S.P.E.A.K. - Wattpad Intervie...

By MoronicWisdom

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S.P.E.A.K - Wattpad Interviews
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Interview with Author: Lydia161290 (Lydia)

662 23 5
By MoronicWisdom


Lydia is the author of some of my favourite stories on Wattpad, including; The Wolf Cave and His To Keep. She has a true gift when it comes to writing Horror and her werewolf stories are just as good and both have incredible storylines that you just can't put down. You should, if you haven't already, definitely go check out all of her works. They are just brilliant and some of the best on Wattpad.

Thankyou, Lydia, for this amazing interview. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed talking to you!

Name: Lydia

Age: 22

Author of: Tomorrow and Forever, His to Keep, The Wolf Cave, The Wolf Ring, Falling for my Crazy Stalker, Fruit Slot

When did you join Wattpad and what possessed you to join and start posting stories of your own? Did you read before you decided to write, or did you join with the intention of posting your stories in mind?

     I first joined Wattpad in September 2010. I was sitting on a bus coming home from school when I came across the app. I used Wattpad to just read at first, and did so obsessively. It was about a year later when I decided to post my own stories when I found out you could.

Were you writing before you joined Wattpad, or was Wattpad what inspired you to begin writing? And if you began writing before Wattpad, how long have you been doing it?

     Yeah, I was writing before Wattpad, but nothing ever got completed until I started posting my own stories on here. Wattpad inspired me to actually finish my books. I started writing in 2006 when I was around 16 I think.

What originally got you into writing? Was there something that got you interested in it initially?

              I had my head buried in books as a kid, I couldn't put them down. I guess that sort of started off my imagination really. I kept making things up in my head and found myself one day writing.

Was there a genre that you favoured when you were younger that you think influenced the types of stories you'd later write on Wattpad? For example, did you read a lot of horror/thrillers, or was that something new that you decided to try after posting on Wattpad?

          I read a lot of dark romances, so yeah, you could say my books were influenced by what I read before I started posting on Wattpad. The only genre I did try new on Wattpad was Werewolf.

Speaking of the werewolf genre, what inspired your story The Wolf Cave and where did the idea sprout from?

      Oh god, the idea for that book came from a mixture of being a teenage clubber myself and reading other werewolf books. I wanted to write about a club that belonged to a bad ass werewolf, so I did just that and the outcome was The Wolf Cave. I still struggle to remember how I came up with half of it in all honesty, I may have been drunk :O

Haha, wow!  So, at what point did you decide you wanted to have a sequel to The Wolf Cave and write The Wolf Ring? And did you ever expect to get such a response out of TWC, and if not, why?

       Haha! :D Half way through writing TWC, I did plan another book. I didn't want to overcrowd TWC with too much drama because it had a lot already, plus the story-line was far from over so it needed another book. Not in a million years did I think the book would get the response it did. I write for a hobby, my writing isn't perfect so I didn't expect anything. It still shocks me. :D

Well TWC certainly became a hit, and I see that the sequel is already on it's way as well! Anyway, because you write for a hobby, does that mean you've never considered getting self-published or even contacting a publishing house?

        I'm wary about the whole publishing topic. I think it's every authors dream of publishing or being spotted by a publishing house. I have thought about self-publishing. But, I don't feel ready. For now, I am having fun chilling out, writing random books that pop up in my head and sharing them with Wattpad.

Out of curiousity, how would you go about handling a harsh critique that doesn't actually give any constructive help for improvement? Would you ignore it, or would you respond - and if so, how?

       If it's not constructive, and the person is just bashing me and violating Wattpad's Code of Conduct. I usually end up responding to that person, making them aware of the rules and letting them know that their comment was very unhelpful. I may do this with a lot of sarcasm. :D But I want a friendly experience on Wattpad, not a bad one. Lately, I have chosen to ignore those types of comments. I find them quite boring.

(I would as well, to be honest. Mainly because most of the time when you're sarcastic, none of them actually know you're being sarcastic which is highly amusing.) So, moving onto your other - but just as brilliant - stories, such as His To Keep. What was the inspiration for this story?

        (Yeah, I know :D haha) His to Keep was inspired by my other story Tomorrow and Forever. It was a re-try of horror and experimenting with different scenarios. The content on the book was made up on the spot though. I have given myself nightmares a few times with this book.

If you don't mind me asking, what type of nightmares?

      I once had a dream that a priest was chasing me through a forest, trying to stab me with a crucifix, this was after writing a chapter on His to Keep. Haha. Freaked me out when I woke up!

Did such dreams discourage you from writing, or do it only further inspire you to continue because you noticed the effect it has?

      They encourage me actually. My dreams inspire me. A lot of scenes in my books have come from my dreams.

What is it about the horror/thriller genre that you find so enticing and enjoyable?

      I think it's the no limitations thing that I like most, creating such disturbing people/plots without having to explain why or thinking that you're going too far. I like that. 

It does hold a certain appeal, doesn't it?

Do you read on Wattpad, and if yes, what type of stories do you read and can you state some examples/authors?

