She's Not Normal (Camren)

By CrownedDirection

1.7M 54.9K 83K

A small girl catches my attention one day during lunch and I can't seemed to get her off my mind. My new frie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Part I)
Chapter 22 (Part II)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Hi...I'm back

Chapter 18

46.4K 1.4K 2.1K
By CrownedDirection

"Okay love birds, get up." I heard a thick accent fill my ears. After still not moving, I heard foot steps move and next thing I knew, the Suns beaming light shined in. Causing me to groan in dislike and pulling my covers up to prevent from the sun hitting my face.

I felt tugging on my feet as I sighed annoyed. "Harry go away." I grumbled, my voice being muffled by the covers.

I curled up closer to Camila and buried my face in her neck. Smelling her sweet lavender smell. Even though Camila's body was beyond cold, I still sucked it up in order to cuddle with her.

"Come on we have to get moving." Harry sighed irritated that we weren't getting up.

I felt Camila stir against me so I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see her flutter her eyes open. I smiled at her sleepingly.

"Good morning." I rasped as I laid my head back down on her shoulder.

"Morning," she rasped back. I softly giggled and buried my face deeper into her.

"Okay, okay now come on let's go Camila." We heard Harry on the other side of the covers.

"Hold on Harry, I still need time to get up. My body feels weird. It's like I haven't slept for years." Camila yawned, rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes.

"That's because you haven't." Harry mumbled.

After a long while of Harry nagging for us to get up and me protesting back while Camila just laid there enjoying the bickering, we involuntarily got up.

"Damn finally." Harry sighed.

I was going to help Camila up but Harry pushed in front of me and helped her up instead.

"Well damn." I muttered putting my hands up in defense.

With effort Camila stood on her own as Harry gathered all their belongings. I bit my lip as the feeling dawned on me that I wasn't going to see them for 2 weeks. I frowned as a sigh escaped my lips.

"Alright we should get going then-." Harry began as he was bringing their stuff to the balcony.

"-Bring me with you!" I cut in catching both Harry and Camila by surprise.

"Lauren-" Camila was about to say something when Harry raised his hand to silence her.

"Lauren we can't bring you to where we're going." He stated.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because it' just can't."

"That's bullshit. Just let me come with you." I persisted.

"Lauren no-."

"Please Harry." I begged with a pouty face. He sighed as he rubbed his temples annoyed. He looked over at my nightstand clock before looking back at me.

"Until 1 o'clock." He said.

"1 o'clock?" I asked confused looking at Camila who also looked confused.

"I give you both until 1 o'clock and that's it. Not a second less or more." He informed me. "Also if she gets sick, just give her this." He tossed me that same purplish liquid before turning around to leave through the balcony.

"So I can't come?"

"No. You should be more than grateful I'm giving you this time." And with that he jumped off the balcony and was gone.

I looked at Camila who looked bewildered at what had happened. She looked at me and softly smiled. "I guess we have until 1."

I looked over at the clock and nodded, realizing it was 11 a.m which gave us only 2 hours.

"Yea, we better make the best of it."


Since Camila couldn't really do much with her wound, we decided on just watching a movie. Lame I know, but that's the only thing we could really do in Camila's state and in just 2 hours. I missed school obviously and called my mom a to tell her a lame excuse that I wasn't feeling well. She seemed skeptical about it but nonetheless, let me stay.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked looking over my shoulder at Camila who was slightly sitting up on the bed.

"Um I'm not sure." She bit her lip frowning in thought.

"Well, let's start with your favorite movie." I shrugged, hoping it would lead us to choosing a movie.

"I-I don't have one." She mumbled shyly.

"You don't have a favorite movie?" I gasped turning around completely to look at her.

"Well I mean I do, but it's not-you wouldn't know it." She played with her fingers on her lap.

"I'm a movie geek, I'm sure I'll know it. Come on, just tell me. I might even have it."

"'s a pretty old movie." She mumbled looking up at me.

"I have like a million old movies." I pointed to my stack of movies ranging from the 50's to late 90's.

"'s pretty old."

"How old?"

