
By JCoolie

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Jaycee Jones is one of the top Woman's Martial Art's fighters in the whole country. She's the girl every girl... More

Chapter Two- Oh No...
Chapter Three- Screwed.
Chapter Four- Big Brother and Banana Pancakes
Chapter Five- The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet
Chapter Six- Broken Gate and Shattered Fate
Chapter Seven- When the freaks come out
Chapter Nine- Fresh Pair of Eyes
Chapter Ten- Begin Again
Chapter Eleven- Have fun!
Chapter Twelve- The Date
Chapter Thirteen- Fame.
Part 15

Chapter Eight- Midnight Kiss and The Rifts

6K 237 41
By JCoolie

I was kind of disappointed to see that none of the people who commented had read the authors note. Guys, I don't put those on here just to ramble. They are important so please read this one,

Michael, Colton's brother, is in the book Released by oldmenanddragons177, please read it. 30 votes until the next chapter. Who do you want together?

Previously on Fighter:

"I was thinking that I could take you out on a date sometime..." He mumbled quickly looking down. Awh, he looks down like me! Like I do. But a date? Shit. Colton does actually 'want' me... I can't go on a date with Colton, not if Blake is still around.

Blake. Blake. Blake. He's all I ever think about.

"So what do you think?" I've never been on a date before...


"I uh, um..." I stared into Colton's aqua blue eyes as he waited for an answer. I really shouldn't go on a date with him, especially because my heart is still set on Blake. I feel silly for even saying that though, considering  Blake and I barely even knew each other. I just felt this connection whenever I was around Blake, I felt this pull towards him. "We don't really know each other..." I mumbled, not knowing what to say. He laughed a little and replied,

"Isn't that the point of a date? But I totally get it if you don't want to, it's no problem." Colton managed to give me his best smile, although it didn't reach his eyes. God dammit Emma.

"I would love to go on a date with you." I said, although feeling guilty because of Blake. And it's not even like I was dating Blake, we weren't even together. Maybe Colton won't want to go on a date with me when he finds out I'm Jaycee. Oh gosh, I completely forgot about that until now. This was probably my last night as a normal girl. Blake was going to tell my secret to everyone. That asshole. Why was even feeling bad? He was an ass! I swear I'm going crazy because the next thing I did was completely random and completely insane.

I kissed Colton. And I'm not just talking peck on the cheek kiss like Jerome, I'm talking full out, on the lips, kiss. It was bound to happen though, with him just resting his forehead on mine, it was inevitable.

Colton's lips were actually much softer than I anticipated, they were warm too. He seemed shocked at first but responded a few seconds later. He brought his hand up to my cheek, a sweet gesture, as he kissed me back, passionately. The truth is, while being caught between Blake and Colton, and hell even Jerome, in the end I just wanted to be loved. I wanted to love and be loved in return. I wanted to be wanted. But I just felt like not matter how many times as I kissed a boy or told him I loved him, he would always leave me. I was just never good enough for anyone. If Blake and I did end up dating I wouldn't be enough for him. I'm young, I don't have sex. I can't get in to clubs, or drink. And Colton, he's nineteen! He'd probably like a girl he can be intimate with. What's with me and these older guys? Even if I did like someone my age, I just wouldn't be enough. I never am.

Colton ran his hand through my hair and then pulled out of the kiss before either of us could deepen it, and I think that's what made it so cute, so precious, so, so, innocent. He smiled at me and I smiled up at him, for he was probably 6'4 and although I was tall for a girl, I was short next to Colton and Blake, standing at 5'7.