       It really does, it's fun being evil. I do read on Wattpad, I read before I go to sleep on my phone. I'm being a genre jumper at the moment. I've recently just read all of MakeandOffer's books. They're pure genius with humor. I've also been enjoying Cold_Lady's books and Natashapreston. I read anything really.

From your own experience on Wattpad, do you think it's a good place to get the honest constructive criticism that many young authors are looking for?

      From my own experience, no. It's not a good place to get honest feedback. It's very rare to get a serious critique on your books on Wattpad. I think I've had two and I've been here for years. It's fantastic for young authors just starting out.

Has the mass support from your fans and readers affected you in any way? Has it made you more confident in your writing, perhaps? Or has it added on pressure?

        Yeah, totally. Wattpad has become my life and my fans have given me confidence to write more. I don't want to stop writing because of them, they rock :)

I heard that you're expecting (congrats by the way!) Will you be returning when you have the time after the baby comes to bless Wattpad with more of your stories?

      Yeahh, haha. I'm very excited. I will be returning after I recover and get into a routine with the baby. But when I do come back, I will be bringing a few new projects with me :)

As a writer, and a reader, what do you think is the ultimate definition of a "good story" and why?

      A good story is something that begins with a problem and ends with the answer. Something that has all the right ingredients to satisfy you and having you thinking 'wow' at the end.

Do you believe that your stories have managed to live up to your own definiton?

      I don't know actually. :D I'd like to think they do, but they probably don't. I'm still learning!

Okay, so now onto a different type of topic! Do you believe that you can grow attached, or even love, your own characters that you create, in such a way that it is almost as though they are living and breathing?

      Yes. I have become very attached to my characters, not all of them, but I have an unhealthy obsession with the likes of Kieran Rhodes from FFMCS and i'd love to be best friends with Ray Honda from TWC. :D

(Me too for being friends with Ray! That'd be awesome!) Do you think that when you write, some of your own personality and individual traits are shown in your words? For example, a particular character has a certain virture that comes from you?

      Yeah, bits and pieces i'd say. I can't really tell you exactly where my personality is and who has it, but most of them like the things they like because I like it...if that makes sense. Haha. Eve, from my new book Fruit Slot, was very like myself when I was younger.

You're writing Fruit Slot again? That's great - I'm so excited! I thought you'd took it down at one point.

Where do you find your inspiration in order to continue writing? And are they any conditions that you MUST have in order to write? For example, do you have to write in silence? Music? Eat a certain food, etc?

      Yeah, I am writing it again. It's going to be a story i'll be working on after I come back from my break. I find my inspiration in anything really. Reading other books, watching TV, watching movies, life in general, my dreams. The conditions vary, depending on what mood i'm in. Sometimes I like a bit of music, other times I like quietness. I won't write unless I have inspiration though.

Do you think that your time on Wattpad has been educational for you?

      Yeah. I've learned a lot about writing thanks to Wattpad, this is why I think this site is good for young authors. You're able to improve in your own pace. I've improved immensely from the way I used to write. I was once told by a teacher in high school that I may have imagination, but not the ability to write. I enjoyed spitting that back in her face.

Okay, last few questions now! If you had to choose a favourite book of yours, which one would it be and why?

      It would have to be The Wolf Cave, I really enjoyed writing it. I love the characters and quite happy with how it turned out. Plus Colton is a full on babe ;) haha!

If you could be any type of immortal, what would you be and can you tell me why?

      :D I love these weird questions. Probably a vampire. I'd love that sort of power, living forever, doing what the heck you want, creating other vamps and just being invincible, like Dracula. :D

Dracula is ace, so I'd say good choice on your behalf! Your favourite word in the whole world? It doesn't have to be English, either!

     Sponge, yeah. Sponge. I just think that word is so effing amazing, I couldn't tell you why. Sponge...Spon-ge, spongeyyy. Say it about five times slowly. Sponge, sponge, sponge, sponge, sponge. Jesus Christ, what a phenomenal word! Haha!

Okay, imagine this: You get on a boat to a destination of your choice, when suddenly the boat sinks (cool titanic style) and you're stranded on an island with a swiss army knife. Who would you choose to be stranded with you, and why? It can be anyone - from a movie, a book, real life, anyone!

      Haha. Probably Harry Potter. Nah, i'm kidding. My real answer is boring. I'd want my Dan with me (my fiance). I'd be happy with that.

Aw! So, second to last question: If you got the opportunity for one of your stories to become a movie, what book would it be, and why?

     Probably His to Keep. I'd really like to see that onscreen, especially if it is Jude Law playing Father Aaron. My god. :D It's the only book I can see of mine as a movie.

It would make an awesome movie! Now for the last question in the interview: If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why? 

      I think i'd like to be...oh god, I dunno actually. I'd love to be a guy for a day...maybe Ian Somerhalder. It must be that good to be that fit.

Haha! That last answer!xD

Anyway, this concludes another interview with one of Wattpad's amazing authors! Check out all of Lydia's stories, though the chances are you've already read some - because they are all fabulous!

Thankyou, Lydia!

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