By ServantofKhaliq

338K 22.3K 5.2K

"Dreams and expectations"...the very forces that pull you up and when you are soaring high it knocks you down... More

Authors Note
Ch.1.Living and Loving for the sake of Allah!
Ch.2.Don't be Sad...Allah knows!
Ch.3.You are the Queen of this beautiful Kingdom...!
Ch.4.Beginning to Trust!
Ch.5.And the broken halves then shattered to pieces...!
Ch.6.Repentance and Turning to Allah...!
Ch.7.Going back home...!
Ch.8.It's all about...Fate !
Ch.9.The most precious keepsake...!
Ch.10.HasbiAllah is the best solution...!
Ch.11. Life goes on.......!
Ch.12.Welcome back home to Sundarnagar...!
Ch.13.We met again......!
Ch.14.The girl of my dreams....!
Ch.15.When Fate comes into play....!
Ch.16.May be, One day.......!
Ch.17.Do you remember me...?
Ch.18.Lost in thoughts....!
Ch.19. The Uninvited Guest...!
Ch.20. He is my long lost friend....?
Ch.21.There is more to this....!
Ch.22.Avoiding the Shaykh brothers....!
Ch.23.Speaking of marriage....!
Ch.24.A heartbroken mother's wish....!
Ch.25.Parting is always painful....!
Ch.26. Believe in the Qadr of Allah...!
Ch.27.Am I beginning to fall in love...?
Ch.28. The marriage proposal.
Ch.29.The best thing in the world...!
Ch.30. Happily engaged...!!!
Ch. 31.Something just doesn't feel right...!
Ch.32.My shattered heart just can't shatter anymore...!
Ch.33.The new unexpected friends...!
Ch. 34.The Chivalrous Knight in a stunning Pathani...!!!
Ch.35.To Love and Be Loved...!!
Ch.36.Planning and preparations...!
Ch.37.The Engagement...!
Ch.38. 'I always have, & I always will......!'
Ch.39.Everything is about to change...!
Ch.40.He is everything I have ever wanted..!!!
Ch.41.A shattered heart is in fact a blessing...!
Ch.42.The place called Home....!
Ch.43.The Surprise Guests....!!!
Ch.44.The Beast and the knight...!!!
Ch.45.It isn't just about love....!!
Ch.46.You look so beautiful in white...tonight...!!
Ch.47.Always and Forever.....!!
Ch.48.You are the Prince of my dreams stepped into reality....!!
Ch.49.Sharing secrets and bonding with the family...!!
Ch.50.The best Friday ever......!!!
Author's note
A very Important Note! Do not skip!!
Ch. 51.Real Love starts after Nikah....!!!
Ch.53.Without you.............I'm completely lost...!!!
Ch.54...'You don't find finds you...!!!'
Ch.55.Distance,is but,a test of True Love...!!!
Ch.56.Far in the land of gulab jamuns.....!!!
Ch.57.Behind those hazel eyes....!!!
Ch.58.It will,if its meant to be...!!!
Ch.59.Hearts are won by Love....!!!
Ch.60.Piety is more appealing than beauty....!!!
Ch.61.The More you give,...the More it returns to you....!!!
Ch.62.Expecting the Unexpected....!!!
Ch.63.Mr.&Mrs.Shaykhs as Matchmakers.....!!!
Ch.64.When Secrets Unveil....!!!!
Ch.65.Shattered hearts cannot built a Home...!!
Ch.66.True Love prevails over everything....!!
Ch.67.Bring my Beloved back to Me...!!
Ch.68.That is all that matters...!!!
Ch.69.Marry each other for the sake of Allah....!!!
Ch.69.Marry each other for the sake of Allah...!!!
Ch.70.The confusing good news...!!!
Ch.71.Towards a Happy Ever After.......!!!
Ch.72.Beyond all bounds....!!!
Ch.72.Beyond all bounds......!!!
Ch.73.Reunion of family & friends...!!!
Ch.74.Life is always full of Surprises...!!!
Ch.75.It can never be perfect,its just not meant to be!!!
Ch.76.The Dawn of Bliss...!!!
Ch.77.A love that conquered.....!!!
Ch.78.Earn Jannah by serving them...!!
Ch.79.....That is how beautiful hearts are remade...!

Ch.52.Forgiveness in a loving heart....!!

5K 271 38
By ServantofKhaliq

Dedicated to Dasnimfirdous, this is a special dedication from Zaara Bakhtiyar to you :))

The tender morning rays slid through the small space between the slightly apart curtains entering in the huge spacious bedroom. With extreme gentleness, the warm sunrays slowly touched the flawless face of a young, handsome guy who was fast asleep on his king sized bed. At the approach of the light, he frowned in his sleep and turned to the other side. Just as he was about to drift back to sleep his cellphone buzzed indicating a text from someone.
Groaning he opened his sleepy eyes, and sat up on the bed with a very irritated expression!

His hazel eyes drifted to the other side of the bed which was vacant. Sighing in exasperation he put his head in his hands as his exhausted mind again resumed the task of missing her terribly. He had spent two entire days and nights thinking of her,
his wife, Zaara, who currently wasn't with him!

She had been to her mom's place for a stay, ofcourse by his permission and also the consent of her mom in law. Infact Mrs. Nargis Shaykh had herself asked both Zaara and Nawal to go stay at the Bakhtiyar's house for a few days as they were soon going to return to Jogeshwari & then they won't be back to Sundarnagar until winter break atleast . Considering that, Mrs. Shaykh being the kind mom in law that she was, thought that it would be good if the girls stayed there for a few days as she knew how hard it was for newly wed brides to not miss their family. And Sundarnagar is a five hour drive from Mumbai which means Zaara wouldn't be able to see her family often...that being obvious it was only fair that she atleast gets to spend some time with them before leaving.

Afzal had given his consent as his mom asked him to do so & he didn't want his wife to be hurt in any way.She hadn't once asked him for permission to stay at her mom's place since their marriage and so he thought he should atleast allow her to do so now, as only a few days were left for their return.Yet he was regretting his decision ever since the time she left! He couldn't sleep the entire nights and it was only after Fajr that he got some sleep due to exhaustion. Not to mention that he had become very frustrated and grumpy again within these two days!

Nawal however had to return after a day, as Arhaan wasn't keeping well, he had gotten slight fever and despite him assuring her that it wasn't anything major Nawal had still returned after a day. Thinking of his sick brother, Afzal remembered something and stood up from his bed pushing the sheets aside.Before heading to the washroom he checked his cellphone to see who had texted him.It was a good morning text with beautiful love quotes from his beloved wife!

Why did she have to text me now? Afzal frowned and placed the cellphone back on the table.

He had been ignoring her texts and calls since yesterday. Mostly because he knew that if he spoke to her, somehow he wouldn't be able to keep back his anger and frustration. And that might result in her being hurt which ofcourse wasn't even the last thing he wanted!

Shoving all those thoughts aside Afzal walked to the wardrobe and opened it which again made him think of her.
She had ironed and neatly kept his clothes before going. A slight smile came on his face as he glanced at the black pathani dress that she had kept infront.
Zaara sure was obsessed with black pathani...well actually she was obsessed with ....Afzal Shaykh in black pathani!

