Wicked Games (Urban) Book 7 |...

By omgchele

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Follow the trials and tribulations of the new generation of troubled teens. Catch The Sideline Series in this... More

Wicked Games (Urban) Book 7
Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 & Update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
(REPOST) Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 & Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
So Far Gone
Chapter 41
I need help
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 37

20.3K 602 692
By omgchele

Please vote for me for this scholarship, so I can get money for college. Here's the link: https://www.wyzant.com/scholarships/Voting/125988

So I went to this new beauty supply that just opened up in the mall I go to. These women, who were selling Luster's You Be Natural products, ran through the mall to get to me and my sister since they said they could see our natural hair from awhile away lol So, they gave us bags of free samples and tried the products out on our hair. Anybody who's natural, should try this stuff. The detangling shampoo worked good and so did their curling custard for kinky hair lol And I got a free gift since I bought something. I got a HUGE bottle of argon oil serum. The only messed up part about the whole situation was that the lady testing the products out on my hair kept saying how dry my hair was. Like dang, I know it's dry. Like I kept telling that lady today was wash day but she didn't wanna listen to me. But the products are really good for anybody interested and they're affordable.

And make sure you check out the NEW cast video in the mutlimedia too. I know you guys couldn't see Majesty's character in the last chapter but she's in the video, Rich, Janelle and Lamont are too. And I've changed characters. Lindsey, Victoria, Teddy and some other characters changed so check that video out and tell me what you think of the cast and the cover of the next book, which is also in the video. And I know I missed several characters but I'm still working on the video. And the video has no music because stupid Youtube said I violated a copyright law because I had a Frank Ocean song in the video.

Theodore III

Mama finally decided to take me up to my old school to see my baby mama's and to pick up Aubrey since I'm staying the weekend over his house. She's gonna pick him up from school and drop us back off at his house this evening so we can go to Spring Fling. She still doesn't know we're going because I haven't grown the balls to ask her about it yet, but why should I even ask about it? I know she'll tell me no, so Aubrey and I just plan on keeping this a secret for now.

I needed to go out this weekend. I've been so stressed out the past few weeks, especially since Mama's always on my back about something. It's like I never get a chance to relax around her anymore. She's always complaining about what I'm not doing, nagging me about what I could be doing and lecturing me about how she loves me and only does this because it's called tough love and she wants me to man up. She claims this is how the real world is gonna be, but I've seen the real world before, and nobody does this to somebody they claim they love.

If she loves me as much as she claims she does, she wouldn't treat me like this. She'll show me some tough love but tough love doesn't consist of her telling me how much she hates me and how much she wishes my friends were her son instead of me. That's not love and it hurts to hear her say that about me. It's like she doesn't even appreciate me or her love because I've been trying to turn over a new leaf. I know my behavior won't change over night, but if Dad can see me trying to change, then I know Mama can too. She doesn't have to acknowledge the change but she doesn't have to tell me she hates me either.

Mama pulled up in front of Fairview, my old school, and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. I didn't want her seeing me happy about being here but I couldn't hide the smile. I was seeing all of my old friends, who I haven't seen like a couple of weeks, I saw my old teachers that got on my last nerve, I saw the hood rat girls that used to be all over Willie, I saw my niggas from the basketball and football team kicking it in the parking lot, I saw the boy in the wheel chair that claims he's gonna blow up the school but my smile turned into a frown once I saw Nicole walking out of the building.

She didn't have a book bag or any books. It looked like she just showed up to school with her purse but she did look good. She isn't too far along in her pregnancy yet, so her body was still banging. She was still thick as hell, and if she wasn't such a dumb hoe, I would still be trying to get with her. I swear, Nicole could've been something good to mess around with but she just got too reckless for me. She gives good head, she has a fat ass and she has one of those p*ssy's that ALWAYS tight and wet. As many guys that I've heard have ran through her, I'm surprised she's tight but there't never a time when she's loose. It's always a tight fit with her. And it's hard not to bust a nut from just sliding inside of her but it's nothing compared to how much she likes to run her mouth. I just can't seem to look past how much she likes to run her mouth.

"Isn't that Nicole?" Mama asked, watching as Nicole walk past our car.

I'm sure she couldn't see inside of Mama's car since the windows were tinted but I knew she recognized the car though. I'm sure this car was the first thing she noticed when she walked outside since she kept starring. And even though she passed by the car, she keeps on turning around looking back at the car. I know she wants me to get out and say something to her but I honestly have nothing to say to her or Teandra right now. I just need some space from the two of those lying ass hoes.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. That's her."

Mama shook her head as she watched Nicole continue to look back at us. "Well you better go say something to her before that bitch breaks her neck looking back at me like this."

I sighed as I unbuckled my seat belt. "Are you serious? I really don't wanna talk to her right now. Can I just hide in here until she walks away?"

"No," Mama replied. She rolled her eyes and unlocked the door, catching her usual attitude. "You laid down with that girl so go out there and talk to her. She knows you're in the car, or else she wouldn't be looking back over here. You might as well talk to her since you're gonna be dealing with her for the next 18 years. You better get used to stepping up and being a man. You're not a child anymore."

I sucked my teeth and just climbed out of the car. I really didn't feel like hearing her normal lecture about me stepping up and being a man, so I just left her talking to herself. I closed the door on her while she continued to rant about me being a man and taking care of my responsibilities. I walked across the parking lot and caught up with Nicole.

"Nicole!" I yelled after her. "Nicole!"

She quickly turned around, probably breaking her neck in the process, and ran up to me. "Theodore! I missed you so much baby!" She jumped on me and wrapped her arms around my neck and started kissing all over my neck. "How come you didn't tell me you switched schools? I overheard somebody talking about it the other day and I couldn't believe what I heard. What's gonna happen to our baby?"

I sighed. "Can you let go of me first?"

She looked up at me, continuing to keep her arms wrapped around my neck. "Why? I thought you liked when I touched all over you? You said you liked when I had my hands all over you like this?"

