Captured! [Book 2 of The Deni...

By AmorAuctor

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Captured! Book 2 [Sequel Of Denied!]
1: Good Girl Or Bad Girl??!
2: Princi Poop!!
3: The Result!!
4: Keep Reminding Me!!
5: A Step Forward!!
6: Angry, Very Angry...
7: My Stupid Retarded Boys!!
9: Happy Birthday Mase!!
10: Hello And Goodbye..
11: Hate.
12: Moving On..
13: Down To Business..
14: The Good News Or The Bad News??!
15: Let's Get Packing!!
16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!
17: Burn, Baby, Burn!!
18: His Return..
19: Turned
20: Try Me Out
21: The Climb
22: Start Talking..
23: The Game
24: Captured! Part 1
25: Captured! Part 2
26: Captured! Part 3
27: Captured! Part 4
28: Well, That Was A BLAST!
29: Some Explaining..
30: Ready To POP!
31: Her Name...
32: Haunting You...
33: Our Wedding

8: Stop It!!

1.8K 35 12
By AmorAuctor

Heyaaa Guyzz!!

So, In Thiis Chappy I'll Gess Yuhh'l Fiind Out More About The Characterzz, Especialy Roxy.. Another Side To Her Maybe...??



Woo Hoo!!

But.. I Knoo.. A But!! :/

I'm Relii Busy!!

Miight Go Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh...

Got Weddingzz, (Why Cant They Get Married Sum Other Tiime??!)

And Yupp..

Just Busy!!

But, I'm Gonna Sqeez In Sum Writiin.

Even If It Meanzz Stayiin Awake Til Midniight!!

Thankzz 4 Readiin!!


Chapter 8: Stop It!!                          

“Uhh…” I stared in…confusion at the sight before me…Princi Poop, The Princi Poop…dancing?

“Uhh…” The rest of my brothers stopped laughing and stared at the break dancing Principal on the car. We just painted the car…and he’s dancing on it…it’s not even dry yet.

Though I did giggle a little bit when the paint splattered over his shiny Italian shoes, thankfully he was dancing nowhere near where I wrote my bit, so it’s all good!

Well, kinda…

I played with my lip ring, confused and…just creeped out.

{Mase?} I whispered to Mase through the mind link, I dunno why I’m whispering but it kinda…goes with what’s going on now…

{Y-Yes Rox?}

{Is he…dancing on the car?}


{Get him off please}

{You can do that, you are the Alpha Female}

{Not…confirmed or what’s that word…? Slap bang done yet}

He groaned. {I forgot…}

{When’s the ceremony?}

{Lunar Eclipse}

{When’s that?} I asked.

{Uhh…your birthday}

{When’s my birthday?} I whispered to myself, trying to remember.

{4th September}

{Oh yeah, right…How do you know?}

{Your brothers}

I groaned. {When’s yours?}

{29th July}

{This month…}


{Stop him please?}


“Oi!! Get your stinky feet off the car!!” Mase yelled the students around us flinched at the volume and tone of his voice. Whereas I grinned and my brothers, were covering their ears…werewolf hearing. (Ohhh)

Princi Poop froze and climbed down. He straightened himself and cleared his throat. “Classes now”

The students groaned and put their phones away, recording the whole damn thing. Well, I would’ve been doing the same if I wasn’t so shocked.

Hey! Maybe Hade recorded it!! I could post it on YouTube…

The students walked away, leaving me, my brothers and Mase alone…

“We’ll talk in my office” he said in his ‘Principal’ voice and walked ahead.

Mase narrowed his eyes and walked faster so he was infront of Princi Poop.

I grinned mentally. Mase is so funny at times, other times he could be…

·        Arrogant

·        Obnoxious

·        Weird

·        Stalkerish

·        Creepy

·        Evil

·        Fatherly

·        Annoying

·        Possessive

·        A ‘Leader’

·        An Adult

·        Weirdo

·        Idiot

·        A massive Retard

·        D*ckhead

·        F*cktard

·        Knobhead

·        Stupid

·        ‘Needs a slap’

I could go on but I’ll stop, cos I’m soo nice.

{No you’re not, Rox. You just listed about…20 negative things about me} Spoke Mase.

I rolled my eyes. {19 and I stopped}

He groaned. {There’s more?}

{Home} Meaning, ‘tell you at home cos I can’t be bothered to say it all now since it will take me years and I’m busy wanting to know why Princi Poop was dancing on his freakin car!!’

