
By ellabella201

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After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She an... More

The List Keeps Shrinking
Back Home Blues
Rescue Attempt
Coming Home
Prisons, Shootings, and Mental Breakdowns
An Assassination, Then An Invasion, Now Both?
Escaping the Career Fair
The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela
Prison Break
Long Live The King
The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
I'm Trying To Fix It
And Everything Went Black
Until We Meet Again
Code Black
It's You

Go Be Happy

663 43 43
By ellabella201


My graduation cap was itchy on my head. Beads of sweat dripped down my face, falling onto my gown. My Navy blue and gold Cap and Gown was not helping a bit in the scorching heat. I tried very hard to listen to what Headmistress Morgan was saying, but I really couldn't. I was distracted by a couple of things

1. There was construction going on behind her. Yes, behind her. Where are we might you ask? Well on the front lawn of what used to be Gallagher Academy of course. Yup. We are holding our graduation on the front lawn of our demolished school. Well I can't exactly say demolished. In my fit of hysteria the night it all happened, I didn't even realize how truly damaged that place was. The entire left side of the school was blown to bits. That includes all the sublevels, all of the classrooms and the hospital. Along with the cafeteria, the library, the grand hall (including its lavish staircase) and Headmistress Morgan's office. The rest of the school was mostly intact. The right side of the school, including the dorms, only suffered from smoke damage. Luckily they had all the books from the library in storage. And they moved all the books and other important documents from sublevel 2 before Mr. Greyson arrived, just in case something like this were to happen. What can I say? Spies always think ahead. The good thing is that everything is going to be built to look exactly like how it was, except with more high tech equipment. It's like we're giving the school a slight upgrade. And since we have the original blueprints we can map out the same secret tunnels as there was before. My school is going to be great again. Probably better. Nothing will stop the progress of this construction, not even our graduation. So yes, there were forklifts and retired agent construction workers who were rebuilding the school as we speak. Though, I'm not entirely sure how they explained this to the town. There had to be a "if someone happens to blow up the school" speech they had all sorted out.

2. Mr. Greyson's body is nowhere to be found and Jesse is still out there somewhere. We searched the wreck and he's not there. We don't know if he happened to escape. Or in the mass hysteria that happened in the days following someone came in and took his body from the wreckage. It's kind of unsettling that he's just vanished. Like some part of my can feel him. Like he's not dead. He's just roaming the world, hiding. I feel like this was his grand exit. He gave me instructions on what to do. I was to get to Jesse. To save him from himself. Though I'm not entirely sure how I can save someone who doesn't want my help. He also told me that I need to convince Alex to take the position at leader now. That the only ways for The Circle to go back to it's good days, before the corruption, before the lies, before all of that... the only ways it can go back is in we have someone like Alex in charge. If we let him take charge the circle will be able to return to the way it was before everything went wrong. Maybe he'll be able to fix all of this. Maybe he will be able to right all the wrongs. Maybe. Yet... I'm worried about Jesse still. I'm worried about what he's doing. What he's planning on doing. I have to get to him. I know all the damage he's done. I know all the pain that he has caused. I know all of that, but I also know that underneath it all there is a good person. I know that he can be saved. I know that I have to save him, even if right now he really doesn't want me to.

3. My dad is back... This isn't a bad thing. This is actually a really good thing. I love that he's home. I love that he's here at my graduation. A year ago I didn't think he was even alive much less that he would be here. I'm happy that he's here, I really am, I'm just worried. I know he hasn't talked to my mom about what happened while he was gone yet. I know that they didn't give him the amnesia serum. I know he knows everything. He just hasn't told anyone yet, no one but me. I'm tired of keeping secret from everyone I'm tired of hiding things and having people hide things from me. I just want everyone to be honest with everyone. I know that won't happen. Dad hasn't even told me why he's back yet. He hasn't told me why he left, if he even left. He hasn't told me what happened. All I know is that he doesn't want me telling mom anything. He want to tell her. He wasn't to let her know. He owes her that. They are married. They aren't supposed to keep things from each other. Yet it's perfectly fine for them to keep things from me and vice versa. It's ridiculous. I'm dying to mom what's going on, and no matter how much I hate my sister right now she deserves to know too. I need to tell them, but dad won't let me. He won't even tell me and I'm the only one in this stupid family who has any clue of what going on right now. He should want to tell me why he left. He should want to share things with me since I'm that only one who would understand. And I only understand because I went looking for him. That should mean something. Apparently it doesn't. Or maybe I have to be patient.

