Black Dragon (Rogue X Reader)

By MvJinkz

16.7K 324 93

Y/n replaces Natsu in the last day of the grand magic games. During the battle ageist the dragons she meets f... More

Train Station
Collisium Rivalry's
The Day of The Dragon
The Ball
Flash Backs
Titans Hand
Good Times
Rainy Days
Trouble Makers
A Day To Relax
Waterpark Madness
Tartaros Rising
Tartaros Falling

Thanksgiving Special

1K 25 4
By MvJinkz

Sting's POV

'Erg all the chefs are booked for other gilds. Now who will cook?' As I was thinking of my marvelous plan for Thanksgiving Rogue walked into the room did a double take on my pacing, and said.

"What's wrong with you this time?" He crossed his arms waiting for my reply. So I started to tell him,

"Nothing I was thinking about my plan for Th..." I stopped myself because it was going to be a surprise for the gild. He just rolled his eyes at me and said.

"Thanksgiving." Rogue guessed it on the spot. "How did you know?" I frowned hoping that it wouldn't be obvious for the rest of the guild.

"You just told me and if you need a chef ask Y/n she is a great chef."

"....." Silence fell over the room. He kept his poker face on while I just squinted my eyes at him and asked, "How do you know that?" He stood silent. We stood there for a while.

"I'll go get her for you," He said dodging my question and trying to leave the room as quick as possible. Before he could get out the door I blocked it.

"Rogue stop dodging my question." Instead of answering he turned into a shadow and slipped under the door.

"I will eventually get you to tell me." I talked to myself going back to pacing back and forth completely disregarding my paperwork.

Y/n's POV

I was at the bar talking to Mika while casually waiting for someone to show up.

"Hey, when are you going on your next job?" I asked her knowing that her team constantly are coming and going. Taking jobs that take months at a time.

"I don't know because Sting told us to come back for a week, and we still need to finish the one that we were just on. The only reason that we took a break is because of the guild summons." I thought that it was weird that Sting would want everyone back.

"Weird" was all I responded with before I felt a tap on my shoulders that made me jump. Turning around sharply I noticed who it was

"Rogue you scared me." He smirked, and proceeded to say,

"You're the one who started this war." He turned away and almost began walking before he stopped looked back and said, "Also Sting would like to see you," before walking away. I got up and walked into Stings office silently. He was turned away from the door. Still not doing his paperwork.

"You wanted to see me," I said making him jump and turn around sharply. I know that he isn't in the war between me and Rogue but its still fun to scare people randomly.

"I forgot how quiet you could be and I need you to cook a Thanksgiving feast." He told me. I laughed silently at that telling him,

"Sting I think that's a great idea but you will have to pay me for the ingredients." He did a waving motion and said, "Don't worry I have all the ingredients already and a kitchen."

We left his office and He led me to a room in the guild hall that was squeaky clean. "Wow I thought that it would be dirty I guess captain clean struck again"

Sting raised his eyebrow asking "who's that?" I waved off his question and he told me

"All the ingredients should be in the fridge or in the covered and the cooking instruments are in the cabinets. If you need anything ask me."

"Ok ill start working now and if you can find me a helper that would be great." He then left me to prepare the feast.

I looked around and it didn't take me long to find everything I needed to make the things. Deciding that I should get the green bean casserole started first. So I had to get the green beans but I was too short to reach them (she's Levy's height). An arm came from behind me and grabbed it. I turned around only to see Rogue.

"Thanks and I'm guessing Sting sent you to help me," I told him as I moved to get some of the other stuff. Looking up I noticed that they were all almost on the top shelf so I just turned around.

"You would be right," He said handing me the beans while snickering. I glared at him playfully and

"Ok let's get started and could you grab the cream of mushroom, and the fried onions in a bag". I made it so that my hair would not be in the way. He set the stuff on the counter and was going to start opening the cans.

"Eheeh, no you don't. You have to put that hair up buddy." I told him. He looked around I assumed for a hair tie.

"Turn around." He turned and as I was trying to put up his hair he crouched down to make it easier. I rolled my eyes when he turned back around.

"Let's just start cooking now."

"You have to teach me how to do that," Rogue told me. At first, I was slightly confused at what he was talking about. I gave him a questioning look, and he just pointed at the ponytail. "Oh, yeah no problem," I told him before going back to mixing the ingredients.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

I walked over to the pantry to find some flour for the pie crust, and I was carrying the entire bag when I tripped over nothing and flour when everywhere. I got up quickly and looked over seeing that Rogue was frozen in his spot covered in flour.

I instantly went over to find the decretive flours. I picked out a purple one and walked over to Rogue putting it in his hair and started laughing. He started laughing with me.

"Perfect, good thing I had a camera," I said as I took a picture. He stopped laughing and just looked at me and said

"Get back here." As I ran out of the kitchen only to run at full force into Sting. I knocked him completely over making both of us land on the ground

"Oops sorry Sting," I said when I got up while I glanced behind me.

"It's ok and what were you running from," he looked in the direction I was running from only to see Rogue covered in flower and a purple flower in his hair. He took a picture while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Um, I think we should run," I suggested, he agreed with me. "Yeah, maybe we should." We started running tell I slipped once again seeing that Sting didn't stop for me so I yelled,

"Sting wait for me." But he didn't look back and kept running.

"Traitor," I yelled at him. Rogue caught up and helped me up, but was hiding something behind him. "Hey Rogue what's behind your back." He quickly pulled it from behind him saying,

"Surprise" while he dumped flower all over me and put a black flower in my hair. He pulled out a camera and took a picture of me.

"Payback. Let's finish cooking." We went back and were astonished everything was cleaned up. "Mr. clean has strikes again." Rogue gave me a similar look that Sting had gave after I had said the same thing.

We continued to cook the rest of the food. We finished when I took the last pie out of the oven. We flopped into some of the couches upstairs after we left the kitchen.

"Man that took forever," I said as we laid on the couches. "Agreed."

"Well I'm tired and we should get some sleep." Rogue nodded and we left towards our rooms. "See you tomorrow. Good Night." He said before going through his door.

"Thanks for helping me and Goodnight." I walked into my room and saw that Shadow was already sleeping. I laid down and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

I woke up to noises happening downstairs. I quickly got ready and went down the stairs running into Shadow and Frosh. "Well, you're up late." I glared over at Shadow

"I overslept because someone decided to not wake me up." Before Shadow could say anything more Sting started to make a big announcement that I didn't pay attention to because I was looking for someone. Waiters started to come out of the kitchen, so I looked around to find a seat.

"Y/n come sit by me. I saved you a seat." Yelled from across the room while waving me over. The seat he saved was right next to Rogue. Over the course of the meal, the guild hall was full of laughter and different conversations. They had some very interesting stories from past experiences.

At the end of the day Sting ended up bringing out the alcohol and everyone was drunk except for me and Rogue. It was getting late, well, early but I was ready to call it a night.

"Let's just leave them here to sleep," I said and went up to my room only to catch a drift of dizziness. I started to get tunnel vision and I started to fall back down the stairs. Rogue rushed and caught me before I fell onto the tile. He said my name but everything turned black.

Rogue's POV

Y/n started to go up the stairs but I noticed that she paused about halfway up. "Y/n?" I said her name trying to get her attention but she didn't hear me. I walked towards the stairs only to see that she had started to fall back. I rushed up the stairs catching here before she could fall.

"Y/N!" I was panicking because she was blacking out. I felt her go limp. "Come on Y/n you have to wake up." She wasn't waking up and her temperature had risen considerably. I rushed her over toward the medical wing.

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