"What was that?" He asked with a giant smile on his cheek. I looked down at my shoes, blushing. I surprised though, I didn't regret kissing him at all. Blake doesn't want me. I need to stop worrying about him and live my normal teen life, or whats left of it. Colton placed his hand underneath my chin, raising my head so that we were making eye contact once again. "Don't look away from me. It's adorable when you blush." I blushed even more and despite his compliment I looked down. "Emma, look at me." Colton said softly. I slowly raised my head. "You are beautiful," He whispered. He slowly ran his thumb over my bottom lip. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest at any moment. I've never been called beautiful. The closet I've ever come to being called beautiful was being called hot, as Jaycee. I went up on my tippy toes and hugged Colton tight to my body, whispering,

"Thank you." In his ear. I went to release from him but he wouldn't let me go. Instead he ended up picking me up and dancing with me. Although it was slightly awkward, it was goofy and funny, just like him. I tilted my head back and laughed loudly. Once he finally set me down we both just started laughing. Our laughing was interrupted by this sweet little old couple. Apple Creek was just filled with them.

"You two are the cutest young people I have ever seen." The women said smiling at us and then walking away with her husband. This night has been so completely random, like who puts a dance floor in the middle of a cornfield, but I was grateful they did.

It was nearing eleven o'clock and the dance floor was becoming very scarce, so that's when we decided to go back to the car.

"Hey, do you think that maybe, you'd like to walk home?" Colton asked grabbing my hand as we walked out of the cornfield.

"Sure, but why?" I asked wondering where everyone else was. They probably thought Colton and I were doing... 'things'.

"Because if we walk I get to spend about ten more minutes with you than I would if we drove back with the others." He answered. I couldn't help but smile at his reasoning. He was truly just adorable and a good guy. As we continued to walk, almost out of the cornfield I ended up tripping but Colton caught me before I made a total fool out of myself. "Here," He replied stopping us and crouching down in front of me. What. Is. He. Doing?

"What?" I asked confused. He laughed and said,

"Jump on." I frowned, shrugged, and did as he said. I started to feel insecure... Maybe I was heavy on his back

"Sorry I'm probably super heavy-"

"Emma, stop it. You're perfect." I couldn't help but blush and hide my face into the crook of his neck, I even giggled a little bit. Perfect? I was far from perfect, and it was really nice of him to say that I was, but I wasn't even close- Nor will I ever be. We were quiet for some time as he continued to carry me down the sidewalk. "You ever play truth?" Colton randomly asked.

"Nope. What is it?" I asked.

"It's like truth or dare only no dare." He explained.

"How do you win?"

"Well, say I asked you a question and you didn't want to answer. You get to ask one last question, and if I answer it, you lose."

"Okay, let's play.You first." I said, feeling extremely carefree.

"Hmmm, okay... First kiss?" He asked. I made an awkward scoffing noise before answering.

"Sixth grade, some loser behind the bleachers at a football game." I kind of laughed as I told him because he was the first person I've ever told about Spitty Simon.

"Why was he a loser?" I sighed.

"Uh, let's just say everyone called him 'Spitty Simon'." Colton laughed loudly, and wouldn't stop. "It's not that funny!" I exclaimed, trying to not laugh myself. Once he finally stopped laughing he said,

"Alright, your turn." Okay, I need to ask him a good question. A question that will give me some insight. Something juicy. Awh shit, hurry up Emma!

"What's your favorite body part?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. I wanted to just smack myself in the head, but I was too busy holding onto Colton. What kind of question is that? What the hell is wrong with me? Colton chucked a little bit.

"On you, or me?" He whispered seductively turning his head to look at me. I laughed, happy he made a joke out of my terrible question.

"Both," I replied seriously.

"Well on you, you have the most beautiful eyes, a smoking body, and the silkiest looking hair I've ever seen. And me? Uh, I, uh, my arms are pretty cool... Got some muscles." Colton said, flexing one of his arms. I was about to thank him but then we almost walked past my house.

"Well damn, here's my house." I said, trying not to sound too sad, because actually I really was. Tonight, Colton truly showed me what it was like to be a regular teen. And I wanted to to last, because I knew, I knew that tomorrow, when I walk through those doors to school, I would never be a regualr teen again, and Colton wouldn't be there to shelter me from anything. He finally let me down after a ten minute walk and I couldn't help but wonder if I was actually too heavy for him.

