The Name's Clawdean

By forever_capturing

1.5K 60 29

My Story... My life started with a scream... A scream from a mother dying to a newly born me. Then a cry... ... More

The Name's Clawdean
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

52 3 2
By forever_capturing


After seeing Xavier, the rest of the day was boring. I met up with Angel at lunch who wanted to introduce me to her brother today. Then I went to the elders which was beyond annoying seeing as they had armed fighter wolves surrounding them as if I'd attack them at anytime.

Elders are really sacred in a pack and with out them the Alpha's can go berserk. So obviously they would be overprotective over them especially when in company rogue, ex-rouge but rouge none the less.

Right now I'm staring into the eyes of a 13 year old boy with a broken arm. 

"Clawdean... Apologize" Alpha Martin demanded.

"I'm not apologizing to a sissy" I countered back glaring at the little boy.

"You wouldn't be saying that if it'd be me breaking your arm" The boy hissed angrily.

"You, kid, are no match for a born and bred rogue. I could tear you apart in a blink of an eye" I hissed back. "You should be glad all you have is a broken arm".

"Clawdean!" The Alpha shouted forcing me to back off. "You will apologize to this boy right now!" 

"I refuse to apologize but I will make it up to him" I said confidently.

"As long as the boy is happy with it" The Alpha said before walking back down stairs. 

"huh, what are YOU gonna do to make up for it?" The boy asked crossing his arms only to end up wincing because of his broken one.

I got out my hand and hovered it over his head making him flinch again. I shook my head at him.

Packs do not know how to raise their kids.

"I will toughen you up" I told him patting his head.

"What the heck! I don't need toughening up from a filthy rogue!" He shouted backing way.

A low growl came out from me. " Filthy?" I bit out.

"OK OK CALM DOWN!" The boy shouted hiding behind a wall.

I blinked away my wolf. Coming close to shifting is like the mood swings of a pregnant women... except instead of mood swings our wolf pops out from time to time.

"Fine whatever" He mumbled.

"Boy's got no social life" I said with a straight face.


"You obviously have no social life or you wouldn't have accepted this" I told him walking away.

"Says the one who suggested it!"

I shut my bedroom door in his smirking face. 

Totally should have seen that coming...

Ok time to get ready for school.

I walked into the closet and took out a bright purple pair of skinny jeans, and ripped black t-shirt. I went over to my bag and grabbed a few rings and shoved them on my fingers. I combed the hair that I had and got out. 

I had no idea what to pack so I thought I'd get everything sorted on the way.

When I walked down stairs I noticed most of the teenage members of the pack were running around getting last minute things sorted for their day. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, everyone was quite.

Some even glared at me because they knew I was a rogue and was probably not a big fan of them. Others were either curious or scared.

I smirked jumping the last step onto the floor. My ego getting bigger as I watched some people back away.

An apple was thrown towards my head, but just before it made contact with my head I caught it in my hand crushing it in my hand. The juice from the apple soaking my hand. Mmm green apple. I turned around angry at who ever threw it coming face to face with an overly happy... Brian? No, Ryan, the Beta's son...

I shook my head at him before reaching it out to wipe the apply juice on one of the girls standing next to me. 

"Lets go", I told him, knowing the only reason he approached me was because he was to drive me to the hell hole known as school. 

He followed after me, not long before taking the lead as we winded in and out of the house trying to get out. I rolled my eyes at his back. His role as future Beta prevented him from even letting someone else take the lead despite his Alpha.

We got out the door and he guided me to one of the many beautiful cars parked in the open space outside the pack house. I raised an eyebrow at their wealth. The Beta opened the passenger door for me with a welcoming smile on his face. I glared at his face while sliding into the car. He completely ignored my piercing glare going around the car to sit in the drivers seat.

As he started the car he attempted to start a conversation with me. 

"So, how has pack life been for you so far", he asked glancing at me.

"Iv been here what? 2 days? Pack life is great! Iv seen it all." I told him sarcastically even though inside I was truly happy to be here.

"Made any friends?"

"Er some girl called Angel" I answered looking out of the window to find many cars racing past us while others trailed behind ours. 

I watched from the corner of my eyes as his cheeks began to flame, "Angel? She's nice. Shes hot. Hot digidy damn... I mean your hot too but ugh yea she's awesome, she'll do you good so stick with her", he mumbled to  me clearing his throat.

