Natalie || Bruno Mars

By lockedandloaded

125K 3.2K 1.2K

[UNDER EDITING] editor: Karabear6996 Bruno Mars was enjoying dinner with his friends at a fancy restaurant in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

3.3K 89 21
By lockedandloaded

Author's Note: RIP Bernadette Bayot Hernandez

Bruno's POV

I closed the door leaving Natalie in the room. As I walked down the hall I saw Bridgette standing there. I guess she was already home with my sisters. She was looking at me with a worried face. I gazed at her and then just brushed pass her.

"Bruno, what's wrong?" she asked at my back.

"Nothing," I just answered and then continued walking.

I climbed down the stairs with an even heavier heart. I knew I was about to cry but I have to stand the tears. I didn't want anyone seeing me cry and I didn't want my mom to know that I and Natalie were kind of having a fall out.

"You're not even my husband! In fact, you're not even my real boyfriend!"

She's right. Why am I acting like this? I'm not even her boyfriend. But why am I so affected? What is wrong with me? Does this really mean that I do have feelings for Natalie again? I don't understand! I-

But what hurts the most is that she doesn't even want to tell me about how she lost the ring. Is she going to hide this from me forever? I'm just really hurt. I felt like I was the most pathetic person in the world.

"Hey brother! I bought something for you!" Presley welcomed me with this news as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I saw that my sisters just arrived. "This shirt will look good on you," she said in enthusiasm as she took out a shirt from her shopping bag.

"Please, Pres. Not now," I said in a weary voice and then left her.

Dinner time came and I still wasn't okay and Natalie still hasn't showed downstairs. We were all seated at the dining table, eating dinner. I was beside Ali who also didn't look like she was in a good mood. While eating, the ladies were chattering and Phil and Eric were eating like pigs. I just sat there eating ever so slowly and not saying a word.

"Bruno, where's Natalie?" my Mom suddenly asked.

"She's in my room," I answered in a low voice looking down on my plate.

"Could you tell her to come down now and eat? She must be hungry," she commanded.

"She's asleep," I lied.

Everyone looked at me probably thinking that I was looking a little strange. I can tell they were worried and not convinced with my answer, even Ali.

"Are you two alright, Bruno?" Jaime asked.

I looked at her with sad eyes and then quickly looked down.

Persey's (Natalie) POV

I didn't want to go downstairs and join them to dinner. I didn't want to deal with anyone or with anything right now. So for the rest of the night, I stayed inside the room sitting up on the bed and crying every once in a while. I can't get Bruno out of my head. I know it's true but I shouldn't have said that to him. I've just hurt him for the second time around. I'm still not sure if he... does has feelings for me though. Was I too numb to realize that? I don't want to assume! Maybe I know he do likes me but I just don't want to believe it.

How 'bout me? Do I have feelings for Bruno?

One o'clock in the morning and I was still awake. I can't sleep because of Bruno. He hasn't come back. When does he plan to sleep, anyway? Where does he plan to sleep?

I stood up from the bed and reached for the door. I went out of the room and tip toed my way down the stairs. I saw no one in the living room, in the kitchen, in any parts of the first floor of the house. Finally, I went to the backyard and saw who I was looking for. He was sitting on the bench drinking wine and staring at the moon. Beside him was Geronimo. He didn't know I was there just staring at him and dying to reach him.

"Bruno," I called with all my courage. He turned his head and was a little surprised to see me. "Are you not sleeping yet?" I asked with my heavy heart.

"I'm fine," he answered, sadness filled his voice.

"Okay," I said looking down. "I-I was just... w-worried. Bye," I got tongue-tied. Then I just walked away not knowing what to say anymore. But before I reached the stairs, I felt someone suddenly grabbed my hand. I turned around and saw his teary brown eyes looking at mine.

He didn't say a word. Neither did I. He just took my hand and to my surprise, he slowly slid the engagement ring right to my finger. The ring! I forgot! It must be the one he was trying to ask me about earlier. How can I be so stupid?

"No matter what, this belongs to you. You have to take care of it," he said looking at my hand.

"Bruno, I'm so-" I trailed off in shock as he suddenly kissed me on the forehead. "Good night," he said and then walked away to climb upstairs. Once again, I was left frozen and speechless. A tear poured down my cheek.

Bruno's POV

I woke up finding myself lying on the bed. I was expecting to see Natalie beside me but she wasn't there. Where could she be? Where did she sleep?

I put on my shirt and went downstairs. I saw Phil and Eric in the living room drinking coffee and watching some basketball. "Where's Natalie?" I asked.

"She went grocery shopping with Ali and Bridgette," Phil reported.

"Bridgette?" I frowned.

"Yeah. Those three girls always argue but then they're always together," Eric said.

"Did you have a fight with Natalie last night?" Phil asked.

"I guess... yeah," I answered.

"Are you two okay now?"

"I'm not sure."

"Hey, it's our last day. We're playing volleyball today, ain't we?" Eric changed the subject. I forgot all about that. I want to spend my last day in Hawaii enjoying. I don't want to think about heartbreaks for a while. And besides, I miss just hanging out with The Hooligans.