"Well thank you, so much for everything Colton." I said as we walked up my porch steps.

"No problem." He replied, sticking his hands in his pockets and doing that cute leaning foward thing guys do when they're nervous. I found myself looking down at my shoes, but his sweatshirt, that I still had on, caught my eye.

"Oh," I mumbled as I began to take it off.

"No, it's alright. Keep it." Colton said smiling at me.

"I couldn't, it's okay. Here-" I said pulling the shirt off half way. I really did want to keep it, but I kind of felt bad, it was his shirt. I felt him grab the bottom of his sweatshirt and pull it back down.

"Keep it," He whispered, now right in my face.

"O-okay." I stuttered, whenever Colton was this close to my I felt nervous. I get those clich'e butterflies and my heart beats fifty times faster than normal. He placed his hands on my hips and was slowly leaning forward. Anticipating this kiss was going to be the death of me. Right before his lips almost made contact with mine, for a second time, the porch light flicked on and the door swung open.

"Holy shit!" I cussed as Colton and I jumped far away from each other. Low and behold, my Dad, looking creepy as ever with his glasses on. He was in full Dad mode. Not coach mode. Not best bud mode. No, I mean full on, overprotective, Daddy's little girl, mode.

"Hi kids." He said. I let out an manly groan slapping my head to my forehead.

"Hello Sir, I'm Colton." Colton replied extending his hand to my dad. My dad shook it and responded,


"Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too." My Dad said sceptically. "You think it's time for you to come inside Em?" He asked me, but instead of looking at me like normal people do when they have a conversation, he insisted on starring down Colton.

"Uh, sure." I mumbled awkwardly. I took a few steps toward Colton and said, "Well thanks for everything." He smiled at me and then wrapped me into a really tight hug. Although I felt awkward because of my Dad, the hug was really sweet and as he was pulling away he pecked me on the cheek saying,


"Night." I responded as he skipped down our porch steps. My dad and I both went inside and I didn't even say anything to him, just glared.

"What?" He asked as if he didn't know. I could see him hiding that stupid smug smile. I just scoffed at him and marched to my room. Yes, he was my best friend but at times he could be an asshole. "Oh Em, it wasn't that bad!" He shouted as I got to the top of the stairs. I rolled my eyes at him, proceeding to my sticky note, picture and poster covered bedroom. I angrily slammed my bedroom door, feeling embarrassed that he did that. I mean the time I actually sort of kind of like a normal guy- And by normal I mean someone not Blake- My Dad freaks him out. I put my forehead against my door just wanting to disappear.

"Calm down princess, he didn't scare me away." I heard from behind me. I gasped turning around to see Colton casually standing next to my open window.

"I can't decide whether this is creepy or cute." I said with a smirk walking closer to him.

"Well I had to come back, I forgot something." Colton said, meeting me half way. My eyes immediately went to his sweatshirt I had on. He laughed a little. "No silly, this." He added moving my face back up. Colton wasted no time in kissing me. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him as our lips moved in sync. I brought my hands up around his neck and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. I felt him shiver slightly and I couldn't help but smile through the kiss. I found a sensitive spot. Colton stopped kissing me as I smiled.

"Oh you think that's funny huh?" He asked playfully. I couldn't help but smile more and nod. "Hmmm," He whispered thoughtfully. He moved his head slightly so he had access to my neck. He kissed around for a minute before he found my soft spot underneath my neck. Luckily for me, Blake's hickey was very faded, so it either looked like a bruise or a hickey. I let out a soft moan and then he started laughing, which made me feel embarrassed.

"Heyyyyyyyyy, no laughing at me." I whined childishly, which ironically made him laugh harder. "Alright, enough," I said taking his hand and leading him towards my window. "Out." I said trying to sound mad. He sighed over dramatically.

