Hermione and Draco, a Forbidd...

By BekkaChaos

5.1M 119K 73.6K

He was left broken, with no hope of ever putting himself together, until she entered his life. He never thoug... More

Starting Fresh
What is this I feel?
Working Together
Getting to Know Draco (short)
This is how I Feel
Self Inflicted
Making Headway
Christmas Morning
Connections (EXPLICIT)
Connections (CLEAN, mostly)
Reality Setting In
Not Like This
The moment after
Moving On
Side Tracked
How do I go on?
Try, Try Again
Looking Up
Here We Go Again
What Lies Inside
Second Thoughts
The Time of Their Lives
Second Night
Draco's Story
A New Chapter
Kiss Me
No Place Like Home
Dark Side
Coming Back
History Repeats
Preparing Ahead
You Should Know
Beauty and the Beast
More Finality


75.4K 1.9K 1.4K
By BekkaChaos

Hermione sat with Draco looking out over the grounds. Somewhere out there were the remaining death eaters, though probably miles away by now. Draco looked out into the darkness while she just smiled over at him.

It was only hours ago that he had died right in front of her and now here he was, perfect. He had no idea that if it wasn’t for her and Ron he would still be lying cold under a sheet in the hospital wing.

He caught her staring and shuffled awkwardly. “Why are you doing that?”

“Doing what?” She asked.

“Staring at me. It’s actually quite annoying.” She laughed and turned away.

“I’m just proud of what you did tonight. I can't imagine how scared you must have been.”

He scoffed. “I wasn’t scared.”

She hid her smile from him as he brushed her off. He would hate to admit it but at some point he will. Probably not for a long time.

They headed down to the great hall where McGonagall and the other teachers were addressing the rest of the students. It was mostly formalities.

“I will make sure your families are well aware of what happened here tonight and you should all know that extra measures of security will be taken before you return to school next year. Now to those of you who won't be returning… Graduation will run as planned and invitations have already been sent to your families. Those of you who have muggle parents can rest assured, we have arranged for them to arrive promptly. Despite this shadow, you will still be graduating tomorrow.

“If there are any sixth years that have siblings graduating they will be permitted to stay, otherwise the train leaves tomorrow morning. I assure you that you will have a safe journey home, preparations have already been made.” She finished with a curt little nod. “Now, it is well past the curfew so I recommend you all head back to your dormitories for some well-deserved rest.”

The students began to disperse and Hermione turned to Draco. “I’ll see you tomorrow at graduation then?”

“Of course, it’s not like we really need to hide anymore.” He shrugged and she hugged him.

“No we don’t.” She said into his shoulder.

They headed out of the hall and Hermione was reluctant to let him leave as he headed to his dormitory. She watched him until he turned the corner, pausing for a moment to smile back at her, and then he was gone.

“Are you ever going to tell him?” She turned to see Ron standing beside her.

“I think it would be better left as our little secret don’t you?” She smiled.

“Considering you could get into a lot of trouble, yeah, probably for the best.” She put her arm around him and they walked back to their common room.

“Wait! Is Seamus alright?” She asked.

“He’s fine. A broken arm and a few bruised ribs, he was just knocked out. He’ll be right to graduate tomorrow.” Ron said.

“I’ll bet he’ll milk it for as long as it’ll last though.”

Ron chuckled. “I’ll say. Let’s not tell him it was our fault or he’ll never let us forget it.”

Hermione giggled and sighed to herself. They made it through another year; she just hoped they wouldn’t all be like this.

Graduation Day

Hermione woke up and smiled. She still couldn’t believe what they had done. Even though she wished that she could have spent the night with Draco she knew that it was probably better for them to get some real sleep before they graduated.

She couldn’t wait to see her parents out in the grounds watching, they would probably have a lot to talk about with Seamus’ dad, he was also a muggle.

She stretched as she got out of bed and picked up her graduation robes that she had laid out neatly on top of her trunk. This was it; this was her last day as a Hogwarts student.