4. Have I made my fucking choice yet? No. NO I HAVEN'T! Alex or Tyler. Tyler or Alex. I've been struggling with this question for over two freaking years. 2. 2 whole fucking years. I can't. I can't believe that I am still struggling with this decision. You'd think I'd have the answer by now. I keep going back to the whole pros and cons list. Like I think, hey Tyler's pretty great, but so is Alex. Tyler's this but Alex's that. Alex doesn't do this, but Tyler doesn't do that. It's an endless circle of me going back and forth in my head. Every time I think about it I just get more confused. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of who I should end up with but me. I have no clue. I love them both, how can I choose. This is what's so wrong about teenage love triangles that you see in the movie or read about in books. It's never truly a love triangle. I mean. The person in the middle doesn't truly love both of them so much that they can't figure out who they love more. It's very obvious who they are going to choose from the very beginning. Always. There's always an obvious favorite. It's pathetic, and not true. I've never seen a love triangle where the person is so hopelessly in love with both of them it's tearing he or she apart thinking of having to choose one. I want to be happy, but I want both of them to be happy and one of them isn't going to be happy no matter what my decision is. So who's heart do I break?

5. It's fucking hot out here and I'm dying. Slowly. I'm melting in a puddle like the freaking Wicked Witch of the West.

I tried again to really pay attention, but found my eyes drifting. I looked at everyone. All 25 of us. A lot of these girls I will not see again. They will be scattered across the world. Some going straight into the agency, many going into spy college. I looked at Tyler and he looked back at me. I had been avoiding him since the thing with his dad. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what I would do if I was around him. I need to be away from him until I know for sure what I'm going to do. I looked at my friends. I looked at them and wondered where we were going to end up. What was going to happen to us now? None of us has really decided what we're going to do after this. Our plans have changed so many times I've lost count. We're probably going to end up split up and I don't know if I can handle that. They are my support system. My life line.

I don't want us to end like this. I don't want us to end and never talk again. I couldn't handle that. I couldn't.

I looked over at the parent section. So many powerful people sat in those chairs. So many agents, congressmen, CEOs, and our Vice President... I mean new President. That's going to take some getting used to. I looked at my parents. They looked so happy. My mom was over the moon, clinging onto my dad as if he was going to disappear again... and who knows... he might. I looked at Jade's parents. People I have always thought of as my second set of parents. They looked so proud. Then I looked over at Jess's dad and mom. Jess's dad had bags around his eyes. I guess the job of President was way more than he thought it would be. Or maybe he's still shaken up over the sudden death of his close friend. Dee's parents were sitting there looking like models. It was crazy how stunning they were. It was no wonder where Dee got her looks. Bri's parents looked much better than I thought they would after just today finding out that their daughter has been attending a school for spies for years and is having her graduation in the front yard of our school because our school got blown up by the leader of a secret spy organization. They looked like this was all normal. I know their head must be spinning. I know they aren't allowed to know everything that their daughter has done during her time here. I know that, they know that, but they look like they couldn't be more proud of her either way.

"Now, to introduce our valedictorian, Brianna Sky." Headmistress Morgan said as we applauded Bri on stage. Bri had a different robe than us. Hers was all gold. It was gorgeous and pure, just like her.

"Hello Girls... and guys." She said smiling at the 5 guys in our class. "I don't even know where to begin. It feels wrong for me to be up here, talking to you guys. I still feel like this shouldn't be over. We've been through so much throughout the years that I can't imagine not seeing you guys everyday. We've been on missions together. We've trained together. We've almost died, multiple times, together. We're willing to die for each other. While I was writing this speech I was thinking of what motivational things I could tell you. I pondered telling you guys how great you guys are going to be on the field, but after all the training we've gone through ya'll damn well better me." There was a chorus of laughs before she continued. "I also thought of reminiscing on the times we spent together, both good and bad, but that would take us way longer than the time I have allotted for this speech. Writing this I couldn't think of what to tell you guy that would show how truly grateful I am to have spent these past couple years with you guys. We are not just classmates, we're family. You guys mean more to me than anything. I know I wouldn't have become the person I am today without you guys pushing me to be better every day. So I'm gonna keep this speech short and leave you with a couple of things. 1. If you guys need anything, and I mean anything. A passport, an escape, a new identity, help hacking into something, anything. Call me. Come to me. Come to any of us. We have to be there for each other, because frankly who else can we trust out there? 2. Please stay safe out there. I don't know what I would do if I heard that anything happened to any of you guys. And lastly, I love you guys. Thank you all for being the siblings I've always wanted. Thank you for being there in my time of need. Thank you for helping me deactivate a bomb and climb 30 foot rock walls and pass every level of cov' ops. This isn't good bye... it can't be. It's just a long see you later." She finished as tears slipped down her face. She walked off stage and retook her seat. Headmistress Morgan came back on stage smiling.

"Now..." She said looking out at all of us, "we begin." One by one she called each of us.

"Daniela White." My names didn't sound familiar to me as I walked up on the stage and took my diploma from Headmistress Morgan. She smiled at me before I hugged her and walked off. Once everyone was called and returned to their seats she said "By the power invested in me I now pronounce you high school graduates and spy school graduates." We started clapping and celebrating. It's weird to think that I didn't even think I was going to make it to this point alive and now I'm here. Tyler came up to me and I was frozen.

