Merman In The Water - Larry S...

By LivingfortheParty

2M 69.4K 118K

When Harry Styles goes to his uncle's in Florida for the summer, he's reminded by the company his two dating... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

86.2K 2.6K 3.7K
By LivingfortheParty

[A/N]: Hey guys! We're super tired. Elsie even more than Sophie. But we're gonna type you guys a chapter because well it's just what we do. We write stuff. We enjoy your guys' comments. They make us giggle. So keep doing it! Here we go!

Harry woke to the sound of the seagulls outside his window and blinked rapidly as sunlight streamed in. He was still a bit tired, as he'd been the last to fall asleep because his mind had been filled with thoughts of Louis. Louis. The boy with the blue tail. A smile grew on his face as he remembered that he would be seeing him again today. He looked over to his friends to find them cuddled together on one of the beds, leaving the other completely abandoned. Harry quietly got up and dressed himself before slipping out of the room and heading to the kitchen. He grabbed a bagel and popped it in the toaster as he grabbed himself some juice.

On the table there sat a note left from Paul, Morning, my boys... or afternoon, depending how lazy you are. I told you this yesterday, but who knows how much of what I say actually gets listened to. I'll be back around noon, until then you're free to do whatever. The keys to the golf cart are on a hook by the fridge, there's lots of food in the cupboards, and the beach is always nice to visit. I won't even make you wear sunscreen. - Uncle Paul xx

Harry chuckled, grabbing a plate and retrieving his bagel as it popped up out of the toaster. In the fridge he found some cream cheese, which he happily used as his bagel spread. He carried his plate out onto the back porch and into the humid air, grinning as he smelled the salty breeze. Harry plopped himself into one of the deck chairs, absentmindedly munching on his bagel as he daydreamed.

So Louis was a merman. A merman prince to be exact. He vaguely wondered what Louis' hair would look like dry. Or what Louis would look like if he was a person. As Harry thought about it, he realised that Louis' upper torso seemed quite fit, and it had to be so judging by how fast the boy could pull himself out of the water without using his legs... or tail, in the prince's case.

Harry examined the hand holding his bagel, noticing on his palm that the cut from the night before was now a faint pink line. He grinned, realising that Louis had been right about the saltwater healing his cut faster. The curly haired lad wondered what other interesting things Louis knew about the ocean.

Liam came outside eventually, snapping Harry out of his thoughts, "Oh, there you are. Good to see you haven't gone missing again."

"Just sitting on the porch," Harry beamed up at his friend as Zayn slipped out behind Liam.

"I think... I want to go for a walk on the beach," the raven-haired lad announced.

"Aren't you hungry?" Liam asked him, turning to give him a peck on the lips.

"Maybe we can make bagels to go?" Zayn suggested.

"Sure," Liam chuckled.

Harry stood and stretched, following the other two lads inside so he could wash his plate. Zayn nudged Harry lightly, "Tonight, for real this time, do you want to make a small little driftwood fire on the beach?"

"Um," Harry pursed his lips, wondering when they planned on starting the fire. If he was meeting Louis at sunset, then he wouldn't be available to find driftwood for the fire before night fell. "We could, yes... but I was kind of planning on doing something this evening. I'll be back after dark though. Not sure when, but I'll be back."

Liam narrowed his eyes at Harry, "And are you going to answer your phone this time? So that we don't have to get worried and come looking for you?"

"It'll be off of silent," Harry held up his hand in a promise. "Swear."

"Alright, you can just join in on our driftwood fire," Zayn patted Harry on the shoulder. "You do what your curly boy heart desires. But for now, let's go to the beach."

So the lads walked the short distance to the beach, and Harry didn't even bother wearing his flip-flops this time. Harry led the boys past the powdery sand and straight towards the edge of the water. He plopped down on the packed sand, stretching his legs out, "We'll still get wet sitting here, even if it doesn't seem like the waves reach this point."

Liam sat in the middle with Zayn on the other side of him, "I like watching the water wash in..."

"I like watching it get sucked back out," Zayn chuckled.

"What's the water like over by the rocks?" Liam asked. "Do you think we could go over there and swim? Or, I'll swim, you guys can soak your feet."

