Something Like Love

By paulmclennon

125K 4.7K 4.6K

Paul had strange feelings whenever he was was around John. something that felt like love. But Paul wasn't sur... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author thingy
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Fifteen

4.4K 176 403
By paulmclennon

  John slammed the door of the McCartney house shut, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Why was it so wrong to love someone?!

  He walked down the dark sidewalk, trying to figure out where he should go. He wasn't going home. He was angry and it was so boring living with Mimi. The quiet would just make him even more angry. He couldn't go to George's house because, well, even though they're in a band together, they weren't very close. George was Paul's friend, mostly.

  Stu. He could go to Stu's house. He had his own flat, so John wouldn't be bothering him. If anything he would be keeping Stuart company.

  They haven't been talking as much lately, but they were still close. Not as close as John was to Paul, but still pretty close.

  There was no one out tonight. Just a few cars passing on the street, but other than that everyone was home. Except for John, of course.


 "James, get off of the floor."

  Paul didn't move. He lay there, crying, thinking up a plan to run away. To run away with John. They could go to Spain, start a new life. Buy a house and even get married. None of this would happen, though, because they didn't have money and their whole relationship was illegal. But mostly because Paul didn't have the guts to run away.

  "Get up off of the floor. Now."

  "Why should I?" Paul asked, stubbornly. He didn't want to move, he didn't have the strength. He wanted to lay there and cry forever.

  "Because I said so."

  "That's a stupid reason."

  "Paul. Now." Jim said sternly.

  Yet again, Paul stayed put. He was acting like a child, but he didn't care. The whole world was acting like a child. 'Oh no! Two people love eachother! Let's freak out and make it illegal for no reason!'

  Jim walked out of the kitchen and up to Paul's room, snatching up his guitar. He wouldn't need it. He wasn't staying in a band run by a homosexual.

  He walked back downstairs and went to the front door to put it in his car. He would sell it back to the store he bought it from.

  Unfortunately, Paul saw him heading outside with his guitar. He jumped up and ran after his father.

  "What are you doing with my guitar?!" Paul yelled. He tried to grab it out of his dad's hands, but Jims grip on it was too tight.

  "You don't need it anymore."

  "What are you talking about?! I'm in a band!" Paul tried again to rip his guitar out of the man's hands, and to his surprise, he succeeded.

  "James, give me the guitar." Jim said calmly.


 "I'm not going to argue with you. Give it to me."

 "I said no."

 "You're not seeing that boy anymore. Therefore, you are not in his band. Give me the bloody guitar, Paul." Jim demanded. The dark haired boy shook his head, gripping his guitar in his hands. He wasn't taking his guitar and he wasn't going to stop him from seeing John. They went to the same bloody school!

  "If I do not have that guitar by tomorrow morning, you will be punished." Jim said, looking Paul right in the eyes, indicating that he was serious.

  Paul watched him walk back inside. Jim had never "punished" him before, but he knew what it meant. It meant getting whipped with a belt.

  He was being overwhelmed with emotions. His dad wouldn't hurt him....right?


 John hammered his fist against the door of Stu's flat, almost punching him in the face as he opened it.

  "Jesus Christ, John. What is it?" Stu asked, obviously annoyed by Johns behavior.

  "I ruined everything, Stu," John began, pushing his friend aside and walking into his house. Stuart closed the door, not sure what John was talking about, but quite interested already.

  "What're ya on about, Lennon?"

  John didn't know how to explain his situation without telling Stu he was gay.

  They were best mates, right? He could tell him anything...right?

  "Stu, do you love me?" John asked in a mock girl voice. He didn't know how to address this without making it too awkward. A bit of joking would hopefully lighten the mood.

  Stuart raised an eyebrow, opening a can of beer. He didn't say anything, though, because he didn't know what John meant by that.

  "Are you me fookin' friend, Sutcliffe?" John translated, sitting at the table across from Stu.

  "The best."

  "Right. Okay. Umm.." John didn't know how to start this.

  "So what 'ave ye ruined?" Stu asked. He had never really seen John struggle to say anything before. It was kind of making Stuart worried about what he was going to say...

  "Uh, well, uhm..." Stuart nodded telling John to go on. So he did.

  "I'm gay."

  John watched as Stu basically choked on his drink. What was he going to do? Was he going to kick him out? Hit him? End their friendship? Call the police?

  Stuart couldn't tell if John was joking or if he was serious. He stared at the boy across from him, searching in his eyes for answers.





