Chapter 7: For him I would do anything

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Dally's point of View 

     We all walked back to the Curtis house, nobody said a word, I don't think anyone had anything to say. The girls just walked together, I could read their faces, but they all looked pretty worried. I thought back to what I saw, Catherine holding a heater, Zoe dropping to the ground. Catherine was tough and but not tough enough to kill her friend. I know Logan did it, but could have Catherine? I doubt it, I looked up, and saw Catherine running away, should I chase her. I went to go but Soda held me back "C'mon man, just let her be." He said I just looked down at his hand on my chest. "She's my girl." I said as I ran off after her. Nobody tried to stop me, I was unstoppable. I found her in the park, she was on her knees covering her face. Nobody was there so she wasn't makin' a scene. I can't stand it when girls do that, unless its when I'm messin' with them. "You okay?" I asked as I walked closer to her. She got up, and hugged me now burying her face in my chest. "Why did she have to go?" She asked between sobs. 

    "Everybody goes, it's not your fault." I said rubbing her back. "Dally, don't ever leave me." She said looking up at me. "I won't." I said, I knew I meant it. For the first time. "If I tell you something I've never told anyone else, you can't tell anyone." I said . "Okay, I promise." She said looking up at me. "I've never felt this way ever before about a girl, I normally drop them after a week or so. There's just somethin' about you." I said, praying she would feel the same way. She looked at me and smiled, she kissed me "I feel the same way." She laughed. We sat on the ground and watched the sun set, I've seen many before just never told Pony that I watch them. I've never told anyone in fact. "You now Dally, I never thought you would be the one to watch the sun set with me." She said breaking the silence. She got up and stretched "We should get goin'." She said I got up and grabbed her hand. She looked down at our hands, and smiled. 

Catherine's Point of View

   I was completely head over heels in love with Dally, he's on my mind 24/8 yes 24/8 not 24/7 that's how much he means to me. I think I would die if he ever left me. When I'm near him, my heart races. When we are apart I feel like I'm dying. For him I would do anything. But you can't tell a guy that then he thinks he can get you do to anything with him or for him. Zoe got what she wanted, she wanted attention. She got everybody's attention. At least she died happy. I just want Dally to be with me for the rest of my life, I want to have kids with him even if he doesn't like kids. I smiled at my own thoughts, I heard a car horn and I brought my head up to see it was Darry pulling up in his car. He just got home from work. Someone had to tell him it wasn't going to be me, he had a crush on Zoe everybody knew Zoe didn't like him, and we all knew she never would. 

   I followed Dally inside with Darry right behind me, I didn't say anythin'. He knew somethin' was up, because I always have somethin' to say. I didn't feel so sad anymore. Zoe was in a happier place. She'd always talk about how she wanted to die. I never knew her life would end in that way. Darry looked at all of us, tryin' to figure out what happened, I wasn't gonna open my mouth, I didn't think anybody else would either. "Where's Zoe?" He asked "She.... She died today Darry...." Steve said "She what?" He asked "She was shot and she died." Steve said again Darry looked at me. "Who?" He asked looking at me. "Logan." I blurted out. "That kid?" He asked "Yeah...." I trailed off. "Why?" He kept askin' questions nobody wanted to answer. "He did it, because Zoe was gonna kill Catherine." Bree said a little too loud. "Zoe.. wouldn't kill anybody." He said as he looked at me. 

  "She had a heater out and ready to shoot." Ely said. "Oh and Like you didn't." He said looking at me. "I did but it wasn't loaded." I said now defending myself. "How do the cops know that?" He asked. "They don't even know it happened. and I have the heater everybody knows it's never loaded." I said "I didn't know that." He said "Darry, her heater was never loaded just drop it she didn't kill Zoe." Soda said. "You where all there?" He asked "Yeah." everyone said. "I'm sorry Catherine. I just...." He trailed off. "We know you really liked her." Bree said. "It just doesn't seem right." He said shaking his head. "She's gone now, nothing we can do." I said 

  Dally and I decided to leave before he asked even more questions, we walked to my house, I knew my mom or sister weren't gonna be home they are down in Florida visiting my cousins. We walked through the back door, and walked to my bedroom. I haven't been here in two years. It was still the same. We crawled into my bed and cuddled, we didn't do anythin' except look into each others eyes. It took me awhile to fall to sleep Dally was asleep pretty fast, I just played with his hair, he tightened his hold on me, and pulled me closer. I just wrapped my arms around him and fell asleep. I woke up to him trying to get to up without waking me up. "shit." He said I kissed him on the lips, and just looked at him. So tough, strong, rough, hot, but yet he was real sweet, kind, and well, loving. He still had the same attitude. Just he acted different around me. I thought back to last night when I realized I would do anything for him, I knew for a fact now I would. 

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