"I saw a shark over there," Harry said quickly. The rocks were where Louis and Harry were supposed to meet, and he was pretty sure he didn't want his friends knowing about the merman lad yet. So he'd try to scare them away from the area.

"Then how about none of us go over there," Zayn declared. "No swimming, no sticking our feet in the water... let's just avoid the rocks."

"Yeah," Harry lied. "Let's avoid them."

Liam finished his bagel, standing and brushing his hands across the shorts he wore, "I'm going in the water for a bit."

Liam stripped off his shirt, and Zayn whistled. The older lads boyfriend rolled his eyes and tossed his shirt into Zayn's face, making Harry snicker. Zayn gave Harry a shove that sent him sprawling onto the sand. In a flash Harry was launching himself at the dark haired lad and tackling him. Liam ignored them, used to their wrestling matches, and waded out into the water. Zayn grabbed a fistful of sand and stuck it down Harry's shirt, so in return Harry got sand and made a grab for Zayn's pants.

Zayn, deciding it would be best to join his boyfriend, rushed out into the water. The lads spent the next few hours diving into waves as they washed towards the beach, splashed saltwater at one another, and discovered that having it in your eyes is not at all pleasant. Liam swam out as far as he dared, and Harry and Zayn watched from where they could touch. When the sun was beating down unpleasantly on them, they decided they'd head back to the house. They used the small shower that stood on the stone path away from the sand to get themselves free of the sand on their feet, and then cut through the grass to Paul's house. Going through the grass only got more sand on them, so they washed their feet off once again in front of the house and cut through the baitshop to get upstairs.

The lads hadn't been introduced to whoever worked the baitshop when Paul wasn't working, and the worker, some older guy, glared at them suspiciously as they hurried up the steps.

"What time is it?" Liam asked as they all went to change clothes.

Harry picked his phone up off the bed, "Noon. Uncle Paul will probably be back soon. I wonder if he'll take us out again."

"I want some shrimp," Zayn announced.

The other two lads agreed, and Zayn and Liam finished changing before going into the living room and flipping on the telly. Harry decided he'd take a quick shower, and by the time he got out Paul was in the kitchen and putting a bowl of filleted fish in the fridge, "Hello, my boy! How's your day been so far?"

"Pretty good," Harry grinned, sliding into a chair at the kitchen table. "You catch much?"

"Eh, we caught some," Paul shrugged, sitting across from Harry. "I've had better catching days. We got about five fish a piece, however. Well, he had six. I gave him one of mine for a birthday present."

Harry laughed, "How come you never mail me a fish for my birthday?"

"I think you'll just have to settle for the box filled with American candy," Paul waved a hand. "Sorry, lad. No dead fish for you."

Liam and Zayn entered the kitchen, and Liam looked to Paul, "Fish? If you're talking about fish, did Harry tell you what he saw off the rocks?"

Harry felt his heart automatically race faster. He hadn't mentioned Louis or even brought up the subject of mermaids so how could Liam possibly know that Harry had met Louis?

"Nope!" Paul turned his attention to Harry in curiosity. "What'd you see my boy?"

"Uh," Harry spluttered. "Otters? Y-you already knew that, though."

"No," Liam huffed. "The shark! You said you saw a shark!"

"Oh yeah," Harry breathed in relief. "Shark fin..."

"I've seen a few of those," his uncle nodded, swiftly. "Caught a small one, once, as well. Not the most friendly of fish. Best if you stay away from the sharks."

"Duh," Harry stuck his tongue out at Paul causing him to laugh.

"Are you boys hungry?" I could go for some food."

"Yes!" Zayn agreed, shouting suddenly, causing the other three to turn and look at him. A blush covered his cheeks and he awkwardly coughed before saying, "Um, yeah. Sounds good."

Harry and Paul laughed as Liam wrapped an arm around Zayn in which he buried his face in. When the laughter subsided, the four of them were off into town for some lunch. They returned to the same place they had eaten in the previous night and since they were out in the daytime, nearly every person came over to talk to us, claiming they knew Paul. Harry, Zayn, and Liam were introduced to so many new people that Harry forgot nearly all their names and seeing as the only name that plagued his brain was Louis', he didn't catch most of their names. When their meal was finished and everyone was full and happy, they decided to venture around town. They went into several souvenir shops and Harry tried to find something that Louis would like but he found himself unable to shop for the merman that he had known for only a day. He picked up a seashell before putting it back down. Louis probably found thousands of everyday so Harry walked away. He followed his uncle and his best friends out of the shop, and they made their way back to Paul's car.