"Fine." He said dragging out his one word sentence. He slowly climbed out my window and onto the tree branch that was next to it.

"I'll see you soon." I replied leaning out my window pecking him on the lips.

"Sweet dreams." He whispered and then climbed down. I shut my window, smiling and laid down in my bed.

It's funny how attached I get when I first start to like a guy- Well actually it's not funny at all. It's terrible. I'll get way to attached to Colton and then he'll leave me. It's not like we're any official. That was our first time hanging out. Gosh, am I whore? Well I'm a virgin so not really. But am I like a, lip whore?

Before falling asleep that night I was totally torn.

Was kissing and getting involved with Colton a good thing? Or was it bad?


 "And then we found this dance floor-" Lette said but I cut her off.

"Colton and I found the dance floor too!" That was about the most I had said about what happened with Colton and I. It's not like I was lying to Lette, it's just it would be so awkward telling her I kissed her brother...Twice. And I mean I still felt weird about it. I felt almost guilty because of Blake.

It was really hard to get up and come to school today, wondering whether Blake had told my secret or not. He clearly handn't yet but I was still worried. And Lette, Lette at times, wouldn't shut up about it. I guess she was just overly amazed at it.

Speaking of Lette, her and Jesse made out last night in the cornfield- No surprise there. He also promised to take her on a date this weekend. I just hope I don't get left behind as their relationship progresses.

"Did you hear about that kid?" She asked me after she was done telling me all about last night. I frowned.

"What kid?"

"Well some boys are doing that stupid Rift thing-"

"What's a Rift?" I asked. How come Lette knows all the gossip and she's new here? Probably Facebook.

"It's like where a more fit guy or girl, will challenge someone who is a nerd and just beat them up, and they film it and put it on this website for Rifts. You didn't hear about this?" She asked as if I was an idiot. I shook my head. That's terrible and messed up. Who does that? Who beats people up for no motive? "Yeah, well anyways, this kid beat up some kid so bad at Woodington he was hospitalized for ten days." Lette finished referring to the next town overs high school. That's pathetic. Let's beat a defenseless kid up for views on some stupid website. Cool. Not.

"That's idiotic." I replied shaking my head. We got to our lockers and begun doing the combinations. I was nervous to see Blake- I really wasn't looking forward to it. I mean what if he-

"Ugh!" I cried out as someone grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards, smacking my head on the ground. I heard Lette gasp and then she screamed,

"Let me go!" I looked up at her to see that two girls had grabbed her and there was a crowd around me. I looked to my left and that's when I felt a kick in the gut. I grunted and looked around to see my attack.

Mercede's Bench. About 200 pounds of white trash. Probably 5'3 and around seventeen. My eyes flickered to a girl to her right, who was filming her. Oh, so this was a Rift.

I let out another grunt as she kicked again and the crowd cheered her on. As much as I wanted to get up and kick her ass, I wouldn't. Because if I did, there would be no stopping until she was knocked out- Or worse. Mercedes grabbed me by my dark red leather jacket and dragged me out into the middle of the crowd. Lette was screaming loudly and trying to break free from Mercedes friends, but it was no use. And sadly, Blake and Jerome were no where to be found. Mercede's sat on top of me and as if that wasn't enough, she began to punch my face. I brought my arms to defend myself and just took the blows. 

"Emma! What are you doing?" Lette screamed. "Kick her ass!" Mercedes hadn't gotten a good hit on me until she did an uppercut and smashed my jaw with her fist. Okay. That's it. I twisted my body sideways quickly, and that was just enough to throw Mercedes off of me. I stood up, taking off my jacket, leaving me in my black jeans, white tank top, and black combat boots. I had dressed up today because maybe I'd see Colton after school. It's funny every time I seem to try and look nice bad things happen.

"Mercedes, walk away now." I said intimidatingly as she stood up. I the pain in my jaw was prevalent but like any good fighter, I blocked it out. The whole crowd laughed at my statement, along with Mercedes.

