Alpha Black

By CamryR5fan

455K 15.1K 558

"What makes you think you have something about your mate to complain about. So what he doesn't spend all his... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen Black's Pov
Apologies (A/N)
AN updates info please read
The time is close. Please read
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Must. Read. BOOKS!!!

Chapter Six

21.5K 693 34
By CamryR5fan

2 days later.

The past two days have been hopeless. Black never stays in the same room as me for more then 5 seconds and I can't sleep. My wolf won't stay still and it's extremely annoying when I have to wake up at 2:30 every morning for training and I only get maybe 30 minutes of sleep. Right now it's 9:48 and it's the weekend meaning that I get to 'sleep' in. Considering I'm not actually sleeping. I sigh and decide I'm done laying for today and I get up. Shuffling my feet I reach the bathroom after taking a trip to my closet for clothes. I set them down on the counter and turn the shower to warm. I step in after stripping and I stand there letting the hot water untie my mussels. After my thirty minute shower I climb out and get dressed. I sigh putting my jean shorts on and petting Fred before leaving the room. I walk down to the kitchen and notice Black in there. As soon as I walk in he leaves and I sigh. I decide to make breakfast for myself and I sit at the counter. Lydia storms in and huffs before going to the fridge and pulling stuff out for her breakfast.

"Whats up with you?" I ask and she faces me.

"Karter is being distant again. He is leaving for long periods of time and isn't returning till the dead of night and he is being extremely secretive. What if he is cheating on me, What if its with one of my friends. What am I gonna do? I mean I haven't felt any pain to prove he is cheating so he might not be but I just want my mate----" Is all she gets out before I interrupt her

"What makes you think you have something about your mate to complain about. So what he doesn't spend all his time with you." I growl at my friend whom is complaining about her mate.

"I would give anything to have my mate at least acknowledge that I'm here. My mate doesn't love me. He is cold and all I asked for was for someone to love me. I sleep in a guest room, I barely sleep, I don't have arms wrapped around me to protect me from my bad dreams or my nightmares of my past, you have nothing to complain about, my mate treats me like I'm not even there. But here you are. Complaining that you think yours has been distant. At least you have someone to comfort you at night when your sad or scared." I yell at her with tears down my face before running off out of the house and into the woods. Little did I know, Black was listening... The whole time.

As I ran into the woods I shifted and flew like the wind. Dodging boulder and occasionally jumping over some. I ran into a tree or two but all it did was break in half and fall to the floor. All I can see is red. My wolf is controlling me and I cant help but let the tears fall. My wolf pulls to a screeching halt and gives me control back. Marcus is there in his wolf form. Our scroll keeper is the only person more powerful than us. That is why they are chosen by the moon goddess to train us and protect us. He walks closer holding his head high and his face always towards mine with his teeth bared.

"Calm down." He demands and I shift back throwing him against a rock. He gets up anyways and his eyes are an enchanted navy blue.

He holds his hand out towards me and I feel myself begin to get weak but I fight against it. I push forward and throw fire at him. His face is burnt but he heals himself and shifts again. I shift to and it turns into a full on fight. At first we circle each other looking for a weak spot. I fake a weak foot and Marcus lunges towards my hind leg. I spin and grab him by the neck holding him tightly. He snaps his jaw down on my front right paw and I yelp letting go of his neck and he gets away. He grabs my neck and quickly shifts inserting me with a serum that forces you to change back and pass out. I fight against the serum but he hits my pressure point and I cant hold it back any longer. I finally allow the serum to work and I pass out in my robe.

Marcus' POV

It hurt me to fight her but she was out of control. She wasn't thinking clearly and her mind was clouded with anger, hurt, and sadness. I sighed letting her go and standing up before tying my robe shut and then her and picking her up. I carried her back to the house and in through the back door.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!?!?!?!?" Alpha Black's voice thundered through the house and everyone that was on the front floor was now outside nowhere to be seen.

"Her mind is clouded with anger, hurt, and sadness. She lost control and no one but me could stop her. Her mother gave me stronger powers to be able to control her when the time was needed. She put up a good fight. so i had to inject her with honjolu(hon-ju-loo don't know if it's real or not.) Its a sacred toxin that the goddess gives to the scroll keeper that trains the next phoenix wolf. She is the first in over a thousand years to walk the planet so the keeper is also given great knowledge to help them. I couldn't get her to calm down so the goddess told me to force her. As much as it hurt her, she knew it was what's best for her daughter right now." I explain while walking to her room and setting her on the bed under the blankets.

"Why was she so mad in the first place?" He asked and i glared at him

"You know damn well why. You were there after all when she went off on Lydia. She is hurt and angered because of you. Her past isn't something I can tell you, but I have to so you can understand why she tries so hard to get you to acknowledge her. When she was 12 she was kidnapped she was beat, tortured, and while with her kidnappers she had lost her one other thing she was waiting to share with her mate. She was horrified, shaken, jumped at every sound for months. She didn't talk to anyone, and she feared to find her mate, for she feared what they said was true. But what they did say is true." I say turning back to her and waving my hand over her setting her in a long sleep for three days while her body recovered, she had time to sleep,and so she could calm down.