He grabbed the clothes and and headed to the washroom to freshen up.

After getting ready and performing ablution he recited a few Surahs from the Quran and blew it on a small bottle filled with water that he had kept nearby. Closing it's lid Afzal took the bottle with him while leaving the room.

He walked to his brother's room and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in", a hoarse voice, that he recognised as his brother's answered after a while.Poor Arhaan had gotten very badly affected by the rainy weather!

Afzal slowly opened the door to see his beloved brother sitting on the bed with a tired look.Arhaan smiled weakly at him,"Assalamualaikum bro."

Afzal felt a certain something in his heart at the sight of his usually cheery and lively brother being so dull and pale. He nodded and replied to his greeting before going to sit beside him.

Afzal lovingly ruffled his brother's hair as was his habit since childhood and Arhaan smiled feeling that warmth again which he always longed to have from his brother.

"How are you feeling now Aarhu? " Afzal asked his voice full of concern as his hazel eyes scrutinised his brother minutely.

"Alhamdulillah good", Arhaan answered with a small smile.

Afzal shook his head as he grabbed the glass from the bedside table and poured the water from the bottle he had brought with him on which he had blown after reading particular Surahs from the Holy Quran. His brother never complained of anything, even if he was suffering he would pretend to be his usual pleasant self.

"Drink this", Afzal said as he handed his brother the glass and helped him to hold it.

Arhaan smiled, accepting the water gladly knowing full well, it was his brother's old habit to do that for him.

He handed the empty glass back to his brother feeling slightly fresh.

"Where is Nawal?" Afzal asked looking around the room.

"She just went out before you came to make breakfast." Arhaan answered.

Afzal nodded and looked down for a while before speaking again, "Did you sleep well at night?"

"Yes Alhamdulillah, since I had taken those medicines last night I instantly fell asleep."Arhaan made a face at the medicines part as he absolutely hated taking them.

"You took medicines?" Afzal asked raising an amused eyebrow at his brother. His brother didn't like even the thought of having to swallow those tasteless or bitter pills and Afzal remembered how much trouble his mom had to take to make little Arhaan take his medicines!

"Don't even remind me Afz,those stupid medications aren't even worthy of my glance but my stubborn wife made me take them.And she has warned me to stay in bed & rest entire day today. How boring it's going to be!"Arhaan whined, making a cranky face.

His brother however smiled widely, "May Allah SWT bless her,She is truly a wonder to have caused this change in your silly self."

" are right about it. I cannot deny anything she says.What about you? " Arhaan paused & stared thoughtfully at his brother with a slight teasing smile on his face ,"Did you sleep well the last two nights?"

Afzal frowned at that,"It doesn't matter.You know how I don't like to sleep. "

Arhaan rolled his eyes hearing this answer, "Yeah I almost forgot I had a robotic human as my brother!"

His brother narrowed his eyes at him which didn't affect him even in the slightest as Arhaan went on saying,"But I think even though you have that inborn robotic skills of not needing sleep ...Yet the past two sleepless nights have something to do with Zaara.Speaking of her, when is she coming back?"

"I don't know....", Afzal instantly replied looking away, "It is for her to decide. But if she doesn't miss her husband even one bit...then she can stay as much as she wants!"

Arhaan smiled shaking his head at his brother's irritated reply. "You could have told her to come soon Afz. Did you talk to her?"

"I think I just mentioned that if she doesn't miss me and cannot understand that I miss her also she can do whatever she likes." His brother replied aggravatedly.

"For Allah's sake Afz, Zaara is just a normal human being.She can't possibly read your mind . Besides unlike us, who know you since years she is oblivious to the fact that you never speak aloud even if you don't like something however displeasing it may be to you.Unless you express yourself she won't get the point. You cannot just act so grumpily and expect her to understand on her own.Thats unfair Afz." Arhaan tried to reason.

Afzal looked at his brother intently trying to take in this new information but before he could reply the door to the room burst open revealing their three best friends!

"Oh my Allah! Tahir please tell me this is just a nightmare or may be I need to get an eye check up if it's real." Zulaym dramatically exclaimed while placing a hand on his heart!

Tahir, who was equally shocked answered in an incredulous tone,"Even I cannot believe my eyes ,Zul."

"Will you two please move forward? Or at least let me in."
The last one was Faisal!

Both Shaykh brothers smiled at the sight of their dramatic friends. "Waalaikumassalam to you too guys.Please come in.I assure you that what you are seeing is for real." Arhaan said with a huge grin.

All three guys at the door walked in eventually with huge bouquets and get well soon cards & no sooner they were near both Zulaym and Tahir engulfed their sick friend in a bone crushing hug.

"Guys...., c....can't "Arhaan somewhat choked out.

They eventually released him finally sitting by his side.
Faisal greeted his friend in a more gentlemanly manner asking about his health & then placed all the bouquets and cards on the bedside table.

"Seriously though, I was too shocked when I came to know you are taking rest!" Zulaym spoke with seriousness as if it was first time it happened in the world that an ill person is taking rest!

"Me too! We never knew our tough guy would be this weak to rest just because of slight fever.Zul & I were worried if it was something serious. " Tahir added equally seriously!

"Ammi has sent you loads of those ayurvedic medicines and syrups along with breakfast. She will be coming to see you in the noon and bring your favourite dish for lunch." Faisal informed smiling.

Arhaan shook his head laughing at the level of seriousness they were displaying,
"Hanifa khala didn't have to sent those medicines.I am already tired of taking the allopathic medications.And seriously it's not my thing!" He made a face at the end.

"What?????!!!!!!!" At this point Zulaym almost got up from his seat!

"You & medicines?" Tahir made it clear by asking.

"Chill guys! Nawal made me take them." Arhaan complained like a little kid.

Both his friends smiled widely sharing an evil look!

"Oh! So it was Nawal bhabi after all!" Tahir remarked with a teasing smile.

"Not exactly Tahir, this is what you call "being blind, deaf and dumb in love." This stage is acquired when a certain person owns a very special place in your heart & becomes so significant to you that you are at the person's command; doing blindly as they say!" Zulaym explained like the love expert he was!

"Woah dearest brother! Since you have acquired a Ph.D in the field called love why don't you get married already? " Faisal directed the question to his brother making the others turn to the person in question with teasing expressions.

"I haven't met anyone my type you know." Zulaym casually shrugged.

"And what exactly is your type?" Afzal asked finally joining the discussion.

"I just can't express in words, but I will come to know when I meet her." Zulaym answered smiling slightly.

"Yeah, it's gonna be like ....when Zulaym Ansari falls in love there will be violins playing in the background! " Tahir elaborated and all of them laughed.

"Not violins! But I know for sure love is a magical feeling."
Zulaym added his words of wisdom!

"Don't set such weird standards Zul, or else you will become obsessed like that Owais Qureshi. "Tahir teased and Afzal instantly straightened in his seat hearing those words.

