Good Girl Bad Girl (Reece Mas...

By MendingMyLoveSong

49.8K 650 187

What could this world possibly have in store for Alexis Bennett, just another normal girl out of all the ordi... More

1. Meeting The First Time
2. Run Away
3. Where Are We Going?
4. What To Do?
5. Shut Up And Kiss Me
6. Click, Click
7. Obsession
8. Liv And Brad
9. How Do They Know?!
10. Abused
11. Voices
12. Going Home
13. Silent Secrets
Author's Note
Author's Note Again
14. Loosing It
15. Back At It
16. It's Comlicated
17. Just The Beginning
18. Gone And Lost *UNEDITED*
Quick Authors Note *PLEASE READ*
19. Lost And Found *UN EDITED*
20. The Deadly Truth
21. My Heart Aches *UN-EDITED*
The Lonely Rose Up Now!

Last Authors Note & Many Thanks :)

477 12 8
By MendingMyLoveSong

Hey guys, last update for this book.

First things first is I would like to say how sorry I am for making such a short story. I expected it to be longer but not so much or as much shorter as it is now. If you get what I mean.

But i'd also like to say thanks for reading my fanfic, voting, commenting and taking the time to fan me. Thank you all so much. All the comments I get and for what you say. I love to hear what you have to say and it means so much and it always makes my day.

I'd like to give a few shout outs to some of the people I much appreciate that comment, and just always puts a smile on my face. Lets just say its everybody.








































I know, it actually may not seem like a lot of people that have commented on my story, but when they have commented multiple times, it is. I couldn't just choose a few of you to mention for who were my favorites that comment, cause I love all of them. They are so sweet so I had to mention everyone that had ever commented. So if you see your name there, just comment down below so I know you have :)

so I do have a few more things to say so here goes nothing... :)


I've found that coming towards the last few chapters, that I have lo:st votes/comments/and tons of reads. So if you have ever lost interest in this story, can you please tell me why? so I know where I have gone wrong along the way.

Thing :2

I have finished changing the cover as many times I have, i've settled on this one. made as

Also I've changed the sequel to the name to 'The Lonely Rose'. I seemed more exciting somehow. The cover link is on my tumblr

>> << . Hope you like :) tell me what you think about it, again made at :)

Thing 3:

Don't worry guys! I just want to put it out there that other then the sequel to this book, that i will not stop here with Reece Mastin fanfictions. I'm thinking heaps! I was thinking of a Reece Mastin and One Direction fanfic together, maybe? I'm thinking of writing a Ed Sheeran one also, got a Harry Potter one coming up soon. Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan fanfics.

Thing 4:

Trailer time! Not only do i have a trailer for Good Girl Bad Girl, but for The Lonely Rose too! So the video is here... For some reason it won't let me put it to the side, can someone please help me?

Do tell me what you think? Hate? Dislike? Like? Love? Completely worship it like monkeys worship bananas? Tell me what you think :)

Thing 5: I am starting another fanfic aswell, its called Toxic, it's a Black Veil Brides fanfic. And because i want to get a bit done on that before the sequel has started, that i'm most likely not to start the sequel till late September or October. I hope you also understand i also have a life out of wattpad and other stories to get through :)

Thing 6:

For everyone that has put their name down to play a character in the sequel, i will announce who they are on the sequel separately. 

Thing 7:

I know that you guys in chapter 19 got confused on how she was pregnant, remember guys? Chapter 14 titled 'Loosing It?'. And because Alexis never actually knew she was pregnant and when she was in hospital told that she had had a miscarriage, which would had only been recently. Does it makes sense? Basically she was pregnant without knowing so it was meant a be a shock and when she was told she had a miscarriage that's how things all add up. Does it? Hopefully ;)

Now guys, time to go to put the tick and complete up next to the story. It is officially complete. I will be going through all my chapters fixing things up, spelling errors, adding in more detail all that. So if you ever go back through the story and find a change, but hopefully think it's better then it was before, then please tell me. Thank you all so much to all the readers, my fans, commenters and voters, it means alot and i love you all so much.

Stay strong everyone, this is not the last you have seen of me or heard of me, i will be back with The Lonely Rose, and other Reece Mastin fanfics plus all my other obsessing fanfics. Thanks guys for the support, without you lot, i wouldn't be where i am today. Thanks to my family and friends who have supported me along the way, this story has been my medicine and my haven.

Quick sorry again to all the authors notes as well as i have to many. I promise to every single person reading this note now that i will make the sequel longer. So i hope you enjoyed this story guys.

Love you all :)xxx

Adriana :)xoxoxoxo

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