"I used to but not no more," I said, pushing her hands off of me. "Once you started running your big ass mouth, I didn't want you around me, I didn't want you touching me and I don't want you thinking you're entitled to something because you could possibly be having my child. We're not gonna find out for another eight months about who the father of this baby really is, 'cause you and I both know that baby ain't mine. So stop running your mouth to everybody about how you're pregnant with my baby. It's all a lie, expect for the fact that you're pregnant. But you ain't carrying my baby. Stop lying to yourself and everybody else about me being your baby daddy."

She frowned as she folded her arms, clearly upset but I don't know why. All I was doing was telling her the truth that everybody else was too afraid to say It was the truth she was too afraid to admit. She knew she wasn't carrying my baby, so I don't know why she's making a big issue about seeing me. As many dudes that she sleeps around with she knows one of them are the baby daddy. Me and her only slept together like four times, so I can't be the baby's father. And plus, she took that Plan B that Lindsey gave her. There's no way she could be pregnant with my seed.

"Clearly you're wrong Theodore. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this but you've been the only guy I've been seeing. I haven't slept with anybody else but you in the past two months so you are the father of this child. I don't know why you won't believe me but you're gonna be looking like a damn fool with the results of that paternity test slap you in the face. You're gonna kiss my ass when you find out you're my baby daddy. But you need to talk all of this shit to Teandra," she smirked.

I scrunched up my face. "How'd you find out about Teandra?"

She laughed. "How didn't I know about her? Aren't I the one that told you she was fucking around with Willie and Devon? Right. Just like I found that out, I found out that she's pregnant too and I know you're sleeping with her too. Or you were sleeping with her in the past until you found out she was pregnant too. So, I'm not the hoe. I know who my baby daddy is but you need to check up on your little girlfriend though. She's got about three different baby daddy's, that the two of us know about. Hell, there could even be more and she could be sleeping with other niggas too but you don't know anything about that though, do you? You think she can do no wrong but news flash Theodore, she's done the worst by you. I haven't done anything to hurt me."

"Yes you have," I replied.

She gasped. "What have I done to you?"

"You're pregnant, you're forcing this child on me because you can't find the baby daddy, you're lying to everybody about me being your baby daddy when you know full well I'm not, you're blowing up my phone every single day because you're annoying as hell and you're in my got damn way! All I'm tryna do is see how you're doing. I really don't give a damn about what Teandra's doing and neither should you. What you need to do is worry about yourself, this baby and finding who your baby daddy is. Let me worry about Teandra and what she's doing."

She smacked her lips. "Whatever nigga. I'll be waiting."

I scrunched up my face. "On what?"

"An apology. You'll be apologizing once you find out how big of a hoe Teandra is. You can continue thinking I'm just jealous of her but trust me, I'm not. I'm not sleeping around with every nigga in the city with some money. That's that whore of a girlfriend of yours. All I'm trying to do is look out for you and tell you what I've heard but you don't have to listen to me. I'll just keep all of this information to my damn self and let it blow up in your stupid ass face. You'll be running back to me once you find out the truth about my sister."

Nicole and turned and started walking away from me, and I was about to let her until I heard her say 'sister'. I quickly yanked Nicole back towards me. "What the hell are you talking about?"

She smirked, folding her arms. "Oh, so now you want me to run my big ass mouth, huh?"

I sighed. "Can you just stop being petty for two seconds and tell me what's going on?"

"Well, I thought you already knew but me and you're whore are sisters."


"Our parents, duh," she playfully pushed me. "Stop acting stupid baby."

I sighed. "Of course because of your parents but how come nobody told me? How long have y'all known and how are y'all related through your parents?"

"Well I've known all my life but Teandra just found out a few years ago after her Dad died. She hates me so much because she didn't get everything from her Dad once he died. He split the inheritance two ways: some for me and some for her. When her greedy ass found out she wasn't getting everything, that's how we fell out. I didn't have anything against her until she started bitching about the money. But we're sisters through our Dad. He cheated on Teandra's mother with my mother and got her pregnant. They had me and they were happy together for awhile but then he went back to Teandra's mother. They had her and boom, we're sisters," she smiled, pushing my shoulder. "Look at you baby! You're sleeping with sisters. That's what I was talking about a few weeks ago. This is the type of reputation you should have. This is what being a man looks like. You're juggling between two sisters that you got pregnant. Shit. I'd still be fucking you if you let me. It turns me on to see you being a player."

I shook my head. "Man, you got some problems Nicole."

She laughed. "How? All I'm doing is telling the truth baby."

"Yeah, I know you telling the truth because you're a hoe."

She frowned. "A hoe? How could you say that about me? I'm supposed to be the mother of your child. You're not supposed to disrespect me, ever."

"I'm not disrespecting you if it's the truth. You're a hoe and the entire school knows you're a hoe. I swear if you weren't good at having sex, I would've never started fucking with you in the first place."

She scrunched up her face. "Excuse me but you never started fucking with me. You had been watching me all school year but you were too afraid to approach me so I had to step in and take some type of initiative. I'm the one who started fucking with you first, and I'm glad I did. Now I can get money from you dumb ass."

"Fuck you bitch. You ain't shit," I said, pushing past her once I saw Aubrey walking out of the building with Jaz. I had been dying to get away from Nicole because I was pretty much over that conversation before it even started, but seeing Aubrey gave me an excuse to just walk away from her. I swear she gets dumber and dumber every time I talk to her. I walked up to Aubrey and Jaz with a smile on my face. Man, I was happy to see my friends again. "What's up Jaz?" I asked, hugging her.

She smiled. "Hey Theodore. I didn't think I'd ever see you around here again. I heard your Mama's been whipping you into shape. How's that oatmeal tasting?" she laughed.

I sucked my teeth, turning to Aubrey since I'm sure he was the one who told her about the oatmeal. "You always running your mouth nigga but I missed you," I laughed.

He wiped away a few of his fake tears as if he was crying. "Aw, you missed big daddy?"

I shook my head. "Hell nah!"

He laughed. "I'm just playing. I don't get a hug too? Big daddy missed his little Teddy bear."

He and Jaz both laughed but I didn't find it funny. Typical Aubrey always making a joke about everything but I did miss his jokes. My new school was growing on me but there's nobody there quite like Aubrey. He always keeps me entertained, even when I'm not happy. He keeps me from being upset. I sighed and just pulled him into a hug since he missed me so much. Aubrey and I both quickly pulled away from each other before the hug got too long.