"Absolutely not!"Zulaym waved off dismissively, "I don't have such high standards that only one person can be upto. I was just talking about love in general.And speaking of Owais he is really being ridiculous by denying all those marriage proposals. Like....The girls' families themselves are sending him marriage proposals and that too some very well known families of Sundarnagar and that guy is still not over whatever thing he had for some girl in the past. He isn't going to consider anyone else for atleast another year now. "

Arhaan and Tahir didn't give it much thought, but it most definitely affected Afzal as his facial expressions morphed into something one could hardly decipher. Faisal glanced concernedly at him then swiftly made an attempt to change the topic, "Guys I think we should be more concerned about Arhaan's health right now then worrying about everyone's marriage. "

Zulaym and Tahir gave him a weird look while Arhaan just smiled.Afzal on the other hand had the same blank expression.

"But Aarhu seriously...Tu shaadi k baad kuch zyada hi change ho gaya. " Zulaym teased with a mock serious face.

"Haan yar...I really miss those times when we used to have a double ice cream treat after catching cold in rainy season. " Tahir spoke nostalgically.

Zulaym put an arm around Tahir wiping fake tears,"Those were the golden days of life which will now never be back."

Tahir patted his head sympathetically, "I know Zul, Aarhu doesn't listen to us anymore. Remember how that day he said he is now a married man and doesn't have time to hang out with friends due to his responsibilities. "

"No guys that's not what I meant...." Arhaan straightened up frowning at his weeping friends.

"It's ok Aarhu", Zulaym said still shedding crocodile tears, "We can understand.Tahir no matter how hard it seems we have to accept that our friend is no longer the same. Dost dost na raha, pyar pyar na raha;
Zindagi hume tera,
Aitbaar na raha!"
Zulaym completed with a very woeful heartbroken look and pretended to cry on Tahir's shoulder.

Arhaan stared at the two weird guys before him, his mouth open in shock,"Zul, Tahir!
What on earth are you talking about? Rulaoge kya tum dono!"

With that he engulfed both his friends in a huge group hug that seemed like a happy reunion at the end of an emotional movie!

"All three of you are idiots! " Faisal muttered at their silliness.

"I agree", Afzal added precisely with his grumpy look on.

"O wise men! You still have to learn that true love and true friendship begins where sanity ends. " Zulaym expressed his very wise opinion looking at the two grumpy people opposite them!

"What exactly is that supposed to mean ?" Faisal questioned turning to Afzal.

"I just think they have completely lost it." Afzal remarked grumpily.

Zulaym narrowed his eyes at him not quite liking his behaviour today,"What's up with you Afz? Why is that look back on your face which had disappeared after you got married?"

"Oh come on Zul, I thought you were smart enough to figure out on your own.Zaara has been to her mom's place.Thats why he is back to his usual self." Arhaan informed them.

"What?" Both Tahir and Zul asked in shock.

"But why? Is something wrong ?" Zulaym concernedly asked looking at his face.

"Nothing is wrong.She just went for a stay at her mom's place." Arhaan quickly assured.

All three of them looked relieved at that. Soon after a minute or so Zulaym grinned as he realised the reason for Afzal's grumpiness, "So....should we bring bhabi back to you?"

Tahir joined in ,"Yeah we can easily do that.I mean what are friends for. "

Afzal stared at them as if they had grown extra heads."I was the one who permitted her to go."

"But now you are regretting it." Faisal said in a matter of fact tone,"Call her back then."

"Ofcourse", Zulaym approvingly nodded,"Call her back and if she doesn't listen", he paused grinning,"Then we can help you kidnap her and bring her back. "

"We do not need your lame advices Zul." Faisal scolded.

Afzal merely ignored the suggestion as his friends always teased him like that.

"Honestly but you cannot deny, that both of you are goners.Afzal has almost lost his mind in sorrow of his wife's absence and Aarhu is beginning to do things that are completely out of his nature only because his wife told him to!"
Zulaym declared referring to the Shaykh brothers and both Tahir and Faisal precisely agreed.

The five friends continued their talks, arguments and teasing for a long time after that, yet Afzal couldn't rid his mind off the new information Zulaym had provided about Owais!


Nawal entered her room carrying a tray of food in her hand along with Hanifa khala who had come to visit her favourite nephew.

"Arhaan, my precious child, how are you feeling now? " Hanifa khala asked with a concerned face as she took a seat infront of Arhaan. Nawal placed the tray of food on the table and settled on a nearby chair.

"Alhamdulillah good khala." Arhaan answered smiling, "JazakAllah Khayr for all the trouble you took."

"That's no trouble my child. I was so worried about you. May Allah SWT grant you complete Shifa. "


She further enquired about his health, whether he was taking medicines on time or not and what he would like to eat so she could send it for dinner as she had already brought lunch with her.Arhaan assured her that there was nothing he needed more & that he was feeling better now.

"But I must say MashaAllah my daughter in law is very understanding and responsible. She has been taking so good care of you."Hanifa khala all of a sudden complimented and Nawal who was sitting nonchalantly on the chair looked up in shock.

Arhaan smiled widely, a sudden evil thought popping in his smart head,"Oh no khala.She has been threatening me to take those medications and rest here like a little kid.Thats the hardest thing I have done in my life."

Nawal resisted the urge to glare at him and instead behaved like a polite daughter in law infront of Hanifa khala making a mental note to smack his head later!

"That's for your own good son.I am glad that Nawal has been paying so much attention to your well being."She then turned to Nawal ,"Beta , always remember, your husband should be your first priority. You should always be by his side and take care of his well being.Allah SWT will reward you for it." Hanifa khala advised in her traditional manner.

Nawal nodded at the advice acting as if she was taking it very seriously while Arhaan gave her a knowing smile.

Traditional aunties should never be opposed if you want to be on their good side especially the aunties from your in law's family! That was why Nawal was behaving like an obedient daughter in law and Arhaan knowing her situation was suppressing the urge to laugh.

"Take good rest Arhaan beta.
Hope you recover soon InshaAllah so that I can have grandkids as early as possible."
Hanifa khala very seriously said and Arhaan grinned like the Cheshire cat!

Nawal couldn't believe her ears as she tried to ignore her tomato red cheeks. Well, this wasn't something very agreeable!

"Do pray khala that your wish may come true. " As if the earlier embarrassment wasn't enough Arhaan added for effect!

Hanifa khala placed a hand on his head lovingly,"InshaAllah beta, I always pray for you that you may have many adorable and cute chubby kids just like you were in your childhood.How I miss those times."

Nawal gaped at the people before her, as her mouth formed an O shape.

"May your prayers be answered by Allah SWT soon." Arhaan said smiling.

Seriously??!!! Kids? Not just a single kid, but K, I, D & S - "Kids". May be Arhaan's fever is getting to his head!!

Nawal glared murderously at him and as he turned to her, Arhaan winked.

The nerve of this guy! I will teach him a nice lesson after he recovers from this state! Nawal thought to herself.

When both aunt and nephew were done discussing about the "many" unborn people, what they will look like and how they will be very similar to Arhaan and Hanifa khala even praying aloud that they may be twice naughtier than Arhaan was ( much to Nawal's embarrassment & dismay); Mrs.Ansari finally got up to leave after giving loads of advices to Arhaan about taking care of his health.

"Nawal beta?"

"Yes khala", Nawal instantly stood up coming to stand beside her.

