Hidden Paths: Vampire Revenge

By SusanKSaltos

755 115 35

Tony, the vampire, is stunned to find his great grand-daughter at their door. George & Ray are ecstatic to ha... More

Cover Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Fifteen

18 5 2
By SusanKSaltos

There were times Jake knew he was dreaming and times when he didn't. He was grateful for the times that he did know. And this was one of them. He saw himself in two ways, one from a third person point of view looking down on the scene and then another version of himself inside of the boy. He had dreamed that way before and at first it was disorienting but after a moment he couldn't tell the difference between the two points of view.

There was a boy with curly black hair lying in a big bed. His hair was matted soaking wet to his head. The room was dark except for a dim light from a lantern on a table across the room. The large wooden door opened quickly but silently. The boy tried to smile but had difficulty.

"There's my boy," he heard a deep voice say. "Doing well?" The dark figure asked.

"Poorly, uncle," the boy managed to croak out of his dry sore throat.

"Poorly? My god-son never does poorly, he's a fighter," the figure said coming closer. He sat down in a wooden chair next to the bed.

Jake could see his face now. He was a good looking guy. He was around Jake's age. He had long brown hair that was pulled back in a pony tail and the darkest black eyes he'd ever seen. Jake, as the boy, liked the guy. Loved him even. He wasn't really his uncle. Just a friend of his father's. But he was like a brother to his father and so, an uncle to his father's son. He liked when his uncle came around, he always had fascinating tales to tell. He traveled a lot and told him stories of the great adventures he had in other countries.

"I'm fighting, uncle."

"That's good to hear, Demetrio. Listen, son, I have to tell you that your father has lost the fight."

Jake felt the pain inside of the child. "Papa?! Papa's dead?! Like mother?" the child asked his eyes filling with tears.

"Not exactly. He's dead in a sense because of your mother. Hmm, let me try to explain it like this. Your father cannot handle the pain of the loss of your mother. He's forgotten himself. He's forgotten you."

"Forgotten me? How?"

"He's left. After your mother died, he just left. He left you here all alone. I ran into him in town. He didn't want to talk to me but I demanded to know where you were, as I learned of your condition. He said he didn't care. He said that his life was over with your mother and he was leaving. Of course, I told him I would take care of you while he recovered from his loss. He said that you were as good as dead. But you're looking better to me, dear boy. He said if you did live... he...he told me to keep you for good, Demetrio. He doesn't want a constant reminder of her."

"Papa, doesn't want me anymore?" the boy cried his chin trembling.

"There, there. You have to be strong, my son. Come, let's get your things and we'll go to my home. It'll be your home now. I don't want you here thinking of your father and what he's done to you."

"Alright, uncle," the boy said his heart breaking in a million pieces.

Jake sat up quickly in bed. He breathed hard. He grabbed the glass of water on his nightstand that he always kept for such occasions and drank it down quickly. Demetrio? Wasn't that the name of Tony's son? But the son had died. Why was he dreaming such things?

Jake rubbed his chest over his heart. It hurt like someone had put a knife through it. Such rejection. Jake had felt that feeling before. When his parents had told him he was adopted. He couldn't believe his real parents had just dumped him. He had never felt so rejected in all his life. No matter how much the town ridiculed him for his dreams and his predictions. He had never felt as rejected as he did that day. That must be where the dream was coming from, he thought.

They would all be going to his house for Thanksgiving. He was bringing his newly found real sister, his twin sister, home to his adoptive family. It was just bringing back all of the old feelings of abandoment. Yes, he feared his family would reject Raven. She wasn't one of them. But she was part of Jake and he wanted his family to accept her, to love her, and to take her in as part of the family.

He grabbed his sketchpad and sketched the little boy in bed and the young uncle next to him. Out of sight, out of mind, Jake thought when he finished and tossed the sketchpad back on his nightstand, turned off the light, and went back to sleep.

The next morning they all gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. It was unusually quiet.

The knock at the door startled them.