Paul drove the boys to another pier, but this one seemed to hold different coloured boats of all shapes and sizes. The four of them walked down the boardwalk a ways, stopping at some sort of booth. Paul asked the lady at the booth for four tickets, and Harry looked to his uncle in confusion, "What's it for?"

"We're going dolphin watching," Paul announced.

"That's awesome!" Zayn grinned.

They boarded a large orange boat that had seats facing a tall railing that wrapped all the way around the boat. They had been a bit early for the tour, so they had to wait awhile. However, it did get them decent seats. Once the boat finally did leave the small bay, the lads saw tons of dolphins. Harry enjoyed it, but every time he saw a grey fin and then the shiny, smooth back of a dolphin, he couldn't help but think of the merman prince. He bet that Louis knew the dolphins, and he knew certainly that the dolphins knew of Louis.

Once the tour was over and they were headed back home, it was already nearly 5:00PM. The lads thanked Paul for the fun day out, and Paul simply waved them off with a chuckle, "It was nothing, boys! I've gotta do something so you'll come back and visit me."

"With a beach like you've got, I don't think you'll have to do much," Zayn chuckled, flopping down on the couch and patting his chest so Liam would join him.

Liam made Zayn sit up, but he sat down on Zayn's lap anyway, "Plus, we like you as well."

"You're pretty cool, I guess," Harry teased, and his uncle's arm shot out to ruffle his curls.

"So are you lads going to have a driftwood fire, tonight?" Paul asked, sitting in his recliner as Harry inched awkwardly towards the back door.

"Yeah," Zayn nodded. "Liam and I will go out in a bit and search for some driftwood."

Paul looked to Harry, "I'll help as well! What about you, my boy?"

"Oh, uh," Harry scratched at his head. "I found something to do this evening?"

"And what might that be?" his uncle continued curiously.

"You know, just... stuff," Harry shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant.

Paul pursed his lips but shrugged, "Alrighty, then. Sounds fun."

Harry gave a laugh of relief, "Yeah... I'll be back to join your fire eventually, though, if you'll let me in on it."

"You have to find us at least once piece of driftwood!" Paul declared, making the two boys on the couch snicker.

"Fair enough," Harry agreed. "But for now, I think I'm gonna..."

"Go do your stuff, mystery lad?" Paul lifted an eyebrow.

"Yep," Harry nodded.

"Have fun, be safe," Paul waved a hand.

"Watch out for sharks!" Zayn called, and Liam sighed.

Harry waved to them before sprinting barefooted from the house. He bounded off the porch, racing in excitement for the beach. He'd been waiting practically all day to see Louis again. The strange boy that was not only just a prince, but a prince of the underwater. Harry had to make sure that the boy with a tail wasn't just a dream. He was fairly certain he made it to the rocks in a record time, running practically all the way there. His curls were drenched with sweat as he scurried onto the rocks and sent otters scattering. He flopped onto the rugged surface, picking up an abandoned clam shell and playing with it to pass time as he waited hopefully for the arrival of Louis.


"Why can't I come with you?" Niall whined, following Louis from the castle gates.

"It's prince duties, Niall," Louis said, just in case any of the guards were eavesdropping. However, once they were away from the castle, Niall continued to beg.

"When can I come with you?" he asked.

"Maybe when Harry is a bit more used to the idea of merpeople," Louis explained. "We don't want to overwhelm him. He's not telling a bunch of humans about me... at least I don't think he is..."

"How do you know he's not?" Niall said poutingly, swimming faster to be aside Louis.

"Because last night his friends came looking for him... other humans, yeah? And I asked if I could meet them but he said I probably shouldn't just yet," Louis sighed.

"And your father doesn't know?" Niall arched an eyebrow.

"He can't know, so don't you dare tell anyone!" Louis commanded.

"Easy there, your prince is showing," Niall scowled.

"Sorry," Louis mumbled. He honestly hated acting like he was of higher power than his best friend. But if he was to rule like his father one day, he had to at least act like he had authority, even if he didn't truly believe it himself.