"Make sure he eats properly and give him medicines on time.And do take care of yourself too.Take some rest after lunch."
Hanifa khala said smiling as she hugged her.

Nawal returned the hug with a smile,"InshaAllah I will take care of everything khala . JazakAllah Khayr for coming."

"Wa iyyaki dear daughter . May Allah SWT bless you with many beautiful and pious children. " Hanifa khala showered her strange duas upon a utterly embarrassed Nawal!

After a final goodbye she eventually left and Nawal escorted her downstairs. Five minutes later Nawal returned back to the room and shut the door sighing in relief.

As she turned however her heart stilled for a moment as her eyes landed on her husband.
He was standing by the balcony doors leaning against the doorframe with arms crossed on his muscular chest. Strands of his wavy hair were falling on his dark brows that were furrowed deep in thought. Although Nawal wouldn't admit it infront of him yet she knew deep down he was breathtakingly handsome and right now he looked extremely adorable and innocent unlike his usual mischievous self.

She walked slowly towards him stopping right by his side.
Yet his gaze was glued to the scene ahead.

Nawal gently placed her soft hand on his arm grabbing his attention, "Arhaan, the food is getting cold.You should eat."

He made a face at that, which only made him appear more cuter."I don't feel like eating Nawal. "

"You don't have to feel anything Arhaan. You just have to eat." Nawal said in a pleading tone.

Arhaan stared at her for a while, a sudden feeling of guilt gripping his heart.She looked immensely tired and pale today as she had been worrying about him since the past two days.

"Ummm....will you please get in.The chilly atmosphere here isn't good for your health."
Nawal timidly said averting her eyes feeling uneasy under his intense stare.

Arhaan nodded, not wanting to trouble her more. He walked back in and settled on the coach while Nawal sat beside him with the plate of food in hand.

After much insistence by her and even more protests from him Nawal somehow managed to feed him more than half of the plate.

"Here, take this medicines now." She ordered sternly and he had no option but to obey.

When he had finished everything as she said Nawal smiled triumphantly, "Now rest for some time.I'll go and see if Ammi needs help. "

She was about to get up but he caught her wrist preventing her from doing so.

Nawal looked down at his large hand firmly holding her delicate wrist and her gaze travelled upto his handsome face finally resting on his mesmerising eyes, too many emotions swirling within them.

They stared at each other in silence till Arhaan finally broke the silence, "JazakAllah Khayr for everything. "

Nawal felt her eyes widen slightly at the sudden confession.
But he was serious, immensely serious as it appeared by the sincerity in his tone and in his eyes.

"You don't have to thank me." Nawal assured with a small smile.

"I have to.....For many things....but I rarely do it." Arhaan sheepishly admitted and she so badly wanted to kiss him for he appeared extremely cute when he was this sincere and honest. His beautiful mesmerising eyes and the strands of his wavy hair that touched them slightly ,made him look so a cute adorable kid.

Nawal shook her head and kept the tray aside as she put her arms around him hugging him tight.

He stiffened for a moment then gently removed her arms from around his neck, "No Nawal, don't come near me.You might catch a cold too."

She raised an eyebrow at him amusedly.

Did Arhaan Shaykh just asked her to stay away?

"I could care less about what happens to me. "She stubbornly said hugging me again while kissing his cheek.

"But it matters to me Nawal.You mean the world to me." He spoke in a very serious tone as he kissed her hair and hugged her back.

Nawal smiled her cheeks flaming and heart fluttering with overwhelming happiness.

"Ok now Arhaan, your fever must be getting to your head to act so seriously all of a sudden. Go sleep." Nawal ordered as she stood up to leave.

"I mean everything I said. It's the truth. " He replied frowning as he stood up along with her.

"Fine...but now you should sleep."

"Your wish is my command Mrs.Arhaan Shaykh. "

"Now that's like a good and obedient husband." Nawal patted his head & made her way out of the room.

"May Allah SWT bless you Nawal", Arhaan yelled after her,"With beautiful and pious children. " He added with a mischievous smile repeating Hanifa khala's prayers.

Nawal halted in her steps and turned to look at him.He was still smiling, that warm heart melting smile which made it hard to not smile back.

She shook her head and smiled back taking a last look at his adorable face, before leaving the room as her heart silently prayed for his well being and happiness....for him to be smiling and joyful always!


In the huge hall of the Bakhtiyar's house, a beautiful, young girl was sitting on the sofa with her cellphone in her hands as she glared at the screen.

"Why isn't he responding to my texts?" She angrily questioned herself and the furry white cat with rich golden stripes resting on her lap meowed lowly.

Her dark brown eyes drifted to his lazy form sprawled on to her lap and her full pink lips twitched into a beautiful smile. "Nah Goldie, I wasn't talking to you." She spoke softly while running her elegant fingers through his soft fur.

He purred in response to her gentle touch and she smiled before focusing on her phone again.

"I swear by gulab jamuns, I will not come back unless you reply to my texts Afzal", She scolded, glaring at the screen as if the said person could hear her!

"Who are you talking to Zaara?" Mehreen asked confusedly as she entered the room with a huge tray in her hands.

Zaara looked up from her phone and smiled sheepishly at her bhabi,"I was just.....Ummm....talking to Goldie." She replied stroking his furry head.

Mehreen was almost about to drop the tray as she caught sight of his highness settled royally on his usual throne which happened to be Zaara's lap with his fat furry tail swaying in approval of the royal treatment being given to him!

"Shoo....shoo....Make him go away Zaara!" Mehreen yelled in disapproval.

Goldie opened his sleepy eyes as Zaara shifted slightly due to the impact of Mehreen's screaming .He turned his furry head towards Mehreen and yawned lazily as he realised she was no big threat in his territory before going back to sleep!

"Don't you remember what I had told you about jinns? " Mehreen reminded while hiding behind the sofa with a terrified look.

"Come out Mehreen bhabi, he won't harm you.And as for the jinns part, if Goldie was one he would have proved it by now."
Zaara answered irritatedly as she tightened her hold on the cat so that Mehreen could feel safe to step forward. Her love for cats was greater than her fear of jinns!

"Fine, but hold him firmly."
Mehreen ordered before timidly sitting on a faraway chair.

Zaara rolled her eyes as she stood up along with Goldie, "I'll just keep him upstairs in my room so that you can sit freely."

"Wash your hands before coming back. " Mehreen yelled after her as she headed upstairs.

After placing Goldie on her bed with a small portion of blanket over his furry body and washing her hands thoroughly, Zaara locked the door & walked back downstairs.

Mehreen sighed in relief settling comfortably on the sofa.

Zaara took a seat infront of her glancing at a plate in the huge tray on the table. "What's this Mehreen bhabi?"

Mehreen grinned smugly,"That's an Arabian sweet dish called Kataif. Have it."

Zaara smiled at her.Mehreen always liked to try new recipes from different cultures and mostly from the country she belonged to!

"This looks good MashaAllah",Zaara said as she picked one cautiously staring at the dark brown semicircular sweet.

"Have it first then you can give your feedback. It tastes like gulab jamun. " Mehreen persuaded her.

