darkness • a.i.

By httpbec

498K 10.7K 5.5K

dreams. they can be beautiful. ︎︎︎©2013 More

3. Eyes On Fire
4. Run Daddy Run
5. Kiss Me Slowly
6. Beside You
7. A Twist In My Story
8. This Is How To Be A Heartbreaker
9. Demons
11. Dont let me go
13. Dreaming With a Broken Heart
special news!

2. Meeting The Dark

28.2K 1.1K 624
By httpbec

Where are you and I'm so sorry

I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight

I need somebody and always

This sick strange darkness

Comes creeping on, so haunting every time

And as I stared I counted

The webs from all these spiders

Catching things and eating their insides

Like indecision to call you

And hear your voice of treason

Will you come home and stop this pain tonight

Stop this pain tonight

By that band that I can't really think of ;)


I stopped, looking petrified as the man gripping me chuckled. Ashton ceased his movements as he felt the gun press to his head.

"Get up, Ash." He said in a mocking tone. Ashton stood to his feet, turning around to face me an my captor.

"Beating up Jake?" He said, making a clicking noise with his tongue. "Bad move." I heard more footsteps and I saw two men grip his arms, a man taking hold of me, crossing my arms behind my back preventing me from escape. I looked on from the side as the man circled the younger, obviously waiting for the right moment to strike.

Ashton's gaze was on the floor, a sad but hard look pressed into his features. I saw his eyes lift to mine, deep hazel stares into blue as we locked eyes. I shrieked as the man circling him delivered a blow to his stomach, causing him to double over.

"You should know Ashton!" He laughed and shouted at the same time. He leaned down to his level as he writhed in pain, eyes screwed close. "You don't do that to people of higher power."

"Let her go." His voice was barely audible, making it hard to catch his sentence from my distance. But I did.

"What was that?" He laughed, cupping his ear.

"Let her go!" Ashton shouted, looking down with a hardened expression. "She didn't do anything." His voice was quieter now, softer than a second ago. "She doesn't deserve to sit here and watch me get beat up for nothing."

The man smiled, looking over to me with a crooked grin.

"What's your name, baby?" He purred as his hand came up and grazed my cheek. I wriggled in the mans grasp, fighting to get free.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I snapped. I shrieked as I felt a stinging pain across my cheek, my head jerking to the side.


"Now tell me again," he said, completely ignoring Ashton's screams and threats. "What's your name baby?"

"R-Riley." I muttered, keeping my satire at the floor.

"Well, Riley." He smiled. "Seems as if we have a problem, doesn't it?" I kept looking over to Ashton, his face red from anger and I could tell he was trying to wriggle out of the men's grasp. I remained quiet, and when he didn't hear an answer he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back. I screamed out in pain.

"DOESN'T IT?!" He screamed in my face, making me flinch.

"Y-yes." I cried, relief washing through my body as his grip loosened. The tears were streaming freely down my face.

"You son of a bitch." Ashton cursed lowly. "When I get a hold of you..." He promised.

"Ashton just stop." I whispered, everyone's eyes locked on me. I tried to get out the words. "Please, just let us go." I pleaded.

"Awe, baby." The man cackled, coming and brushing the tears off my cheeks, making me flinch back. "I'll let you go." He said, "as soon as we're done here your free!" His hands came out to his sides, gesturing to the door as if to prove his point.


"Stop crying, you pathetic bitch." The man behind me threw me onto the ground in front of Ashton. There was a sudden silence and I looked up, meeting Ashton's hard gaze.

'Get up an run." He mouthed to me. I didn't budge. 'Now!'

Before I could, there was a solid kick to my stomach and a punch into Ashton's. The sharp pain was something I had never felt before, I couldn't breath, the only breath I had had been taken out by that one kick.

"You fucking bastard." I heard him mumble as he tried to regain his breath as well. "I will end you."

"C'mon boys. We're done here." I heard them chuckle and saw Ashton's knees drop to the ground. I was still struggling to breath as they walked out of the alley, leaving us lying there on the cold ground.

