Defiance (Harry Potter)

By Liv_the_llama

280K 6.9K 1.2K

Skylar Potter, sister of James Potter. They're in the same year, but he's a whopping ten months older. James... More

Very Heavy Editing
Chapter 1 (*)
Chapter 2 (*)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Important Question
Chapter 13
New story!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Last AN

Chapter 8

11.1K 258 29
By Liv_the_llama

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter get invited to a new year's party. I do not. "I'm not going." James says. I roll my eyes. "Yes you are." James shakes his head. "No." I nod. "Please go. And please have fun for me." After a minute of my puppy dog eyes, James gives in.
On New Year's Eve, Sirius is sick as a dog. James, Remus, and Peter almost don't go to the party, but Sirius insists, claiming he'll be no fun anyway. Surprisingly, after the other boys leave, Sirius seems to make a full recovery. "Why did you fake being sick?" I ask Sirius after he comes into my room. He shrugs. "I wasn't going to leave you alone." I laugh.
"I won't be alone. My parents have this stupid adult only party every year I have to work." Sirius smirks. "Not anymore. Get ready." So I put on the outfit shown above. (Minus the bun) and throw my hair into a ponytail.
I walk into James's room to see Sirius about to walk out. "Now we'll go downstairs and say we're going to go with Remus, James, and Peter." He smirks.
I walk into the kitchen to see my mum preparing some food. "It's about time, Skylar. You never help out with anything! Oh, and hello Sirius dear. Aren't you supposed to be at a party with James?" Sirius smirks that Black family smirk I've seen on Regulus so many times. "Actually Mrs. Potter, I was waiting on Skylar. She's supposed to be going with us." My mother sighs. "Well, alright then, I suppose. Skylar, please don't cause trouble." She says. I can only nod before Sirius pulls me away.
He signals the Night bus, and before I know it, we're in Diagon Alley. There are people everywhere. All of a sudden, Sirius grabs my hand. "Wouldn't want you to get lost." He says with that crooked grin that drives me insane. We walk arrive until it starts to get late, and people start to get drunk. We walk into a small pub that sells butterbeer. "One butterbeer and one firewhiskey." Sirius says. The women behind the counter sighs. "Well, you don't look of age, but since it's New Year's Eve, I'll let it slide." She says.
When we sit down, I crinkle my nose. "What? You don't like firewhiskey?" Sirius asks. I smile. "I don't know, but I don't assume it's very good." Sirius looks at me disbelieving. "You mean the sister of James Potter has never tried firewhiskey?" I shake my head. "Nope." Sirius slides the glass over to me. "Try some then." I shake my head again. "I don't think so." Sirius stares at me. "Just try it. For me?" He says the last word in a high pitched voice, making me laugh. Finally I give in. "Just one little sip." So I pick up the glass and sip the firewhiskey in the cup. It doesn't go well. It burns my throat like crazy, and my eyes water like I'm having an emotional breakdown. Although over all, I like it. Sirius laughs like crazy.
When I can finally speak, I say, "Now I know why they call it firewhiskey. And I think I like it." Sirius grins at me, and takes a giant swig. I stare at him. "How do you do that?" He smiles. "Practice, my dear Skylar."
After our drinks are finished, Sirius appearates us to New York City (since he turned seventeen a few weeks ago) so we can see the ball drop. It's still half an hour until midnight, so Sirius and I just converse until midnight. At about eleven fifty five, Sirius says, "My family is stupid." Sirius says. "What?" I ask. He sighs. "They hurt you, and nobody protested. I would never hurt you." I look at Sirius weirdly. "What do you mean?" But the countdown to the new year had started. everybody chants excitedly.
Why is Sirius so angry his family hurt me?
What did he mean by "I would never hurt you."?
Could Sirius.... Like me?
Sirius and I look at each other, our hands still linked together.
"I don't care that you dated my brother." Sirius says. Somehow I hear him over the crowd.
And then Sirius is kissing me. His hands are on my waist, and I put my arms around his neck. His lips move in sync with mine. He feels like fire and ice. I love it. Slowly, Sirius pulls away, and leans his head against mine. We both are breathing heavily. Then he slowly kisses me again. My brother's best mate is kissing me.