"Really??? Gulab jamuns???
Oh Mehreen bhabi you shouldn't have mentioned them now.I always miss gulab jamuns when I am not having them." Zaara woefully said putting her head down.

Mehreen rolled her eyes,"Stop with the gulab jamuns now and taste it already. I want to know what you think."

Finally Zaara tasted the delicacy in her hand and just by her facial expression Mehreen was assured that she more than liked it!!

"Oh my Allah! It tastes so much like gulab jamun.I could call them brothers or cousins."
Zaara exclaimed, her dark brown eyes sparkling excitedly.

Mehreen grinned wider at her reaction, "I knew it! I knew you would like it.Here, have some more." She offered her the entire plate.

In addition to that there were two big sized mouth watering pastries and a few snacks like spring rolls and cutlets in the huge tray.

Since Zaara had woken up late(perks of being at mom's house after marriage) and skipped breakfast Mehreen had put extra effort in making all those delicacies for her.

"Wow MashaAllah! I love pastries more", Zaara said smiling with the tip of her nose & cheeks covered in the cream of the pastries!

"Wait, let me take your pic and send it to Nawal." Mehreen suggested as she spotted the cream on Zaara's face.

"No! Don't do that.She will kill me if she comes to know I had pastries alone without her." Zaara spoke while taking a huge bite of the pastry.

"Oh Don't worry darling I will send it to her too with you when you go back to your in laws. " Mehreen politely offered.

"Fine, do as you wish. " Zaara distractedly said as she continued enjoying her late breakfast!

Mehreen stared amusedly at her,"You are so obsessed with pastries, cakes and gulab jamuns."

And hazel eyes, black pathani and ofcourse Afzal Shaykh!!!!

There was no response for atleast another five minutes.

"So, Mehreen bhabi, what's the latest talk of the town?" Zaara casually asked as she took a bite of the chicken spring roll.

"Your marriage."Mehreen informed with a smile.

Zaara paused in her eating session,"Really? But I am just an average person. Not any celebrity or something that my marriage would be of so much interest to people."

"All of Ammi's friends and our neighbours and all also women from our ishtema (religious weekly gatherings) have been asking about you."

"They are just curious...about everyone in general." Zaara nonchalantly replied.

Mehreen shook her head,"No my dear sis, not about everyone.Just you. And you remember that Fahima aunty?"

"Ofcourse I do", Zaara said making a face,"She has been troubling me ever since the time I became Islamically elligible for marriage."

Mehreen laughed at her choice of words, "Yeah, that woman is a horrible matchmaker."

"But honestly, nobody had told her to look for proposals for me and yet she would end up every week at our house with a new proposal for me.There are so many other girls in town yet it appeared that she had sworn to herself to get me married." Zaara spoke with a disapproving look.

"Did she seriously kept bringing proposals even after you denying one after another? "
Mehreen questioned curiously.

Zaara sighed remembering that tough period of her life,"Ofcourse she did! At first she was like.....The guy has four bungalows and eight cars and all of that idiotic stuff.Once I actually asked her if even one guy among the many she had suggested owned a bungalow in Jannah. I thought she would stop after saying that yet again next week she came up with another guy saying he was inexplicably handsome. Like seriously?Was I going to spend my life sitting and staring at his blessed face!"

Mehreen shook her head in disapproval, "I know....She is just horrible. She and a few others like her.But you won't believe what she has been saying to everyone around? And she even confronted Ammi as to why we got you married in the Shaykh family. She said she had suggested so many rich and better. "

"Mehreen bhabi those families weren't even practising.I know I shouldn't say anything about them but that's not what I was looking for. Just being rich and owning cars and stuff that's all I never really thought about."

"I know", Mehreen agreed,"But she has been spreading rumours everywhere that you had an affair with Afzal that's why you denied all other proposals she brought."

Zaara seemed unaffected as she picked up a cutlet and took a bite.

"How can you be so unaffected by it Zaara?" Mehreen asked slightly confused.

Zaara merely shrugged,"She is doing that just because we didn't consult her and take her opinion.
Allah knows best what the truth is. I doubt people will believe her. "

Mehreen leaned forward with a slightly terrified look,"I am afraid some of them already have believed it. One of those women actually told me that she wasn't expecting this from a girl like you."

Zaara laughed at that,"I could care less about what they believe. They aren't even thinking before believing. Afzal and I weren't even aware of each others existence until we met at your Walima programme. And like some people might be thinking we had any sort of Facebook connections, then I have an answer for that too, Coz I haven't used Facebook in my entire 23 years of life and neither any social networking sites that could possibly get me acquainted to anyone. And from what I know Afzal Shaykh isn't a vampire or werewolf either in case anyone might say we met paranormally."

Mehreen grinned in amusement, "People should really think before speaking and believing anyone."

"Let them think and speak whatever they want. I have never cared about it and I will never do so.The only ones that I truly care about are my loved ones." Zaara said in a matter of fact tone.

"I like your attitude Zaara", Mehreen said smiling,"Life becomes so much easier when you just focus on the only important people in your life."

Speaking of important people reminded her of something as Zaara paused in her task of eating the cutlet and grabbed her cellphone checking if he had responded.She wondered what was wrong with him as this silence of his was unusual.Even though he didn't speak much yet he could have just texted once or called or atleast respond to her messages.

"Something wrong Zaara?" Mehreen asked in concern.

Zaara looked up from her phone quickly composing herself, "No bhabi, nothing. Was just checking my whats app texts."
She didn't like talking about her problems to anyone except Nawal.

Mehreen gave her a teasing smile,"Looks like Afzal bhai is having a tough time without you to send so many miss you texts. "

"Yes MashaAllah, he is a very considerate husband. "
Zaara said smiling and her sister in law failed to detect the hurt emotions behind that fake smile.
It was hard actually to read her real feelings and Nawal was the only person who could do that.
Besides when Afzal was concerned , Zaara never spoke ill
about him...Mostly because she loved him to such an extent which made her own mind didn't want to accept the fact that Afzal wasn't a flawless person,that he too was just a human after all and could have shortcomings.

While they were engrossed in their discussion Mrs. Bakhtiyar entered the hall interrupting them,"Zaara, beta call & tell Afzal to come for lunch."

Zaara stiffened for a moment wondering what to say, he wasn't even receiving her calls but again she couldn't possibly tell that to her mother.

"Mamma, Afzal is busy today.He can't come." She inwardly asked her Creator to forgive her for lying to her mom.

Mrs.Zeenat Bakhtiyar stared at her unconvinced by the answer, "You have been giving the same excuse since yesterday. Have you even asked him?"

"Ofcourse I have asked Mamma", Zaara replied a little too quickly. "He ...just can't come today."

"Should I call Nargis and ask? " Her mom deliberately pressed the matter and Zaara shook her head. "No Mamma...Please don't do that. You know how Afzal doesn't like to change his decisions. "
She timidly added the last part.

"Fine but I want you to call him for dinner atleast." Mrs.Bakhtiyar sternly said and Zaara averted her gaze, "I'll try to convince him but I am not sure he would come.Arhaan bhai is also not well and so Afzal has to be there for him."

Mrs.Bakhtiyar nodded in understanding being convinced by this reason.