I sent him a smirk raising my eyebrow at the reaction. 

Didn't see that one coming I thought to myself.

He rolled his eyes.

"No, don't even go there" he warned.

"Too late" I told him laughing at his obvious embarrassment. 

"Whatever I don't want to hear your voice any more, shh" he told me as he switched on the radio. I smiled as 'This is Gospel' came on by Panic! At The Disco. 

"I love this song", he told me.


We spent the rest of ride enjoying the song in silence although I knew he was dying to sing along, I probably would have already sang and finished it already, that is if it I was alone or something. Although I'm not so sure I wanna lose my bad-ass facade just yet so... That's a no.

The school building loomed into my view as Ryan turned his car into the parking lot, the school was sandwiched between the deep dark wood and a park so there weren't many resident there, so the place was frigging huge. Despite this being the first time I'll be properly going to a high school I wasn't all that scared. The building itself had about 4 floors, it was really long however with another huge gym I presumed was the gym, the huge sign gave it away. Behind the gym I could faintly make out a football field where a bunch of muddy humans and werewolves were playing. 



I looked around and found that my fears had just in fact been confirmed. This was a normal school. With humans. I wasn't too comfortable around humans, while most packs chose to interact with humans on a regular basis in order to blend into their lives, my experience with humans mainly revolved around me killing them. So yea, a killer trying to socialize with its prey... not so sure how i'm gonna handle this.

As the car came to a stop I got out the car, looking back in when car when Ryan didn't move. His eyes were glazed over, distracted almost. I realized the guy must have been reading into his mind link with the pack, the pup needs to control himself as to not give it away so easily. But I stood there staring at him enviously, patiently, I can't wait to officially join the pack from which I will get my mind link. Then I will be connected to the whole of the pack just through mind! As rogue clan aren't actual packs, we can't have a mind link, which sucks to be honest but a free lifestyle comes with its price.

After his little talk with the voices in his head he finally snapped out of it. 

"What was that all about?" I asked closing the door to the car as he finally made a move to get out too.

"Oh I was just talking in my mind link" he replied grinning.

"Yea I got that part, how thick do you think I am?" I replied frowning angriy.

"Oh right sorry, It was just the alpha letting us know that his son's home. Haven't seen him in ages! Damn I missed my buddy" He replied excitedly.

I gave him a judging look which he returned with an eye role.

"Where did he go anyway?" I asked out of curiosity as he began leading me towards the school reception, probably to get my 'welcome to this hell hole we share with human' limited edition starter pack.

"Well he turned 16 last month and he didn't find his mate immediately in the pack, so the Alpha kind of sent him off on a holiday in hopes he would magically come across his mate" Ryan replied.


"Well did he find his mate then? Or was the trip a waste?"

I want a mate...

"Nope, but yea I suppose you can say he's enjoying all his freedom before he gets tied down for life" he replied sheepishly.

I stayed quite after that, lost in my thoughts about finding a mate. I wonder what its like being an alpha female... I wonder if my mate is in this pack and I haven't even met him yet!

Ugh all this mate talk is doing my head in, why cant my mate magically appear in front of me!? Well to be honest, even if he did I wouldn't know until I shifted that he is actually my mate so... What if Ryan is my mate? Ew. Erasing disgusting thoughts now.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Ryan handed me my timetable and a school map.

"Yo space head! Your classes are..." Ryan started talking but I had already grabbed the papers and started walking away, intending to find my own way to class. I have spent too much time with a person now, my thoughts are turning mush, I need to get away FAR away.

First I had English, now my heart began to race as I tried to find my class, the school bell ringing above me to signify the start of lesson 1. High school. I drew in a deep breath as I found myself standing outside class E20B because on the other side of this door my High school life begins. I gently slapped my face to regain some of my lost composure, don't want to look weak in front of my new pack, and worst of all humans. 

I pushed open the classroom door, silence fell in the once rowdy class. The students bore holes into my skull, my scowl deepened from annoyance. I mean I get I'm new but I don't have a frigging sign which says 'please, feel free to burn holes through my body because the way your looking at me you probably think I'm some kind of ghost'. The teacher, a balding old man, looked up from where he was doing the register to gulp loudly at my threatening appearance. 

"H-hello, y-you must be Miss Sty-styles" he said after a few moments of pure fear flashed through his eyes. His wrinkled face pulled itself up in a ginger smile, "Pl-please take a seat, class wi-will be starting soon. T-try and be on time from now on..."he finished, nodding his head at me as he continued to read names off the register. I suppose the stutter doesn't have much to do with me as he continued to stutter through the rest of class.

No one tried to start a conversation with me. Sure leave the anti-social and sarcastic girl out then if you must! I growled lowly in annoyance and threw my feet up on the desk up turning my head towards the window, shocking the poor girl reading out loud in the class. 


The rest of the school day... was not so eventful, just fulled my annoyance. So much so I found myself supporting a demonic scowl which deepened every time I heard a whisper at my heel or a giggle as I walked by, or when a nerdy kid would stutter when bumping into me by accidents, the scoffs, the glares, the curious eyes. I hated them all. 

I forgot how much I disliked going to school, the few times I had done before. 

I kept to myself so who cares anyway.

As I entered the parking lot, wondering how I'd be getting home today I spotted Ryan, Angel and her brother talking. Or well Ryan trying to talk while fighting off a staining blush every time his and Angels eyes met. Devin, or Devil as I have named him because he is bloody prankster plus his sister being called Angel and all, looked up and saw me making my way towards them. He smirked up at me, slowly jogging up to me.

"Sup Dean, how was your beautiful experience of high school like?" He asked sarcastically.

I simply glared at his knowing  smirk. Despite only having been introduced to him yesterday I felt rather close to him already, I think its his personality that attracted me. 

"Forget my day, something even more interesting seems to be happening over there" I replied indicating to the interaction between Angel and Ryan in which Angel was talking a 100 miles an hour with a comical straight face while Ryan stared at her, a blushing mess nodding occasionally.

Devil chuckled, "Yea the guy is crazy about her but Angel being Angel hasn't got a clue. The 2 have provided quite a lot of excitement for me if i do say so".

I nodded in an understanding way, while rolling my eyes. You wouldn't guess it but despite her appearance and lack of expressions, Angel is a very 'chipper' person or so I have come to learn in the short time i've talked to her. 

By now we had caught up to Ryan and Angel, who looked up just in time as we approached.

"Oh Clawdean, I was waiting for you, lets go, Alpha's waiting" Ryan said trying to avoid any further eye contact with Angel while she stared happily at me. I smiled back at her while silently getting in the car with Ryan before waving at the pair of siblings. 

"What does Alpha Martin want to talk to me about now?" I asked as I buckled in.

"Well do you remember when I said that the Alpha's son got home this morning?" he asked waiting for a confirmation from me, which I gave with a nod. "He kind of wants to introduce you to him seeing as he will be over seeing your training from now on".

"Oh" I replied, totally forgetting about this mysterious new character and my training seeing as I was too busy brooding about school.

I spent the rest of the journey in silence, shooting down any possible conversations Ryan tried to start in hopes of trying to calm the redness in his cheeks and ears, which still had not gone. Damn he likes her.

When we reached the pack house, Ryan immediately guided me towards Alpha Martins study and left me saying he had some other business to attend to. I knocked on the door and entered when I heard the Alpha call me in. 

I entered the dark brown room to find the Alpha at his desk, and the silhouette of a person standing over the fireplace. He wore tight fitted shirt, lose jeans, designer shoes with his soft looking blond hair looking as though he had just hopped out of bed. I guess that is the Alpha's son, name- still unknown i concluded.

The Alpha looked up and opened his mouth to speak but our attention was once again diverted to the silhouette at the fireplace as he inhaled deeply followed by his once relaxed body stiffening and a deep throaty growl escaping him, sending my emotions into a frenzy. I frowned not knowing what was going on, did I miss something? Did I stink or something?

His head whipped around, glowing blue eyes meeting mine, I gasped as before I knew it, this tall figure was standing over me. He reached out, rubbing the side of my face, my eyes and heart fluttering at the contact. My hands reached up to place them on top of his as I stood, lost in his luminescent eyes. He leaned down and buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply once again, his whole body shivering uncontrollably as he did so. I stood, still confused as to what exactly was happening here.

"Mate" his voice whispered over the skin on my neck, his lips lightly brushing against them, "Mine..."



(Yes a new chapter after 9 months but that's not the point)

The Alpha's son is her mate!?


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