Supposed to be straight (boyx...

By brosettaa

146K 4.9K 1.4K

Aisley Becker is the captain of the basketball team. Connell Renaud is the captain of the rugby team. They ar... More

Character Appearance Descriptions
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

9.3K 349 18
By brosettaa


When crashing a party, it is imperative to arrive atleast partially drunk. So the team meets up about a block down the road from the party in an empty house lot to commense our drinking. It's 9:15 and I honeslty have no idea why I'm so excited. All of the boys have their beers and I've got a nice vodka mix going on that I may or may not have already started in the car ride over.

    "Brothers... bros," Josh says over the group, "we have gathered here tonight in order to honor the prophecy of the inverse curse." We're both lounging on the trunk of his car and the boys get silent as they all look over to us. "A prophecy that states how we have to get super fucked up and crash this rugby bitch party." They're all just smiling at him as he twists off the cap of his beer, "SO GET FUCKED UP!" He yells and everyone literally "whoops" as they open their beers and just starts downing them.

    I'd just pushed my own drink up to my lips when Josh reaches over to tip it further up, causing my drink to rush out too quickly. I splutter and pull the bottle away from my mouth .

    "Dude, what the actual fuck?" I cough out as i feel the liquid dripping down my chin, expensive liquid might I add. I look over at him through the water in my eyes from actual goddamn choking and see him just grinning. "Fuckin' weirdo." I mutter and wipe my face up.

    "Cammon' Ais, drink up buddy! We're gonna get wild!" Josh says as he winks at me and hops off the trunk, he starts walking away only to turn back to us, "yall coming or what?"

    And all of them except me follow him, because I honestly already feel very buzzed and sort of nervous. I lay back on the car and try just feel the breeze for a second and hopefully get rid of that feeling before I get absolutely tanked tonight.

    I can hear the party from here, the music is pounding but not loud enough for me to hear the crunch of gravel via shoe over the pounding. I sit up so fast that I give myself a fuckin' head rush and have to squint my eyes. "Fuck," I grumble and bring a hand up to massage my temple.

    "Hahaha, chill out." Some rando giggles at me. I look over and see a blonde guy with curly hair and two girls, clinging to eachother, who seemingly came out of the fucking woods. And it's so typical,the dude is Will... Will the weed guy. How he's hanging out with girls like Shannon and Raven? I don't even know.

    The blonde girl, Shannon, holds out a joint to me and says mockingly "Here, Aisley, have some for the pain." Like she knows I won't do it. The other two burst out laughing and it actually makes me feel pretty offended, they don't think I can smoke a little joint? Well, fuck if I can't!

    I grab it out of her hand and bring it up to my lips, inhaling over the sounds of their laughter as I take in as much as I can. And yeah, maybe it was my first time smoking pot or anything other than drink for that matter but hey, guys gotta do what a guys gotta do.

There's a tickle building up in my throat that I can't help and I pull the joint away from my lips to exhale. That's when I start coughing... for the second time tonight, ugh.

    The brunnette girl, Raven, just pats me on the back and I hear one of them say about how the night is about to get interesting as they start leading me toward the party. I guess they aren't actually that bad, I mean they are basically taking care of me. Will and Shannon, have their arms around my back guiding me close to the house and waiting for me to stop coughing while Raven runs ahead to open the door and I honestly can't help but look at her ass.

    "Dat ass," Shannon yells and Will makes a motion with the hand that isn't holding me up like he's grabbing it from afar. Fuck, these people are weird but aparently I think it's funny though because I'm snorting. "It's too bad you're not into it or I would totes try to set you up with her," Shannon says, winking at me as her and Will let go of my sides and push me through the door a bit.

    Literally why is everyone winking at me today? It's seriously starting to piss me off and I don't fucking ge- "What do you mean not into it? What does that eve-?" But before I can finish they are literally gone like the fucking wind and I'm left standing in the doorway like a dumbass.

    I turn and look around the room, but I can't find any of the boys so I end up wiping up the remaining tears from my eyes from the coughing fit and taking another swig of my drink. Happy to say that I can't even taste the liqour in it anymore.

    Someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around non too gently. "Now what to we have here?" One of the rugby guys says sarcastically. He's got these blue serial killer eyes and they are staring me the fuck down. My mouth goes a little slack as I look down at him. He's not much shorter than me, and I can't quite remember his name if I'm gonna be honest.

    I feel my forehead start to scrunch up as i think about what he had asked, and say "I honestly don't know?" Yes, it comes out like a question and yes I feel pretty dumb but it must be the right thing to say because he bursts out laughing. Serial killer eyes a bit less murdery.

    "Didn't know you were a funny one, Aisley." He pushes the shoulder his hand is still on and then retracts his hand, still laughing. "Or are you already wasted at-" he checks his phone, "10:07?"

    My eyes bug out of my head "What? It's already 10:07?" Jesus, I must have taken a long time getting over here, no wonder why I can't find the guys, they probably already made a plan and just waiting for the time. I put my hand to my hair and tug a bit, "fuckkk."

    "Well I guess you really are then," Serial killer guy laughs and then I hear him sniff around and gasp theatrically with his hand to his mouth and all, "and you smell like pot? Good ole little Aisley Becker who's never done anything wrong in his life?" He smirks at me, eyes laughing "What a bad boy, Aisley."

    My eyes widen. "Hey, well I'll see ya around man," I chuckle nervously. " Gotta go find Josh!" I yell and turn around quickly to leave.

    "I'm sure you will," he says ominously. Fuckin' weirdo.

    I start scanning the darkened, crowded room for my mates, which is strangely hard at the moment. They should be around here somewhere, those assholes. I'm their captain, they can't jus--.

    And then I catch those green fucking eyes. I watch as he brings his beer up to his lips to take a swig and I subconsciously mimic him. Bringing my own bottle to my lips and swiping the rim of the bottle with my toungue after I'm finished. His green eyes watch my every move and I can make out through the darkness as his face pinks up a little. I feel heat rise to my cheeks.

    "CAP!" I'm shoved by Josh, and I train my eyes on him. "Where have you been?"

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