Zaara kept staring at her phone till her mom spoke again,
"I forgot to tell you...We need to go visit Juvairiya while you are here. She has been asking so much about you.You didn't even visit her once after marriage. "

"I was busy with my new life Mamma.So when should we go visit her?" Zaara asked inwardly cringing as she didn't quite like the thought. But Juvairiya aunty was her mom's friend and despite the awkwardness that Zaara felt she would have to face there was no option left but to agree with her mom.

"I think today we can go some time before Asr Salah. Because after Asr they have Quran classes for the kids." Mrs.Bakhtiyar informed and Zaara agreed with the decision.

Yet there was a little disturbing feeling in her heart that she would get whenever something was going to go wrong!


It was half past three in the afternoon when Zaara got ready wearing her abaya and Niqaab to go visit Juvairiya aunty along with her mom and Mehreen. She checked her cellphone one last time before putting it inside the clutch angrily and walking out of the room. He had just texted once in reply to one of her many messages.That too was just a simple reply of her salam.

Mrs.Bakhtiyar was carefully putting the gifts she was taking for her friend in a plastic bag when Zaara came downstairs.

"Mamma is this all for Juvairiya aunty?" She questioned while coming to stand closer.

"Yes." Her mom informed.
"Will you put these in while I go and wear my abaya? "

Zaara nodded and her mom left it to her. After placing the gifts in carefully, she dropped her clutch in the bag as well too lazy to carry it!

Mrs.Bakhtiyar and Mehreen joined her in the hall after getting ready & soon enough Anas came out as well, all of them finally heading out.

Anas dropped them to the Qureshi's place and left for his work promising to come back after an hour.

The visit wasn't as hard as Zaara thought it would be. For both Juvairiya aunty and her sister In law Mrs.Khadija Qureshi welcomed her very warmly just like they did always and she actually felt good like the olden days. Mrs.Bakhtiyar handed the plastic bag containing gifts to her friend & Zaara who was too engrossed in talking to Mehreen at that time forgot to retrieve her clutch from it!!

After spending nearly more than half hour with the women Zaara decided to go out in the garden along with Mehreen.Both girls excused themselves and the women continued to talk as they made their way out of the house.

The fresh evening breeze welcomed them as they stepped out of the huge house and walked slowly towards the garden.

Zaara looked around the familiar tranquil surroundings, a slight smile making its way on her face as she reminisced her beautiful childhood memories.
Her gaze drifted to the bench in the garden where a few little hijabi girls were sitting and talking amongst themselves.They had arrived early for the Quran classes which would be conducted after Asr Salah.

"This is the place where I and Afzal first met", Zaara informed her bhabi as they walked on the lush green lawn.
She could actually picture little Afz and Zaara sitting there before her! Her fragile heart ached in pain as almost every thought entering her mind would somehow relate to him.He had indeed become an inseparable part of her heart & mind!!

"Oh MashaAllah! How romantic!! " Mehreen exclaimed excitedly.

"It wasn't romantic Mehreen bhabi, we were just kids back then." Zaara shyly said.

"Yeah....that's why you never understood the affection building in your hearts for each other.But it was the start after all. How nice it must have been to sit here in this serene surroundings and enjoy each others company. " Mehreen almost tried imagining the scene in her head!

"We didn't really talk, or even look at each other. Well....Afzal did actually.. & I only answered him when I was in the mood." Zaara spoke remembering all of those good old days!

Mehreen shook her head,"You must be having such a big fat ego to not talk to him. Wasn't he cute or it was just your pride that made you act so stubborn?"

"He was very cute, MashaAllah,with those mesmerising hazel eyes , slightly brown silky hair and a charming smile on his adorable face. Plus he would try his very best to talk to me offering chocolates and giving compliments. " Zaara blushed as she said it all.

" very sweet of him! Just how could you resist such a cutie? " Mehreen dramatically questioned.

Zaara shrugged,"I just didn't like his creepiness. But that day when he picked up that scared kitten,it really touched my heart."

"You & your obsession with those stupid kittens! He tried so much to get your attention and you were only affected by that kitten part", Mehreen huffed.

Zaara quickly defended herself, "Just because I didn't express doesn't mean I hadn't liked him before,....Infact I had always liked him....",

And I always will....!!

It hurt her more as she said it, her entire world revolved around him and she couldn't take this silence of his anymore!

As they neared the bench the little girls looked up at the two Niqaabi intruders curiously. Mehreen and Zaara took of their Niqaabs and smiled at the girls offering their salams.

"You all look lovely in those little hijabs MashaAllah", Zaara complimented them encouragingly & the little ones gave her smug smiles in return. She had enough experience with her little neice to know how much girls loved to be complimented by someone!

"When I grow up I will also wear an abaya like you", One of the cute girls with chubby cheeks protruding through her small scarf excitedly said as she looked up at Zaara.

Zaara smiled warmly at the girl who reminded her of her own little self.Bending to her level she pinched her soft round cheeks,"You are such a cutie MashaAllah. And yes, you should
wear the abaya when you grow up, Infact you all should."Zaara paused and glanced at all the little ones who were surrounding her. "A woman modestly dressed is like a pearl in its shell. We girls are precious like diamonds, that is why Allah SWT has asked us to dress modestly and cover ourselves."

"Then we will also wear abaya and Niqaab like you", The others excitedly said and Zaara smiled patting their little heads.

"Say InshaAllah girls", Mehreen said smiling and all little heads looked up at her as they said InshaAllah in unison.

Young girls are always curious and inspired by elder girls and they usually follow in their footsteps. Mostly it's their teachers they are fond of but it could be anyone who shows an interest in listening to them and complimenting them.

Taking advantage of the situation Mehreen took a seat amongst them talking and laughing with them while also explaining to them the importance of modesty and seeking ilm (knowledge).Since Mehreen was an Aalima, she could do it very well.The girls listened intently as she told them how Prophet Muhammad (Peace & blessings of Allah be upon him)
used to welcome & congratulate a seeker of knowledge. Such honourable is the status of a seeker of ilm(knowledge) in the sight of Allah SWT, that the angels spread their wings on the path on which a taalib-e-ilm (seeker of knowledge) walks for seeking ilm.

"Wow!So we came walking on angels wings today?" One of the cute girls asked.

Mehreen nodded, "Not just today, everyday when you come here to learn about deen, about the Book of Allah, the angels spread their wings on your path in order to welcome you.A seeker of ilm is so special to Allah SWT. "

The girls smiled, their little hearts swelling in happiness as they realised how much Allah SWT loves them & how special and precious they diamonds!!

Time went by quickly as Zaara & Mehreen were engrossed in talking to the girls and answering all of their innocent queries.

It felt good to be in the midst of such innocence and talk about the Creator and His beautiful blessings . Especially Zaara felt her worries lighten and the pain of her shattered heart cease for a while.

Distracted by this atmosphere, Zaara forgot totally about her clutch which had her cellphone in it that she always kept on silent mode, and when Anas came to pick them she left without it !!!

It was after reaching home and offering Asr Salah that Zaara remembered about her clutch. To say she was shocked would be an understatement! She found it hard to believe her own stupidity!!