"Damn. You feeling all up on me and shit," Aubrey laughed, adjusting his clothes.

I shook my head. "Nobody was feeling all up on y--"

"Look!" Aubrey cut me off as he pointed towards the front doors.

I looked back over at the doors and watched as Tee Tee walked out of the building with Willie. I scrunched up my face and turned back to Aubrey. "Since when were they cool?"

"Everybody knows they're sleeping together," Jaz answered. "We all had a feeling about it when you two were still together but now that you're not here anymore, she's completely changed. She skips most of her classes, she has detention every single day after school and she's always following behind Willie like a lost puppy or something. It's sad, honestly, because he's always denying her and roasting her in front of the entire school but she just hasn't gotten the hint that he doesn't want her."

Aubrey waved Jaz off. "Man, that shit ain't sad. Nobody told her dog bitch ass to start cheating on my mans and sleeping around with his cousin. Nobody told her to do that so don't feel bad for that girl. She's a hoe. How are you pregnant but still hopping from d*ck to d*ck? That's some of the most nastiest shit I've ever heard in my life. And with William of all people. That nigga ain't got no money."

"Yes he does," Jaz and I both added.

"Alright. His family has money but when he does have a little bit of money, he smokes it all up or spends it on dirty tricks so he ain't got no money and neither does she. I can see her hopping around if she was hopping to niggas with money but William ain't shit, don't got shit and ain't never gonna be shit."

"Damn," Jaz laughed. "You sound like you're his jealous ex girlfriend or something. Are you jealous of Tee Tee? Do you want to be like her?"

I laughed. "Do you?"

Aubrey scrunched up his face. "Teandra is a dog ass bitch, one. And two, why would I be jealous of a dog ass bitch that's a pregnant junior in high school and still hopping from nigga to nigga and never getting a come up? Right. There's nothing to be jealous of. If anything, she probably wants to be like me. That's probably why she always has something to say to me."

"Well I know she hasn't said anything to you since yesterday, has she?" Jaz asked. "Because I had to check her and tell her to stop trying to talk to you."

"Wait, what happened?" I asked.

"I had to check Teandra about approaching Aubrey side ways. Every day this week she's come up to him talking a bunch of shit about how she's going to be replacing him once the baby comes and how he means nothing to you. I know how sensitive my baby's feelings can be, so I had that bitch meet me at boxing practice and I checked her. She ran out of the gym shaking," Jaz laughed, making all of the rest of us laugh too.

Aubrey nudged me. "Now you see why I fucks with Jaz. She always got my back nigga. You should get you a girl like her instead of messing around with them basic bitches like Nicole and Teandra. Jaz is the real deal."

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. Of course I wanted a girl like Jaz that would hold me down and would always have my back but it's hard finding a girl like that these days. All these girls want is d*ck and to party but Aubrey lucked up when he found Jaz. He's one of the only guys I know that have been in a long relationship, despite them breaking up several times and the cheating, and even though they aren't together right now they aren't letting anybody or anything come in the way of their relationship. That's the kind of relationship I want, not having to juggle between two crazy baby mama's who both want to see me fail. I want what Aubrey and Jaz have.

I turned around when I heard somebody blowing their horn. Mama was parked right behind me and Aubrey and she was blowing at us to hurry up. "Man, we gotta hurry up before my Mama cancel all the plans this weekend."

Aubrey sighed as he turned to Jaz. "Alright. I'll call you tonight."

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. "Okay. I love you."

"Love you too."

Jaz frowned. "You forgot the I."

Aubrey smacked his lips. "I love you too," he repeated. "Damn. It all means the same thing Jazmine."

"Whatever. Don't be showing your ass at this party tonight either boy. I'm gonna have people watching you so don't fuck up or you're gonna have to deal with me," she warned him as she pushed him away from her before walking off to her car.

Aubrey smiled even wider as we walked up to my Mama's car. "Now to get the weekend started. I don't have Jaz holding me back this weekend because she's going out of town until Tuesday afternoon. I'm a free man until Tuesday afternoon."

I laughed. "What was all of that when she was around? All that shit about her always holding you down and being there for you and how much you love her. Where'd all of that go?"

He smiled. "See, I love Jaz and I love what she does for me but we ain't together right now."

I scrunched up my face. "It sure looked like y'all were."

"Looks can be deceiving young grasshopper," he smiled. "We love each other or whatever but we got different stuff going on these days. We broke up again last week, so I'm a free agent and so is she. She knows I'm going out tonight and she knows I'm tryna fuck since she's leaving me and since she's on her period but what's she gonna do about it?"

"Leave you," I replied.

"No. Me and Jaz got this bond. We break up but we don't leave each other. That never happens. I guess you can say we're in an open relationship. When we take breaks, we're free to do whatever we want with whom ever we want just as long as we tell the other person. She's not necessarily cool with it and I'm not necessarily cool with her doing it with other niggas either but it's just the way it is with us. I can stop it all and just get back with her but I like this."

I sighed. "Whatever you say. I support you doing whatever it is you're tryna do with her," I said as I pulled the door to Mama's truck open. I climbed back in the front seat while Aubrey took the seat in the back.

"Hey Mama," Aubrey smiled as Mama pulled out of the parking lot. "If I do say so myself, you look rather dashing in that dress with your arms out. Showing off them sexy arms Mrs. Reed!"

Mama laughed and shook her head. "Aubrey, you're something else baby but don't let my husband hear you saying that."

Aubrey smacked his lips. "Husband? Don't you mean me? You already know what we got is real Mrs. Reed, so quit the act. What you need to do is dump him and get with me. We can move off to some secluded island, have wild island sex and then make a bunch of beautiful babies. Me, you, Lindsey, Ava and Mrs. McDonald. We could all move out of here and y'all can have big daddy all to yourselves. What do you say?"

"Well, as horrible as that offer sounds, I'm gonna have to decline. I love my husband, my Mom loves my Dad, Ava loves her fiancee and Lindsey loves her husband too. I think you're gonna have to find some single women. What about Jaz?"