"Like..," She paused for a moment, frowning her eyebrows in thought. " a few centuries." She nodded in a so-so matter.

I gaped my mouth open. "Okay....yea definitely won't have it then."

She let out a soft giggle which caused me to smile back.

"Well, we can settle for a few episodes of Friends then." I decided as I quickly put the show on and got in bed next to Camila.

After a few moments I quickly glanced over at her and saw her intrigued in the show. Her eyes were completely focused on it as she would release a few small laughs here a there when something funny came up. I smiled at how normal she looked. She still looked ill but she looked better than before.

She must have felt my staring because we soon ended up looking straight at each other.

"When do you get hungry?" I asked trying to avoid the question of why I was staring at her. But I was also generally curious.

"Um...." She looked over at the clock before facing me. "Not sure. Harry usually knew exactly when." She shrugged.

"Oh well if you do, just let me know."

She nodded, "I will."

We then sat in silence again. We would laugh here and there before I looked over at her once more and got lost in her beauty. She just had this effortless beauty about her that left me at awe. She had this adorable mole that laid right on the top of her forehead, the most beautiful smile in the world. Not just that but just her. She was as beautiful from the outside as she was from the inside. I know that sounds corny but it's true.

I saw her smile before looking over at me. "You're suppose to be watching the show, not me."

"I prefer watching you though." I winked playfully. She let out a small chuckle before looking down embarrassed.

"It's so weird seeing you like that." I commented as she looked back at me.

"Weird seeing me like what?" She asked confused, tilting her head to the side like a cute puppy. Why is she like that? She can be hot as fuck one second then turn into the cutest little puppy the next.

"You being shy and embarrassed. I was so used to you being quiet and have that dominate intimidating look."

"'s just this frontier I put up in order for people not to get close." She mumbled leaning back more.

"Are you afraid of letting people in?" I asked more interested.

"Kinda, I mean I wish I could be friends with as many people as I wanted but it's hard. It's hard when you're someone like me." She paused frowning. "You have no idea the pain I feel being around so many people and smelling their intoxicating smell and not only that but feeling different and cold compared to everyone's warm beating hearts."

I frowned as well as I placed my hand on top of hers. She looked at our hands and sighed.

"And it's hard to let anyone in, in fear of losing them. Killing them. You have no idea how many times I almost lost control at school. It's like trying to go on a diet but being stuck in a building filled with only junk food and sweets."

I stayed in silence just letting her get out her emotions and feelings.

"Before I turned, I wasn't as 'beautiful' as you thought I was. I was a mess. I was constantly picked on, bullied and when I wasn't bullied I felt completely invisible. When I first turned it was so painful. But once I saw myself after, I thought it was the best thing in my life. I was faster, smarter, more graceful. Everything I ever wanted. People were all over me that next day, gawking at me and staring at me in awe. It was the best feeling..." She murmured, "For once people actually liked me. Rather it was for my looks or not. I finally felt accepted. Even though no one ever liked me for me."

"I like you for you." I whispered to her as I nudged her with a small smile. She let a very small laugh escape her lips.

"Lauren you liked me cause you thought I was pretty." She chuckled and in a split second I felt the mood change from it sad to a playful one.

I snorted playfully offended. "What? That's not true."

"I think you forgot that I can read minds Lauren. Your thoughts were really loud not to mention." She laughed teasingly.

"Oh my god." My face soon became super red remembering all the things that went through my mind every time I saw or was even near her.  "God, this is so embarrassing." I groaned. She chuckled before I soon joined along.

She winced a little holding on to her wound.

"You okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yea, I'm fine. The laughing made it hurt." She waved off. She then started coughing a lot and I knew the illness was hitting her again. I quickly went over to my dresser and grabbed the thing Harry had given me. I went back and looked at it questionably. How much am I suppose to give her? There was no instructions.

"Here, drink this. I'm not sure how much." I said worried

She grabbed it and took a small sip of it. And in a moment she started relaxing. Just a small sip of that could help? Damn they should start selling that shit at Walgreens or something.

She weakly handed it back before sinking a little more down in the bed to rest her head on the pillow.