Instantly she went to her mom informing her about it with a sheepish expression. Mrs.Bakhtiyar scolded her for such absent mindedness then called Mrs.Qureshi to talk about it.

"....yes ok...that will do...sorry for the trouble Juvairiya. " Mrs.Bakhtiyar spoke into the phone and Zaara kept staring at her with concern etched over her face.

No sooner had her mom finished talking Zaara impatiently asked, "What did she say Mamma?Should we ask Anas bhaiya to go & collect it from there?"

"No, there is no need for it . Juvairiya already asked her son to give it to Afzal as he was going for Asr."Mrs.Bakhtiyar informed.

"But my cellphone is also in it Mamma.I will be needing my phone. " Zaara whined finding the existence without cellphone nearly impossible!

"That will teach you a good lesson how to act responsibly next time.Why did you put your clutch in the bag first of all? "

Zaara looked down sheepishly, "Because I ....I didn't want to carry it in my hand."

Mrs.Bakhtiyar shook her head at her daughter,"Seriously Zaara, stop being so lazy.You are a married woman now. And if you want your cellphone then call Afzal from my number and tell him to bring it here.Or may be he can give it to Anas during Maghrib salah as your brother will pray Asr at his work place only."

Zaara thought it was best to let it be with Afzal only as he had not been in a very bright mood since morning , let alone the fact that he hadn't even spoken to her. Asking him to bring it here didn't seem like a good idea.

If only she knew how much she had to worry about the person giving it to Afzal rather than her not having it back today...!!


The evening air seemed pleasant and soothing as Afzal stepped out of the Masjid much late after completing all his supplications like always. Faisal wasn't with him today as he had been to Saba's place and Arhaan had left earlier after the Asr salah.

Afzal walked towards his car taking in the peacefulness of the Holy place. No one was around except one or two people who were also heading home. His wandering gaze rested on a small rose plant nearby and his heart was captivated by the mesmerising beauty of one of the attractive fully blown roses. Afzal distractedly walked upto it, his hazel eyes staring admiringly at the pretty flower.

It was so beautiful and striking, simple yet elegant....just like her. Afzal sighed and gently touched the rose thinking of his wife.He had missed her so terribly....her smile, her cute rosy blush, her soft gentle touch....The glow in her dark brown eyes when she looked at him....he had missed everything about her!!
And what enraged him more was the thought of someone else liking her in the way only he was supposed to. In his anger he hadn't received her calls neither replied to her texts the entire day yet it only hurt him more every time he saw her text and placed it aside afraid he might say something that will disappoint her.

But again he couldn't stay for long without seeing her graceful face that made his day, without hearing her voice,....that soft gentle voice which seemed like melody to his ears...!!

Afzal frowned to himself as he just couldn't live so distant from her anymore.He was so used to being around her that he found it hard to believe she wasn't with him at present. Finally he decided he would go to her house and bring her back now itself.

Afzal let go of the flower he was admiring and headed to his car determined to go to her place and bring her back.

Just as he was about to get in, he heard someone call his name.
Afzal halted and looked around to find someone he least expected or rather not wanted to see at this moment.

Owais Qureshi was standing by his Mercedes which was parked a little away from his car. Afzal offered him a fake smile and answered his salam.

Owais took out something from his car and walked towards him stopping right infront,"I thought you had left already but then I saw your car and decided to wait for you here."

Afzal frowned wondering why Owais would wait for him.
That's when he caught sight of something familiar. His heart stilled for a moment as his eyes remained glued to it in utter shock....It was her's.....Zaara's clutch...!!

Owais extended it towards him,"Zaara left it at our place when she had come in the afternoon. "

Afzal just stood staring at it, as his entire world turned upside down!

Zaara went to his place? This afternoon? Why didn't she ask me before going?
Rage took over his whole form and it took all of his self control to not say or do anything he would regret later.

Owais stared confusedly at his strange behaviour and Afzal took the clutch from him swiftly not wanting to stay in the suffocating atmosphere for long. For he didn't know how much more he could stand being in the presence of that guy whom he hated now with every cell of his being!! Just the way he uttered Zaara's name made him enraged
beyond belief.

Without a word he got in his car and slammed the door shut throwing the clutch on the seat beside him.Fury oozing through his entire being, he started the car and straightaway headed to her house.


Zaara was engrossed in the kitchen making evening snacks and tea to distract her woeful mind when the doorbell rang. She quickly lowered the burner flame and went out to see who it was as Mehreen and her mom were offering Salah in their rooms.

Wrapping the hijab neatly around her head Zaara opened the door only to be met with the most unexpected sight!! There before her Afzal Shaykh stood with a very angered expression, the like of which she had never seen before!

She gulped visibly at his form fuming with rage and stared down at her feet.

"Come outside", Afzal ordered in a very stern tone and she looked up perplexed at his behaviour.

"I told you to come outside Zaara." He repeated harshly.

Zaara felt her heart beats quicken and fear gripping her form at the way he was talking to her.Something was seriously wrong! He had never talked to her like that.

Slowly and cautiously she stepped out and closed the door behind her.

"Where were you today afternoon?" He questioned trying to keep back his rage as he stood before her with arms crossed on his chest.

Zaara frowned at the sudden question not quite getting the real cause of his disappointment, "I had been to visit Juvairiya aunty."

"Why? Why did you go there?" He asked in a dangerously low voice stepping closer to her and she stepped back frowning deeper.

"Just to visit them." Zaara timidly answered.

"Then care to explain why Owais Qureshi out of all people had your clutch? " He almost threw the clutch in her direction and Zaara flinched back as it fell on to the floor.

"I had left it there by mistake.So Juvairiya aunty asked him to give it to you at the mosque. And I wasn't alone.Mom and bhabi were with me."
She added finally realising it was Owais he had a problem with.

Afzal stared at her for a while, his heart a bit relieved that she didn't go there alone,"But why didn't you inform me that you were going? You were supposed to ask me first."

"How could I have asked you when you weren't even talking to me Afzal? You didn't respond to any of my texts or calls since morning. " Zaara tried to make him understand as calmly as possible.

He looked away for a while knowing she was right but the anger surging through him made it harder for him to stay calm,"Yet still this was something you should have taken permission from me for. If you had asked me then I would have stopped you from going.But no, you had to just go there without any care about whether or not I approve of it. And let me tell you this, I absolutely do not want you ever going to that house again in the future." Those words came out harsher than he had intended slicing straight through her fragile heart!!

Zaara looked up at him, with such a pained expression that he regretted almost everything he said ever since the time he arrived. Never before had she hated his presence so much than she did right now.

They just stood in silence, none of them saying anything after that .....but this silence wasn't a peaceful one like always ....It was painful....thick with tension and hurted both people whom it was surrounding!

Zaara slowly raised her eyes, the tears clouding them now streaming down her face freely......!!

Afzal felt his heart shatter all over again at the sight of her in tears....She was hurt...because of him...& he couldn't stand to see that....he stepped back looking away from her tear stained face. His loving heart yearned to comfort her, to take her in his arms but his mind told him not to, ....that he had done enough damage to her heart already....& he would only end up hurting her more if he tried anything else...!!
Broken and defeated, he picked up her clutch from the floor and handed it to her, his hazel eyes softening as she extended her trembling fingers to take hold of it.

