Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal...

By HockeyisLife87

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Jessica loses her memory, Sid's looking for her like Crazy. She finds herself among the Boston bruins, and be... More

Chapter 1: Runnin Away
Chapter 2: Let Her Be
Chapter 3: Skating Again
Chapter 4: Who's Sid & Burrows?
Chapter 5: Where's Jessica?
Chapter 6: Brandon's Back
Chapter 7:Old Life Flashes Back
Chapter 8: Sid see's Jessica
Chapter 9: Mistakes were made
Chapter 10: Jace meets his mommy
Chapter 11: Oh Captain, My Captain
Chapter 12: Jace,Sid and Me
Chapter 13: My worst NightMare
Chapter 14: Jerk Face Returns
Chapter 15: Saying GoodBye
Chapter 16: Should I trust him?
Chapter 17: Back To Vancouver
Chapter 18: Jace Runs away
Chapter 19: Sticks and Skates
Chapter 20: Start of Something New :)
Chapter 21: I Confess My Love For Sid
Chapter 22: Making Love
Chapter 23: Backstabbing
Chapter 24: Lauren and Ashley
Chapter 25: Love Misconduct
Chapter 26: Off to Montreal
Chapter 28: Truth Revealed
Chapter 29: Twins it Is
Chapter 30: Its Over but We'll start it again
Falling In Love Again
Chapter 31: A New Beginning
Chapter 32: Neglected
Chapter 33: Blinded
Chapter 34: Regrets
Chapter 35: Mysterious
Chapter 36: Big Reveal
Chapter 37: All is Fair except Love and War
Chapter 38: Battlefield
Chapter 39: NHL tryouts
Chapter 40: Jessie Williams
Chapter 41: Acceptence
Chapter 42: New Game, Old Friend
Chapter 43: NHL Seggy
Chapter 44: Dilemma
Chapter 45: Will there ever be a happily ever after?
Chapter 46: Return to Pittsburgh Once Again
Chapter 47: Wicked Witch
Chapter 48: We found Hope
Chapter 49: Jealousy
Chapter 50: Drug Addiction
Chapter 51: Supportive
Chapter 52: Dreams
Chapter 53: Blackhawk
Chapter 54: Awkward
Chapter 55: Adoption
Chapter 56: Love Drives Us Insane
Chapter 57: To Stay or To Go
Chapter 58: Boundaries Broken
Chapter 59: No turning back
Chapter 60: Death Awarded
Chapter 61: She's Alright
Chapter 62: Christmas
Chapter 63: Yours Truely
Author's Note
Chapter 64: Sabrina
Chapter 65: Old Times Renewed
Chapter 66: Past Forgetten
Chapter 67: She's Still Mine
Chapter 68: Nightmares
Chapter 69: Are you sure?
Chapter 70: All Of Me
Chapter 71: He trusts me
Chapter 72: Money Can't Buy Happiness
Chapter 73: Purpose

Chapter 27: Let the Game begin

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By HockeyisLife87

Jessica's POV: We had arrived at the airport and I saw Burrows and raced over to him. I hugged him. He looked at Neal and began questioning me and I told him I was tired and would explain at home. Burrows drove us home and we reached the house. I hesitated to go inside at first. Neal took a hold of my hand "Don't worry" he said. I began walking and Burrows unlocked the door. As the door opened I saw my mom and dad coming towards us. I couldn't help myself and raced to them and hugged them. They hugged me back. I began sobbing and my dad calmed me down "I'm so happy to see my little princess again" I introduced Neal to mom and dad. My dad apparently knew Neal's dad and both of them began talking and walked off to the back patio. I ran up to my room to see if anything had changed but nope it was just the way I had left it. My hockey posters everywhere, teddy bears scattered all around, my books and hockey awards. I sat on my bed going through all my old year books. My mom came into my room and we talked and everything and she had really started to take a liking for Neal. "Jessica that boy likes you doesn't he?" she asked.

"Yeah mom he does" I smiled.

"Maybe you should give him a chance, seems like he really cares for you. Better then Sid, I tell you" she stated.

