
By Nobodygrl1

26.7K 1K 208

They had it all. They didn't. They were popular. They weren't. But one thing they had in common. They hated e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Should or Should I not?
Chapter 5
Charter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Finale)
Go Check It Out
Im a Hot Mess OMG
My New Story!!!!
New Story!
Happy New Year!

Chapter 11

1K 51 12
By Nobodygrl1

Rocky's POV

This has to be a joke, and let me tell ya it aint funny! I grabbed Laura's Laptop and examined the screen. I placed on the table. I flopped on the couch and put my hand over my face.

"This can't be happening" I muttered

"Yeah, especially cause he's tampering with our well...TAMPERING!" Vanessa yelled

"Our dad can't hack, he barely knows how to turn on a laptop how does he know how to hack? Who taught him to hack?" Riker said rambling and pacing back and forth

"No, no, no there's a missing puzzle piece in this... How does dad know what we're doing? Are we being stalked?" Rydel said.

"Hell Nah! This is some Pretty Little Liars ish, Girlbye!" I said standing up about to leave but Maia pulled me back down.

"Maybe this is a good thing...." Ross said tapping his chin

"How so?" Vanessa asked looking at him.

"Mom probably still has feelings for our dad, maybe is she knew that he still cared she would leave your dad and go back with our dad! I know its a stupid idea..." Ross said going to the mini fridge and taking out a root beer.

"Ross, that might just be one of the smartest things you've ever said!" Riker said sort of complimenting him.

"Um...thanks? I guess?" He replied sipping his root beer.

"Guys, are we sure this is a good idea?" Rydel spoke up

We gave her a confused look, oh god no, don't tell me she's having second thoughts about this whole ruining a wedding thing.

"This is dad we're talking about are sure? He might-"

"Its was an accident Rydel! Get over it, already! He's not some abusive guy he is still our dad, so what he hit you 1 time it was an accident!" I said a bit annoyed that she still thinks about that.

"Your dad hit her?!" Laura and Maia yelled shocked.

"It was an accident! She just being a baby, plus he was aiming for the vase" Riker said rolling his eyes "We have a long day tomorrow guys, We have to taste cakes and look at the venue

Everyone nodded and went to their rooms.

I feel like im forgetting something. I shrugged it off and went to bed.

Wait a second.....LUNA! RYLAND!

I got of bed and ran to mom and Damiano's room. I found a sleeping Luna and Ryland and our parents tied to chairs asleep. I threw Ryland and Luna over my shoulder and shut the door.

"Rocky? What are you-" Ryland muttered rubbing his eyes

"You saw it?"

He nodded sleepily and went back to sleep.


Ratliff's POV

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I threw on my Cat T-shirt and some skinny jeans and my Galaxy converse. I walked out my room to find everyone watching Pretty Little Liars. Laura was hacking something on her phone but i wasn't sure what it was. Way too many 0's. I walked to the mini kitchen and grabbed some coffee. I sat on the couch next to Rydel and watched Pretty Little Liars. I think this is the episode after they announced who A was I still can believe A is-

"Rise and Shine! We have a long day a head of us!" Stormie said barging into our hotel room.

"Why do you have that rope burn?" Rydel asked looking at Stormie's shoulders

"Oh that's nothing Luna and Ryland we just having some fun, no harm no foul, it will be gone before to the wedding!" Stormie said cheerfully "Oh, Laura sweetheart, did you finish writing the wedding song?"

"Actually I'm almost finished don't worry you'll love it, It's a surprise" Laura said smiling and smirking at the same time.

Stormie grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. "Lets go the limo driver is outside"

We all left the room. And walked to the lobby. A man was waiting for us outside, but then something caught my eye. The girl I was talking who gave me her number she was sitting in the lobby reading. Pretty and Smart.

I glanced over at Rydel who looked like she was jealous? She looks kinda cute when she's jealous, she does that cute with her nose when she-

"Rat? Ratliff! Ellington!!" Laura said trying to get my attention.

I finally snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my little sister Laura.


"You've been staring at Rydel for a full minute anything you wanna tell me?" she said smirking.