"That's cute." She stated before running towards me.

"Big mistake." I said taking my fighting stance. As she got into kicking distance I did a classic, but awesome move- The roundhouse kick. I spun and then my foot collided with the side of her face nicely. If you ask me, the bruise she'll have in a couple minutes will be an improvement. The crowd went silent, except for Lette, who cheered like a maniac. Mercedes fell on her ass, rubbing the side of her face. "Look, you can still walk-" I started to say but the big girl was already up and tackling me to the ground. Well damn. I thought she only did power lifting, maybe she does football too?

"You bitch!" She screamed as she tried to get on top of me again. As she tried, I brought my elbow up and smashed into the same area I hit her with my foot. She cried out in pain, falling off of me. I jumped to my feet once again. She struggled to get to her feet, breathing heavily. I have to give her credit though, she's lasting a lot longer than most. She approached and I was getting tired of the fight so the ' no mercy' light clicked on in my brain.

I could almost hear my dad yelling at me to do my right hook as my fist connected with her face again. She threw a punch, but I easily blocked it and threw a left hook, left hook, right hook, uppercut combo- Hitting her each time. I could tell she was about to fall over but the dumb ass decided to grab my hair again. As she did I grabbed her wrist and twisted it. She cried out loudly as her wrist snapped. She reached for my neck with her other hand, dropping her broken one. She just wouldn't give up would she? She slammed me up against a locker, one of the padlocks cutting my back, as she did. She got one good punch in, on the side of my head. I grunted but refused to let it bother me. As she tried to choke me out I reached up and grabbed the top of the locker edge. I brought my feet up and pushed them into her stomach, making her fly backwards. She didn't fall though, and just came running back towards me.

I grabbed the back of her head and brought it down, smashing it onto my knee, four times. Once, breaking her nose. Twice, giving her a concussion. Three times, knocking her out. Four times, just because she was an ass. She fell to the ground with a thud and the next thing I knew someone hit me from behind and another person kicked my knees out. The whole crowd was very loud now and I couldn't help but wonder where the hell were the teachers? As the two people started throwing punches I managed to sweep my feet underneath both of them. I stood up, looking at them. Great. Mercedes friends. They both crawled to their feet. As they were doing so I grabbed both of their necks, and pinned then against the lockers. They both clawed at my hands, but it was no use.

"Cut it out right now, or you both will end up like her!" I yelled at them looking back at Mercedes. One of them reached for my hair and the next thing I knew I was being grabbed. I was dragged back and just simply by the feel of his arms around me, I knew who it was.

"Blake!" I shouted, sounding slightly manly.

"Emma stop it." He said.

"Let me go!" I screamed as he restricted me. He wasn't budging so I elbowed him underneath his ribs, instantly knocking the wind out of him. He grunted and but didn't let me go. The whole crowd quickly dispersed, fearing they'd get in trouble for filming and watching- Which they would've. The only people who didn't leave was Mercedes, who was knocked out, Blake, who was holding me, and Lette who ran to my side, pushing Blake off of me. Blake let go of me and Lette gave me a giant hug. Lette go of me and everyone was talking. Well clearly not Mercedes, but Blake and Lette were. Despite their noises I could hear someone running down the hall. I leaned to look around them and before I could see who it was I was being tackled into a hug. Being knocked on my ass with a hug was slightly awkward but it was kind of funny. The person let me go and the started examining my jaw.

"Emma, oh god, who did this to you?" Jerome snapped. My eyes flicked to Mercedes and so did Jerome's. "You did that to her!?" He exclaimed excitedly. I nodded and Jerome smiled, giving me a high five. "Badass!"

"Emma." Lette said with wide eyes. I looked at her and then behind her, to see a police officer, our principal, my dad, a consular, and Mercedes two friends.

"I'm in deep shit." 

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