The Fear (The Walking Dead...

By jinx1996

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Kat is the eldest daughter of Hershel and the rock of the Greene family. Through thick and thin she has kept... More

Katherine Greene
The Fear
Prologue - Never Again
Chapter 1 - A Hunting Accident
Chapter 2 - Sacrificed
Chapter 3 - Gravestone Pyramid
Chapter 4 - Cherokee Rose
Chapter 5 - F-100
Chapter 6 - Our Secret
Chapter 7 - Only A Matter Of Time
Chapter 8 - Working Things Out
Chapter 9 - Echoes
Chapter 10 - Stay With Her
Chapter 11 - You're Afraid
Chapter 12 - Finding Hope
Chapter 13 - Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 14 - Distractions
Chapter 15 - Broken
Chapter 16 - Judge and Jury
Chapter 17 - Executioner
Chapter 18 - Walking In Tandem
Chapter 19 - Plague Of The Dead
Chapter 21 - Not A Democracy
Chapter 22 - Place To Place
Chapter 23 - Picking Them Off
Chapter 24 - Safer
Daryl Dixon... Death?
Chapter 25 - A Calf Named Abbey
Chapter 26 - Going To Be Fine
Chapter 27 - Should Be Interesting
Chapter 28 - Minced
Chapter 29 - Split Second
Chapter 30 - Three
Chapter 31 - Lil' Ass-Kicker
Chapter 32 - Beyond The Fences
Chapter 33 - It's Not That Easy
Chapter 34 - Nothing Of Consequence
Chapter 34 - Liars, Thugs, and Cowards
Chapter 35 - Gone
Chapter 36 - Retaliation
Chapter 37 - Hold On
Chapter 38 - Warm Shadow
Chapter 39 - Yes
Chapter 40 - Be Careful
Chapter 41 - The Stand
Chapter 42 - Big Spot
Chapter 43 - Raining Down
Chapter 44 - Contaminated
Chapter 45 - Fever
Chapter 46 - Elderberries
Jesus Saviours Negan and more
Chapter 47 - The Symptoms
Chapter 48 - Shock and Fear
Chapter 49 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 50 - Liar
Chapter 51 - Exit
Chapter 52 - We Go Left
Beta and Other Things
Chapter 53 - Home
Chapter 54 - Have Faith
Chapter 55 - Camps
Chapter 56 - Polaroids
Chapter 57 - Train Tracks
Chapter 58 - Vicious Creatures
Chapter 59 - Just Gone
Chapter 60 - Escape
Chapter 61 - Not Again
Chapter 62 - Peace
Chapter 63 - Missing
Chapter 64 - Amazing Grace
Season 9/10
Chapter 65 - Always Moving
Chapter 66 - Rust and Bone
Chapter 67 - Unluckiest of Lucky Charms
Chapter 68 - There
Chapter 69 - Alexandria
Chapter 70 - Shower
Chapter 71 - Have A Beer
Chapter 72 - Have Another Beer
Chapter 73 - Jump
Chapter 74 - Control Who Lives Here
Chapter 75 - This Is Them
Chapter 76 - What's Your Fear?
Cover Change
Chapter 77 - Too Many
Chapter 78 - And Then They Came
Chapter 79 - Someday It Will Be Useful
Chapter 80 - An Eye for an...?

Chapter 20 - Regroup

12.7K 361 25
By jinx1996

By the time we made it to the interstate the sun had risen. Rick pulled the car to a stop amongst the other vehicles that had been left here and jumped out, but we were the only ones there.

"Well, where's mum?" Carl asked his father as I helped mine out of the back of the car. "You said she'd be here. We gotta go back for her."

"Carl..." Rick started, but the boy cut him off.

"No. Why are we running? What are you doing? It's mum. We need to get her."

"You need to be quiet, All right? Please." Rick hushed.

"She got out, I saw. I told them to come here." I added.

"Carl, listen..."

"No." Carl cut in again, storming back to the car.

"Rick... you've got to get your boy to safety." Dad spoke up. "I'll wait here for my girls and the others."

"I will as well."


"I'm not leaving." I cut in stubbornly and he knew he wouldn't win this one so instead he nodded. "I know a few places. We'll meet up at one of them later." He turned back to Rick.

"Where? Where's safe? We're not splitting up." Rick stated. "They'll be here."

"You don't know that." Dad said back.

"You're a man of God. Have some faith." Rick demanded.

"I can't profess to understand God's plan. Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind."

"Rick." I nodded over his shoulder to an approaching walker.

"Carl, get in the car." He told his son quietly as I started to head towards the walker.

"We have to handle it." I whispered to him. "It's seen us."

"We can't fire a gun, it'll draw more here and they're all we have." Rick explained.