"I'll get it," Emily said wanting to break from the tension in the room. She opened the door.

Trey stood at the door in black jeans and a black tee-shirt and sunglasses. His curly hair was wet from his morning shower. "Hello."

"Trey," she said with a nod. She felt his pain and it was all she could do to not reach out to him. It wasn't her place. He hadn't asked for her help.

"Can I see Isabella, please?"

"Wait here."

"Of course," he said sitting down on the swing.

Emily came into the kitchen. "Isabella, Trey's here. He's on the porch."

"Thank you," she said quietly getting up from the table. Ray followed her out through the front door.

Tony straightened. "What is it?" Emily asked him in his mind.

"My vampire alarm is going berserk," Tony answered.

"Does it matter?" Emily asked.

"We'll see, I guess," he answered with a shrug but his face had concern written all over it.

Trey looked at Isabella and Ray. "Why is he involved?" he asked angrily when Isabella closed the door.

"Because I want him to be!"

"You had no right!"

"I had every right! I needed help and you won't listen."

"I listen," he protested.

Isabella laughed, "No, you don't. Where Max is concerned, Max can do no wrong."

Trey sighed,"And he has done us wrong?"

"Are you ready to listen?"

"Alright. But not here," Trey answered looking at the house.

"Fine, let's go."

"He stays," Trey said looking at Ray with a piercing look.

"No way," Ray told him.

"You have no say in this," Trey said angrily to him.

"Where Isabella is concerned I have a say."

Trey laughed. "Is he for real?" Trey asked Isabella.

"Ray, it's ok. It'll be fine."

"I'm not letting you go alone with him!"

"You say that like I'd hurt her. Is that what you think?" Trey demanded as he saw the look on Ray's face.

"That's exactly what I think."

"What the hell have you told him, Isabella?" Trey demanded.

"Ray, it's fine. Trey let's go and talk about this," Isabella said taking him by the arm.

Ray watched her walk to Trey's car. Trey opened the door for her and she got in. Ray watched as Trey rounded the car and got in. He sped down the drive. Ray sat on the steps and waited.

"Are we going to talk now?" Trey asked speeding down the highway not minding the treacherous turns.

"I don't think you should be driving when we have our talk."

"That bad?"


Trey cursed and pulled off an exit. He pulled up to a deserted scenic overlook and they got out. Trey climbed up on the hood of the car and sat down with a thump. Isabella climbed up next to him. They were silent watching the ocean waves break on the rocks beneath them.

"Do you miss home?" Trey asked after a few minutes.

"I do."

"Do you like it here?" Trey asked adjusting his sunglasses.


"More than home?"

"I can't say more. It's different. I like it. I'm happy where I am."

Trey nodded. He could see it in her eyes. When she looked at Ray. He knew he wouldn't be able to get her home again. Not with her looking at Ray like that. And vice versa. He tried to put Ray out of his mind and concentrate on why they were there. Max was up to no good. Not that that was unusual. But when it came to betraying them. That was. And it wasn't sitting well with Trey. Not at all.

They were quiet again trying to find the words they needed to get out.

"He wants to take the vineyard, doesn't he?"

Isabella sighed. "It's more than that, Trey. So much more."

"Are you just going to sit there or are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"It's hard for me to say it," Isabella said not looking at him.

"I have to write this day down, the day Isabella was at a loss for words," Trey said sitting up straighter.

"It's no time for jokes," Isabella said wiping the tears that spilled down her cheeks.

"What is it? Please tell me, sweetheart," he asked concern crossing his face. He put his arms around her.

"I love you," Isabella said putting her head in his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head.

"I know. I love you too," he said softly.

"Can you accept that Max has been lying to you all these years?" Isabella asked pulling herself together.

"About what?"

"About Tony."

Trey groaned.

"Stop. Please, don't fight. Just listen, ok?"

"Okay, I'm listening, I promise," Trey said crossing his arms and leaned back against the glass of the car.

"Remember that night, when we went to the club to hunt?"


