
By xoamaandreea

13.4K 210 55

Andrea has lived a hard life so far. Her mother died when she was young-aged, her father kept lying about hid... More

Tiny Prologue
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV

Chapter VII

628 8 1
By xoamaandreea

"Good morning, sleepy. Time to wake up!"

"Five minutes.”

"Good one, now really, you need to wake up. School starts in two hours and we need to hurry up. It's Monday so the bus comes earlier."

"Fine, leave the room. I need to change."

"The breakfast is prepared on the table, still hot."

"Wait! What happened last night?! Are you ok?!"

"Calm! I told you I’m used to it. I'll tell you everything when the right time comes."

"I can listen now! Adam, are you hiding something? Cause suddenly, everyone seems to lie to me: my father, my grandma, you. What am I supposed to do? I wasn't born yesterday and I know you hide tons of things and it's better to open up your mouth and talk!"

"I will. I promise. Now you know and I can't hide anything anymore. But just lend me some time ok?"



I couldn't argue with him now. His eyes were puffy, he was moving in slow motion so it was obvious that he wasn't feeling so well and I didn't want to stress him more.

"When the right time comes..."

I'll just wait.

But I knew I was right. Everyone around me was lying about important things. What's next? I would find out that I was adopted or that my father was a dirty and dangerous criminal. I needed answers! After I leave the courses I will call Patrick. But I had to survive the day.


"Mrs. Carter? The right answer is?"

We were having math. George Brighton was the most dangerous teacher in the high-school or maybe from the whole city. I bet he and Trembley were in good dealings. They seemed to like each other but he was much younger than her. He was a well-made man. Tall, the muscles looked worked, so it was clear he was hitting the gym, fast minded because he was giving strong replies and he was merciless with our grades. I couldn’t care less. I'm gone in three months.

Faster if you call Patrick, later if you don't.

"Mrs. Carter?" He said, on an ordinary tone like he was prepared for making me feel ashamed.

"The answer is..."

"21, Andrea."


"Right… Be more attentive in the future."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Many other things rather than focus at the lesson. Last night, while you were sleeping, I found this old book of my dad's and I saw a number and some initials. I think is a person that might help us."

"Are you going to become a spy and search for your dad? This isn't supposed to be like this. We just have to wait."

"No way, Adam, he is gone. I need to find him. If I wait 24 more hours here, I’m going to find myself in a van, led to an old deposit by some strangers. What about you? I need some explanations about that night ok?"

"I told you that you'll get them. Just wait. And please remember that the beginning hasn't begun yet."

Later that day, I decided to take a break from everything, to concentrate on something else but not my problems. But instead of this I could catch the attention of some dude. Not every dude...James.

"Hey sweetie. Where's your friend? Did he leave you alone?"

"Be gone James. I'm not in the mood of standing you."

"You seem alone. I could be helpful."

"Yes, you could if you would go away."

Of course he didn't. He wanted to get on my nerves. I was expecting that he will start bullying me… but he didn't. Instead, he sat near me on the bench, placed outside the school yard.

For five seconds the silence was kept. Then I felt my mouth moving and saying...

"What happened between you and Adam? He told me you were good friends."

He hesitated for a moment.

"Nothing important. I decided to take a break. During the period we were...talking, I couldn't find anything in common, but the fact we were both smart. Also, he has some secrets and when I found them out I decided it's the end. I didn't want to deal with him anymore because it seemed it was too much. He just lied..."

He sighed and looked away in the air, then let his head in the ground.

"So, I thought that is better to forget everything and become a new person. Said and done! I got rid of my old life and became popular." He released a muffled sound, making it a laugh. "I'm not a bad guy, but, you know the kids. I need a reputation in this school."

"You already made it. You can't lose it again. Though, I wanted to ask you if you could talk to Adam. I know he is sad and he hasn't got the opportunity to apologize yet. Maybe you could fix everything."

"I'm sorry Andi. I won't do that even if I can 'cause, whatever Adam hides, it's better not to know it. It's safer and it's not my business. I don't want to get involved. And it's true that I know some things but please don't ever ask me about them ok? At least I promised him I won't tell anyone only if we quit being friends. We both know it's better like this."

He stood up, ready to leave but I grabbed him and asked...

"No! Don't...leave."

"I don't want to but it's late. Come!"

"Oh, alright then."

I grabbed my bag fast and followed him. Few moments later, while we were entering the hall, Adam was leaning on a wall right in front of us and throwing me harsh glances.

James waved and walked away and so did I. But I shouldn't have. I was sure Adam was furious and we were going to argue. My mistake...

"Andi, what was on your mind?!"

"Not here, Adam."

"Right! We'll talk about it home. Gosh..."

He ran his hand through his hair, grabbed his bag and pulled me out of the school lending me my jacket.

The whole way home was quiet. None of us was strong enough to say a word. But after we arrived home...

"We're home! Now split everything."

"I have nothing to say. If you don't want to talk to James, that doesn't mean I’m supposed to stay away from him. You have your own problems. James told me he doesn't want be involved in this. And I want you to explain me what "this" means because and I’m sure this isn't about just… common stuff. What's going on?"

"Firstly, you are not allowed to talk to James anymore..."

"You can't tell me what to do! Who do you think you are, Adam?! In fact why don't you really tell me who you really are and why do you keep from me?

"I don't need to tell you everything okay? I don't have to clarify the things in front of you. Friends don't ask that! Friends trust each other!"

"Trust needs to be earned. And don't tell me about trust okay? You're the one who lied me all this time and I’m sick of it. I'm sick of secrets and strangers and lies and things that kept happening all this time. I'm tired of running and protecting myself 'cause I have no one left in my life. I have questions waiting for answers that probably no one's going to tell me. My father's gone, I’m captive in this old house, living with a guy that keeps lying to me and I have no way out!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Spare me... I'm tired."

I was angry about the whole situation. I thought to call Patrick, but obviously I could explode at the phone and scare him. I wanted to clarify everything calmly and slowly: to get ready, to pack and to wait for an adult to deal with everything.

As I was laying in the bed, the phone called. I didn't look at the number. I couldn't recognize it so I answered anyway. It was James. I didn't know how to respond, to greet him. I said I could explode if someone pisses me off, especially James. But I kept calm and said...

"Hey, James!" My voice was hoarse and tired. It sounded like an old machine woke up to life after a long break.

“You don't sound that well. Is there something wrong?"

Not specific to James to worry or to care, but let's play by his rules.

"I'm fine, just tired, long day."

"Is your bodyguard hanging on your hand and you can't talk?"

"No James! Adam is not here."

"You had a fight. Am I right?"

He knows everything I do. And how does he know my phone number?

"James, I’m not in the mood to discuss drama. I just want everything to be quiet now. Why did you call?"

"I wanted to ask you something but... If you're feeling bad, I'll tell you tomorrow."

"No! Just ask me. One thought over thousands means nothing."

"Well, on Friday night is the City Celebration Party at the school and if you're available, I wanted to ask you if you want to join me. How's that?"

"I know... Adam's not coming… so I will!" I said excited.

"Perfect! Thanks. I'll pick you at 8 p.m., alright?"

"See you then. Goodnight."

''Goodnight, Andrea."

After hanging up the phone, I felt really stupid. I realized that over all my life and death situations I could still manage to let myself be an ordinary teenage girl, picked up by her partner on the way to the lamest prom of the year, surrounded by the same old, idiotic pairs of people balancing on the dance floor, soaked in sweat and alcohol, ready to get as laid as they could.

Hopefully, that night, I could have been one of them.

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