"I love Jaz but what about Lindsey? You know I been feeling Lindsey since middle school. She's a nice fine piece of caramel that I'm ready to eat up and lick clean, if you know what I mean," Aubrey laughed but Mama just shook her head.

"Anyways!" She yelled over his laughter as she pulled up into he driveway of his house. "That's enough talk like that Aubrey. Your Mama would kill you if she heard you talking like that."

Aubrey laughed. "I know, I'm just playing Mama. I would never disrespect my beautiful Lindsey like that."

"Mhmm, whatever," Mama rolled her eyes. Aubrey climbed out of the back of her truck and just when I was about to get out too, she grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Now, I don't want you trying to sneak out or do anything you're not supposed to be doing tonight. I want you to behave yourself and not get anymore hoes pregnant. Do you understand me?"

I sighed. What a great way for her to kill the mood. I swear she's such a downer to be around these days. "Yeah, I understand you Mama."

"I'm glad you understand me. And I want you to check in with me every two hours so I can know what you're doing and where you're at. Do you understand that?"

I nodded my head. "Yes. Can I go now?"

She sighed, finally letting go of my hand. "Yeah."

I grabbed my back pack and started climbing out of the car, but I stopped once I remembered what Dad told me. I know he told me to respect Mama, which I'm doing, and be easier on her since she's so difficult. I thought I was being easy on her by respecting her and doing what she tells me to do but I guess I'll have to try a little bit harder since Mama likes to have the attention all on her. I opened my mouth to speak, but I kept my back turned to her the entire time:

"I just want you to know that I understand everything you're telling me Mama and I understand why you're doing this to me," I replied, even though I was lying. I didn't understand her reasoning behind half the shit she puts me through and I don't understand why she's consistently trying to put me through hell, but if it helped to ease the awkwardness by lying to her, then so be it. "I know I may not be the best son, I don't do everything you tell me to do, I fight, I cuss, I mess around with girls and I do just about anything I want, I just want you to know that I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect, so you can continue to blame me and hurt me about getting Nicole pregnant, but don't pick on me because of it. I'm trying my hardest to step up right now and be able to take care of that baby if it's mine. I'm changing. You might not see the change in me right now but I can feel myself slowly changing for the better, and so can Dad. He sees the growth in me and he sees that I'm trying. Everybody sees that I'm trying with not only my attitude but my behavior, my approach to people, my school work and a ton of other things. Everybody sees this but you. I just wish you weren't blinded by this hate you have for me to see that I'm trying and changing right in front of your eyes."

I climbed out of the car before she could respond to me. I had a feeling she wouldn't respond or she'd just spit some more of her negative bullshit at me like she always does. I don't even know why I wasted my breath on her in the first place because she honestly doesn't care about me or what I've got going on. I can understand being mad your teenage son got a girl pregnant but she can't hold it over me for the rest of my life. She needs to realize I made a mistake and be able to move on from the mistake like everybody else has. She's the only person still holding a grudge, and that shit's making her look bad.

I could hear her tires screeching across the pavement as she sped off of Aubrey's street. See, she can't even do anything nice for her son. She can call me back about every complaint she has for me but can't even call me back when I spill my heart out to her. Some mother she fucking is. I just shook my head and walked inside of Aubrey's house behind him.

His house was quiet like it normally is when I'm over here. His Mama doesn't like when it's noisy or messy in her house, that's why she always sends Aubrey and his sister out of the house. She hates for her house to be messy so it wasn't much of a surprise to me when I stepped inside of the house and was immediately hit with the scent of bleach and Clorox wipes. She's such a neat freak but I guess that's where Aubrey gets it from too. All of his stuff always has to be neat and precise or he won't bother to use it.

Aubrey and I both knew to take our shoes off before we stepped on to the white carpet. I carried my shoes in my hands and balanced my other two bags on my shoulders while I followed behind Aubrey up the steps. The carpet was soft, white and fluffy. It looked new like it was just installed. It was so clean. Aubrey walked me down the hall to his bedroom and pushed the door open to his clean bedroom. His bed was made to a tee, and I'm sure you could bounce a quarter off of it. All of his shoes were lined up along the side of his closet. All of the stuff on his dresser was placed into organized neat, labeled containers. And his room smelled like bleach and Clorox wipes too but with a hint of cologne.

I scrunched up my face. I didn't like it being this clean. It was making me nervous. "Damn. Do you even sleep in here or use this room?"

Aubrey laughed as he set his bags down on the side of his bed. "Yeah, nigga. You ain't never seen a room this clean before? What that nigga Gregory be doing at y'all's house?"

"Cleaning up but you're a fuckin' neat freak. It's like you got some sort of OCD or something. This makes me nervous with everything being so neat and clean. You need to mess it up a little bit."

Aubrey scrunched up his face. "Mess it up a little bit and have my Mama beat my ass for tearing down her house or keep my room clean and keep the peace between me and my Mama? I think I'mma take the second option. You know, you could be like me if you just got your room together. Having a neat and organized space, makes for a neat and organized life. You could learn a few things from me, and Gregory's non-cleaning ass too."

I shook my head. "Whatever. You need something to be out of place though."

"Look, Jaz likes my clean room. A clean room allows for you to be in different positions all over the room. And you ain't having to step all over clothes and shoes and shit either. You can just fuck where ever you want since it's clean. Now, can we stop discussing me and my room and get down to business about Spring Fling? Where's this plug you say you got for the little dance that's supposed to come get us?"

I smiled. "Oh yeah, Majesty."

He smiled. "She sounds fine. Is she fine?"

I slightly shrugged my shoulders. "She's straight."

He smacked his lips. "Nigga, you's a liar! I met she fine as fuck. She got a man?"

"This real buff nigga named Rich, that's a senior. He got this real fat, juicy neck like it's always swollen. He always wears this muscle shirts that are like three sizes too small for him so his arms are always popping out and his nipples are always poking through the shirt. I think the nigga is so big because he claims he's on the football team. He claims he's captain."

Aubrey laughed. "And? Football season is over, especially for the seniors. He ain't captain of shit but his imagination. And I'm sure our team could beat theirs, hands down."