"And before we left, I was waiting for you and Max at the apartment."

"Yes, I remember."

"Well, I did a little snooping. In Max's journal."

"You didn't! You know not to touch his computer, Isabella, he'll kill you!" Trey said sitting up.

"Literally," Isabella said seriously.

He stared at her. He saw in her face that she was telling the truth, "God, Isabella. What did you see?"

"It seems that Max is writing his whole life story. So whenever he chooses to die everyone will know everything he ever did."

"I know that. But what did you read?" Trey said annoyed.


"Damn it, Isabella! Just spit it out would you?!"

"Max took you, Trey. Tony never left you. Max told him that you died, and that Max burned your body. Tony believed it because, like you, he believed everything that came out of Max's mouth."

"That can't be true," Trey said shaking his head. "He left me to die! For two days I had no one to look after me. If Max hadn't found me..."

"It is the truth, Trey! I saw it with my own eyes. He may lie to us but he doesn't lie to the journal. He has to preserve historical accuracy. And I know Tony. I know him," she empathized as Trey shook his head, "Tony is nothing like the man Max tells us he is. Nothing! If you spent two minutes with him you could see that for yourself. He's not the type of person to abandon his son! It was all a lie. You don't remember correctly, you were too young. And Max used that. Please believe me!"

Trey touched her face and looked into her eyes. He studied her eyes, her face. He started to tremble. Tears filled his eyes. He nodded, "I know you tell me the truth."

He looked away embarrassed. "And what else?" He asked knowing that there was more.

"The plan is after we get the will and take over your mother's vineyard, he will tell Tony that you are his son and show him how much you hate Tony and love him."

"But why?"

"Because Max loved your mother! Since Tony had shown no interest in your mother for quite a long time, Max had talked his parents into talking to your mother's parents about breaking off their betrothal. The agreement was that if Tony didn't agree to marry your mother by the year's end they would break off the betrothal and your mother would marry Max."

"But Antonio did marry her."

"One look and he was a goner," Isabella said with a smile.

"I know that he loved my mother," he said softly remembering how Antonio looked at his mother and she looked at him. And how his father had looked at him. That's why it had hurt so much when he had abandoned him. He had loved his father. And he'd thought his father had loved him.

"He was devastated that Tony changed his mind. He vowed to make Tony's life a living hell and he has."

"How? I mean... besides... kidnapping me."


"Katarina? The woman in Italy?"

"Yes. Tony and Katarina were in love. It was a similar situation as with your mother, Max, and Tony. Katarina was betrothed but she didn't want to be. She wanted to be with Tony despite the fact that he was a vampire."

"But she married the other guy anyways."

"Yes. Because of Max."

"What did Max have to do with it?"

"Max told Katarina that she was to marry her betrothed or he would kill Tony."

"And so she did."

"She did. And broke Tony's heart, yet again."

Trey rubbed at his eyes. He was getting a headache with all the information. He believed it. He knew Max was capable. He just didn't think he would do it against them. "What else?" he asked not wanting to know but needing to know.

"You know Max is into the black magic."

"Yes. So what?"

"So, Tony makes some new friends finally in the nineteen seventies. Raven and Jake's parents. Max conjures up a demon, who sends the black fog that I told you about, and orders that the fog kill them."

"And Raven and Jake?"

Isabella nodded, "Somehow Tony was able to save them. Max let them be since they were split up in the orphanage. Most likely by his arranging."

"Ok, what else?" Trey asked knowing there was in fact more.

"Emily's parents."

"Why her parents?"

"Because Tony was in love with Emily! And Emily was helping Tony become a better person. Max couldn't stand that. He wanted Tony to be an evil vampire like he was. He had the demon send the black fog again.He killed her parents and nearly killed Emily and her biological father, Brian, but again, Tony was able to save them."

"I'm seeing the pattern," Trey said with a sigh. "Anything else?"

"You're taking this rather well."