"I like you. A lot." Sirius finally says.
I grin like an idiot. "I like you too." I finally say, just having realized it myself. "Good." Sirius says, grinning. Not smirking, grinning. "Why don't you be my girlfriend? We don't have to tell anybody yet." He asks. I find myself nodding. "Yeah. I'd like that." I say.
Sirius appearates us home before the other boys get there. Before going back to James's room, he gives me a final, lingering, kiss. "Goodnight Sky." He whispers. "Goodnight Siri." I whisper in reply.
When James gets back, he walks up to my room. "Hey Sky." He says. "Hey James. How was the party?" I ask. He smiles. "It was pretty awesome. Sorry you couldn't come." I shrug. "I'm not one for parties anyway." James nods. "I know. So what did you do?" He asks. "Um, I watched the ball drop on TV, I ate food, I tried to hang out with Sirius but he wasn't any fun." I lie.
James shrugs. "It sounds fun for an introvert like you." He teases, poking me. I stick my tongue out at him. "It was very fun!" I defend my introvert self. James just smiles at me. "I know." So I go to James's room to hang out for a bit.
"Hey Sky." Everybody says when I walk in. "Hey guys." I reply and give a small wave. I sit down on the floor and lean against the bed. "So, tell me about the party." I say. "Yeah. Tell us. It was absolutely no fun laying here in bed." He says. I hide my grin.
"It was awesome! Everybody was there. They had the ball dropping projected giant where everybody see it, and when it dropped, everybody kissed. If only my Lilyflower realized she loved me, I could've kissed her." I snort. So does Sirius.
After a while, I retreat to my bedroom to think about the night's events. Sirius Black kissed me. Sirius Black is my boyfriend. I really like Sirius, and he likes me. He doesn't care that I dated his brother. He makes me happy whenever I'm near him.
With these thoughts in my head, I drift off to sleep, only to dream of Sirius.
I'm laying on the ground, bound with chains. "Somebody help me!" I scream. Then somebody walks in. "Be quiet you foolish girl, nobody can hear you here." Although I've never seen or heard him, I know that it can only be Voldemort. "You have not been faithful to me." He hisses. "You must be punished." He continues. "No! Please!" I beg. "Quiet! It's too late now. The ones you care for the most shall be first." True to his word, the Marauders are dragged in by none other than Bellatrix. "Here you are, my lord." She says with a wicked grin. "Sky! Help us!" James yells. But I am powerless. Three death eaters walk in. Three death eaters that happen to be my best friends. Sev, Lucy, and Reggie. "No! Please don't! How could you?" I scream. I'm silenced with a spell. "Crucio!" All four of them yell at the same time. Then the screaming starts. It's the worst sound I've ever heard. Screams of pure pain. I'm crying really hard, but all I can do is sit there. After what seems like forever, they finally stop. "Now it's your turn." Voldemort says, turning around. Shouts of protests come from the boys, but nothing will stop him. "Crucio!"
I wake up to somebody shaking me. "For the love of Merlin, Sky! You'll wake people up!" Sirius. "S-Sorry." I stutter, wiping tears from my eyes. "I had a nightmare." Sirius wraps his arms around me. "Don't be sorry. It's okay. It was just a dream." I turn and put my head against his chest. "It felt so real." I whisper. Sirius pulls me tighter to his chest. "It's okay now. Do you want to talk about it? It might help." I shrug. And then I decide to tell him.
"I was bound in chains and Voldemort was there. He had people drag you, James, Remus, and Peter in, and then all the people I thought were my friends came in. They did the Cruciatus curse on you all, and I was powerless to help. And then he did it on me." I whisper, trembling at the memory of my dream.
Sirius wipes a tear from my face. "We'll be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to us. I promise." I look up at him. He's looking at me with so much care in his eyes. And then he leans down and kisses me ever so softly. "Go to sleep Sky. I won't leave until after you fall asleep." Sirius says, his arms still wrapped around me. He begins to play with my hair, and I begin to feel relaxed. Ever so slowly, I drift off to sleep.

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