"What did they say to her?" He strained out through clenched teeth. I slowly faced him and my eyes darkened and my glare hardened.

"That you." I start walking closer to him shaking now.

"Wouldn't want her. That you wouldn't lover her. But how can the all 'mighty' Darnell James Black love someone. You have no heart, you have no feelings, you have no pity or mercy. You only care about being on top. But look what you have done, You have endangered you mate, endangered me, endangered a pack mate, and you have torn her to pieces. We are leaving when she wakes up. Screw that deal she made with your mother. I wont stand here and watch my best friend suffer because her mate is a monster that cant love." I yell at him and when I'm done I watch his body shake with anger. He moved so fast and pushed me so hard into the wall it made a crack and a dent the size of my back.

"Listen here old man. You know nothing about me. You know nothing about my reasons for pushing her away and pretending I don't love her. I love her with everything I have. I love her more than the goddess above does and I would do anything to be with her. I'm sorry for hurting her but before you go pointing fingers, know the whole story asshole. My aunt put a spell on me. She is half witch and it was that when I found my mate I had a year to loose her before I killed Kat under my aunts control. I had no intentions of hurting her so badly. But I had no choice. I tried to push her away and i tried to do it as nicely as I could but my wolf wouldn't let me go so every time I had a hard face on I was pushing her away while fighting my wolf. Now leave me alone. I'm trying to protect her." He growls pushing me harder into the wall

"Why didn't you just say so. The goddess could have lifted it and forced the witch king to kill your aunt. It's treason and forbidden. Wolves and witches are suppose to be allies." I say and watch his face soften in realization.

"Would she do that for me? I've been so mean and rude to everyone around me but it was my aunt controlling me." He asks in a small and repentful voice.

"She will if you ask." I say and point behind him. He stiffens and lets me go to face her. He bows and looks like he is fighting something.

"Please remove the curse. I beg of you for your daughters sake and for the sake of humanity and wolf kind. remove the curse and take her to the Witch king. I hate hurting her but I don't have any control over myself. She is controlling me and is almost breaking through now." He says falling to his knees holding his head as if it were about to fall off.

"You don't need to plead but if something else like this is to happen ask for help. It isn't a sign of weakness to ask for help. It is a sign of strength to ask because most alphas are afraid to ask for help thinking it make them weak but in all reality it strengthens them when they ask for help because they aren't afraid to be helped. Everyone needs help. Especially you Black. And the only one that can help you the most is your mate." She says before chanting a foreign language that has never been heard to man or beast kind. After her chant she opened her hand and we found a soul of a woman standing in her palm.

"You have done wrong, you will now face justice and court in front of the gods and goddesses of the beast world. Let's hope you get death because that is probably the best punishment there is." She said before placing the soul in a jar and capping it before she can leave. She chanted again and the jar was outlined in a glow that looked like lasers. She nodded at me and left taking the jar with her. I called in a few guards and told them to bring the doctor and a stretcher

"What happened here?" The doctor asked and I faced him.

"Leave us." I tell the big guards. once they were gone I intensely looked at the doctor.

"Were you aware of the witch that was controlling you alpha?" I asked and he nodded

"I made a serum that helped him to block her out. Why?" He asked too interested.

"You were in on it." I accuse and he scuffs and looks at me for a hint that I was joking. When he found none he turned and ran. I ran after him and held him on the floor.

"Grab him." I tell the guards and they look at me suspiciously.

"Your goddess left me in charge while Alpha black is recovering from the recent spell lift." I say and at the mention of their goddess they jumped into action. I chanted a roman spell the goddess taught me and a cage created around him trapping him.

"Goddess please return." I whispered and she appeared in front of me.

"What is it Marcus?" She asked and i pointed to the cage behind her holding the now foaming at the mouth doctor.

"Looks like the alpha will need a new pack doctor." she says and disappears with the doctor.

"Did Black tell the pack about the spell his aunt placed on him?" I asked the two men and they nodded.

"The goddess has lifted the curse and his aunt is facing all of the gods and goddesses along with the doctor.

"Will Alpha be okay?" They ask and I nod.

"Yes lets get him into bed." I say and walk back into the bedroom and help them place the passed out Black on the stretcher before wheeling him to his room and placing him on his bed. We placed him under his blankets and went to walk out.

"Where is she!!!" He growled shaking the walls.

"She is in her bed." I say and he nods getting out of bed. He walks to her bedroom and we follow to watch over him and make sure nothing is wrong.

"Please get my doctor to get me some Tylonal." He says and I shake my head.

"Your pack doctor is with your aunt facing the gods and goddesses. He was working along side her and giving you medicine that your aunt was giving him to give you." I repeat everything we got out of him

"He was what?!?!?" He yells shaking While laying on the bed. He wraps his hand around Kats waist and pulled her close and smelled her neck.

"Calm down before I'm forced to do the same thing to you that I did to her." I threaten and he nods.

"Leave." He says and we leave. This is gonna be a long few days.

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