Angel With the Scabbed Wings...

By pogodeathray

1.9K 61 24

Courtney and Cara have been friends with the guys as long as they can remember. Once they got famous, they we... More

Starfuckers, Inc.
Sweet Dreams
The Last Day on Earth

Angel With the Scabbed Wings

1K 11 0
By pogodeathray

Twiggy danced around in the living room, holding his acoustic guitar, in his gray striped boxers. His guitar pressed against his bare chest as he strummed and head banged while Marilyn sat strung out on the couch, flipping through channels on the t.v. He shook his head and laughed.

Cara rolled over on the bed to face Pogo who was smiling at her with his head propped up on his hand. His orange mohawk flipped onto his face. 

"Woah. What do you want?" Cara flinched and covered her mouth as she yawned. 

He kept smiling and then stopped to look her up and down, then jumped onto her. He tickled her maliciously until they rolled to the floor where he pinned her down by her shoulders. She laughed and yelled out loud. Courtney ran into the room and stopped.

"What are you guys DOING?" She stared, irritated with her hands on her hips. 

Pogo looked up and turned red.

"Uh...uh..give me that!" he shouted, reaching behind Cara  and picking up a pencil. He got up and scurried out of the room.

"Ohhhhkayyyy...I don't want to know," Courtney turned around and went into the living room where Twiggy was now sitting down and Pogo fidgeted on the floor. Marilyn grinned at her. "Weird" she mumbled and crawled beside Marilyn. 

Cara got up and brushed herself off and opened Ginger and John's door. Ginger woke up and looked down at John, whose arms were wrapped around him. 

"Gah!" Ginger flung off John's arms. John looked around.

"What? wha?"

"Get off of me!:" Ginger groaned and rolled over, pulling the covers with him. 

John got up. 

"Aww, John, you can sleep with me and Court" Cara grinned.

He gazed at her, grabbed his pillow and cover and trugged into the living room, collapsing onto the couch opposite of Pogo, who was fast asleep and twitching. Twiggy and Marilyn were already hidden in their bedroom and Cara followed John into the living room. She tapped on Pogo's shoulder.

"Hey!" she whispered loudly.He laid still. "HEY!" she whispered louder. He moved and opned his eyes. 

"Hey..." he smiled.

Cara grabbed his hand and pulled him up. John moved over and yawned, then fell back asleep. 

Pogo stared at Cara for a second and wrapped his arms around her and flung her onto his back. She put her arms around his neck and he took off running out the front door. 

Courtney looked over and didn't see Cara, so she crawled out of her bed and stepped into the two-second hallway. Twiggy was sitting at the table.

"Ahh!" Courtney gasped. 

Twiggy smiled, "Dont' be alarmed" 

"Can't sleep?" Courtney asked.

"Nope" He twirled his hair between his fingers.

Pogo ran to the backyard and placed Cara on the ground. She gazed up at him and then punched him in the shoulder.

"Oww" he whined, grabbing his shoulder in his hand. 

She laughed and ran for the trampoline, jumping onto it. He grinned and followed. 

Twiggy got up and went to the refridgerator. He grabbed teh milk jug and was ready to take a drink when Courtney pushed by him and grabbed it. 

"Get a glass. That's gross," she griped.

"NO!" he grabbed it back from her and chugged some and then placed it back in the fridge. Courtney huffed and walked away. Twiggy tilted his head to the side and chased after her. 

He grabbed her waist as he followed her into the living room. She fell onto the couch and Twiggy hopped up beside her. Pogo fell down beside Cara and poked her. She laughed and rolle over beside him. He put his arms around her and hugged her. She pushed him off and kissed his nose.

"Come on, " she uttered.

He stared at her hand and then grabbed it as she dragged him away back inside. They walked into the living room, seeing Twiggy with his head on Courtney's shoulder. Pogo sat in the recliner and Cara jumped on him and put her arm around his neck. He turned his face to hers and grinned. She grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. Pogo looked down and chuckled. She tugged at his hair as it swooped in his face. 

He got up with her in his arms, swung around and placed her back down in the recliner then moved to the couch by Courtney and Twiggy. Cara smiled and then got up and ran into Marilyn as he was pissing. She jumped onto his back as he continued. He put it away and turned around to hold her up and ran out with her, then fell to the ground. She rolled on top of him and tickled him.

Marilyn laughed as his long, dark hair fell into his face. He tried to squeeze out from under her, but she tied him down with her legs. Pogo and Twiggy walked over and started slapping and kicking him. Marilyn cupped his face in his hands, hoping not to get hit. Courtney hopped off the couch and jumped in the middle. Twiggy tried to tickle her but his hand went up her shirt. She froze and he stared at the spot he had just place dhis hand, slowly removing it and scooting away. 

Pogo laughed frantically and fell back on the floor, pulling Cara off Marilyn as he did, freeing him. He crawled away and tackled Twiggy. Cara landed on Pogo and stayed there, snuggling him. He placed his head on her hair and held her there. Her hand barely brushed up against the edge of his shirt. His pants were low so she felt his cut and then ran her fingers across it. Pogo breathed in and scooted up and coughed.

"What?" she stared at him as she got up. 

"Nothing" he pulled up his feet and wrapped his arms around his knees. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it out of his face and then looked away. 

Cara sighed, got up and walked towards the room to go to bed. Pogo turned his head back and released his arms from his legs, letting them fall to the floor. He let out a breath and stared into the sky. Twiggy released himself from Marilyn's clutches and stumbled into the bedroom with Cara. 

"Aww. Cara boo? " he pulled the covers off her face and kissed her forehead, then ninja rolled over her and fell asleep against the wall. 

Courtney walked in, but then redirected herself into Marilyn's room where John was and she scooted next to him. Marilyn got up and went into the kitchen to snort lines before leading himself to the bed with Ginger. 

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