I sighed and looked around, spotting a large black truck on the other side of the road that certainly looked like the type of vehicle a tough guy would drive. I headed over towards it, despite my father's protests and jumped into the back, looking around for anything I could use. There weren't any weapons, but it did contain a couple planks of wood surprisingly enough. They were only cedar planks so they were relatively light and easy to wield. I chose one with a few nails sticking out of the end and jumped back down to the ground lightly. The walker came over to me as Rick ushered Carl back towards the car and my dad readied his gun just in case.

But there was no need. I slammed it across the walking corpse's head, the nails burying themselves in its rotted skull, instantly causing it to fall to the ground dead, but not before splattering a few drops of blood across my cheek. I stepped back, looking around for anymore, but didn't see any. It was what I heard that caused my stomach to turn, but not from fear or nerves, but utter relief.

Daryl's motorbike could be heard in the distance just before he showed himself, riding through the parked cars with Carol sitting behind him. Not 20 metres behind him was the green car Maggie and Glenn had been driving and directly behind them was Betty.

I dropped the plank of wood as they all came to a stop and Maggie came running from the green car followed by Beth from my truck. Dad was right on my heels as they made it over to us. It was only when we pulled back that I saw Lori with Rick and Carl and then Glenn and T-Dog.

Beth continued to hug our dad, not wanting to let go.

"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asked.

"Where the only ones who made it so far." Rick informed.

"Shane?" Lori asked, but Rick shook his head. Something told me that there was more to that story than the walker herd.

"Andrea?" Glenn wondered.

"She saved me, then I lost her." Carol answered.

"We saw her go down." T-Dog added.

"Patricia?" Dad then asked as my stomach curled at the memory.

"They got her, too." Beth explained, leaving out the other half, probably more so for my benefit as I turned my back and headed to the truck, pulling my machete out that I had left in there. "They took her right from me. I was... I was holding onto her, Daddy. She just..." Beth's sobs cut off her own sentence. "What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?" She immediately asked as she recovered and I made my way back to them.

"He was in the RV. It got overrun." Rick informed.

"You definitely saw Andrea?" Carol asked for confirmation.

"There were walkers everywhere." Lori answered.

"Did you see her?" Carol tried again, but no one replied.

"I'm gonna go back." Daryl said, beginning to head for his bike.

"No." Rick stopped him.

"We can't just leave her."

"If she did survive there's no way she's on the farm." I spoke.

"She isn't there. She isn't." Rick agreed. "She's somewhere else or she's dead. There's no way to find her."

"So we're not even going to look for her?" Glenn asked as another walker began to make it's way over to us.

"We gotta keep moving. Walkers will be crawling all over here soon. Kat." He added on the end, nodding for me to take care of it, apparently now trusting my capabilities.

I gripped hold of the machete as I took a few steps towards it and waited until it was right in front of me before swinging, taking the top of its head clean off.

"I say we head East." T-Dog offered.

"Stay off the main roads." Daryl added. "The bigger the road, the more walkers, the more assholes like that one." Daryl nodded to the walker I had just killed.

"All right, Glenn, Maggie, Hershel and Beth in the green car. T-Dog you come with Lori, Carl and me in the red. Daryl you've got the bike and Carol you can go with Kat in the truck."

"Only got about half a tank left, I'd rather save it if we need to go on a run." Daryl said.

"You can put it in the back of the truck, there's some rope we can use to tie it down." I offered.

Daryl looked to Rick for approval. "All right, you two do that. Everyone else have a quick look around for any supplies."

"There's some in the truck." I spoke. "There's still everything Carol packed for Randall, plus a couple of bags of clothes, toothpaste, etc." My dad gave me a curious look as I shrugged. "I readied them a while back."

"Okay, that's good, but still just do a quick sweep." Everyone broke up, doing a quick search as Daryl and I began to load his bike into the back of Betty using the planks of wood I had found.

Once we were ready to go, we split up into our assigned groups by Rick, Daryl now riding with Carol and I. We took the lead in Betty with Glenn driving behind us and then Rick.

So many updates and only one more for Season 2 before i start season 3 (again, it will be in this book, i won't be splitting them up.) So far i kind of want to do a trilogy and at this stage i'm thinking 2 - 2.5 seasons each book, depending on what happens in the shows latest season.

Please comment and tell me what you think so far, particularly for these latest updates. Also if you could tell me your favourite parts and favourite things about Kat so that i can include more like it, that would be great. Any suggests are also appreciated.

Quick question though (super important) how fast exactly do you want her and Daryl to move, like obviously it is Daryl... so it's not your everyday relationship. At this stage I was thinking that they sort of sneak around in S3 and everyone knows but they aren't "together" but it's kind of a strange place in that it goes without saying that they "exclusive" ... just without the togetherness.. if that makes any sense at all. In other words it's complicated but if this were set in regular pre-zombie times they would be friends with benefits that don't date other people... clear...?

P.S. Daryl and Carol will still be best friends and Kat will just kind of join their little friendship thing which is why i'm having them all together in the same car.

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