"Hands down, nigga," I laughed, agreeing with him.

"And why you looking at his nipples anyways? He got 'em pierced or something?"

I scrunched up my face. "What the fuck is you talkin' about nigga?"

Aubrey laughed. "I was just wondering since you said something about them."

"Nah, it's because everybody as school always talks about how you can see them through his shirts. I never looked on purpose but they're always there. It's like he don't even care but anyways, she's supposed to come get us. I just hope she don't bring her nigga with her."

"You already know she is," he replied.

I sighed. "I know but who gives a damn?"

Once she gets to the dance, she's up for grabs. I heard through the grapevine that Spring Fling is super dark except for the lights on the dance floor and everybody just stands in a big crowd and just basically fuck each other with clothes on. Basically like a Homecoming, only a little bit different. I just hope it's as ratchet as everybody says it's gonna be because I plan on getting a twerk from Majesty tonight. Rich doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know but as long as I get at least one dance with her, then I'll be satisfied. I mean, dancing with her is the least I can do since me and her have got so cool.

I mean, I'm cool with Lamont and Janelle's annoying ass is starting to grow on me but Majesty makes sure she meets me by my locker every morning, still pretending like she doesn't know my name by now, we walk to class together in the morning and we sit together during all of the lunches we have together. It doesn't seem like much but I really appreciate her getting to know me though. And I'm glad I decided to give her a chance the first day instead of completely tuning her out like I planned on doing.


I looked out of Aubrey's bedroom window for Majesty, and by 9:00, Majesty came around to Aubrey's house to get us like she said she would but she had Rich driving the car while she sat in the passengers seat. I'm surprised she got him to come over here and pick us up especially since he makes it his mission to give me hell everyday. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought him and Mama were working together to take me down.

All of a sudden, I felt Aubrey brush up against me and looked out of the window. "Is that them?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "Mhmm."

"Damn. I know ol' dude."


He nodded his head. "Yeah. When you told me who he was earlier, you should've told me he sells for Marcus too. Him and Willie kick it a lot. I never really said much to the dude since he always got a pissy attitude but we don't got no bad blood between us or nothing. I'm sure he'll recognize me since we've sold on the same street before."

"Yeah, well tell your friend to stop bothering me all the fucking time at school."

He smiled as he walked away from the window to look in the mirror. "What? Don't tell me he's bullying you," he laughed, checking himself out in the mirror.

I shook my head. "Nah. I'm not getting bullied but he's always fucking with me about something. I don't fuck with him and I'm mad I gotta sit up in a car with him tonight too."

"Shit. It's a free ride. We're not wasting our gas money on going over there and you already know I'm charging people to get into our room tonight, so look at this as a money making experience. You gotta sit up in a car with his ass for like 20 minutes, versus him paying us $10 to get into our room. Shit. Do something to make him mad like inviting his girl in for free so he'll have to come in and have to pay, but make him pay double or something."

I laughed. "That's a good idea."

Aubrey and I walked downstairs and climbed in the back of Rich's car. It smelled like sweaty weed back here, and I'm sure Aubrey smelled it by the way he looked at me as soon as we got up in here. This car smelled horrible. I reached over to roll the windows down but they wouldn't go down. "Damn. It's hot back here. Why yo' windows not working?" I asked.

"'Cause I put child locks on 'em since you're a child. Shut up and enjoy the ride kid," Rich replied, pulling off from Aubrey's house.

I sucked my teeth. What a prick. Just for this window stunt, maybe I'll charge him triple to get into my room tonight. I reached over and tapped Majesty, causing her to turn around. "What's up girl? You can't speak now?"

She smiled. "My bad. It's Theodore, right?" she asked, as if she didn't remember my name. She asked me every single day if my name was Theodore, and I don't know why.

I laughed. "You know what my name is ma. Ion know why you always playing. How you been doing?"

"She's fine," Rich butted in. "And please stay back there and not up here with my girl."

Majesty rolled her eyes. "Anyways, what's your name?" she asked Aubrey.

Aubrey looked up from his phone. "Aubrey."

Majesty scrunched up her face. "Wait, but I thou--"

"I told you I didn't have a girlfriend named Aubrey. You kept on assuming stuff, so I continued to let you assume stuff so I could drop this bomb on you tonight."

"But you had me thinking all this week you had a girlfriend named Aubrey that was coming to Spring Fling with you. I feel so stupid," she laughed. "So, are you guys friends or no?"

"Look," Aubrey began, "Ion roll like that. I go down a straight and narrow path, alright? Me and Theodore are brothers, that's it. And I got a girlfriend that I've been with for a few years, so does that answer your question?"

Majesty nodded her head. "Yes it does. Sorry for assuming but I'm Majesty."

"I know who you are," Aubrey replied.

"And I'm Rich," he butted in as if it was necessary. "I think we know each other nigga. You work for Marcus and MJ, don't you?"

Aubrey nodded his head. "Yeah. You're Willie's friend, right?" he asked, even though he knew the answer.

Rich nodded his head. "Yeah. Ain't you cool with him too?"

"Fuck no. He's a bitch ass nigga, and you can tell him I said that too."

Rich laughed. "I'm sure he knows he's a bitch ass nigga. As much shit as these streets talk about him, I'm sure he's heard all the shit people been saying about how he's a bitch made nigga, he only got put on because of his family and how he's gonna destroy their business once he inherits it. I'm sure you've heard all that shit about him, so I'm sure Willie's heard it too."

"Yeah I've heard all that truth people spill about him. Have you heard the latest?"

"What's the latest?" Rich asked.

"Willie and Theodore found out they were related," Aubrey laughed. "Turns out, Marcus is Theodore's uncle, MJ is his cousin and so is Willie. So if you keep fucking with my nigga Theodore, I'mma just have to rat you out to Marcus and MJ and you know how they feel about family. You know they don't like their family involved in their business in the first place, but to hear that their family is being taunted by the very niggas that work for them is absurd. You know they'll chop yo shit off and hang it off a tree. Keep fucking with them and you not gon' have a d*ck to fuck your girl with soon."

Rick sucked his teeth. "Man that's some bullshit yo. I can't believe this shit."

