Falling for the Badboy

By Yasmine_Haven

2M 63.8K 11.6K

Terribly shy Nerdy Quiet But full of secrets Yeah that's me, Melissa King Silent Smart Badass With nothing to... More

I Hate Math Class
Watching Me
I Dislike Her
Goodbye Quiet School Days
Mr. Tutor
What Did I Agree Too
What Was I Thinking
Teasing Me
I'm Not Jealous
Does He Like Me or Is He Just Playing Me
Nightly Visit
The Mall
School Drama
I'll Protect You
More School Drama
Nightly Visit 2
Dinner part one
Dinner part 2
She's Growing Up
We're Official
What Now
Rain *Zach Pov*
My Boyfriend
Meeting The Family
I Want You
Content *Zach pov*
Being Selfish part 1
Being Selfish part 2
Being Selfish part 3
Being Selfish part 4
What a Pain part 1*Zach POV*
What a Pain part 2 *Zach POV*
Us vs Them part 1
Us vs Them part 2
His Rainbow
Fallen for the Bad boy
Author's note

Just Another Monday

31.9K 1K 208
By Yasmine_Haven

Alice pov

Sitting at the lunch table, I don't know what might happen today. Amanda can come back to school, and I sighed rubbing my arm glancing around. I wish that she would just give up on Zach, like he has moved on so why do you just keep trying. If she keeps this up, she is the one that is going to be hurt.

"Hey Alice."

Jerking my head up, I saw that this dude was standing in front of me. Sighing, I turned my head ignoring him. This kid keeps bothering me for some reason. I felt him plop down beside me, and I frowned staring down at my feet. What does he even want?

"So Alice, I heard your sister is back today."

Glancing at him, he was leaning on his hand staring at me with a stupid smile.

"Yeah so..."

"So you're going to have a busy day, huh."

"Um... I guess."

Staring into his brown eyes, he smiled sitting up straight and turned toward me.

"You know if it ever gets too much, I'm always here."

"Umm... thanks. What's your name again?"

"Kyle, remember we got classes together."

I totally forgot, and I rubbed the back of my neck, before giving him a little smile.

"Yeah thanks Kyle."

He smiled standing up leaving, and sighed.

"Oh Alice just remember, no matter what I'm on your side."

Staring at him shocked, he turned leaving out of the cafeteria, and I watched him go. What do you really want from me Kyle?

Catherine pov

Leaning against my locker, today that bitch is coming back to school, and I just know she is going to cause some shit. Staring down, I let out a deep sigh, and a pair of feet was then in front of me. Lifting my head, I stared at Derek. He gave me a worried look, and I moved wrapping my arms around him for a hug. He hugged me tightly, before pulling away, and stared down at me.

"You good?"


"You seen Zach or Melissa yet?"

"No, I don't think they are here yet."

"What about Amanda?"

"No, and I'm glad."

Leaning back against the locker, I frowned looking away down the hall. I don't care if I get put out again, if she tries something again, I will put her back on her ass.

"Hey babe."

Coming out my thought, I stared at Derek wide eyed, and he smirked. Moving his arms, he wrapped them around my waist, before pulling me against his chest, and kissing my forehead.


Letting out a sigh, I laid my head on his chest for a moment. I really need to stop over thinking everything, because it's going to be fine. Squeezing Derek tightly, I lifted my head looking up at him, and he smiled leaning down pressing a kiss to my lips. The warmth from the kiss made me slowly calm down. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away a little.

Pouting staring into his brown eyes, he smirked, before pushing me against the locker, and kissing me hard. A soft moan fell from my lips, and he sucked my lower lip in his mouth, before sliding his tongue in my mouth. Running a hand through his hair, my mind was starting to go fuzzy.

"Break apart you two."

Breaking away with a smack, we looked to see a teacher giving us a disapproving look. Staring back at each other, Derek smiled showing his dimples, and laughter bubbled from my lips. Pressing my face into his chest, he chuckled pulling me away from the locker.

"Feel better?"


"Good just remember....

He pulled lifting my face up with his hands so I was staring into his eyes.

... no matter what happens today, I have your back ok."

I could feel the blush slowly warming my cheeks, and I gave him a little nod.


Letting my face go, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and started pulling me toward the lunch room. Man what would I do without Derek?

Melissa pov

Staring out the window, I was trying to get myself together for today. Turning glancing at Zach, he was staring at me emotionless, until a sigh fell from his lips, and he smirked.

"You worried babe?"

"Not really, just preparing myself for the bullshit I might have to go through today."

His eyes widen, before he snorted leaning his head back.

"Damn I'm becoming a bad influence on you, pretty girl."

Staring at him confused, he shook his head, before slowly getting out of the car. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door getting out as well. Walking over to Zach, I took his hand, and we slowly went into the school. Walking through the halls, a few people stared at us for the moment, but that was normal.

Going to my locker, I grabbed my bag, before closing it. Glancing over at Zach, he was glancing around for a moment. Grabbing his hand, he glanced down at me, and I gave him a smile. Squeezing my hand, we started walking down the hall toward the lunch room. Walking right around the corner, at the corner of my eye I saw her.

There was Amanda leaning against the wall with a bunch of her friends, and I turned my head looking at her. She glanced at me, and stopped, before giving me a dirty look. Rolling my eyes at her, I'm not scared of her, and there is no reason to be intimidated by her. We went around the corner going into the cafeteria. There I saw Catherine, Derek, Terrell, and even Marie sitting at the table. Terrell had his arm swung over her shoulder, I wonder if something is going on between them.

Walking toward the table, we sat down, and I glanced around to see Alice a few tables away from us. Connecting eyes with her, she frowned, before slowly lowering her head. I don't really have a problem with her, her sister is just a bitch. She then lifted her head looking at the door, and I looked to see Amanda coming inside.

She glared at me, and I sighed rolling my eyes at her. Zach soon wrapped his arm around my waist, and kissed the side of my head. Smiling at him, I wrapped my arm around him, before leaning into his side.

Amanda pov

Staring at Zach and his stupid bitch, I could the smile slowly forming on my face. I know what Zach true weakness is, and how to use it against him. Just wait Zach, you're going to realize soon who's the perfect girl for you is.

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