Should I Stay?

By cityofclockworkstars

58 15 4

Phil has been offered a job in America and he decides to take it as it hurts to be near Dan knowing his feeli... More

I'm Leaving
Alone Together
Is it real?
It's just a simple kiss on the forehead
Well, that's awkward
Thanks for the memories
Where did the party go
Dance, Dance
Where is your boy tonight


2 1 0
By cityofclockworkstars


It had been three days. So many people had asked me about what had happened during the YouNow I had panicked and thrown my phone across the room, smashing it into pieces. Phil leaving had completely destroyed me- I had no idea what to do with myself. I was so lonely, and I missed him so, so much.

I was in the middle of cooking pasta (the first proper meal I'd had since the Chinese) when the doorbell rang.

I didn't answer.

I couldn't think of anything worse than having to make conversation when all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry, thinking about how the person I loved most in the world was halfway across it.

It rang again. I left it, again. What idiot would keep ringing? It was pretty obvious no one was going to come to the door.

It rang again. And again. And again.

The noise was echoing through my head, and it felt like a hammer smashing my skull. I'd barely had any sleep and even the beep of the microwave had caused me to wince, so this doorbell was almost torture.

The tenth ring cause me to storm to the door. I flung it open.

"What?" I yelled angrily as I opened the door.

I came face to face with the last person I expected to be on my doorstep.


"What?" Dan sounded angry as he opened the door.

He looked at me in shock.

"Phil?" He whispered. He looked terrible. I could tell he had barely slept, and he looked as if he hadn't had a shower since I left.

"Hi," I whispered back, gazing into his eyes.

Suddenly I was pulled inside the door and it shut behind me as I was slammed against it, Dan pressing himself against me as he kissed me.

I kissed back. It was desperate and passionate, and Dan pushed me harder against the wall, almost like if he let go I would disappear. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer still, our tongues dancing together. He moaned and did the same, his fingers tugging on my knotted hair.

Just as suddenly as the kiss started it ended. He stood back panting. And then threw himself at me again. I was expecting a kiss, but instead he flung his arms around me, and I could feel him squeeze me tightly.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered, pulling back and looking me in the eyes. He looked so confused, and his stubble made him look even scruffier.

"I got the earliest plane home." I stroked his hair. We were still standing in the hallway so I led him upstairs, into the living room. It was a mess. There were crisp packets everywhere and dirty plates and mugs, and the whole room stank.

"Why's it such a mess?" I looked at him. "And you look awful. Have you even showered? Or slept?" He looked down awkwardly.

"I... uh..." He hesitated. "Why are you here?" He changed the question.

"I couldn't leave. I just couldn't." I said.

"But it was a fantastic opportunity and it was better for you to be away from me because I'm such a liability and I'm so sorry for being annoying and clingy and such a bad flatmate and-"

"Don't ever say that!" I cut him off. "I came back because I realised what a big mistake I was making. I love you Dan, and I can't just leave, not when I've finally found out you love me too. I would regret it for the rest of my life." I blushed at how cringy it sounded.

"Wait so you just took the plane home? Where are your bags?" He looked confused.

"They're still in America. I didn't have time to collect them."

He looked as if he didn't know what to say. "We... uh... we need to get them back."

I looked at him properly. As he bit his bottom lip I knew what I wanted.

"We can do that later. For now, I have an idea of what we can do." I looked at him questioningly, and his eyes lit up with realisation and he nodded.
I pulled his head towards me and kissed him passionately, leading him in the direction of his bedroom.


Last night was amazing. And waking up beside him this morning, knowing everything was going to be ok, was just as good.

I finally felt like I could breathe again after weeks of not being able to think clearly. It was such a weight lifted off my shoulders, and I actually felt happy.

I felt him stir beside me, and I sat up, watching him slowly open his eyes.

"Morning beautiful," I said, bending down and kissing him on the forehead.

He smiled sleepily up and me and burrowed down underneath the covers.

I smiled back and tugged at his arm. "Come on Phil, we need to get up now! It's almost one." I pulled the covers off him and he winced at the cold, clawing desperately at my hand to get them back but I got up, and he groaned, before pulling himself up and running his hand lethargically through his hair.

His stomach grumbled, and mine responded. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Pancakes," we both said, and laughed again, and as we made our way towards the kitchen I realised that even though we still had issues that needed sorting, and stuff that we needed to do, everything would be ok. More than ok. Wonderful.  


Hey guys! 

So... this is it! It's finally over! If you enjoyed it please comment because it would make me so happy! 

Thank you so much for reading :) xxx

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