Teardrops and Butterflies (Se...

By Seager99

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(1) Teardrops and Butterflies
(2) Teardrops and Butterflies
(3) Teardrops and Butterflies
(4) Teardrops and Butterflies
(5) Teardrops and Butterflies
(6) Teardrops and Butterflies
(7) Teardrops and Butterflies
(8) Teardrops and Butterflies
(10) Teardrops and Butterflies
(11) Teardrops and Butterflies
(12) Teardrops and Butterflies
(13) Teardrops and Butterflies
(14) Teardrops and Butterflies
(15) Teardrops and Butterflies
(16) Teardrops and Butterflies

(9) Teardrops and Butterflies

4.3K 83 6
By Seager99

Teardrops and Butterflies

(Sequel to The girl in the attic)

Chapter 9

Preston’s POV

“I…, I…,” Katie stuttered, her face pale from shock.

“Shhh, it’s ok,” I whispered as I squeezed her hand that was shaking in mine. I could tell that she was freaking out and Dr. Kremmer must have noticed it as well because he cleared his throat as he got up from his chair.

“I’ll give you two a moment,” he stated and the quickly left his office.

“It’ll be ok,” I whispered again as I pulled Katie into my arms, hugging her tightly against me. She didn’t respond but I could hear her starting to sob as she nestled her head into my neck. I held her for a few minutes, whispering to her and trying to calm her down.

“Why are you so upset about this?” I asked when she finally calmed down.

“I…, I can’t have a baby. I’ll be a horrible mother,” she breathed, causing my heart to break. How can she even think that way about herself? She is the most caring and loving person I have ever met. She will make an amazing mother.

“You’ll be a great mother, you are the best person I have ever met,” I said, hoping to convince her of the truth.

“But I wouldn’t know what to do with a baby,” she said, looking nervously at me.

“Of course you will, you’ll be a natural,” I whispered and watched as a small smile formed on her beautiful face.

“Do you really think so?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

“Yes, I really think so,” I answered, my insides crawling with happiness.

“We are going to have a baby,” she whispered, sounding amazed.

“Yes we are!” I said a little bit too loud, letting out the excitement that I’ve been holding in since Dr. Kremmer first told us the news.

“Can I come in?” Dr. Kremmer asked as he peeked inside.

“Yeah,” Katie answered, smiling widely. We spend a while talking to him about what we should do now and once he finished explaining everything and arranging the necessary tests Katie had to go for we thanked him and then left to go home.

Katie was much more excited now but I could tell that she was still nervous so I kept on reassuring her of how wonderful she will be. We spent the rest of the day at home and then when it was time for dinner I took her out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate. She insisted that it wasn’t necessary but I wasn’t giving in. She deserved to be spoiled.

“What are we going to do about the wedding?” she asked once we were seated.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“It’s just that I am going to be huge by then, maybe we should postpone it till after I’ve had the baby,” she replied.

“Or we can move it up to before you start showing,” I suggested, grinning happily at the thought.

Katie’s eyes went wide with excitement as she leaped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around me.

“I’d love that, I can’t wait to marry you!” she half yelled, unable to contain her happiness.

“So when do you want to do it?” I asked when she finally let go of me.

“As soon as we can get everything organized,” she replied.

I felt so happy, I couldn’t believe how lucky I am to have Katie and now she is going to have my baby. I couldn’t think of anything more perfect even if I tried.

We spent the next two hours eating, laughing and making plans. Life was perfect and I couldn’t wait to marry Katie or hold our little baby in my arms.

Katie’s POV

Preston looked so happy about me being pregnant that I couldn’t help but be happy too. I was a bit shocked and scared when Dr. Kremmer first gave us the news but as the idea sank in I started getting more and more excited with every minute that passed. I have absolutely now doubt that Preston will be an amazing dad but I am a bit worried about myself.

I know I will love the baby more than anything in the world but I never had a mother or a real family and I can’t help but worry that I won’t know what to do. Preston doesn’t seem to be worried about it however. He believes that I’ll be a great mother so I’m just going to put my faith in him and hope that he is right.

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