What was she going to do now that it was all over? Hogwarts was like a second home. She felt even sorrier for Harry; this was the only place he really felt was home anymore. He had moved into the burrow with the others and that was where he seemed to fit, but there’s nothing like your first real home.

Her heart sank a little. Harry still hadn’t said anything to her since the battle. Surely he would have to speak to her at graduation.

She looked at her watch. There were only a couple of hours until it began so she packed her cap into her bag and decided to take a stroll through the castle. It would be her last time as a student.

The walls seemed smaller than they used to, older and wiser. It was almost like Hogwarts had grown with her and she knew that it had helped her become the person she was today. She remembered her first year and how utterly impossible everything had seemed when she had gotten her letter. Now she would probably graduate at the top of her class.

When it was time she headed towards the lake where they had set up a small stage and seats for their families. She saw some of the students talking with their parents and noticed that Molly and Arthur were fussing over Ron and Harry, well Molly was fussing. Luna was dressed normally as she still had a year left at school but her father had come to watch as her friends and boyfriend graduated.

Neville was looking about as sour as ever as his grandmother tutted about one thing or another and Dean and Seamus were introducing their families.

“Hermione! Sweetheart!” She spun around to see her mother striding towards her with her arms outstretched.

Hermione grinned and embraced her. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“We’re glad to be here.” Her father stood beside her and kissed her head. “I have to say this place is remarkable for a school.”

She giggled, “I’ll have to show you around after.”

“We’ve just been talking to Draco, he says his parents won't be coming, is that true?” Her mother asked with a shocked look on her face.

Hermione felt a pang and looked over at the seats where Draco sat alone. Wouldn’t they even make an attempt for their son’s graduation?

“Probably, they’re um… well they have a lot on their plates.” She said.

“Well we shall cheer for him too.” Her father said.

Hermione smiled and hugged them.

“I better go and get ready, we’ll be starting soon.” She said as she walked over to where Draco sat.

He looked up to see her and smiled.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked.

“You have never once asked me that.” She said and he grinned.

“Well I thought it might be nice.”

She bent over and kissed him on the cheek. “I like being able to do that.” She smiled, her cheeks going faintly rosy.

“Me too.” He pulled her back for a quick kiss.

“You’re scared because you think my parents are watching aren’t you?” she laughed and he rolled his eyes.

“Come on, let’s get up there then.” He took her hand and they walked to the stage together.

She could see the people staring but she didn’t care. The feeling of his hand in hers was better than anything else in that moment.

It wasn’t long before the ceremony had started. McGonagall gave a speech and a few of the other teacher spoke kindly of their students. It was wonderful.

“I have had the privilege of teaching these students since they first came to this school. While some of them passed through gracefully, others had a rather turbulent time.” McGonagall eyed the golden trio as she spoke and then turned her gaze to Draco and smiled slightly. “It is my great honour to present them to you today, on their final day in this school, as graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” She pulled out a scroll from her pocket along with her wand. “Seamus Finnigan!” She called.

The crowd applauded and Hermione saw his parents stand and cheer for him. He gave the crowd a smile and with one arm in a loose sling he gave McGonagall a big grin before she signed his parchment and had him stand to one side of the stage.

Hermione waited for her turn to be called and when McGonagall read her name she couldn’t help but smile at the reaction from her parents as she walked toward her and took her parchment.

“Well done Miss Granger.” McGonagall said.

She almost seemed teary but Hermione thanked her and went to stand with the other students.

One by one their names were called and slowly the group of students waiting became a limited few. Draco and McGonagall exchanged silent nods as she handed him the parchment and soon there was only one more name to be called.

“Ronald Weasley!” Molly screamed and Arthur shushed her with embarrassment.

And once he had made it to the other side of the stage, it was finished. It was the end of their lives at Hogwarts.

They all gave one last throw of their caps as they made their way off the stage and behind it to say their goodbyes.

Hermione found Draco and hugged him. “I’m so glad we got to do this.” She said.

“I know, me too.” He said with a hand on her cheek.

“What’s that?” Hermione pointed to an envelope floating down to them.