I had coffee that morning and I went in the shower. Then I headed to the hotel first with Eric and Phil. We went up to the floor where their rooms were located. We knocked on Jamereo's hotel room where the guys were gathered. We thought we were going to find them laughing and just goofing around as always but the ambience of the room was different this time. The guys were gathered on the couch talking, and they seemed serious.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Phil greeted which just made things awkward.

They all looked at us and the next thing I know, Lucas ran to me and grabbed my shirt. "You! You did this! You set me up!" he yelled at my face furiously.

The guys tried to calm him down by telling him to stop and pulling him away from me but he was too stubborn and angry at me.

"W-what are you talking about?" I pretended.

"Stop pretending, you son of a bitch! Jen told me!" he shouted. Jen was the one I set him up with at the club. She's my friend who works there. The one I was talking about. How dare she tell him! I'm sure I gave her a full payment for that set up. But why did she have to tell him?! "You set me up because you want Bridgette and me to break up! Is that it?!" Even the guys were surprised to hear that. They know nothing about this.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I screamed as he strangled me.

"Stop lying, you fucking asshole! You stay away from my girlfriend!" he screamed back.

"It's not my fault that your girlfriend misses me!"

He got angrier now and he pushed my body to the wall which just hurt, and cornered me there. "Is that so? Well, get this, Bruno Mars! You don't even know but your girlfriend kissed me when we went cliff diving," he gritted through his teeth. I don't know why but I felt like my blood began to boil. My heart was pounding so hard in anger. In an adrenaline rush and without even thinking because of too much anger, I gave Lucas a punch on the face which made him fall on the floor with his nose bleeding.

"You fucking stay away from her, you sick son of a bitch!" I roared. We started beating each other on the floor and the guys were trying to stop us but we wouldn't stop.

Tell me he's lying! Natalie didn't kiss him! I can't take it!

"I'm gonna kill you!" he screamed at my face.

Persey's (Natalie) POV

"I'm hungry, Natalie. Can we go to a drive-thru?" Ali cried she she was sitting at the back of the car. I was driving and beside me was Bridgette. We just went grocery shopping and now we were on our way to the hotel to visit the guys, and Bridgette was already planning to talk to Lucas.

"Okay. We're going to Mcdonald's," I replied.

"What? No! We're going to Wendy's," Bridgette protested.

"No way, girl! I say Mcdonald's," I demanded.

"No! Wendy's!"



"Don't make me mad," I glared at her.

"I said Wendy's! Shit. Let me drive this thing," she said and then abruptly grabbed the stirring wheel and forcedly turned it to the right which leads to a nearby Wendy's.

But I tried to stop her. "What the hell, Bridgette?! Get your hands off the stirring wheel!" Then we started having interpolation with the stirring wheel 'causing the car to move from side to side. We almost even hit the side of the road.



"STOP!" Ali shouted which made us silence. "Stop it, okay? Forget it! I'm not hungry anymore! Every single time. The only thing you know is to argue. Geez! Grow up!" she said like she was older than us. "Let's just head to the hotel now," she grumbled.

We reached the hotel building after a few minutes and headed to the floor where the guys were. On our way to the room, we heard yelling and loud thuds. We followed the noise and it led us to the room where the boys were in. It seemed like there was a riot inside. We opened the door without even knocking and walked in. And guess what welcomed us? Bruno and Lucas beating each other.

"Lucas! What the fuck?!" Bridgette screamed in terror as she saw the two men of her life fighting.

I've never seen Bruno this mad before. The other guys were trying to pull them away from each other but they were just too stubborn.

"Stop it!" Bridgette screamed again but that wasn't enough.

I ran to Phil's side as he and Dre tried to pull Bruno away while John and Dwayne pulled Lucas.

"Bruno, stop!" I shouted but it sounded like I was begging instead of commanding.

"Is that all you got?! You fucking douchebag!"

"Why you little motherfucker!"

Bruno and Lucas still kept on ranting at each other. They just won't stop! This is crazy!

Without even thinking, I bravely jumped in between the two mad men and before Bruno could throw a punch once more at Lucas' face, I exclaimed, "Bruno, please stop!" as I wrapped my arms around him and pushed him away from Lucas as hard as I can.

"You stay away from Natalie," I heard Bruno said to Lucas for the last time.

"Bruno, stop," I said once more. I felt his warm body on mine. I smelt his scent that smelt so good even though he was already sweating.

Eventually, Bruno calmed down as he finally sensed that I was there, and so did Lucas who was pulled away by the other boys. But I can still feel Bruno's heart pounding in anger and he was catching his breath. "Bruno, calm down. I'm here," I whispered in his ear. Then I felt his muscular arms wrapped around me too. Everything calmed down now and everyone was relieved. Phil asked us to leave the room for I don't know... for the rest of our lives, maybe? They wanted space between Lucas and Bruno for a while.

I escorted Bruno out of the room with Eric and Ali, leaving Bridgette there taking care of Lucas with the other boys.