We reached the office and Mase was being a ‘gentleman’ letting me go in first, then he followed. I sat on Princi Poop’s ‘principal’ seat, only to be picked up by Mase and sat down on his lap…but still on the ‘principal’ seat.

{You can add gentleman to the list} He said to me.

I rolled my eyes. {And stupid}

{That was already on the list!}

{Uhh…I’ll decide at the end of the day}


I rolled my eyes and cut him off, let’s listen to what Princi Poop has to say.

“So, what the hell was that about?” I asked, cracking the silence.

Everyone burst out laughing except for Princi Poop, who was blushing (aww) I giggled a little then laughed as well.

“N-N-Nice dance moves, dude” Haden laughed.

“You can’t talk!!” Eric laughed.

“H-H-He-He, You should join Haden’s band” laughed Vince, turning to Princi Poop and laughing even louder.

** 10 min later

The laughter died down a little, but it was reduced to smirks and grins.

“Ok…” I said, letting out a breath…trying to calm down my laughter. “So, why were you dancing on your messed up car?”

Hade snickered but immediately stopped when Princi Poop shot him a glare.

“The car…is my brothers” he explained.

“What?!” I yelled jumping up from Mase’s lap.

“Uhh…is something wrong?” Princi Poop asked confused.

“Yes!!” I shouted. “We were supposed to paint your car”

My brothers snickered and then stopped when Princi Poop shot them a death glare. They smirked at him and faced me, with wider smirks.

Mase pulled me back down and whispered in my ear. “Shut up”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

“Go on” Mase edged Princi Poop on.

“Well, he gave it to me. I’ve been trying to get rid of it by not hurting him…cos the car is shit” My eyes widened slightly with his language. “And it’s a perfect excuse, my students painted on it”

I nodded slowly. It still doesn’t make sense…it’s a cool car…well kinda cool, but a good car.

“But, it’s an ‘ok’ car…” Hade mumbled.

“My car, that he’s got, is even better” Princi Poop replied.

“What car?” Haden asked curiously.

“Ferrari California”

Hade’s eyes lit up and so did mine.

Haden’s because he wants to ride it. (In his dreams!!)

And mine because I can paint on it and Princi Poop will be even madder!!

“Ok…uhh…can we…go now?” Eric asked, slightly confused. But so am I…something tells me…Princi Poop was either lying or leaving something out.

I brushed it off and walked out the door, everyone else following. Raven grinned at me, giving me two thumbs up.

I grinned at her and returned it. “Inabit Rave!!”

“Bye Roxy!!” she exclaimed, sitting down and turning back to the computer.


So, lessons were back to normal…something else happened and everyone has something else to talk about. I wonder what it is…what could be so more exciting or. What can top Princi Poop dancing on his car? Well, his brother’s car but you get what I mean.

We were sitting in History; the teacher at the front was frustrated.

“Class!!” she called out but half the class was asleep and the other half weren’t paying attention. Vince & Eric were arm wrestling and Hade…was asleep. God, Vince so doesn’t deserve Miranda (Vince’s mate, if you don’t remember) but, I know he’ll keep her happy…if he passes school!!

“Class!!” the teacher yelled, almost in tears.

I dunno why, but it almost made me break with her so desperate. Maybe, she was gonna get fired…or summit.

I let out a breath and got up from my seat. Her eyes widened in fear…of me? I walked up to her and gave her a warm smile. She returned a smile but it was weak…

I sucked in a breath.

{Cover your ears Mase}

He raised his eyebrow at me but nodded, putting the palm of his hands on his ears.

“Miss?” I whispered to her.

“Yes?” she replied in a whisper, but it wasn’t intended, she was gonna cry.

“Cover your ears”

She gave me a confused look but nodded.

I let out a breath and looked at the class. Stupid people.

“OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed.

Everyone shot up from what they were doing and Vince’s arm fell making Eric win, but he didn’t celebrate looking at the killer glare I had on my face.


“What if we don’t?” That slag from earlier, when I was riding my bike, spoke, with a tight smile.

I glared at her. “Then you can get the fuck outta school, why else do you come here? To hump other guys, if yes then please get your ass in the prostitute house, comprenday?”

Everyone stared at me in surprise and the slut shut up but gave me a ‘I will get you back for this’ look. I turned to the class.

“Are you going to pay attention?” I said through gritted teeth.

They nodded and Mase gave me an ‘I’m so proud of you’ look.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Miss Grehan, smiling. “You can take it from here, Miss”

She smiled and nodded. She mouthed a ‘thank you’

I smiled and skipped back to my seat. I sat down and Mase smiled down at me.