"N-no why would you say that?"

"The way you look at a girl when you like her, you looking at Rydel like that"

"That's ridiculous! I don't have a look!"

"What ever you say bro bro" She said patting my shoulder and following the others

I followed the other thinking about what Laura said, maybe I do like Rydel, maybe I don't, I don't know. I shrugged and followed the others outside to the limo.

We all got in the limo and sat awkwardly again. Now i see why Stormie and Dad sometimes like different limos it gets awkward.

"So Laura, How's the song coming?" Dad asked Laura

"Oh its coming along great! Ross is gonna help me sing it! Ain't right Ross?" Laura said smiling at looking at Ross

Ross was smiling at his phone, not paying attention at all.

Laura rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat.

"Anything you wanna tell me?" I smirked leaning over to Laura

"I will kill you" Laura said glaring at me

I smiled evilly and looked out the window.


We finally made it to the wedding Venue we walked inside to see five cakes we all sat our assigned seat while a man who looked like the KFC man stood next to the cakes.

"DADDY LOOK! IT'S MR. KFC!!!!" Luna screamed standing on her chair.

"Luna!" Dad scolded her making her sit down

"Its, okay Mr. Marano, I get that alot" The chef said smiling "So your first cake is a Toasted Pecan Fudge Torte"

Some servers put a plate with a disgusting looking slice of cake infront of us., Stormie and dad were smiling happily at the cake

We all took a bite and everyone but Stormie spit it out right there and then.

"IT MAKES MY TONGUE SAD!" Ryland screamed wiping a cloth on his tounge

"I agree with Ry" Laura said drinking some water.

"It is delicious!" Stormie and Dad said

Okay these people have no taste buds. want me to call the ambulance?

"Um...Okay? The next cake is Red Velvet" The chef said

"My favorite! Bring on the cake!" Vanessa said happily

The servers put the red velvet cake infront us and we instantly took huge bites. My smile went from a frown real quick. We instantly spat it back out. WHAT WAS THAT?!

"Red is now my least favorite color" Laura said spitting back out bits of it

"I have no idea whats wrong with you guys this tastes magnificent!" Stormie said taking more bites

"This tastes amazing! Did guys eat mints before you ate these?" Dad said digging in

I pulled out my phone and dialed 911, but Vanessa took my phone before i could press call. I pouted and waited for the next slice.

"Okay then....the next is a favorite for most people from America, Double Chocolate" The chef announced

The server's put the plates infront us

We looked at the cake hesitantly because the last 2 were horrible. We slowly took bites. My eyes widened. I took another bite. It. Was. Flippin. Amazing!

"THIS ONE WE ARE TAKING THIS ONE!" We all commanded except Stormie

"Eh, I don't like it" Stormie said spitting it out


She smiled and patted my back, "I'm just joking!" She chuckled "We'll have this one, 6 layers, extra double icing"

Mr. KFC nodded and left the dining room. My phone soon began to ring. I left the table and walked outside and answered the phone.

Ratliff: Dude, that performance was awesome!

Fred: So was your guys', Pretending like you didn't like the cakes, classic. You think you parents bought it?

Ratliff: Totally...Remember to change the order to Sour Cream and Velvet

Fred: Don't your parents hate that flavor?

Ratliff: I don't consider Stormie 1 of my parents and also that's the whole point.

Fred: Okay dude. See ya

Ratliff: K cool, bye.

You didn't really think we weren't gonna mess with the cake did you? Aw, that cute you thought we weren't. Faze 4 complete. 3 more stages and its all over. I hope.

What up PEEPS! Coming at you with a new Chapter of Reckless! Thank you for getting this story to 1K reads! My first story and I'm already at 1K I love you guys sooooo flipping much its not even healthy thank you for voting, and reading this even though you could be reading an actual book XD Mini-Me Update, I decided what im gonna name her Kailyn, All my sibling have the same first Letter in our name Like R5 Except their 5 of them there is 6 of us, My parents' names both begin with K so that how they got the idea name all of us with a K. Anyway! Hope You Guys Liked It! 1 Love That Is A Wrap And ZOOP!

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