The Doctor's Daughter

By freeradicalkik

119K 7K 201

On the surface Edward Cartwright leads a privileged life, his family are wealthy, his mother loves him and hi... More

Prologue - edited
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen part one
Chapter Nineteen
The Captain and The Daffodil - Prequel Novella

Chapter Fifteen

4.1K 304 1
By freeradicalkik

Gwen offered Aunt Sylv her arm as they alighted from the carriage, carrying them to the Grey’s home just a few miles away at Groby. They had been invited for a small gathering which would include some dancing towards the end of the night, the younger Miss Grey had been very firm on that last point while looking at Charlie.

“I hope Sir Edward and the girls will be here, I enjoy their company no end.” Aunt Sylv stated as they sat in the saloon with lemonade and small pastries.

Gwen just smiled indulgently, her mind still full of the flowers he’d sent her only last week or the note that had accompanied them. Beautiful, but they hold nothing on my inspiration. Her cheeks flamed at the memory, the flowers had been a sight to behold and that ribbon; well Aunt Sylv had insisted she wear it in her hair tonight.

“That colour ribbon is amazing with your hair Miss Houghton, wherever did you get the idea from?” Lady Grey asked with a gasp of appreciation.

“It was sent with a bunch of flowers.” Aunt Sylv stated taking the younger woman’s hands and pulling her closer, “She tried to refuse and say she didn’t want to make a spectacle out of herself, but I’m glad I forced her.”

“Oh, me too.” She smiled her eyes twinkling at Gwen, “It’s about time you had some attention you’re too beautiful to have gone for so long without any.”

“Mama, the Cartwright’s are here!” Francis called, she was of age with Carla and consequently they’d made fast friends during a lavish picnic at Bradgate Park, which they owned.

Gwen closed her eyes pretending to wait for a sneeze to affect her, but really she was steeling herself against Edward’s charms. Sally had apparently told the matrons that Eddy has told them that he’s going to marry her.

It wouldn’t be quite so hard if he wasn’t quite so perfect. She fought a sigh as she remembered that almost kiss months ago, 50% of the time she wished she’d let him kiss her. Now all she could do was be polite and not fall head over ears in love with him; that could only end in tragedy.



Maria’s been in labour for a few days, please come home with the girls. I can be honest with you my dearest brother, I’m terrified we might lose her like we did mama. Please come home and tell me everything’s going to be okay, give me distractions with Sally and the girls.

Be here to hold my hand.

All my love, Elsie.

The note had stolen all of his breathe, stolen the world from around him. He’d managed to dodge the thoughts of what if, but now Elsie had voiced them, even over paper, there was no way he could hide them once more.

A knock sounded at the door, he looked up and saw Gwen standing in the open doorway only then realising he was crying, “Edward, are you alright?”

“I’m scared.” He admitted as she stepped towards him. “Elsie just voiced my fears and now they’re all I can think about.”

“Maria will be alright, she’s young and healthy.” She sighed stepping till she was standing just before him, her hands wringing together.

“Mama was healthy.”

“Your mama had seven children, seven pregnancies.” She laughed in an attempt to make him feel better; his hand caught hers and gripping it tightly. “She wasn’t as young as your sister… one baby won’t hurt her too much Edward.”

He pulled her forwards and rested his head on her stomach from his position on the chair before a desk. “I just want my sister to live.”

“And she will.” She cooed resting a hand on his back as the other ran through his hair, soothing him.

“I’ll go back tomorrow morning, let the girls have tonight.” He sighed kissing the material beneath his lips. “Will you be coming back to London soon?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, “In the autumn maybe, unless Papa and Uncle Malc say otherwise.”

“Is Green your uncle?” he asked using the distraction offered.

“My mother’s brother.” She smiled, “Aunt Sylv is my father’s sister.”

“So you’re not as lower middle class as you like to think.” He grinned resting his hands on her waist as he looked up at her face. “I knew that colour would suit you, any blue would suit you, but I think green would match your eyes.”