"Well, believe it," I spoke up.

Rich shook his head and just continued to drive towards the school in silence. He pulled up into the crowded parking lot 15 minutes later and we all got out of his car, except for him. He said he was waiting on Lamont to come so they could match up. So, me Aubrey and Majesty walked into the building together but I couldn't help but look at what she was wearing. She looked good as hell in this tight, black cut out dress that stopped mid-thigh. I knew she wouldn't be able to twerk on me in this but the view was nice.

We walked into the school and you could immediately hear the music blasting from the cafeteria. We handed in our tickets and got wristbands before we were let past the front doors. The party was wild as soon as we walked into the cafeteria. We were about two hours late but that's fine since the party looks like it's just getting started. Everybody was out in the middle of the dance floor. Of course nobody was dancing, all the girls were either twerking on each other or a guy, or they were giving lap dances.

"This is my type of party," Aubrey rubbed his hands together as he watched the girls throw it back. "I'll meet you back over here later. I gotta get it on this."

Before I knew it, Aubrey had left me and Majesty alone. I was just about to walk into the crowd and get a twerk too but Majesty pulled me back. "Don't leave me here by myself. At least wait until Rich comes back then you can go," she smiled.

How could I deny her? I nodded my head and let her drag me over to where the lames who weren't dancing were sitting. They filled up the majority of the tables but Majesty and I were able to find a good spot. From these seats, we could watch the crowd of people twerking and still be able to see everybody coming inside.

Majesty leaned over to me. "You look nice tonight."

I looked down at my outfit and smiled. "I just threw something together," I shrugged, even though I didn't just throw something together. I had on a black Ralph Lauren polo shirt, black True Religions and black and white Concords. But I made sure I put on my gold chain and my all gold Rolex. My whole outfit was to catch some girls' attention tonight since Mama has me coming in school looking like a bum everyday. "You look sexy."

She smiled. "Thank you."

I opened my mouth to respond but Speaker Knockerz Freak Hoe's came on and everybody started going crazy but the DJ started speaking over the mic:


I scrunched up my face and looked over at Majesty, who was just laughing through the DJ's entire speech. Is this a high school dance or a strip club because that's what it sounded like. "Is he for real?" I asked, confused.

She nodded her head laughing.


The DJ turned the music back up signaling everybody that it was time to start twerking again. I could see Rich off in the distance chilling with Lamont and the rest of the people from their crew but I didn't want Majesty running off to him this soon without me getting a dance in first, so I took the initiative. I stood up and pulled her up with me.

"What are you doing?" she asked as I drug her off to the dance floor.

"I can't dance with you?"

I grabbed her by the waist and pushed my way through the crowds of people in front of us. I wanted to be as close tot he middle of the crowd as possible. I didn't need Rich coming over here and finding Majesty dancing with me, so I stayed as far away from the outside of the crowd as I could. As soon as Freak Hoe by Future started playing, Majesty wasted no time throwing her ass back. Part of me was shocked that she'd actually start twerking on me, but the other part of me knew she'd open up more at this party.

Majesty, and plenty of the other girls were twerking to the song but I was mainly watching Majesty's ass bounce back on me. I can't even lie and say I'm not getting hard from this, because I am. Majesty is so fine to me but I can't say anything about it, especially around Rich. And what would I look like telling her how fine she is when I just met her this week? And how would she feel about a nigga with two babies on the way? She'd shut me down quick.

Majesty had her elbows propped up on her knees as she continued to twerk on me. I looked over my shoulder to see if Rich was looking but only saw niggas watching on. I took a deep breath and just held on to Majesty's hips as she continued to twerk. I might as well get some enjoyment out of this before she leaves to go find Rich. It seemed like the longer the song played, the faster and harder she twerked on me. By now, I could barely hold myself up she was twerking so hard. Who knew Majesty could get down like this?

The guys standing behind me held me up while she continued to push me down with her ass. Damn. If only Teandra could do this when we were still together. We'd go out to parties and she'd try to twerk on me but it never got me feeling like this. I never got hard off of Teandra twerking on me or just grinding on me but this is a totally different feeling with Majesty.

When the song went off, I thought she'd leave since they started playing one of those slow, grind songs but she caught me off guard when she stayed. She didn't keep twerking though. Now she was grinding all over me, basically dry humping me to the point where I wanted to rip off her dress and fuck her right here, right now. I grabbed her hips again and was just about to slow her down so she's grind up against me harder, somebody pulled her up. I smacked my lips once i saw Janelle.

"What?" Majesty asked, pulling down her dress.

"Rich is looking for you girl and he's mad. What the hell are you doing with him?"

Majesty shook her head. "Nothing. Where's Rich?"

Janelle grabbed her hand and pulled Majesty away from me. Damn. That felt good, a lot better than I expected it to be, but I wish it had lasted longer than it did. I swear, Janelle's always around to block when ever I'm around Majesty. I think she's doing it on purpose though. She always seems to mysteriously pop up when ever it's just me and Majesty. It's whatever though. I'm not sweating Janelle's annoying ass. As long as I got my dance with Majesty and got some alone time with her, I'm straight. That's really the only reason why I showed up tonight, aside from getting a few twerks from the big booty bitches here. I got what I wanted from Majesty but it's not like I can't get a little extra from some other girls though.


We all made it to the room by midnight. Aubrey's plug came through and bought alcohol, food and weed. I didn't plan on smoking tonight but I was gonna drink. I drank a little at Spring Fling but they really didn't have what I wanted. It's a good thing Aubrey's plug bought a lot of Coconut Ciroc since that's all everybody's been drinking tonight. I grabbed my fourth cup of the Coconut Ciroc and scooted my way through the people sitting around. I plopped down at the table next to Lamont and gave him some dap which I could barely do. Damn. I was already slumped off of this Ciroc and it wasn't even two in the morning yet.

"Drunk already?" Lamont laughed at me but I shook my head.

"Tiiipsy," I slurred, correcting him.

He laughed again. "Well, I hope you can hold your liquor down Mr. NBA for the rest of the night. Some more people are supposed to come through. You don't mind if I invited some other people, did you?"

I shook my head. "Nah, you're good. Just as long as they pay the entry fee."