"Eh, I'm just giving you a hard time since I can't come meet your human," Niall admitted. "So I'm not telling... what do I get out of this?"

"I'll let you come to the next castle feast," Louis offered.

"Deal!" Niall agreed.

"Alright," Louis stopped, looking up towards the surface. The sun filtering down through the blue wasn't as bright anymore, and Louis was concerned Harry would be waiting for him. "I can see the wall of rock over there coming up from the sand. I'm meeting Harry on top of that."

"Wait, you leave the water?" Niall asked, wide eyed. "What happens?"

"Nothing, really," Louis shrugged. "I don't know, I've only really left the water once, and Harry made me get back in. I guess the humans have mermaid movies where if our tail gets dry we die."

The blonde boy smirked, "I wonder why we don't have movies about them..."

"Probably so we don't get any ideas of going to the surface to find them," Louis murmured. "Okay, Niall... I need to go meet Harry. I'll come find you after, alright?"

"I'll just wait in your room," Niall shrugged. "Even if I have to sneak past the guards."

Louis, waved to his friend, waiting until he left. Once Niall's blue tail could no longer be seen moving through the water, Louis surfaced to look at the rock, seeing if Harry was waiting for him yet. Much to his joy, the curly haired lad was. However, a devious plan formed in his mind. He smiled evilly to himself, sinking back into the depths before swimming toward the edge as fast as he could. Just before he smacked the edge, he twisted his torso to rocket up and shot out of the water. The lad landed close to Harry, much less graceful than originally intended, but he excitedly yelled anyway, "Hi!"

Harry had thought the loud splash was just a wave crashing a ways down the beach but as he heard the loud greeting, his head snapped up from the clam shell he was playing with as he let out a loud shriek. Realising it was Louis, he clamped a hand over his now racing heart, "Oh..."

"Is that how you humans greet each other?" Louis asked in confusion. "Cause that's all you do when I say hi to you."

"No, sorry," Harry laughed at himself. "Hi... we don't scream, we say hi, too. Hi, hello, hey... stuff like that. You just scared the piss out of me is all."

"Good," Louis smirked. "Those were my intentions."

Harry made a pouting face, "Guess you're not as nice as I thought. From your first impression, I thought we could be friends, but-"

Louis squirmed closer to pat Harry's bare foot, "No, I'm nice, really I am! Or I try to be. Sorry I scared you... even though it was really fun and I'd do it again in a heart beat."

Harry rolled his eyes, "I'll forgive you if you get back in the water before your tail dries out."

Louis wiggled off the rock and slid back into the water but stuck out a hand so Harry would be closer to him. Louis reached for his hand and tugged on it.

"What are you doing?" Harry tried to pull his hand away.

"Well you aren't letting me come up there, so you have to come down there," Louis grinned widely.

"No, Louis. I can't-"

"C'mon, Harry."

"Louis, no. Please let go of my hand," Harry begged and Louis gripped his wrist tighter.

"Aw, c'mon, Harry. I wanna swim with you!"

"Louis, wait!"

Louis tugged Harry, and the boy toppled into the water with a yelp. He waited a few seconds for Harry to come back up, and when he didn't, Louis went underwater to find the boy struggling to reach the top. Louis' eyes widened in surprise, and he darted to grab the boy's waist and pulled him to the surface. He moved Harry to the edge and helped him get a grip on the rock, pulling himself out of the water so he could tug Harry onto the rock as well. Harry lay on his side, choking on the burning salt water for a bit before taking deep breaths.

Louis patted his face, " Sorry! I'm really sorry, you were trying to tell me and I just- are you okay? Oh Neptune, you're right! I am mean! I didn't even ask, I just assumed that could swim but you can't! I'm just the worst merprince ever!"

Louis continued to stroke Harry's hair and pat his cheeks as he regained his breathing.

"You're not the worst merprince ever," Harry croaked finally

"Yes, I am! I'm terrible! I didn't even think about asking if you could swim! Can all humans not swim? I just kind of figured that they could..." Louis rambled and it made Harry choke out a laugh.

"Most of us learn when we're younger. I just never had a teacher," Harry shrugged.

They lay in silence as Louis continued to stroke Harry's hair away from his face and waited for him to completely regain his correct breathing pattern.

"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled.

"Are you alright now?" Louis asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I just feel bad..."

"For what?" Louis soothed.