She looked up to see an owl flying away as Draco caught it. On the front was his name written in bright red ink. He looked up suspiciously and slowly opened it. With a sigh, he read it aloud for Hermione to hear.

“Dear Mr Malfoy, one betrayal can be redeemed, but two is a declaration of your treachery. You didn’t think we’d let you get away with it did you? You best keep your wits about you because this isn’t over until your blood is spilt, not to mention the… filthy mudblood’s. You have been forewarned, next time we will not hesitate to act.” He closed his eyes and bit his lip. “I am so sorry.” He said. “They won't stop.”

“I know, it’s not your fault. We’re just going to have to find a way through this, together.” She squeezed his hand tightly. “Come on, I think it’s time to ask if I still have anyone on my side, we’ll need them for this.” He looked like he was about to object but instead he sighed and followed her to where the rest of them were standing.

They all stood together, even Luna and Ginny had come out to see them. Hermione cleared her throat and they turned slowly, most of their faces dropping when they saw her standing there with Draco.

“I know that I’ve done something that you see as a betrayal, and that I should have told you before, but right now I need to know who I can count on.” She said.

She took the letter and Draco nodded as she handed it to Harry. They closed in to read it and Harry looked back up at her.

“This isn’t our fight anymore.” He said.

“Well it is mine. So long as we’re together this is my fight and before you say anything, no, leaving him isn’t an option for me.”

“You can't seriously be putting your own life on the line for him?” Ginny said.

“I know that you don’t understand it but a great man once said that it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. That’s what I’m doing now. I need to know if any of you are going to stand by me for this, stand by us.” She stepped back so that she stood next to Draco and looked up at him.

He gave her a weak smile and looked back at the group who stood silently staring at the two of them. Hermione almost thought that no one would stand with them but Luna stepped forward and stood by her side.

“You’ll always have me.” She said.

Hermione mimed a thank you to her just as Neville stepped forward.

“Me too.” He said.

“Neville you don’t have to do everything Luna does.” Seamus said with a look of disgust on his face.

“I’m not doing it for her!” He snapped. “I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do. It’s what Dumbledore would have wanted us to do.” Luna took his hand and he seemed to calm down instantly.

As Hermione looked at the rest of them she knew that this was it, this was the telling moment. Could they really not forgive her for the choice she had made? Was it really such a terrible thing?

She looked to the ground and nodded. She was about to say something when she heard Ron’s voice moving towards her.

“Yeah, he’s right.” He stopped in front of her and they exchanged a smile before he looked up at Draco and gave him a curt nod and stood behind the four of them.

“Ron!” Ginny hissed.

“You’re not going to change my mind.” He said flatly.

“Well I guess that’s that then.” Harry said, the look of betrayal in his eyes now doubled as his best friend left him to join his first real enemy.

“I guess it is.” Ron said finally.

So the group remained divided. Harry, Dean, Seamus and Ginny turned to walk away leaving the rest standing together.

“I know that wasn’t easy for any of you…” Hermione said.

“You just let us know what you need. We’re not going anywhere.” Ron said, his eyes still following the others away.

So Hermione had her love and half of her friends on her side. She also had a battle ahead of her. She wouldn’t trade it though, Draco has shown her things that she had never felt before, and she had awoken in him the desire to love and be loved.

Her friends would come around one day, whether it be tomorrow or ten years from now, and if they didn’t then she would have to live with what she had.

For now, that didn’t seem like a half bad idea.

                                                              ~ ~ ~

Firstly, I want to thank you all for reading until the very end. It means everything to me. I'm glad you enjoyed this book and in case you were wondering, yes, i intend on writing a sequel. I don't know when it will be started but hopefully it should be a few weeks.

It will probably have a few saucier parts, a few more relationship strains and yes, Draco will probably master his patronas. Just stay posted and maybe I'll add an extra chapter to this one when the beginning of the sequel is ready, just to let all you followers know that it's up.

For now though, this is the end and I hope you loved reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. This one is for you guys. xoxo

Thanks again loyal Potterheads!

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