Ali entered Bruno's room with a pack of ice, a towel and a first aid kit. She handed me everything. "Thanks, Ali," I said. Then she went to Bruno and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Bruno," she said in a very concern voice. That was the very first time Ali acted like this to Bruno. You can see she does love him so much more than just an idol when she does that.

Bruno gave him a smile which I guess means I love you too. Ali then left the room. I guess it was just me and Bruno again, sitting on the side of the bed with me wrapping a cube of ice with the towel and him waiting for me to aid him.

"What happened?" I asked while preparing the ice.

"He knew that I set him up," he answered honestly.

"Oh," that was all I got to say.

Bruno's POV

"Hold still," Natalie told me and I obeyed letting her gently dump the ice covered with a towel on the bruise on the corner of my lower lips. It hurt but the pain didn't take over me because I was looking at the most beautiful eyes. It was like an angel was taking care of me.

"Then how did you start beating each other?" she asked.

"Because... I don't know. It's nothing," I answered. I guess I was too shy to tell her that it was really because of her why I started punching Lucas.

"What is it?" she urged.

"I'm not telling," I teased.

"Oh c'mon!" she cried.



"Aw!" I suddenly jerked. "Could you be more careful with that? It hurts you know!" I demanded but in a joking way.

"Okay! Geez! I'm sorry, boss," she cried.

I chuckled. "Shut up and cure me, bitch."

For a minute, I stayed still as she cured my bruise. While she was doing that, I can't take my eyes off of her. How can she still look perfect even without make-up?

"What?" she stopped and asked me now that she was feeling a little awkward with me staring closely at her.

"What? Is it wrong to stare at you?" I grinned.

"You stare at me like I'm some kind of food. It's creepy," she murmured.

I laughed. "Okay. I'm just gonna close my eyes," I said and actually did it.

She continued on my bruise but after a few seconds, she spoke up. "Bruno?"

"Hmm?" I muttered as I opened my eyes to see her.

She sighed. "I... I'm sorry about how I acted last night. I just don't understand why you were so mad at me. I don't know why... you were so worried about me," she said and I felt my heart flipped. "I want to know why you're acting like-"

"Did you kiss Lucas at the beach?" I spitted cutting her off.

She looked at me with a what-the-fuck look on her face. "What?" she frowned.

"Do you still like Lucas?" I asked.

"Bruno, Lucas cheated on me-"

"Do you still love him?"

It took her a second to answer. "No. I don't."

"Did you kiss him?"

"I didn't! Oh my gosh! Who told you that?" she exclaimed and I think that was enough to convince me. I knew Lucas was saying bullshits.

"You don't love him anymore, do you?" I asked once more.

"Bruno, I don't love him anymore," she assured.

"Okay. Just askin'," I said looking down. Then she continued aiding me but as she dumped the ice on my bruise again, I jerked away. "Aw! My lips!" I moaned touching them.

"Oops, I'm sorry!" she muttered. "Here, let me help you."

She was about to dump the ice on my bruise again but I stopped her by grabbing her on the wrist. "Stop it, okay? It wouldn't help," I said.

"Then what do you want me to do?" she asked.

I didn't answer but just kissed her on the lips. Now that's an answer. For a while, I felt like the pain I feel on my lips disappeared. This wasn't the first time I kissed her but it felt like it is. I know it's so gay but I felt butterflies flew into my stomach. My heart was beating fast. Natalie's lips were soft and I didn't want to leave them anymore but she pulled away and looked at me like she has just seen a ghost.

"Bruno, what-" she tried to speak but she can't finish a sentence. She was too surprised and puzzled.

I brushed her hair to the back of her ear and whispered, "You're beautiful, Natalie... no matter what you do." Then I slowly inched to her again and as I did she closed her eyes and waited for me to kiss her. That made me laugh a little. I kissed her once more and this time it's more passionate and romantic that she gave in. She put her hands around my neck and stroked the back of my hair. I pulled her closer to me.

After a few seconds, we pulled away but leaving our forehead touching and our eyes closed. Her left hand was touching my cheek and my hands were still on her torso. "I don't know where this plan is going anymore. This fake relationship," she whispered.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Can we just forget about it?"

She opened her eyes too and looked at me. "I..." she struggled for words. She looked down and said, "No... I... don't know." She suddenly looked like she has just seen a ghost again.

I planted a kiss on her lips again but she pulled away after like just two seconds. "Bruno, I-I have my husband. I'm sorry I can't-" she stuttered and then just walked away.

"Natalie, wait," I called as she ran for the door. "I have to tell you something. You have to hear this,"

She turned to see me before she could open the door and leave. "What?" she asked.

What now? What did I just say? Do I really have something to tell her? What is it? What am I even going to say? "I..." I struggled for words. To be honest, I wasn't really sure what to say. "I... I'm sorry," I just said.

"It's okay," she replied in a low voice. "I'm not mad. I'll see you in the morning," she said and then left.

I'm sorry?! Was that what I really wanted to say?! I don't know! Screw me! But what if I told her what I really feel. What if I told her I'm falling for her again? She wouldn't walk away, would she?

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