"Yeah, well..." Trey said looking out at the water again. "I knew he was up to something. I'm mad at myself really for not paying attention more. God! I probably wouldn't have stopped him either. I was so wrapped up in myself and my anger at Anto...my father."

"It's not your fault. I mean, I was there too. I knew he was doing black magic just as you did but I didn't want to know what he was doing."

"But you kept telling me what a horrible person Max is, and I wouldn't listen," Trey countered. He blew out a breath, "So, is that all?"


"Oh, God, what else?" Trey said putting his head in his hands overwhelmed with all this new information. His curly hair fell in his face. "Just tell me."

She put a hand on his arm, "He killed my mother," Isabella said quietly.

"No! God, no," Trey sobbed tears falling down his face now.

Isabella fought back her own tears. "He told you that she was having problems pushing me out. And he had to cut her open to get me," Isabella said. She put her hand on his shaking back. "He let her bleed to death."

"What? Why? Why her?!" he demanded.

"Because he didn't want her taking you away from him. You married, you were getting a home of your own, now a new baby. Your devotion would be elsewhere."

Trey wiped his tears away. He didn't want to let Isabella see him that way.

"He was going to kill me too but he couldn't do it. He thought that I was just another extension of your mother. A part of her was in me like it was in you."

"What else?" Trey said behind gritted teeth.

"Our accidents weren't accidents. They were carefully devised plans to get us to transform into vampires so that we'd always be with him," Isabella said wiping away her own tears.

Trey laughed. And shook his head in disbelief. He waved his hand for her to tell her more.

"If we fail getting the will, getting the vineyard, so he can make his big announcement, that you love him and not Tony, he will kill us. He will make Tony watch him kill us and then he will kill him."

Trey laughed in disbelief. "What about us being an extension of my mother?"

"He's past that now. He just wants to hurt Tony. Nothing else matters."

"Oh, God. This is messed up," Trey said chuckling and pulling his hair back.

"Stop laughing."

"I'm sorry. It's just hard to take in. God, my beautiful wife! And what he did to you..." he moaned grabbing her and hugging her. "I don't put it past Max. I don't. I know who he is, what he is. I always have, I just ignored it because he's all I had. Besides, you I mean. Don't look at me like that. He was a father to me, Isabella. But this is all very hard...to...to digest."

"I know. I'm sorry, Trey. Especially about mother," she said looking away. "I wish I had known her."

"He will pay for what he's done! I'll be sure of it," Trey said angrily.

"You cannot risk yourself for revenge."

"He has to pay! He killed her, he killed us, Isabella! He made us into these...these... things and now he wants to kill us again."

"He is too strong for us to fight him," Isabella protested.

"We'll find a way."

"You can't stop him," Isabella said tears falling. "He has a demon working for him."

"Hey, hey. Look at me," Trey said and she did.

"I can and I will," he told her firmly.


Trey bit his bottom lip. "I don't know. I need to think. Look, let's just play out the original plan for now. Try to find the will. We'll stall for time. We'll tell him you still can't find it and need more time for you to get Antonio to trust you enough to tell you where it is."

"What about you?"

"I'll just go on as I have. He'll never know that I know."

"I don't want you to go back to him."

"I have to. It's the only way."

"You can't let on. You can't!"

"I know I won't. No matter how much I want to ram a stake through his heart. I won't. Not yet, anyway..."

"Don't take any chances," she said straightening. "You have to promise me."

"I promise."

"What about Tony?" Isabella asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What about him?"

"Don't you want to talk to him now? Get to know him?"

Trey sighed. "I've spent over five hundred years hating him; I can't change gears that quickly."

"When this is over?"

"I don't know. Give me time, ok? This is too much. Too much," Trey said head in hands again.

"It's alright," she said leaning over him and hugging him.

"Come on, I'll take you home," he said sniffing as he pulled away and climbed off the car.

"Trey," she said knowing he wasn't alright.

"You coming or what?!" he asked getting into the car and slamming the door shut.

Isabella sighed. He was quickly going back to the way things were, ignoring the truth.

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