"I can't swim."

"So let me get this straight. Your uncle lives at the beach and you can't swim."

"He owns a baitshop, too," Harry blushed.

"That's even worse!"

Harry's cheeks flushed a deeper red color and he hid his face in his hands. He groaned loudly, causing Louis to laugh. Louis pulled Harry's hands away from his face as he pressed his forehead against Harry's and smiled to him.

"I think it's kind of adorable," Louis said, softly. "Maybe someday, I'll teach you."

"Someday?" Harry was fairly certain that he was going to obtain a permanent blush. The merman prince obviously had no personal bubble, nor did he think that others did. But Harry didn't mind. Not at all. "So you want to see me again?"

"Of course I do, you silly human. I like you."

"Do you like me enough to get back in the water?" Harry ventured with a hopeful smile.

Louis laughed and Harry grinned, getting the exactly reaction he had hoped for as Louis wiggled back into the water.

"There, happy?" Louis teased.

"Yes," Harry beamed.

Harry sat up and looked down at Louis, watching as his tail moved back and forth under the water. Louis stared dreamily up at Harry, wondering what humans were like, and he suddenly remembered everything that he had read in The Great Book.

"Have you told any human friends about me?" Louis asked. "Cause I have friend... and I kind of told him about you? He's trustworthy, though, I promise."

"It's fine! I don't mind that you told someone. Him, you said? I'd love to meet him." Harry assured, and Louis figured Niall would be pretty happy with the news. "But I haven't told anyone. I don't think humans are mythological creatures to you all... or I don't think you'd be the type to hunt us, anyway. So no, I'm the only one who knows about you."

"Harry," Louis said, softly, causing Harry's eyes to meet Louis' blue one. "What are humans like?"

A look of mild concentration crossed Harry's face, "That's kind of a tough question, Louis."

"What did you mean when you said that merpeople wouldn't hunt humans? Do humans hunt merpeople?"

"Um," Harry pursed his lips. "I haven't met anyone who does. Us humans actually don't think you guys are real. But I'm afraid a lot of people would over react. Now that I know you guys are real, and we're friends... I don't want to risk your people becoming experiments."

"All people don't act like you, too? Are they mean and selfish and rude or are they nice and sweet and caring?"

"Well some of them are mean and rude. But a lot of people are nice and generally caring. Some people are incredibly rude for no apparent reason, but most people aren't like that."

"So most of them are like you?"

"Depends on what you think of me."

"I think you're really sweet and nice and caring," Louis smiled as he used the same adjectives as Harry had.

"Well then I suppose there are people are a bit like me. But sometimes those people turn out mean, too, if they discover something could bring a lot of benefit to them. Someone could act like me to other humans but find someone like you and treat them meanly... like some sort of creature."

"You won't turn out mean, will you?"

"Course not, silly merman," Harry gave Louis a dimpled grin. "I like you."

Louis blushed, but he beamed largely before asking his next question, "What do most humans look like?"

"Basically like me. But some are shorter or fatter or more muscular. Lots of people have different hair colour and eye colour, too."

"But I like your hair and eye colour. All humans should look like you. You're pretty."

"Thanks," Harry blushed as he clasped his hands together, looking for something for them to do. He'd lost his clam shell when Louis had frightened him.

"So you don't have retractable claws?" Louis tugged on one of Harry's hands to examine his fingers.

"I suppose I could cut my fingernails if you think they're too long..." Harry said, confused.

"Never mind." Louis' cheeks coloured and Harry's heart nearly stopped as he realised just how endearing it was when Louis blushed. "Forget I asked about that. Smile for me though? What are your teeth like?"

Harry flashed a dimpled grin, "My teeth? Ugly. Just like my smile."

"No," Louis disagreed, pushing his torso up onto the rock and getting so close their noses touched. He moved his nose away however and tilted his head further down, examining Harry's mouth. "They're nice and straight and aren't at all like a trench demon's."

"I'm not sure what a trench demon is but if i'm not like one... I'll take it as a complement."

"You should! Trench demons aren't attractive at all. Look kind of funky, too."

"Well then thank you!"

The boys laughed in unison and Harry found Louis' laugh quite adorable and he found himself wanting to hear it for quite some time. And little did he know, but Louis felt the exact same way about Harry.

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