"Better?" I asked biting my lip. She nodded with her eyes closed. I sighed in relief. Camila laid there resting as I started getting lost in my thoughts.

I realized that what if they never came back? Or Camila dies on me which I don't even want to think about. Just like all these 'what
Ifs' in my head made me want to tell Camila everything. In that moment I got this courage to tell her about my feelings. I mean I've always knew I liked her but I just wanted to finally put it out there before she left. 

"H-hey Camila?"

Her eyes fluttered open as they looked up at me. She must have saw my nervousness and uneasiness because she started sitting up a little, wincing in the process.

"Um I-I just wanted to let you know I-I, fuck." I cussed as I sighed in frustration. She placed her hand on top of mine in support. She seemed a little worried.

"You wanted to let me know what?" She asked softly. She looked a little weak from the medicine but her eyes still showed concern.

"That-that I." I hated that I become a stuttering mess around her. "That I-." I groaned irritated.


Fuck it.

"Camila I like you." I finally let out. It was like this weight lifted off my shoulders in that moment. Camila's mouth was gaped open in shock. "I like you okay? And yes more than a friend."

It then went from a comfortable silence to an awkward one. She just sat there in shock and bewilderment.

"Lauren I-," I placed my finger over her lips to stop her from continuing.

"No it's okay. I don't want you to say anything. Not yet. It's okay if you don't like me like that. I just-I wanted to get it off my shoulders before you left." I cracked a small smile. "I know I'm not drop dead gorgeous like you but I-," this time Camila cut me off.

Her lips smashed into mine as it took me a second to respond as I had no idea what had just happened. I could taste the sweetness of her mouth and soft plumped lips. I moaned as I tangled my hands in her soft silky chocolate hair.

When oxygen was needed we broke apart. We rested our foreheads together as I panted a little.

"Wow..." I panted as I let out a small chuckle.

Camila placed a string of my hair behind my ear before stroking my cheek. "I care about you so much Lauren." She whispered, her breath hitting my lips. I grabbed her hand and was going to say something when all of a sudden I heard a knock on my balcony door. Both our heads snapped toward it.

We looked at each other confused when I saw the oh so familiar silhouette standing behind the door. I sighed and cursed under my breath at Harry's bad timing.

"I'm coming in so if you guys are naked, I suggest putting on clothes!" Harry's thick accent came from behind the door. My cheeks went red just thinking about being naked with Camila even though we weren't.

"Just come in!" I called. He slowly came in making sure it was clear and when he saw us fully clothed, he proceeded to come in.

His hands were stuffed in the pockets of his same dark black drench coat. With his black skinny jeans and boots. I wouldn't lie, if I wasn't gay and into Camila I wouldn't mind getting with Harry. His smooth brown hair was slicked back and his piercing green eyes-.

I felt a nudge hit my side and I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked over at Camila confused. She had her eyebrows frowned and she looked a bit....jealous?

"What?" I asked confused.

"I hope you know that your thoughts are really loud sometimes and both Camila and I can hear them." Harry smirked lightly. My faced flushed in redness again. God I hate that they can do that.

Then something clicked. Wait, was Camila jealous that I found Harry attractive?

"I'm sorry to say but we have to go now. We're already late as it is and even though I wish to give you more time, I can't." Harry shrugged moving his way to Camila's side to help her.

"Wait," I said as they both snapped toward me. I moved to the other side as I looked at Camila. She had the same exact look as I did. In a split second I wrapped my arms around her. Squeezing just enough to not hurt her. Her arms wrapped around me and squeezed me back.

The smell of hers intoxicated me and I knew it was going to be hard not to miss her. Her small body was cold but it felt good in my arms. (Edited picture of Camila and Lauren hugging on top)

I gently pressed a tender kiss on her forehead as our fingers intwined. I sighed sadly knowing we had to let go.

We finally pulled away and I stepped back as I frowned when Harry picked up Camila bridle style . Slowly Camila's fingers left my hand.

I followed them out the balcony door as I shivered a little from the breezes.

Camila looked back at me and frowned. She looked in thought before something clicked in her eyes. Her eyes shot open as she opened her mouth to say something.