"Mom please can we not talk about this" I groaned.

"Jessica he seems like he really cares and unlike Sid, he loves you" said my mother.

"Mom first of all you didn't even get to know Sid, and Sid loves me too, what don't you get Im happy with Sid" I yelled.

"Then why did Neal come here with you? I'm telling you one day Sid's going to break your heart so bad that no ones going to be able to fix it and don't say I didn't warn you" she stated as she left my room.

I buried my face into my pillow and wished I hadn't come here. I tried to clear my mind but Sid and Lauren kept popping into my mind. I heard footsteps coming toward me. I took my face out of the pillow and looked up. It was Neal, "Hey why does my babe have her face stuffed in a pillow" he laughed.

'My Mom" I roared. Neal sat down beside me "Well I'm staying at the hotel call me if you need me"

"No Your staying with me' I begged.

"Jessica, its okay I'll stay at a hotel" he laughed.

I begged and begged and Neal finally agreed to stay with here with me. "Jessica something's bugging you, what's wrong" he asked.

"Its just that Lauren and Sid, they seem like they really love each other, and I feel like I ruined their relationship. I can tell Sid hasn't get over her and I......" Neal cut me off.

"Jessica forget about Sid, if he can't value you then that's his fault" he said as his lips crashed against mine. He collapsed onto my bed. I pushed him off of me. "I don't know"


Neal's POV: Today was our second last day in Montreal and Jessica had gotten everything sorted out with her parents and everyone. Jessica and I had grown even more close to each other. We had a lot of fun in Montreal, but sadly over the past couple of days Jessica kept growing weaker and weaker, so we had to take her to the hospital. She wasn't doing to good, so the doctor had called her in for a full check out. I waited outside her room while the doctor examined her. Soon the doctor walked out and I approached her "Is she going to be fine?' I asked.

The doctor smiled at me "Your going to have to take extra good care of her, congratulations your going to be a father"

I couldn't control myself, the doctor wished me luck and walked away. I was so excited and I couldn't believe Jessica was pregnant. I ran into Jessica's room, and kissed her stomach "I can't believe this, my little son or daughter is on the way" I stated. Jessica began crying "Neal we have to get a DNA test done and I'm sorry but this can't be happening."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm 2 weeks pregnant and that was when the party was and the day after Sid and I had it, so we can't be sure and I'm sorry but I'm really hoping this baby isn't yours" she cried.

"Why are you saying this? I love you and so what if its mine?" I yelled.


I knew this was my fault and I didn't want to argue with Jessica anymore. I knew she was weak already and I didn't want to stress her anymore. "I'll get the DNA test done" I replied. I called the doctor and told her. She got everything ready right way. She stuck a needle in my arm and sucked out the blood. Jessica looked away, I knew she hated the sight of the blood. The doctor moved to her and I grabbed hold of her arm. I was really hoping this baby was mine. I wanted Jessica to be in my life forever and it would be so cute to have the three of us together. I was so happy and I wanted this more then anything, but I also knew how much this meant to Jessica. If it was Sid's baby it would bring the two together and I couldn't stand that but had to more Jessica's happiness. The doctor told us they would have the results in 2 hours. I helped Jessica up. "Let's get you something to eat" I said. She had tears in her eyes, I knew she was hurt. I knew the worry of the baby was killing her. I helped her outside. We walked to the nearest Mcdonalds and I sat Jessica down. I ordered our food. I knew Jessica shouldn't be eating this food so I ordered her something light. I got our order and walked back to her. "Jessica stop worrying." I stated. I couldn't bear to see her like this. I tried to cheer her up but it wasn't working.

2 hours Later.