"Are you okay?" I heard his soft voice flood through my ears and I flinched as he tried to grab my arm to help me up.

"I-I don't know." I told him, kneeling next to the wall, still trying to fine my breath.

"Here." He said from behind me as my hands were on the wall. I felt a warm cloth wrap around me. "Your shaking." I took it gratefully.

"Riley? Is it?" He asked, I figured it was about my name and I stood, feeling the blood rush into the area I had been kicked, feeling pain course through me.

"Y-yes." I chocked out. I was scared of this boy for some reason, not knowing him and the previous events putting him off as a dangerous male.

"I'm really sorry. You should have never had to deal with that.." His hand rose to grip my arm, thinking twice and bringing it back to his side. "I should've been more cautious, knowing that his men would be there." He sighed, frustratingly running his hand through his dark blonde hair.

"Who were they?" I asked quietly. Sighing, he turned to me.

"They are in the gang that runs around North London." He mumbled, taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing a number.

"Hey, Luke? Yeah, I just saw them..." He trailed off, listening to the boy talk on the other line. "No, they had a girl. Yeah she's here, Jake had her. Yeah... I know... Yes Luke... He did some shit... I'm fine...yes...uhm hold on..." He looked over at me. "Are you okay?" I nodded, sighing a little. "Yeah, she says she's fine. Of course, yes that was my plan.." He glanced over at me, smirking. "Yeah, bye Luke."


It had been two days since the club and Kiara was leaving this afternoon. We were currently at the airport, waiting for her flight to be called.

"I'm gonna miss you." She laughed as she heard the number of her plane being called. I nodded, hugging her tightly and watching as she walked away.

"Be careful! And stay away from drugs!" I shouted at her, causing people around me to stare. I laughed, waving by to my best friend as she boarded her plane.


The night air was chilly as I walked home from work, pulling my jacket closer to me. It was odd, walking home without Kiara with me. The dark alleys made myself a target for anyone hiding within the darkness. As weird as it was, I couldn't help but get chills as I turned, seeing two hooded figures walking a short distance behind me. I turned, not willing to be touched in the wrong way within the period of three days.

I kept walking, picking up my pace as the dark figures came closer. I darted out across the street, avoiding takin through path any longer. It was when I turned, facing the figures was I pulled into an alley, yet another dark figure pushing me against the wall, hands spread next to my head.

"Shut up and stay still." He spat. I nodded, my breath hitching as I saw the boys face.


"Shut up!" He harshly whispered. I heard two pairs of feet running across wet pavement and a voice soon bellowed.

"Where the fuck did she go?!"

"I don't know, mate." The other said. "We'll get her."

"Fuck!" He shouted and I heard a bump and then a grunt.

"Stop kicking brick walls Jonah, lets go." He shouted angrily. I heard the footsteps going away and I heard Ashton let out a breath.

"That was close." He whispered, leaning back and put his back towards me, leaning against the wall opposite me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, looking slightly confused.

"I'm fine, are you?" He asked, finally facing me. I nodded, looking around the corner.

Suddenly it hit me. How was he just magically here and when I felt like I was in danger, he pulled me away from it, quite literally.

"Have you been following me?" I quizzed, looking at the boy in a black jacket, hood hiding the dirty blonde hair that I recognized as Ashton Irwin.

"I-I" was all he had to offer me and I laughed.

"Why?" He sighed deeply, sliding down the wall.

"After what you saw at the club..." He trailed off, leaving me wondering for a second. "It's dangerous now. Mike wants you because you know me." I laughed.

"But I don't know you!"

"I told him that, he doesn't believe me. He says that you are a key part in my life and he wants to take you out to get to me." I thought about it a little while and it hit me.

"He wants to kill me?" I asked quietly, looking for something in his eyes saying he's joking.

"Yes." Was his answer. I slid down the wall, hands on my head as I tried not to hyperventilate.

"Don't worry." He said with a hardened expression. "I'm gonna watch over you. Your safe."


Fuck it I love writing and I don't care if I get no votes or comments bc I want to write ok I hope you liked it, new chapter should be up soon! .xx

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