"Wait, Lauren I-." but before she could finish her sentence Harry had jumped off the balcony edge.

I gasped as I ran to the edge of the ledge to see if I could catch them in time so I could hear what Camila was going to say. But they were gone. Leaving just the silent night behind them.

I frowned as I slowly stood there for a few moments hoping they would return for just even a second, but they didn't.

I slowly made my way inside closing the door behind me. I sighed looking around my room and feeling really empty. I was used to Camila being here it felt weird. Now I felt like I had nothing to look foreword to when I came home.

It was already dusky out so I turned off  T.V and went to lay in my bed alone. It felt like I had PCD. Not (Post Concert Depression), more like Post Camila Depression.

I looked over at where Camila usually laid and felt an empty feeling.

"Please come back better..." I whispered as I shut off the lights and closed my eyes to sleep the night away.


"Lauren?" I felt a small hand shake my shoulder.

"Mhhm." I mumbled burying my face in my pillows that smelled so much like Camila.

"You feeling better?" I heard my mom's soft voice as she rubbed her hand soothingly up and down my arm in comfort.

"Mhhm." I answered back. She felt my head with the back of her hand and sighed.

"You must be catching a fever. You went to bed pretty early. I'll bring you some soup, okay honey?" She softly said, combing my hair back with her fingers. I only nodded in response.

I felt my bed move as my mom got up and left. I groaned as I lifted my head up to see the time. It was blurry from just getting up so I rubbed my eyes and focused on it more. It read 10:28 P.M. My mom is home pretty early. Usually her and dad leave to work around 10 a.m-12 p.m and get back 11 p.m or 12 a.m.

I slowly sat up as I noticed it was pitch dark out. The only light was the moon's. My face felt gross so I pushed the covers off of my body and went to my bathroom to splash water on it.

After I patted my face with a towel I soon heard what sounded like a...howl? I stopped my movements and tried to hear more closely. Then I heard it again.

I stepped out my bathroom and looked over at my balcony. I opened it and went out over to the ledge. That's when I could fully hear it.

It was a howl of a wolf...

It was getting louder and louder. I frowned my eyes as I looked over to the small forest across the other side. I swore I saw dark red-orange eyes staring back at me.

Shivers ran down my body as the incidents with those wolves came running back. I slowly backed away from my ledge as I saw it slowly creep out of the woods.

You could hear the cracking of twigs as it got closer and closer to my house. I held my breath.

I then felt a hand touch my shoulder as I went flying foreword with loud shriek.

My mother stood there surprised and a bit frighten. "Jesus, Lauren what are you doing?!" She exclaimed calming herself down.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked back to see no one there anymore...

"So-sorry I just-" I paused, " I don't know what I was doing." I whispered as I thought about the thing in the woods.

"It's chilly out, you shouldn't be out here. You're already getting sick. Come on," she wrapped her arm around me and brought me inside.

I looked over my shoulder once more and saw the same red-orange eyes looking at me...


Damn it's Friday.

I was suppose to update Wednesday. 😁😩

So I'm going to be straight honest with you. I'm tired of just apologizing for late updates, crappy chapters, etc. so I'm going to tell you what's going on. As we all know, school is a piece of shit. I have like 60 papers due and plus we're preparing for finals. So everything is getting thrown at us and is expected to be all done in weeks time. Which is hard doing like 60 papers plus this story as well.

I was planning on doing Wednesday updates but tbh with school right now, I don't think I can. What I'm going to do now is just make it a one update a week schedule. It won't be on a specific day anymore. It will be any day I can update. There will be times where I won't be able to and I hope you guys understand. Once I get everything with school under control I will get back to a smooth updating schedule again.

Thank you for your constant support and funny/loving messages. I really appreciate it.

Also I have a new Camren story coming that is also a Vampire one, so again if you don't like books/stories like this, please don't read just to leave hate.

It's called "The Half-Blood Trials", the title might change as I start writing more. But I will start updating it in coming 2016! I'm really excited about this one. If you want to add it in your library just in case if I update something earlier than expected 👀 that will be lovely!

Just go on my profile and it should be under "CrownedDirection's Works"!

Thank you again for reading! :)


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