Chapter 1: The Fight That Changes It All

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Catherine's Point Of View

  Zoe, Ely, Bree  and I  were walking over to the Curtis house when I heard a car driving behind us, we all spun around. "Wha'd you want?" Zoe blurted out, she was shaking with fear. "Cat, you seen Dal?" The driver stopped next to us. "No, Why would I know where he is." I looked at Bree who had turned pale in the face. "alrighty." They drove off, leaving behind a trail of dust and leaves. "God you guys are stupid." I said under my breath before I walked up to the Curtis house as they followed. I walked in Dally wrapped an arm around my neck, then pulled me into a death lock. "some Socs looking for you." I tried pulling myself out of his hold. Zoe, Bree and Ely walked in looking like they were going to be sick. "Really what did I do now." He let go finally, I managed to get my breath  back. "You guys look like your gonna be sick." Pony said as he entered  the room. I turned and looked at my tough friends. "They were just Socs. Get over it." I walked over to the couch and sat down.

 Soda ran in and laid down on the couch his head fell down in my lap. "Hi Cat." He smiled his adorable smile. "Hi Soda." I smiled back. "Cat I heard you stole a few cokes from some Socs." Two bit looked up at me. "Yeah so what's your point?" I glanced over at the T.V.. "You're not afraid of them?" Pony looked at me. "Nope. They're just people, it's not like they're gods or anything." I looked over at my friends who were still standing by the door. Johnny opened the door, he pushed through the ghostly white friends of mine. He looked like he had been beat up. We all looked. "Who did that to you Johnny?!" Dally jumped up. I would have too if Soda's perfect head wasn't in my lap. "Some Socs, they were looking for you Dal." He sat down by Soda's feet. Soda sat up. I slid down on the ground next to Johnny.

 He looked like he had been cut, and punched. He was bleeding but not too bad. Darry came in. "Johnny what happened." Darry went and got the first aid kit. I was the only one who knew how to fix people up. He needed at least two stitches. I cleaned his cuts first everyone was watching me. Then I stitched him up. "What would we do without you Cat."  He said with tears in his eyes.  "They'll never hurt you again." I smiled. Steve walked in. "Johnny what happened?" He sat down next to Johnny. "Them Socs beat me up." Johnny started to tear up again. I stood up. He stood up and buried his face in my chest.  I just stood there rubbing his back.  I hated it when people cried, it always made me wanna cry. No I wasn't going to cry in front of Dal. Pony started to walk over to hug Johnny, I let go of him and stood back. 

 "Stop crying. You're gonna make me cry." I looked at the group of tough girls. I saw the car that had been following us. I guess the girls had saw to because they headed out to beat them up. Those were my best friends. I followed after them. They knew I always made the first move. "You beat up Johnny." I looked at the one with the rings. "It an'it your fight it's his." The tall one eyed me. "Yeah well shit face, I'm here not him." I glared at all of them. "What did you say?" The tall one looked at Ely now who pulled out her switchblade. "She said she's here, shit face number two." I heard Soda say. I turned around and saw all of them standing there. I wasn't expecting them to do anything, I mean who would hit a lady? But I was wrong, I was punched well enough to know it'd leave a scar. I stumbled back some, but took some steeps towards the socs who had punched me. I punched him right in the nose that better teach him something. They all ran back to the little fancy car flipping us off, and cussing. I don't think I had ever been hit that hard before. I could only focus on the pain in my lip and the stinging on my cheek. 

 "Cat your bleeding." Zoe pulled my face towards her. "A little cut, I'll survive." I looked at Bree who had a cut on her forehead. "No, like he messed up your lip pretty bad Cat." Ely looked. "Ew  Cat, I hate blood!"Ely ran towards a bush where she threw up. She's a real light stomach. I couldn't help but mess with my lip, it pretty felt nasty.  I walked back into the house and grabbed a paper towel. I bleed right through it. I grabbed a blue towel, I looked in the mirror I busted my lip pretty bad. I needed stitches. I got the first aid kit, and did the Stitches quickly it stopped bleeding soon, it looked like I fell while playing or something. I walked back out into the Living room. "Wow, that's a hot look." Ely laughed. "Shut up Ely, It hurt like-" Darry Cut me off. "Not in front of Pony. He is only 14." Darry looked at me. "Sorry." I looked at Pony who was sitting with this cocky grin. "What you grinning about boy?" I made eye contact with him. "Nothing, just, nothing." He blushed and looked down at the ground. 

 "You should get some Beauty sleep. 'Cause you need a whole lot of it." Dal looked right at me. "I don't need any, I think you need some though." I flipped him off. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in real close to him. "Don't get wise, I don't like wise bitches." He whispered in the most seductive voice ever. He pushed me away, I felt my face get hot. No, I don't want dirty thoughts. "Tomorrows Friday so we all need to get some shut eye before school, work, and whatever you two do." Darry pointed at Dal and I.

 I had to sleep at Bucks tonight, because my mom was drunk, and I had to share a room with Dal. Me and Dal both walked to Bucks. "You're pretty dumb." I looked over at Dal. "You're a Slut." He looked at me. "You're a Player." I looked down at the ground. I looked back up and he slapped me right across the cheek. "You think you're so tough, then fight me." He looked at me. I held where he hit me, and I glared at him I swear I could feel my blood pumping. "Fine." I punched him in the face. He pushed me down and got on top of me. He locked my arms down. "Now what are you gonna do? Huh?" He spit on my lip. I kicked him in the balls. He let go of my arms and grabbed himself. He slowly started to walk back towards me, so I decided it was best to run. I ran into a dark alleyway praying he wouldn't find me, because I knew he would probably kill me. I was breathing heavily trying to be silent. I looked out and Dal was right there. He pinned me against the wall. He slapped me twice, I couldn't do anything. His hand slipped. I punched him right in the eye. He fell. Then looked up at me with a smirk. He grabbed my foot as I went to walk away.

I tripped and land face first. I bit my lip. He got on top of me again. He raised his hand, I closed my eyes and waited for the slap. It didn't come. I opened my eyes and saw Dal staring down at me smirking. I glared at him. "I know you want me." He laughed as he looked at me. "I don't in fact I hate you." I looked up into his eyes, and I thought just maybe for a second Dallas Winston actually had feelings. No, probably not a man like him could never have feelings. He got up, and continued to walk to Buck's. I got up five minutes later, and joined him in Buck's only available guest room. I don't really remember if anything had happened after that, I assume nothing did. 

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