Fooling Ourselves

By Kelly_Al

1.4M 33.3K 6K

It was simple. He was my brother's ex-bestfriend and now enemy. I was supposed to stay away from him. I was s... More

Prologue: How It Happened...
How We Had Our First Encounter
How I Lost An Admirer
How He Ended What Didn't Start
How Bryan Got Attacked Twice
How I Spent My Birthday
How My First Date Got Ruined
How The Bad Boy Made Me Feel Safe...
How I Met His Siblings
How He Told Me Off...
How We Ditched
How Things Went Down...
How He Came Over....
How We Left The Table...
How He Won Us Over...
How We Got Caught....
How He Lost it....
How I Met His Parents...
How We Got Closer
How They Made Up...
How We Disagreed...
How He Looked Heart-Broken....
How We Smoothed Things Over...
How it was Calm before the Storm...
How The Storm Came...
How The Truth Came Out...
How It Was At School...
How The Dinner Went...
How we Talked about my Choices
How we Danced at Prom
How Everything Changed...
How He's so Beautiful...
How we Went Our Separate Ways...
How I Surprised Them
New Book!
Bonus Chapter: How I Knew She Was The One
Bonus Chapter (Jace + Alicia)
New Book!

Bonus Chapter

26.8K 746 271
By Kelly_Al

"Daddy can you pass the potatoes?" Joshua, Jace's son asked. He was very polite for a five year old.

"Sure just let me ask Uncle Dylan," Jace replied. We were having our regular Sunday family dinner. We would all gather on Sunday at me and Dylan's house and the females would prepare dinner while the men played games, "Dylan could you pass the potatoes?"

"Yeah, here you go," Dylan passed the dish to my brother.

"Heyo! I'm here! Sorry I'm late-ahh!" Theo yelled entering the room before stubbing his toe on a table, "Shit!"

"Shit!" Thai's twin girls exclaimed.

"No girls. Don't say that word. Bad!" Amelia warned the three year old girls sternly.

"Theo," Thai growled warningly and he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," he said and took a seat at the table.

"You're such an-"

"Ass!" Joshua shouted cutting off his father. Jace eyes widened.

"Where did you learn that word?" Alicia frowned.

"That's my nephew," Dylan high-fived Joshua who grinned.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jace glared at my husband.

"Let's sing a song," one of Thai's twin girls suggested.

"Dork," Michael, James and Ari's four year old son teased.

"Michael that's not nice," Ari told him, "Apologize."

"Sorry Gabby," he looked down at his food.

"Wimp," Daniel mocked and Dana pushed him lightly.

"Danny leave them alone," she said lightly.

"Who is teaching our kids these words?" Ari asked frustrated.

"Uncle Dylan and Uncle Theo," they all chorused together. Dylan and Theo glared at the children.

"I'm not talking to you guys anymore," Dylan said stubbornly and Theo agreed.

"Guys can we settle? Now that everyone is here," I cleared my throat, "I have some news."

"Me too," Theo grinned.

"You can go first," I told him politely.

"Okay if that's what you want. I'm seeing someone," he announced and everyone's mouth fell open in shock.

"You?" Joshua laughed, "Yeah right."

"And Gabby is my girlfriend," Michael snorted.

"What?" Thai scowled at the kid.

"Nothing," he stated quickly but not before grinning in Gabrielle's direction which caused her to giggle along with her twin Ella.

"Wait. Are you serious?" Amelia asked.


"Tell us more!" Ari instructed clearly interested. Everyone was.

"She's from France. I met her when I went to visit the old folks the other day," he informed us.

"So that's what took you so long to get back," Thai grinned leaning back in his chair.

"Well damn, I never thought the day would come," Dylan teased and I slapped his back, "What?"

"Stop swearing in front of the kids," I warned and he nodded.

"Sorry babe," he apologized.

"Can your news wait? I think this is enough for one day. I think I need to be put on a machine after this," Jace frowned.

"No you have to hear this," I said looking straight into my brother's eyes knowing he was the one I was really worried about, "I'm-"

"You knocked up my sister?!" Jace screamed at Dylan cutting me off.