"Well am I gonna get a percentage of that entry fee?" he smiled but I just stood up.

"Nope. Maybe next time nigga," I laughed, walking away from him.

This was me and Aubrey's plan to get some money. Last time I counted, there are about 50 people here not including me and Aubrey. Everybody had to pay $10 to get into the room, so that was an easy $500 in our pockets. We plan on splitting the money two ways so we both profit off of this party. I walked up to Aubrey, who was still taking money from the people coming in. It was my turn to man the door since he's been running it for the past hour or so.

"How much we got now?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders, placing all of the money into the duffle bag we bought with us. The duffle bag was stuffed with money, and it was just getting bigger as the night went on. Who knew we'd be able to make this much money off of a hotel party?

"A lot nigga," he smiled.

I didn't know what I planned on doing with the money but I knew Aubrey said he wanted to get his Mama and sister something. Aubrey and his Mom have been butting heads for like the past year, that's why he's never at home anymore. He always leaves and will come back days later since him and his Mama are always fighting. But when he leaves for days on end, that's when his Mama gets frustrated with him and then they'll start fighting more. But he said he wanted to get his Mama something nice to show her how much he really appreciates her and what she does for him. And he said he was gonna get his little sister a toy or something since he claims he hasn't been the best brother to her.

I was thinking about getting my Mama something too, just to show her how sorry I am and show her how much I appreciate her but then shell start questioning me about where I got the money to afford to buy her something, it'll be a complaint about the size, the color and how it doesn't become her. I know she'll have something negative to say about it, so I don't even know if I should get her something at all. She won't care about it since it's from me. Maybe I'll buy Lindsey something. I know I haven't been the best brother in the world to her the past few weeks but maybe getting her something will make up for it.

Or maybe I'll just save up this money for these possible babies I could be having. I have no doubt in my mind that the baby Teandra's pregnant with is mine, but Nicole? There's a lot of doubt in my mind about who the father of that baby could be. It could be any nigga walking around since she likes to sleep around so much, but if she's sleeping around a lot, how would she even know who's the father? See, this is why I didn't want to be caught up in any paternity drama with that bitch. I just knew it would be a big mess since she's such a hoe. But I think that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna save up for Teandra's baby and just wait until the results of the paternity test come back for Nicole's baby. If they say I'm the father, then of course I'll step up. But if they come back negative, there's no way in hell I'm sticking around to raise another niggas baby.

"You ready to get this money?" Aubrey asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded my head. "Yeah." I sat my cup of Ciroc down on the counter behind me and took Aubrey's spot at the door. I didn't need to be drinking anymore and counting this money at the same time. I didn't need any slip ups. Aubrey and I switched places. I stood in front of the door, while people tried to pile inside of the hotel room. I took a ten dollar bill out of this girls' hand and held it up to the light, just to make sure it was real.

She smacked her lips. "It's real nigga."

I squinted my eyes, looking her up and down. From the looks of it, she had to be from Compton. She had the attitude every girl down here had. "I didn't know that but now I do. How you even find out about the party? 'Cause I don't know you."

She sighed, folding her arms. "A friend of mine invited me."


"Lamont, damn. Why you so fuckin' nosy?"

"Because this is my party. I'm Theodore by the way."

She nodded her head. "Oh, I recognized you from the magazines with your parents. I didn't think I'd ever catch your rich ass down here. You lost or something?"

I shook my head. Damn. What's wrong with everybody being so hostile and judgmental all the time? "What does my parent's income have anything to do with where I chill at?"

She slightly shrugged her shoulders. "Just because it does. Don't nobody with y'all's kind of money just come down here to party. Normally y'all rich people will go out to Beverly Hills or some nice neighborhood in L.A. to chill but not in Compton. You must be one of them rich niggas that secretly wants to be hood. Like New New in ATL," she laughed.

I sucked my teeth. "You must be one of them ignorant hood bitches."

She folded her arms, probably surprised that I'd actually say something back to her. It doesn't matter where I'm raised, I can go where ever the hell I want. My parents don't have to make a certain amount of money for me to hang out somewhere. My parents could be broke as hell and I could be hanging out in Bel Air, or they could be rich as hell and I could be hanging out in Compton. It doesn't matter, and I don't know why she's so concerned about me and where I'm going. What she needs to be worried about is how ignorant she is. I shouldn't even let her in the room.

"Bitch?" she scrunched up her face. "Nigga, you must be out of yo fuckin' mind."

"You must be out of yo fuckin' mind if you think I'm letting you step foot in my room."

She turned her nose up as she looked behind me at everybody in the room. I could see she wanted to come in. She saw the drinks, saw the weed, saw the food and heard Bitches and Marijuana playing in the background. I knew she low key wanted to come inside of here but she wasn't gonna be coming in here unless she apologized to me.

"I want an apology," she demanded.

I held my heart, gasping. "An apology?" I exclaimed.

She nodded her head. "Hell yeah. I deserve an apology. You were disrespectful to me."

"The second you stepped in this line you was disrespectful to me. I came at you with respect ma. If anything, I deserve an apology since I've been nothing but nice to you."

She sighed. "Well I'm sorry."

I smirked. "See, it wasn't that hard. Now, you can come inside," I said, stepping to the side.

She smiled as she walked inside of the room. "I'm Rayne, by the way."

"That's a sexy name ma."

She started smiling harder once I complimented her. "Thank you. And I don't think you're one of those rich niggas who wants to be hood either. Lows, you're actually cute."

I scrunched up my face. "Lows? I am cute," I corrected her, making her laugh.

"Fine, you are cute and cocky." She looked back at the line of people who were waiting to get inside of the room before turning back to me. "Um, you busy right now? I kind of need you to do something for me."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. It depends on what you need me to do."

"Come to the bathroom with me?" she whispered.

"Go on to the bathroom. I'll meet you in there."

She nodded her head and walked back towards the bathroom while I flagged Aubrey back over to the door. I knew she planned on giving me head in the bathroom, and based on the tongue ring she had and how big her lips were, I knew I couldn't pass this up. Aubrey jogged over to me.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I just met this fine ass girl that's waiting on me in the bathroom. I need you to watch over the door for a few minutes and I'll be back."