Afzal clenched his jaw, hating himself more than ever for doing this to her....he just couldn't bear it to see her in tears and knowing he was the cause of it....,

With a last apologetic look at her tear stained face he walked away from her....crushing her heart into a million pieces as he did so....!!!

It wasn't just her heart that shattered, ....but the two hearts that had fallen in love with each other ....shattered all over again....!!!!


Later that night after the kitchen was cleaned and the daily Taalim was over, Zaara made her way to her mom's room.

She entered the room to find her mom sitting on the bed reading a book of duas. Her dad was in the hall talking to Anas.
Zaara took a seat opposite to her mom and gently began to press her mom's feet as was her habit before marriage.

Mrs.Bakhtiyar closed the book of duas and placed it aside before looking at her daughter.
"Go and sleep beta.No need to do that."

Zaara shook her head,"No Mamma, my Jannah lies under your feet.Let me do this.I have already sinned so much." She woefully said remembering how her husband had made it seem through his words that she wasn't fulfilling her duties correctly.

Her mom smiled,"You know Zaara, our Prophet SAW said,
"If a woman offers her five daily prayers, fasts her month (i.e. Ramadan) and guards her chastity and obeys her husband, it will be said to her:
Enter paradise from whichever of the gates of paradise you wish to enter."

Zaara looked up at her mom knowing full well what her mom was implying. There was absolutely nothing she could hide from her mother!

"I know Mamma", she sheepishly admitted.

Mrs.Bakhtiyar stared at her daughter with a stern look,"You know but you do not act upon it Zaara.And you still haven't told me why Afzal had come in the evening?"

"He had just come to return my clutch. "

"Then why didn't he come in atleast?" Mrs.Bakhtiyar questioned staring intently at her.

"Because he was in a hurry.He had other tasks to do."

Her mom looked at her in disbelief, "You expect me to believe that Zaara? I have taken care of you for 23 years to know when you are lying and when you are speaking the truth."

Zaara averted her gaze, guilt consuming her mind,"Mamma....I haven't done anything wrong."

"What advice did I give you before marriage?"
Mrs.Bakhtiyar asked scrutinising her face,"What did I say about the rights of your husband?"

Zaara kept staring down remembering the hadith her mom had told her that our beloved Prophet SAW said:
"if prostration was allowed, I would ask wives to prostrate to their husbands. (As a sign of respect) "

"I know all of that Mamma."
Zaara irritatedly said.

Mrs. Bakhtiyar shook her head,"Our Prophet SAW also said: If women knew about their husbands' rights, they would stand at their service till finishing supper & lunch."
Remember always, it's not just about knowing. Iblis ( Shaytaan)
was also an Aalim. He had more knowledge than you & me ....but it's not just about having knowledge. "

The daughter felt her guilt consuming her mind entirely as once again her eyes filled with tears.Biting her lip she looked up at her mother as vulnerable and helpless as a bird with broken wings,"Mamma....I didn't intend to disappoint him. And ...I wasn't the only one who was in the wrong."

Mrs.Bakhtiyar smiled warmly at her,"This is what you have to understand Zaara.This is exactly what you need to know.If a person is always right and good to you, you will always love and adore them.But the real love is when you still love them with their flaws and shortcomings.
A loving heart is always generous dear daughter, it looks past the faults in others and still loves them.A loving heart is forgiving & caring.
People say that we find true love in life, but let me tell you, True love isn't found, it is built.
You have to work on your relationship, learn to forgive and look past the faults, even if you aren't in the wrong totally, partially you were still there is no harm in it if you let go off your ego a bit and be the one to apologise first..because the relation is what matters and the person you let go your ego for is totally worth it."

Zaara listened intently as the depth of the words spoken registered in her mind.

"Men are not very expressive Zaara.He may not be telling you the reason why he is behaving in a particular way, but you have to understand.Because if not you who else is going to understand your life partner?
If there is something he disapproves of, then don't do it.
If you obey him, you please your Creator in turn but if you disobey him then remember you have to answer Allah SWT on the day of judgement." Her mom explained further.

Zaara continued pressing her feet and Mrs.Bakhtiyar stopped her from doing it further,"It's not just this that your Jannah lies in, you are somebody's wife too.Go and mend your relationship first, you have done your job as a daughter well enough."

Zaara smiled at her mom hugging her before heading out of the room. She walked upstairs willing herself to do what she was supposed to!


"It's ok Zaara.Misunderstandings arise in every relationship. And you should just let go of them.
A relation is just like a book while a misunderstanding is a single page in the book.So it's better to just tear out that one page rather than ruining the entire book." Nawal advised her friend on the phone.

Zaara sighed as she took in all of it."Yeah Nawal you are right. "

She had just poured her heart out to her friend after coming to the room.
"Is Arhaan bhai ok now?"

"Yes Alhamdulillah aside from his whining that I make him feel like a kid he is fine."
Nawal informed.

Zaara smiled, "Good to hear that.And Nawal. ...did Afzal have dinner?"

"Yeah he just took a few bites on Ammi's insistence. That guy has been so much miserable without you."

"I know, I am a terrible person", Zaara said, her voice breaking.

"Oh my precious friend, do not cry.I promise I will make gulab jamuns for you when you come back. " Nawal tried to cheer her.

"No amount of gulab jamuns can cure the pain of my shattered heart." Zaara seriously said making her friend laugh.

"InshaAllah everything will be fine. Now don't stress too much." Nawal advised.

The two friends chatted much more until finally Zaara hung up and went to offer Salah of repentance. She cried and supplicated before her Creator pouring out the pain of her wounded heart.

When she had finished, Zaara grabbed her cellphone and typed an apology text with trembling fingers:

Afzal, I know I was wrong and that I am a terrible person.
Trust me i didn't intend to hurt you.I would never do that intentionally. I should have taken your permission before going. I am extremely sorry.Please forgive me ....I know you will...because you have a loving heart...!!
And I promise I will never again repeat this mistake.

She waited half an hour after sending the text, her heart and mind filled with anxiety and anticipation yet .....There was no response and she shed bitter tears till her eyes finally shut on their own accord.

If only she had waited another few minutes she could know that it wasn't only her loving heart that could forgive!


Afzal finished his meditation and settled on his bed finally looking at his cellphone after hours.His eyes widened as he noticed a text from her that had arrived half an hour ago.

She is apologising ? For what? Afzal frowned as he read it again.

His fingers moved on their own accord as his heart took control over his mind,"

I am the one who should apologise my dear,
But it's the goodness in your heart that never gives me a chance to prove that I can at least be half as good as you.
My actions were absolutely irrational and my words meaningless,
Yet I know that your loving heart will always forgive me even if I don't deserve....!!!

With that he sent it to his beloved, his own heart feeling relieved yet missing the warmth of her presence as he lay down on his bed staring at the ceiling with a slight smile...!!

A/N: Dear readers I am highly grateful for your support and comments :))

And sorry for the delay as circumstances are such that I can't help it.....remember in duas please. It's time I remind my own stupid heart to have HasbiAllah!

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