13. Dreaming With a Broken Heart

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When you're dreaming with a broken heart

The waking up is the hardest part

You roll outta bed and down on your knees

And for a moment you can hardly breathe

Wondering, "Was she really here?

Is she standing in my room?"

No she's not, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....


"Ashton." I breathed, feeling his wet lips kiss down my neck.

He hummed, sending shivers through my entirety. He turned, pulling me from the wall and shoving me against the bed, scooting closer and closer.

He gripped my ankles once he was at the edge of the mattress, pulling me towards him and climbing over my body.

His kisses were deep and full of passion, want and other emotions words couldn't describe.

"Hey Ash- GAH!" I heard Harry's thick and husky voice chime in from behind Ashton at the door.

Ashton pulled off me, hanging his head as I blushed furiously.

"Way to be a cock block, styles." He murmured, making Harry laugh.

I had met Harry when we came here for a 'hideout' as Ashton would call it, weeks ago. We clicked immediately as friends, becoming close instantly.

"I'll just go." He he said, closing the door.

"That's embarrassing." I murmured, taking my hands through his hair. He smirked, leaning down and pressing a firm kiss to my lips.

I jolted awake, feeling the familiar heat from my duvet too much for my liking. I looked around at the room- finding it empty and not the one that I had remembered.

I was back home.

The floor was cold on my feet as I padded down ye hallway and to the kitchen, where I heard things rattling around.

Once I had entered, I saw the familiar highlighted hair at the stove, cooking something, what looked like bacon.

"Morning, Ri." Kiara smiled at me, placing a plate full of eggs and toast on the side in front of me. I nodded, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

"When did I get back?" I questioned, feeling myself well with worry. "Where's Ashton?"

She looked confused, her eyes looking mesmerized as I said his name.

"Back from where? AND WHO THE HELL IS ASHTON?!" She shouted the last part, making me flinch. "You had a boyfriend and isn't tell me?!"

I looked at her like she was stupid, compelling bewildered that she was playing dumb.

"Back from Cheshire?" I said slowly. "Ashton? As in Irwin?"


"Uhm, yes. Remember, we met when we went out for my birthday at that club?"


"Last year?" I questioned her. "My birthday was a couple months ago. Are you stupid?"

"No honey, your birthday is next week." She said, jutting her hip out and placing and hand on it. "It's only the 16th, babe."

"What?" I was utterly confused.

I checked my phone, it reading;

9:42 am, 16th of may, 2013.

"Okay, stop playing chicken with me to see who will give out first, you changed the date on my phone and your trying to trick me. Where's Ashton?"

darkness • a.i.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin