Amaya (Naruto's Fanfic)

By linasyafiqah

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Sunagakure stumbled upon a stranger who as cooperative as she is, she just can't remember her past... Konoha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

109 2 0
By linasyafiqah

Chapter Eighteen

(Companions begins)

Gaara's P.O.V.:

When I opened my eyes, I was staring up at my friends' faces.

Friends including Sai, Kiba, Gai and Kakashi... And Kiba's dog of course...

Then I remembered everything...

"What the hell happened?!?" I raised my voice as I shot up, sitting up straight and looking at my surrounding.

We were back in the forest of where we first met White Zetsu, except it was daytime... Meaning it took us 1 whole night to look for Amaya with all those incidents...

"I don't know..." Gai admitted as he scratched his head. "I remembered being mummified by that weird origami user but that's about it..."

"Well, we got sucked into another dimension and an hour later we got released from it." Kiba and Sai answered.

Kakashi had a blank face but Gaara knew he can't remember much as well...

Amaya, that's right!

"Where's Amaya?!?" Gaara demanded and Sakura and Ino gave each other nervous looks.

"What?!? Well where is she?!?" Gaara raised his voice as Sakura spoke up.

"Tsunade-sama was informed of what happened as Sasuke used his crow to send a message back to Konoha. She's treating Naruto who was poisoned badly by Sasori... and Amaya..." Sakura then stopped as she bit her lips but Gaara knew she was hiding something else.

"Spit it out Haruno!" Gaara snarled as Sasuke defended the pink haired girl.

"Gaara, I know you're feeling emotional that Amaya is injured and not here but even Sakura is not updated with her condition. So there's nothing else we can do except get you back to Suna, you rest up and we from Konoha will then make our way back." Sasuke told him straightforwardly and Gaara frowned.

"I'm following you back to Konoha." he stated as Neji widened his eyes.

"You can't do that. You are the Kazekage! It's enough that you left your village to look for Amaya who's not even a sand shinobi. What will your villagers say if they know you are leaving again for her?" Neji said as Gaara shook his head.

"Temari and Kankuro will do the public relations stuff for me! She's carrying my child and the future heir of Suna so I have to see how she's doing!" Gaara insisted as Shikamaru sighed.

"Just bring him along, he's gonna get troublesome if we stop him." the shadow user stated and after exchanging glances, they all agreed to allow Gaara to follow them back to Konoha...


"Well, how is he doing?" Shizune asked Tsunade as she passed some documents for the Hokage to sign.

"Naruto is doing fine but Hinata refuses to leave his bedside even though Shino has persuaded her to leave Naruto alone and let him rest up. Hinata still blames herself that because she wasn't a good team leader, she made bad decisions and risked Naruto's life.." Tsunade answered.

"You know that's not true right?" Shizune asked and Tsunade shook her head furiously.

"Of course that's not true! Hinata is an excellent shinobi! She may be a bit shy but she just needs a lot of training to be a team leader! Besides, Naruto is a rash person so it's kind of not surprising to know that he got himself into such a dangerous situation." Tsunade shrugged her shoulders.

"What about that newcomer?" Shizune asked again and Tsunade stiffened a bit at her question.

"Well... I thought her pregnancy was supposed to be a secret but Hinata told me everyone who was deployed to Suna knew about her condition already as a lot of scandalous drama happened there which I'm not really interested to know." Tsunade took a breath before continuing. "Hinata and Shino also didn't know of her clan's background but when I met them in the forest, she had bones sticking out of her..."

Shizune gasped.

"Bones out of her body?!? Was it an injury??" she asked and Tsunade remained grim and shook her head.

"No. She's a Kaguya..." was Tsunade's reply as Shizune's eyes widened.

"No wonder the Akatsuki and Orochimaru were after her! I heard from Shino that she's royalty too!" Shizune added and Tsunade nodded her head.

"Yes, but I have bad news..." the Hokage said glumly as she took out a bottle of sake from her drawer.

"Tsunade sama, if you're drinking means it's really bad news... So what is it???" Shizune asked as her face turned into worry.

Tsunade took a large gulp from the sake and swallowed it harshly.

"She punctured her womb when she was shifting her bones around. Furthermore, her fight with Gaara might have caused the shifting, I don't know.. The thing is, she will lose the baby if she uses her bloodline limit... She's not ready to control it as of yet..." Tsunade informed Shizune and her assistant frowned.

"Then just tell her not to use it just in case, you know." Shizune suggested as Tsunade drank again.

"I can tell her that but being a bloodline limit, it's something she can't control. Just like a sharingan, even if you don't want to activate it, you somehow managed to dodge everything and win in a fight, because subconsciously it was activated." Tsunade explained and both medical nins sighed, wondering how Gaara is going to handle Amaya throughout the rest of her pregnancy...


Amaya's P.O.V.:

I opened my eyes to see a ceiling fan attached to a white ceiling...

There was a beeping sound beside me and when I turned to look, it was a machine and a drip was attached to my wrist...

I studied my surrounding and realised I'm in a hospital...

What happened???

I tried my hardest to recall and widened my eyes when I remembered everything.

I remembered I summoned a time dragon to shift through the time space to save Kakashi, Kiba, Akamaru, Sai, Gai and Gaara...

The time dragon can't undo damages done to the summoner but it can change certain events that happened so I ordered it to rewind time itself to get Kiba, Akamaru and Sai out of the kamui world that Obito trapped them in, release my dad from the cage of bones I trapped him in, get back to a time when Gai wasn't mummified and... Save Gaara from the Akatsuki as his chakra was depleting...

But... Upon summoning the time dragon, it means the summoner is near death, so... Why am I still alive?? Or I'm dead already???

My answer was given when the door to my hospital room opened and a woman with 2 blonde pigtails and a huge chest came in...

Well, I may be a woman but her chest is really huge and furthermore she was wearing a low cut robe.

"I see that you're awake." she said as she checked my drip and used a small flashlight to check the movements of my pupils.

"Where am I?" I croaked.

She smiled as she poured me a glass of water.

"You're in Konoha hospital. I'm the one who treated you personally." she handed me the glass.

I drank it finished and tilted my head.

"Konoha??" I asked as she nodded.

"Yes. Sasuke sent for help when he found you and the rest of your comrades in a clearing in the forest. I came and you were in the worst condition out of all of them. Actually you and Naruto but yours were a bit more serious." she informed as she crossed her arms.

I frantically felt my tummy when she said that.

"Erm I wanna ask... Uh, is my..." I began but she gave me a soft smile.

"Yes. Yes Amaya. Your baby is fine." she said softly and I sighed.

"Thank god..." I whispered and she continued.

"Do you think you can control your bloodline limit?" she asked and I snapped my head to hers.

"How did you know about that?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"The others told me. Besides I found you in a state where you still had bones protruding out of you, figures."

I bit my lower lip and looked away.

"As much as I would like to not have it, I can't help it... Now that I have activated it, the thirst to kill or fight constantly tries to win me over..." I sighed and the blonde haired woman touched my shoulders.

"Amaya, if you don't learn how to control it, your baby is not gonna make it till 9 months. Did you know 1 of your bones narrowly missed your child? It punctured your womb." she said gently and my eyes watered with tears as I realised the danger I had put my child in...

"It was so difficult for me to heal and fix your womb up. I stayed up all night trying to save you and your child. But I can't promise you I will be able to do it again if the accident repeats itself." she said sternly and I looked at her with curious eyes.

"How did you manage to heal me? I did something that I learnt from my mother.. She told me I can only activate it when I'm near death and there's very little chance I'll survive if I'm able to activate that skill..." I asked and the woman chuckled.

"I'm a Senju. If I can't heal you then I should throw away my last name." she smirked at me and my eyes widened with excitement.

"You're a Senju??? No wonder you were able to heal me! You must be the last generation of Senju! I've heard so much about the legends of your late grandfather!" I began excitedly but was interrupted when the door to my hospital room flung open.

"Amaya!!!" Gaara stood there, panting in worry.

"Erm, uh..." I answered stupidly as he rushed over to me, smothering me with kisses.

I blushed furiously at his actions as Tsunade, now that I know she is a Senju and there's only 1 Senju left in this world, and my dad and the others watched on.

"Amaya! Don't ever do anything reckless like going berserk again! Do you know I almost fainted when Shizune told me you punctured your womb?!? I didn't even let her finish her sentence and was shouting to go and see you!!" Gaara scolded as he brushed stray hairs away from my face.

"Err... I... Uhm..." I stuttered again, speechless on how to answer Gaara.

"I even made a scene at the hospital reception because they said only authorised staff or family members are allowed to see the patient! I had to threaten to change Konoha's terrain into a landslide if I don't get to see you!" Gaara scolded me again and Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

"You threatened to destroy my village is it Kazekage?" she asked and Gaara smiled sheepishly at her, shaking his head.

"It was spoken in a moment of panic and frustration, Hokage." Gaara answered formally and I frowned at him when I remembered what he did to me before I got kidnapped.

"Gaara, I remembered everything and I don't want to talk to you..." I finally spoke properly and Tsunade started walking off.

"I'll give you guys a moment..." she said and Kakashi, my dad, coughed.

"Is it okay if..." he began but Tsunade started running towards them and they all ran away petrified.

"I told you to give my patient a moment! You know I am particular about rules I give in my hospital!!!" I heard her yelling and giggled in my head, trying to imagine what my dad looked like, running away from the Hokage...

I heard a click and looked up, seeing Gaara locked the door and he advanced towards me again.

"Gaara... Stop..." I sighed and looked up at him.

"Amaya... Hear me out..." he begged as he clasped both my hands.

I bit my lips and finally nodded.

"The past almost 1 year I know you, we learnt a lot about each other though I know I didn't talk much to you.. I was afraid that you might be put off if I asked you to be my girlfriend so I didn't say anything to you earlier.. I love you and our baby so much Amaya.. I tried not to hurt the 2 of you in our fight, I was constantly looking out for you... I will always look out for you and our future children..." he breathed out and my heart skipped a beat when he captured my lips.

Future... Children??? Oh god is he...

"What I wanna say is..." Gaara said huskily as his hands started roaming my body. "I don't want any girl but you. I don't want Matsuri but you. I just want you. I desire and crave for you so will you please do me a favour?" he whispered into my neck as his lips slowly made its way to my ear...

"What..." I managed to croak out, a bit caught off guard by his confession...

"Will you marry me Amaya Kaguya?" he whispered in my ear and I responded by cupping his face and looking straight into his eyes.

"Yes." was my answer and I didn't had time to say anything more as Gaara was all over me and in no time, we made love on the hospital bed again and again as Tsunade's moment that she will give us lasted the whole night till next morning, where my dad walked in on us naked, sleeping together.

Needless to say, my dad summoned Pakkun and the other dogs to go hunt Gaara down as Gaara quickly escaped through the hospital window while wearing his robe and gourd at the same time..



"Shouldn't it be your due date already?" Sakura asked as she sat down in the living room with Ino, Hinata and Tenten.

I sighed as I rubbed my swollen belly, which was accommodating Gaara's and my son.

"Yes. Actually it wasn't today. I was already supposed to give birth last week but I guess the baby isn't ready to come out yet." I grumbled as I waddled into the room with a set of tray filled with 5 tea cups and 1 teapot.

"Amaya! You know you shouldn't have! Tell us if you need help!" Tenten scolded as she rushed over to help me carry my stuff.

I sighed and let her do it. My feet were swollen, my back was aching...

"This is all Gaara's fault..." I muttered as I plopped myself onto the couch.

"Or so you say." Ino smirked and I blushed at her comment as I decided to change the subject and turned to Hinata.

"Say, have you confessed to Naruto?" I asked and the Hyuga heiress immediately blushed a tomato red as she looked down.

"Erm, uh... I... Err... Uhm..." she stuttered and I laughed as I patted her shoulder.

"Hinata! You don't need to be so shy! Just go and tell Naruto that you like him already!" I teased as the rest of the girls joined in the teasing.

I laughed and suddenly felt something wet flowing down my legs...

When I looked down, I saw that it was clear liquid...

"Girls..." I said softly and when I looked up, they were still teasing Hinata. "Girls!!" I yelled and I finally had their attention.

"My water bag just broke." I said simply before Ino fainted, Tenten had to catch her, Hinata just opened and closed her mouth and Sakura quickly used her strength to carry me bridal style as she rushed me to the Suna hospital...


Gaara's P.O.V.:

"Gaara!!!" Tenten, Ino and Hinata said in unison as they rushed into my conference room.

"Lord Gaara, what is the meaning of this?!?" one of the elders snapped.

The elders are particular that during a meeting, it mustn't be interrupted..

"You girls better have a good reason for barging into my meeting like this!" I snapped and Hinata suddenly stopped her stuttering, making me and her friends shocked.

"Amaya is in labour!" she blurted out.

The moment I heard that, I rushed out of the conference room and made my way to the Suna hospital.


Amaya's P.O.V.:

"Alright push!" Sakura told me as I gripped the bedsheets and thrashed around.

"Amaya I need you to calm down!" Sakura gritted her teeth as she spread my legs further. "If you get too agitated, you might protrude a bone and hurt your child!"

I froze for awhile when I heard that. I then decided to take deep breaths and pushed in command to Sakura's orders.


Gaara's P.O.V.:

"I'm sorry Kazekage-sama but your wife is in the labour theatre. Sakura Haruno herself is treating her and she doesn't allow anyone to come in lest the person interrupts her concentration." the nurse guarding the labour room informed me.

I was so tempted to threaten her using my authority but then decided against it.

"Gaara, Sakura knows what she's doing. Trust her okay?" Ino said softly as she patted my shoulder while Tenten gave me a sympathetic smile.

I slumped myself onto one of the waiting chairs and waited anxiously for the birth of my child...



Gaara heard the sound of a crying newborn and Sakura exited the room after 30 minutes.

"You can go in." she said simply to the young Kazekage and he quickly rushed into the room.

He saw his wife cradling a blue bundle, cooing to it.

Gaara made his way over and Amaya looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Hey..." she whispered as she passed their son over to him.

Gaara was a bit awkward in handling the baby despite he following Amaya to parental workshops to learn how to carry, bathe and change a child's diapers...

He finally managed to carry the baby correctly with the help of Amaya and patted his son gently.

"The trouble your mother and I go through to have you and keep you safe..." Gaara whispered as he kissed his son's forehead.

Amaya frowned at that comment.

"Are you saying I was troublesome during my pregnancy?" she pouted and Gaara chuckled as he climbed onto the bed beside her.

"No... It wasn't troublesome at all... In fact... If you don't mind... Will you do me a favour please?" Gaara teased her by whispering into her ear and Amaya blushed furiously.

"Erm... What... What is it..." Amaya gulped as she stuttered and Gaara chuckled as he nibbled her neck.

"Can we have another one?" Gaara mumbled and before Amaya could protest, Gaara captured her lips and kissed her passionately...

(Companions end)

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