“Edward, stop.” She ordered pointing her finger at him, “That is not a topic of conversation we’re going to follow.”

“I’m going to follow it.” He smirked and she felt her colour rise into a blush. “And I think a soft pink could suit you too, not an orangey pink though.”

“I’m leaving.” She stated trying to pull away, but he kept her trapped between his knees. “Eddy, please.”

“Just one kiss before I have to leave Gwen.” He whispered softening his grip on her, drawing her slowly closer, “I’ve dreamt of your kiss for months, just one quick peck; I’ll close my eyes so it’s all you’re doing.”

Edward closed his eyes and waited, he knew she was still there; her fingers were running through his hair in soft butterfly kisses. She cared for him; she just needed a little push in the right direction. Her breath caressed his lips seconds before she kissed him, a soft nervous peck.

“Mmm.” He breathed opening his eyes as she left towards the doors, “Get used to that Gwen, I plan on doing it at least ten times a day.”

A few minutes later, his smile stretched completely across his face, there was no need to put on a brave face when he could just think about Gwen as he tracked down his sisters.

“What did the letter say Eddy?” Carla asked grabbing his attention as she stood with Miss Francis Grey.

“Maria’s having the baby and we should know any day.” He grinned, “We’ll head back tomorrow to meet our new nephew.”

“Or niece.” She grinned as he winked and stepped towards Sir Grey and a few other gentlemen.

“I’m sorry to interrupt Sir, but there’s a runner for Sir Cartwright; he demands to see him this instant.” The butler stated once more interrupting the party.

“I’m sorry Sir Grey; my sister’s a worry wart at the moment.” Edward smiled bowing and leaving for the front doors.

“Sir Cartwright, Viscountess Kensbridge sent me early this morning. She says you must set for home at once; Mrs Leigh’s had the child but has yet to wake up.” The runner stated before gratefully accepting the water from the footman.

“Of course, find a place to rest for the night.” Edward stated pushing a five pound note into the man’s hand before stalking back to his hostess. “I’m afraid we need to leave this instant, a family emergency.”

“Eddy?” Lizzie asked hearing the words and staring up at him eyes wide, “Is it Maria?”

He nodded and instantly his three sisters bid their goodbyes and prepared to leave, he turned and found Gwen’s eyes. She looked scared for him, for them; he held his hand towards her as everything fell silent. “Gwen?”

Without a second thought she kissed her Aunt’s cheek who was bundling some paper into her hand and jumped to retrieve her cloak. “Miss Houghton.” The girls sighed in relief as she wrapped her cloak around their shoulders’.

“I think it’s about time you call her Gwen.” Edward stated taking her hand and ushering his sisters from the house and into the hired carriage the runner had ordered on his way through the village. “Get some rest; we’ll be in London by morning.”


Gwen rested her head against his chest as the three girls slept curled up together on the opposite seat of the carriage, his arm was clamped firmly around her shoulders as his fingers ran through her hair soothing his panic.

“You know, you’ll have to marry me after this.” He whispered as the horses were changed at Watford.

“I know.” She laughed looking over up at him, his eyes were flat, but deep inside there was a small spark of excitement. “But we’ll talk about it later, you should sleep Eddy; your sisters need you to be strong… What will your sisters think of me?”

“They’ll think your perfect.” He laughed, “My Aunt has already told me off for being stupid where you’re concerned so she’ll be delighted.”

“I feel like some country mouse on a great adventure that’s going to fall around my ears at any second.” She sighed leaning against his side as they rocked to a start, London bound once more.

“I won’t let it.” He grinned kissing her nose. “I’ll always protect you Gwen.”

“And I’ll look after you anyway I can.” She laughed before pokering up, “And now I’m telling you to get some sleep else you’ll be no good to Elsie, Maria or the girls.”

Smiling a little Edward rested his head against her shoulder took a deep breath in, relishing in the comforting smell of her and closed his eyes.

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