"Now there's no chance she'll leave Dylan for me," Daniel muttered but I heard him. I glared at him and he went silent for now.

"Oh shi-"

"Uncle Dylan, no swearing!" Michael warned and he nodded.

"I'm going to really kill you now," Jace warned getting up.

"Why? What did you think marrying her all those years ago meant? We were gonna skate down rainbows and go pot hunting in our free time?" Dylan mocked and Theo, Thai, James and Daniel started laughing really hard, "Of course we were gonna have sex and sex leads to-"

"Daddy what is sex?" Ella asked her father. Thai choked on his water.

"Sex, sweetheart, is an ice cream flavor," he lied.

"I want to have some sex," Ella grinned like it was the smartest idea ever. Thai wore a dark look on his face.

"You will not be having sex ever!" he growled.

"I just wanted ice cream," Ella sobbed.

"I preferred this conversation when it was about me," Daniel grinned causing me to smile. He seemed to love using that line.

"Okay guys," I spoke up focusing on Dylan and Jace, "Get over it Jace, I'm making you an uncle to two bab-"

"Two of them? What kind of sperm do you have?" Jace barked at Dylan.

"Okay dude, you're going to have to calm down. It's called genes. Twins run in my family. Look at Daniel and Dana," Dylan pointed out while putting some more distance between him and Jace.

"Skylar, I want you to stay away from him," Jace warned. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous request and scoffed.

"It's a little too late for that," I muttered.

"Okay bro, did you think your sister was a nun or something? We get it on at least twice a day, it's a shock that she's just getting pregnant," Dylan added with a slight smirk. I think he was enjoying this.

"Get what on? Your clothes?" Jace had now rolled his hands into fist and his face was growing redder by the moment. I looked to Alicia with pleading eyes but she shrugged obviously not wanting to get caught in all this.

"We do that role play shit and all," Dylan continued to push his luck.

"Dylan, go to our room now," I told him seriously and he frowned, bowing his head before dragging himself down the hall and up the stairs to our room. I turned to Jace then, "Jace you have got to stop this over-protective brother stuff."

"I was only teasing him," my brother broke out in a grin and everyone else started laughing.

"Good because I was worried," I sighed honestly relieved.

"Well, I'm worried if Dylan's still a dude," Theo teased, "Punk."

"Hey! He's my punk," I warned Theo.

"Well he's-"

"Leave him alone. He loves her," Jace cut James off and defended Dylan, "There isn't a guy I'd trust more to care for my sister. Congrats on starting your own family."

"Thank you," I hugged and kissed my brother before excusing myself from the dining room and going towards the room I shared with Dylan. I pushed open the door, closing it behind me and walking over to him. He was sitting on our bed so I went over to him and stood before him wrapping my arms around his neck, "Are you okay? If this is about Jace, then you should know he was only teasing you. He gave us his blessing-"

He kissed me. I immediately shut up and kissed him back. It was a sweet, slow and sensual kiss. I didn't know what had brought it on but I knew I got lost in it as I tried to absorb all the love that was radiating from Dylan. If I knew my husband as well as I felt I did, then he was doing some serious thinking.

"Thank you," he said when he pulled away and I looked at him confused with my eyebrows slightly raised.

"For what?"

"For everything. For us. For not listening to your brother, for not listening to me when I told you to stay away, for giving me a chance and not giving up on me, for bringing happiness in my life, for not letting my parents get to you, for always having my back and holding me down, for treating my siblings as your own, for finding me after college, for marrying me, for giving me my own family. You have done so much for me and I'm very thankful. I love you baby girl," he kissed me softly again.

"I love you too Dylan," I pressed my forehead against his.

"How much?"

I grinned knowingly. This had become our thing and I cherished it very much, "When the world catches fire and everything is burnt and destroyed and there is nothing left to love, I will still love you."

"And when we're burning?" he asked.

"All I'll be able to think about is you," I promised placing a light kiss on his lips and sending a quick prayer to God that I'll find Dylan in any and every other life I may live, before taking his arm in mine and leading us back to the dining room where our family was still having dinner.

It took us a while but we were finally there. We were exactly where we needed to be.

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