The doctor handed me the envelope, my hands began to shake. I did not want to open it at all. I knew this one envelope could make Jessica mine or take her away from me forever. Jessica nudged me to open it. I gently tore open the envelope and pulled out the slip. I read it and my world collapsed. I wanted this so badly, but just my luck. The report had been negative my blood didn't match, so Sid was the father of the baby. I had lost Jessica, they person I loved the most in my life. I wanted this to be a bad dream but that wasn't going to happen. I wish there was some way I could keep Jessica to myself, I wish some miracled happened and Jessica would stay with me for ever. "Congrats Sid's the Father" I said. She looked at me and grabbed the report from my hand. A smile spread across her face and she hugged me. She finally seemed so happy. I faked a smile, I tried to be happy for her but apart of me was dying in the inside.

Jessica's POV: In Pittsburgh

I waited for Sid to pick me up, I was so excited and couldn't wait to tell him the good news. This baby would bring the both of us closer again and Sid would forget Lauren. I couldn't express my happiness, everything would be alright between Sid and I and he would love me like he use to. My flight had landed two hours ago and I messaged Sid but he wasn't picking up. I tried to call him but he was unavailable. I waited a bit more and then finally hired a cab home. Sid must have been busy with hockey stuff. I couldn't stop smiling, I kept thinking about Sid's reaction. I hadn't been this happy in ages.

The cab driver drove me home, and I thought about messaging Sid the good news, but then I wouldn't get to see his reaction. I couldn't control my happiness. I remembered when Sid had found about Jace he never left me alone and made sure I had everything I needed. Jace would finally have a brother or sister of his own to play with. I felt so happy. I was bursting with joy and I couldn't wait to deliver the special news to Sid.

The cab reached the house and I got out and paid the fare. I dragged my stuff inside the house. I unlocked the front door. It looked like no one was home, the house was extremely quiet. I walked in and everything felt out of place to me. Someone had redecorated the place and the pictures of Sid and I were gone. I looked for our wedding picture and it wasn't there anymore. I couldn't find a single picture of me or Sid anywhere. I saw Sid walking towards our room, and I raced up the stairs. I ran to our room, I couldn't hold it anymore and needed to tell him.

"I'm pregnant Sid" stated Lauren I stopped my steps the minute I heard that. Everything started spinning, my feet shook. It was like I was falling off a 25 storey building.

I stood in the door way with my jaw wide open. Sid picked Lauren up and swung her around "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I LOVE YOU LAUREN" he said. My world came trembling down. He couldn't have just said that, this had to be a dream. No way this all was happening. He held her tighter and kissed her.

What had happened since I left? I thought to myself. This had to be some joke, Sid loved me and only me and I knew it. I couldn't focus on anything anymore and become really dizzy, also I felt sick to my stomach and was about to fall, but I used the door to hoist me up. "JESSICA" smirked Lauren as she wrapped her arms around Sid. I closed my eyes, thinking this was some stupid dream and I would soon awaken from it. I slowly opened my eyes, and the two were still in front of me. I cleared the tears off my face. "Congrats guys" I stated. Lauren looked at me "Thanks mean a lot"

I looked for Sid's eyes to meet mine but he didn't turn around. He kept his focus on Lauren. "" I stuttered. Lauren was about to say something but Sid's lips crashed on hers.

"Sid um...thanks for forgetting about me" I taunted as I ran out of the room crying.

I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. I ran into the guest room and locked myself in it and buried my face into the pillow. " this cant be happening" I yelled. I cried my heart out. I wanted this all to be a nightmare. I prayed hoping I would wake up from a dream. I should have never left to go to Montreal, this wouldn't be happening right now. "He's this has to be some joke. He's just joking, yeah he must be joking" I kept telling myself. I was having a mental break down amd couldn't control myself "Why did he do this to me" I cried as my breaths Laboured..

"He can't leave me like this."

Tears uncontrollably fell out of my eyes, I felt my heart being ripped out. Every part of my body ached and I couldn't function.

I heard a knock on my door. I cleaned my face and wiped away my tears. I opened the door and Lauren was standing outside. "So if you want to eat, Dinner's ready" she said. Sid came over and wrapped his arms around her waist "What are you doing here babe?"

I couldn't stand him in the arms of another women.

He looked at me "Oh, if she wants to eat she'll come by herself. Anyways wanna go out for dinner" he said to Lauren.