“You’re so awesome” he said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his lap.

“I know, now will you let me learn?”

He chuckled and set me down back on my seat. I crossed my arms on the desk and looked at the teacher, who was bubbling with joy.


Ok, so we were having a sleepover at my 1st house. (Mine and my brothers’ house)

We were all in the living room, and we made a tent. We borrowed some chairs from the dining area and put a massive sheet over them, making an awesome club.

We were telling ghost stories and it was my turn!

“Ok” I started. I grabbed the torch off Eric and turned it on under my chin, so it gave that awesome eerie effect. The lights around us were switched off, so we could only faintly see each other. The light of the torch was bright and Haden was trembling.

“I think I’m gonna pee my pants” Hade said, teeth chattering and all.

I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t do that!” he snapped, grabbing his blankie.

I held back the urge to roll my eyes. “I haven’t even started!”

He sighed.

“Go on Roxy, Hade’s just being a baby” Vince said, curling his arms around Miranda.

“No I’m…”

But I cut Hade off. “Shut up!!”

He closed his mouth and nodded slightly, telling me to go on.

I grinned at Zane and he winked at me.

“Ok” I said again. “John Bradford”

I was cut off by Mase. “Why does it have to be a guy?!”

“Cos it does now please please let me finish!!!” I yelled.

“Don’t shout” whined Hade. “It’s scary…”

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

“Stop I”

But I cut Hade off, again. “Shut up!!!”


“I know!!” I said through my clenched jaw. “Can I continue?”

Eric nodded, stuffing his face with marshmallows.

“Ok” I glared at Mase. “John Bradford, a Sydney University student, was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark Halloween night and in the midst of a storm.  The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he saw a car slowly coming towards him and stopped. John, desperate for shelter and without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door, just to realize there was nobody behind the wheel and the engine wasn't on!”

“Oh Em Gee!!” Haden squealed, gripping onto his blankie even more.

Jade clenched onto Zane and Zane dug his face into her hair. Mase stared at them then pulled me onto his lap. I rolled my eyes and Hade screamed.

“Oh just shut it!!” I snapped.


“I know!!!” I screamed.

“But you just did”

I let out a breath, trying to calm down and to stop myself from ripping his stupid head off. “I’m calm…now, no interrupting!”

They nodded.

I continued. “The car started moving slowly. John looked at the road and saw a curve approaching. Scared, he started to pray, begging for his life.  Then, just before he hit the curve, a hand appeared through the window and turned the wheel. John, paralysed with terror, watched how the hand appeared every time they came to a curve. John saw the lights of a pub down the road so, gathering strength, jumped out of the car and ran to it”

“Oh my god, what if the ghost follows him?!” yelled Hade, jumping on Eric’s lap, only to be pushed off.

I looked around the tent, Vince and Eric had their arms around their mates, Eric was still stuffing his face with marshmallows, Hade was trembling in fear and Mase gripped me and was kissing my neck…What a family…

I let out another breath and continued. “Wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and asked for two shots of tequila. He then started telling everybody about the horrible experience he went through. A silence enveloped everybody when they realized he was crying and... wasn't drunk”

“I hope the ghost dies” Hade mumbles.

“He’s already dead!!” Eric said, well…tried to say…we heard it and laughed at Hade’s face, covered in Eric’s spitty marshmallows.

“About 15 minutes later, two guys walked into the same pub. They were also wet and out of breath.

Looking around and seeing John Bradford sobbing at the bar, one said to the other, 'Look, Bruce. There's the idiot who got in the car while we were pushing it”

I laughed at the end, joined by the others.

Hade laughed nervously. “Finished?”

“Eventually…” I mumbled rolling my eyes.

“Stop doing that!”

I screamed and fell back into Mase’s arms. “I swear Hade, you’re such a baby!!”

“Let’s go to sleep” Vince mumbled.

I nodded and yawned.

“N-No! Please…I’m scared” Haden whispered, shaking.

“It wasn’t scary!!” I exclaimed, groaning into Mase’s chest.

“Oh yeah…” he muttered, smiling. “Goodnight!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Stop it!” Hade yelled.

I flicked the torch off and threw it at Hade.

“Goodnight everybody!!” I said, cuddling into Mase.

“Night Roxy” they replied.

{Night Mase}

{Sweet dreams, Rox}



What'd Yuhh Thiinkk??!

I Found The Ghost Story And Thought It Was Hilarious!! :D






Thankzz 4 Readiin!!

Mia!! :P

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