He shook his head. "Don't get her pregnant too. I already got enough potential nieces and nephews on the way. Ion need anymore right now. You need a condom or something?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Ion plan on doing all of that with her. I'm just gonna get some head and be done with her."

"Alright. Just don't make a mistake and stick your junk inside of her though."

"Whatever Aubrey." 

I walked past him and straight back to the bathroom. I pushed the door open and found Rayne sitting on the side of the tub waiting on me. I closed and locked the door behind myself before I walked over to her. She already had her hair pulled back as if she was waiting on me, so I wasted no time pulling my manhood out of my jeans and boxers. She smiled once she got a glimpse of my size and immediately took me in her mouth.

She looked like she had a long throat from when I was talking to but she proved my thoughts when she started deep throating me. She had more than half of my eight inches in her mouth, which was close to how much Tee Tee was able to take of me. Now Tee Tee could fit all eight inches of me into her mouth as if she was a professional at d*ck sucking. She was always able to fit me down her throat without gagging or spitting up a lot. It's like she had been practicing doing it, but Rayne was up there with Tee Tee though. She was doing everything I liked.

She had majority of my manhood in her mouth, but what she didn't have in her mouth, she was rubbing on. She used her right hand to give me a hand job while her left hand worked on my balls. This honestly felt better than anything Tee Tee's ever done to me. It was turning me on just seeing her choke on me and gag every time she'd take of me into her mouth. But it turned me on a lot to feel myself sliding back and forth in her throat. 

She held on to the back of my legs and just started going down on me. I could feel my manhood sliding down her throat until she stopped. She hit he base of my manhood and just held it as spit to bubble up around the corners of her lips. She was turning red and I knew she was trying her hardest to breath but she was trying to hold herself down like a pro. 

I smirked once I saw her pulling back, trying to catch her breath, but I grabbed a hold of her head and pushed her back down on my manhood. I could feel myself about to nut any minute now but I didn't want to cum this soon. I'd look weak if I came this soon but it felt so good. I was just gonna have to hold my nut back for a few more minutes. 

Rayne looked up at me with pleading eyes while I held her head down on my manhood. She was gagging and her body was shaking but I knew she liked this. She was obviously a freak and might as well put her big lips and tongue ring to use if she's gonna have them. She started spitting up all over me but I still continued to hold her down. Only when I saw the veins protruding on her forehead did I pull her back so she could catch her breath.

She leaned to the side and doubled over trying to catch her breath. I'm sure she wasn't used to shit like that but if you're gonna give me head you might as well go all out, and I'm talking gagging, spitting up and not being able to breath. She held on to her chest coughing, and still red as a mother fucker but I just started laughing: 

"You ain't never had a nigga as big as me?" I asked, pulling her back up by her hair. 

I didn't even have to push her head down this time. She went back and put all of me inside of her before I even got a chance to do it. I guess that answered my question. She probably hasn't had anybody my size before but that's better for me. She was gagging and choking all over me, and somehow was swirling her tongue all over my shaft at the same time. I don't quite know what she was doing but whatever she did was enough to make me bust in her mouth. She started coughing ass soon as my cum shot the back of her throat because her mouth filled up and her cheeks got huge. My cum seeped out the corners of her mouth but she continued sucking me up.

I smirked. "Damn," I moaned, watching as she cleaned me up. I'm gonna have to keep this girl on my roster. She's a freak.

She pulled my manhood out of her mouth and held her mouth open so I could see all of my nut covering her mouth. She closed her mouth and swallowed all of my nut before licking it off of her face, hands, chest and all off of my manhood. 

"Did you like that?" she innocently asked as I turned to the sink to wash off. 

I wasn't trying to go back out to the party smelling like sweaty sex. I nodded my head. "It was straight," I replied. I didn't want to be gassing her head up too much, even though it was some of the best head I've ever received. She didn't need to know she was the best. 

She smirked. "You're lying but I wanna see you again."

"You got a phone?" I asked, making her nod her head and pull it out of her back pocket. I grabbed her phone and went to her contacts. I saved my name and number in her phone before handing it back to her. "Gimmie a call when ever you need some good d*ck," I laughed, making her laugh too.

She laughed as she stood up from the tub and washed her hands. "I will baby. I'll see you around Theodore," she said before walking out of the bathroom.

I smiled as I followed her out of the bathroom. I think I can get used to this. The girls in my old school and neighborhood were never that cool. They'd never give head that soon, and shit. I kind of like the attitudes these girls in Compton have. It's sexy but this is definitely something I can get used to. I just hope everyday is like this one.

I continued zipping up my pants as I walked out of the bathroom behind Rayne but I stopped once I saw Majesty standing by the table, where Lamont, Janelle and Rich were sitting, watching me. When did she even get to the room? I've been waiting on her to get here all night. Her face dropped as soon as she saw me but she quickly turned back to Rich as if I didn't notice her catching me coming out of the bathroom with that girl. I sighed and just walked as quickly as I could away from her. Damn. Why do I always mess things up when it comes to women?

Tee Tee, Nicole, Lindsey, my Mama and now Majesty. I just can't seem to do right when it comes to dealing with these women.


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How was this chapter? Did you guys like the length of the chapter? How do you guys feel about Theodore's character? Is he changing like he claims or is he still acting the same? How is Lindsey and where is she at? How do you guys feel about Nicole finally telling Theodore her and Tee Tee are sisters? How do you guys feel about Nicole's character? Could the baby she's pregnant with be Theodore's? How do you guys feel about Jaz? Do you like her character and how do you guys feel about her relationship with Aubrey? Is it weird that Tee Tee's following behind Willie when he doesn't want anything to do with her? How do you guys feel about Majesty and Theodore? Do they like each other? Why do you guys think Lamont hates Theodore so much? Is he hiding something? How do you guys feel about Theodore trying to get a dance from Majesty? Was it wrong of him to do that when she has a boyfriend? How do you guys feel about the girl that gave Theodore head and how Majesty saw? Do you think she was hurt when she saw it? Is Theodore's relationship with Victoria getting any better?

The cast is in the video in the multimedia.

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