guy were kinda’-sorta’-maybe hitting it off. I recalled how Dante and I were sort of doing the same thing, but in a completely different way. Getting involved with two guys at once was not only dangerous (and a little stupid), but heartbreaking. Hey, can you blame me? What is a girl surrounded by two total Adonis’ supposed to do??!

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