  "You're totally serious?"

  "Yes. Stu, I'm gay, for Christ's sake. I'm into boys....well one in particular at least.."

 "Who?" Stu asked, genuinely intrigued. Out of all of his friends, he would never have thought John would be the one to turn gay. He wanted to know who this lad was that turned him away from the birds.

  John sighed. He looked at Stu for a moment. Did he hate him or not?



  "What's that supposed to mean?" John asked, narrowing his eyes.

  "You two are never apart."

  "We're not together right now, are we?"

  "Well, of course not. You've obviously gone and messed something up."

 John didn't have any comebacks. Stu was right.

"So what have ya done, then?" Sutcliffe asked, taking another sip of his beer. John took in the question, trying to find words.

  "I- well I mean, I guess I...kind of told Paul's dad that we were- we are in a relationship."


  "He didn't take it well, of course." John eyed the beer in Stu's hand. God, he wished he had one right now.

  "For fuck's sake, Winston. Can't you ever keep yer mouth shut?" Stuart half joked. John cringed at the use of his old nickname. He didn't like to be called Winston anymore.

  "Stuart, what am I supposed to do? His dad bloody well hates me. He doesn't want Paul near me. He could be beating Paul right now. Just because I can't shut the hell up." Stuarts face softened at the sight of John so disheveled. He had never, in his all his time knowing John, seen him like this.

  "I'm sure McCartney's fine."

  "But what about his da'?"

  "Show him that he can't keep you away from Paul. Show him that nothing can keep you away from Paul."

  "But how? He can call the police on me, y'know?"

  "Since when do you care? Are ye goin' soft on me, Lennon?" Stu chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

  "No, it's just.."

  "Even if he calls the fuzz, they have no proof you're queer. They can't do anything without evidence." John sighed, rubbing his face.

  "And also, I don't hate ya. I think it's alright, y'know. To love someone."

  John grinned. 'Finally, an open minded person.'

  "Thanks, mate."

  "Now go get 'im."

  John nodded, walking out of Stuarts flat.

  Stu watched him leave. He couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy towards Paul. He was good looking. He was pretty good at school. He got all the birds. And now, he's got John.


 John walked in the general direction of Paul's house, but he wasn't quite sure he should go. There was no way Jim would let him in. If anything he'd just call the cops. He didn't feel like going through that whole mess right now.

  He could figure out a way to climb in Paul's window. There wasn't anything around his window he could climb up. He could always take one of the neighbors garbage cans and stand on, then find a way to get through the window without killing himself. Maybe there'd be a part of a fence he could put against the wall...

  But as John turned the corner onto Paul's street, he realized he wouldn't have to do any of that. Paul was sitting out front of his house, strumming away on his guitar. Did his dad lock him out?

  Once he got to Paul's house he leaned on the fence, lighting a cigarette.

  "What're you doing out here, McCartney?"

 Paul looked up briefly and then back down at his guitar.

  "John, if my dad sees y-"

  "I know, I know," John said, sitting on top of the small fence. "I'm just making sure my boyfriends alright."

  Paul looked at John sternly, only receiving a sarcastic smile.

  "Are you alright?" John asked.

 "No." Paul started strumming along to a random tune. He just wanted to block out the world for a while.

  "Why not? What's he done to ya?" John asked, referring to Jim.

  "He tried to take me guitar, but I got it back. He said if he didn't have it by morning he was going to punish me." Paul stopped playing his guitar after he said the last part. He still wasn't certain his dad wouldn't hurt him. But he wouldn't. Would he? "He's making me quit the band."

   "But you're not gonna, right?"

  "I don't know, John. I'm scared." He set down his guitar, sitting up a bit. "He said he was going to hurt me."

  "Oh, a few smacks from a belt is nothin', Paul."

  "That's easy for you to say. I've never been in trouble like this before."

  "You're da' wouldn't hurt ye. I've met the man myself. He wouldn't lay a hand on ye, Macca."

  Paul nodded, trying to believe those words. He just wasn't convinced. His dad had such a solemn look on his face.

  He lay back on the grass, his eyes being greeted by millions of stars. What he wouldn't give to be up there with them right now. Everything was so complicated.

  "Maybe we should, y'know?"

  "Hm?" John asked, walking over to Paul and sitting down. If someone had told him what Paul was going to say, he wouldn't have believed it. After waiting for such a long time just to get what he wanted..and to even think about ending it..

  "Maybe we should just break up."

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