Shut up and love me (Dally Wi...

By TheInsiders

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Shut up and love me (Dally Winston Romance)
Chapter 1: The Fight That Changes It All
Chapter 2: Friday Night Traditions, Saturday Morning Frights
Chapter 3 Making It Official
Chapter 4 A Night To Remember
Chapter 5 Love birds
Chapter 7: For him I would do anything
Chapter 8: Johnny + Bree = Forever
Chapter 9: Pony make a move
Chapter 10: How does the last name Winston sound?
Chapter 11: Kissing in the rain
Chapter 12: The Rumble
Chapter 13: Don't die mom
Chapter 14: Getting out of Town
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 6:Am I in love?

2.8K 44 9
By TheInsiders

Zoe's view point 

   Bree, Ely, and I walked over to where Logan said he would be, we had agreed to bring back Catherine but now that she was dating Dal... I thought I would be awkward to bring her here, just to tell him that she is dating Dal. "Wha'd you guys think about them." I said breaking the silence. "Cat hates him, I just don't understand." Ely said looking out for socs. "I think she will play Dal, like she does with every guy." Bree said kicking a rock. "I don't know she looks pretty happy, and I have to agree with Ely, I don't understand they hate each other. Now they love each other all the sudden, it doesn't add up." I said as I picked up the rock and through it. "Hey I was kickin' that rock." Bree said trying to sound tuff, we aren't as tuff without Cat. "How we gonna break it to him." Ely asked as she looked behind us to check. "I don't know. You think I know this shit." I said getting a bit angry. Cat never goes anywhere without us. 

  "Calm down Zoe, it won't help gettin' all mad at us." Bree said. "I know I'm sorry just a little mad, how could she just do that." I said "Do what?" Ely asked. "Just wake up one day and love the guy you've hated from the very start." I said knowin' I sounded pretty stupid. "Maybe she never hated him, maybe she hated the fact that she would never have him." Bree said. "That's it! We need to get them to hate each other. we will make them get in fights, it will break them up and we will get Cat back." I said, hopefully no one heard. "Zoe, she is happy for once. Can we just not break her heart. Can we just let her be. She won't forget about us." Ely said now gettin' on my nerves. "Whatever." I said stomping off. 

Ely's point of View

   Man I was gettin' sick of Zoe always trying to ruin it for Cat, Cats has done nothin' to ruin Zoe's life. In fact she probably made Zoe's life better then it would have ever been. "Whats her problem?" Bree asked. "She's just jealous of Cat." I said. We found Logan we walked over to him, and he looked at us "Where's Cat?" He asked as he looked for her. "Uhm, Logan she is Dating Dally, Dally Winston." I said so fast I was afraid of what he would do next. "Dating? Dally Winston. Ha ha nice joke where is she?" He asked again. "No she's really dating Dally Winston." Bree said backing me up. "Oh...." He sat down on the floor, and pulled out a cigarette. "I really thought I was gonna get to see her again..." He said as if she has died or somethin'. "I'm sorry, Cheer up though, there's other girls.See ya around." I said as I turned around, Bree followed close behind. 

  I didn't know where to go, without Zoe, we really didn't know. So we just went to the Curtis house, a block away you could hear shouting. "WELL GOD DAMMIT! IF YOU GONNA TALK LIKE THAT MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T BE TOGETHER!" I heard Dally shout. We looked at each other and started running to the house, we saw Cat open the gate and she started running, Dally was right behind her along with the rest of the boys, We took a short cut and caught up with her. We know exactly where she goes when she gets pissed or sad. Dally was close behind, and so was pony. We speed up and ran to this run down warehouse, where Cat would spend hours, punching bags of flour, or the pillow we set up to practice throwin' knives. We had set up basically an area where we hung out and got better at everything.

  I closed the door behind us knowin' they wouldn't be able to follow us here, because we lost them way back. Just then we heard somethin' in the upper part of the warehouse. We all looked up, and Zoe, jumped down. "Cat, I think we need to talk." She said pulling out a kinfe. Cat pulled out a gun, and a knife. "Nice try." Cat whispered. "I still got one more thing to tell you before I lkill you." Zoe said. "Logan, and I are datin', I know you and Dally were dating. To bad he can't be here to stop me." She said in a sinster voice. Just then, I heard this loud bang, and Zoe was on the ground, bleeding. Cat dropped the gun, and looked shook up. "What did I just do" She mouthed as she backed up. The boys found away in, Cat ran to Zoe, "I'm sorry." She weeped. "I desevered it, I pushed your limits. I finally got to see how far Catherine could go. Just don't mess up, get yourself cleaned up kid, you're going to be a great mother one day, don't ruin it by going to jail." Zoe said as she slowly closed her eyes. 

  Cat stood up, and looked at Bree, "I swear my heater wasn't even loaded." She said as she checked, no bullets. never has been. I turned around to find Logan on his knees crying, he had a gun, he killed Zoe. I could tell Catherine, was really not in a good state, first she got in a fight with her boyfriend, then her best friend tried to kill her, then her best friend is now dead. She had tears in her eyes but she wouldn't dare let them fall. She turned around and looked at me, then at Logan. Logan stood up. "I-I'm so sorry." He said, she pushed him against the wall, "Why would you do that!" She shouted at him. She was pissed. He just looked at her. "Why?" She asked trying hard not to cry. I knew she was think' about killing him, but she didn't. She dropped to her knees, I fell down next to her, we cried Brie came and cried with us. Dally came and helped her up, and hugged her while she cried. Normally when a girl cried around him, he would make her cry more, but he just held her and told her everythin' was gonna be alright. 

   Which we all knew it was gonna be, but currently it wasn't. 

Dally's point of View

   I held her close, to me. I know I would be the same way. I've never been this way with a girl, where I could hold her, and just listen to her cry in pain not in pleasure. I don't like it when girls cry. it bugs me. She was shaking, I only saw Zoe, fall to the ground, that's all I saw so what ever happened before must have shook her up. I rubbed her back, and hoped she would stop. I didn't want to seem weak but I thought I may cry if she don't stop crying soon. I was tough, so I wasn't gonna cry infront of the guys, I never thought Catherine would either. But I guess girls just got there breaking points. They gang came over and hugged her. Soda, was like her brother, they held onto each other as if they would never see each other again. 

  I liked Catherine, I liked her a lot. There's just somethin' about her. I haven't figured it out yet but I will. She's very strong, shes been through a lot I'll give her that. What am I feeling, Am I, No I can't be, I'm in love. 

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