I ran to Sid and pushed Lauren away, I hugged him "Sidney please stop joking, don't play this prank on me"

He pushed me hard "don't fucking touch me ever again"

He was tearing up my heart, my mother had been right.

He placed his hands on Lauren's waist "She's the love of my life not you!"

I couldn't stop crying, I ran past them and out of the room. I need some water and fresh air. I walked downstairs and hard a cry come from the trophy room. I ran to check what it was. I looked up and saw Jace. He had a puppy in his arms. I looked around the trophy room and everything had changed.

The picture that Sid had of me in there was gone, and everything was moved around. I tried not to cry "Jace I missed you so much" I stated as I bent down to hug him. "MOMMY" he screamed. He let go of the puppy and immediately hugged me.

"Where did you get that cute puppy from?" I asked.

"Lauren got me it" smiled Jace. 'Oh that was sweet of her" I said

"Yeah I like her lot, she really nice and she takes good care of me' he said cheerfully. My smile faded "That's nice" I carried Jace in my arms

"So did you miss mommy?" I asked.

Suddenly a pair of hands came over and grabbed Jace from me. I looked at the figure standing in front of me, It was Sid. "Jace go to your room NOW" he ordered.

"No, I want to be with mommy" begged Jace.

"He's my son too Sid, I gave birth to him"

"All you ever did is bring danger over your son since birth, stay away from him" ordered Sid.

"You...can' me" I stuttered as tears fell out of my eyes.

Sid ordered Jace for to go to his room and he ran upstairs. Sid stood in front of me, I wanted to know all the answers to my questions.

'Why did you do this to me? Why did you tell me you loved me when you didn't? Why did you marry me and now abandon me like this? Its it cause your done using me, cause you've had enough of me? Why did you toy with my feelings? Please if this is a joke please stop it Sid, I love you, don't do this to me" I asked as my face was drenched in tears.

"Stop your drama queen act you know exactly why slut"

I felt like the room was caving in on me, and soon I wouldn't be able o breathe. Everything was completely wrong. Him calling me a slut was like death to me.

I couldn't believe he had just called his own wife a slut. He began to walk off, I wanted to know all the answers to my questions "What did I do that I deserved to be called a slut?"

I tried to stop him but Sid wouldn't even look at me, I had become invisible to him. I collapsed onto the ground crying, why did he hate me so much, whay had I done? My heart was aching and I felt worthless. My breaths were racing and I could feel myself getting sick. I stood up, still feeling sorry for myself, and made my way to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass of water and an advil pill and swallowed it. My whole body was aching.I got a tecf from Neal, he was asking if I had eaten anything and If I had taken my medication. I lied and told him I had.

My stomach hurt and I couldn't take the pain. My baby was hungry. I looked through the fridge and took out the freshly made salade. "That's for Lauren, she pregnant, she needs that more then you" said Sid harshly. I put it back in the fridge and looked for something else to eat, but there wasn't much. I grabbed a bananna and headed for my room. 'Sorry I forgot, she your wife, I'm nothing right?" I said. I didn't bother telling Sid I was pregnant too, he cared more about Lauren. It wouldn't matter anyways if I did tell him. "If your that fucken hungry why did you say no to the dinner?' he yelled.

"Your making my head hurt more then it should Please stop yelling" I spoke quietly.

"Shut up you whore, don't tell me what to do"

"I am not a whore, why do you keep calling me that? I am your damn wife Crosby" I screamed back.

"You're not my wife! You're more of a fucking gold digger. A wife doesn't hook up with every fucking guy, she sees" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Go and make some other bitch pregnant now' I yelled back, completely frustrated. I began crying as loud as I could. he was getting to me and I couldn't take it. He had insulted me so much, I never in my life thought he would do this to me.

"Shut the fuck up, I wouldn't be talking if I were you, at least I didn't hook up with your best friend or team mate, and at least Lauren can stay committed to one guy your all over the place. First Ovechkin then me, then Tyler now Neal, who's next? Malkin, your best friend's husband?" roared Sid.

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