"Don't look so scared. I just wanted to say congrats. And I'll be waiting for whatever decision you end up making. And I love you. No matter what I will love you." He said before pecking my lips and walking to his friends. I was suddenly attacked my best friends. We pulled out and looked at each other and screamed.

"Can you believe we're here?" Bri asked still crying. I wiped the tears away from her cheeks.

"We're here. We actually made it." Jess said in a soft, shocked voice.

"All that matters now is what we do from here." Dee said nodding.

"Yea. What types of people we become. We've face so much together, learned so much. Now we have to use that and live. We deserve to live after everything we've been through." Jade said looking each of us in the eyes.

"Especially you Ela." Bri said sincerely. "You've been hunted down, captured, and everything else in the book. You've been through more shit than all of us combined. Hell, none of us really believed you'd be here alive. We were all preparing ourselves for the possibility of your funeral. But you're here, and now... you deserve to live." She added grabbing my hand.

"Yea, I know... there's just a couple more things I have to take care of before I can do that. Before I can live my life." I said nodding.

"We can help. We..." Dee started but I cut her off shaking my head.

"No... this is my battle. Not yours. I want you guys to be happy. I want you guys to live your lives. You guys spent most of your high school experience captured in my messed up life. I'm not bringing you guys down with me again. I can't." I said sternly.

"What are sisters for if not to be there for each other?" Jess asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll call you guys if I need help. But you guys have to respect my decision." I said looking at them.

"Okay. But you have to promise to call us the moment you nee help. I don't care if it's tomorrow, next month or next year. You have to call us. And you have to give us updates to let us know that you're okay." Jade said gripping my face.

"I'm not leaving tonight. I don't think. We can talk about this later. We have people who want to talk to us." I said nodding over to our parents. We made our way to them. They attacked us in hugs and kissed our faces. They gushed about how proud they were of us. I need to talk to my dad.

"Dad, can we talk?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded and I pulled him away from my mom and sister. I led him towards the fountain and we sat down.

"I know what you're going to say. I'm going to tell her tonight. It's time." He said before I could.

"Good. That's good. But dad, please tell me. Tell me why you left. Tell me why you came back." I said looking at him.

"I came back because I couldn't stand being away from you guys any longer. I needed to come home. To sleep in my own bed next to my wife. My contract is up. I have until the end of the month to renew it. I can walk away or I can go back." He said looking down.

"What are you going to do?" I asked seriously.

"I don't know." He sais shaking his head.

"Neither do I. We're in the same boat bud." I said smiling causing him to let out a chuckle.

"God, how was I so blessed to have such an amazing daughter. I love you." He said pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too daddy." I said in his chest. I wanted this to last forever. Soon enough we walked back to everyone else.

I was ignoring Ty and Alex until I knew what to do. Alex was at my graduation, but he slipped away right after my name was called. I think he wanted to go and see his friends graduate as well. So he's probably in town. I spotted Jerry in the crowd and he was talking to his dad. I ran up to him.

"Hello. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal your son away." I said smiling at his dad before pulling Jerry. I started running with Jerry following behind me.

"Where are we going?" He asked as I stopped to take off my heels.

"You trust me?" I asked looking at him.

"Are you taking me across the world again?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe later. Right now we're going swimming." I said before taking off running again. I planned this out in advance and left some towels by the lake. I turned to see him smiling as we stopped next to it.

"Start stripping kid." I said as I unzipped my gown and threw off my cap. I slipped off my dress and jumped in Jerry soon followed after. We swam around for who knows how long just splashing each other and playing silly, childish games like marco polo. We eventually got out and laid on our towels.

"That cloud looks like a cow." Jerry said pointing up.

"No it doesn't, it looks like a flower or something." I said laughing.

"I know I just wanted to break the silence and make you laugh." He said simply. I turned to look at him.

"If I drag you across the world again, will you be mad at me? I feel like I've brought you down into this hole with me that neither of us can get out of." I said seriously.

"If you want to drag me across the world again I'll tell you that we can leave in an hour and I already have fake passports ready for us. If you want to drag me to some spy college then let's see how many more times we almost get blown up again. If you want to drag me to a normal college then I have two words for you... Frat parties. Ela, I don't care where we go. I don't care what we do. I could never be mad at you. You didn't bring me down in this hole, we tripped and fell into it, but we made a nice little tunnel and wound up somewhere else. We're a team Ela. You're my sister. You're my best friend. We've gotten this far together, we can do it. So if you want to go across the world again, then fine. If you want to stay, then fine. If you want to completely disappear, then fine. It's all up to you." He said looking at me. I felt the warm tears flowing down my face. This kid was the closest thing I had to a brother. I trusted him more than I trusted my own sister. He's put his life on the line for me multiple times and he's ready to do it again. He's right. We are a team, I don't know what I would do without him.

"Let's go into town. There's a couple people I want you to meet." I said getting up and putting back on my clothes. We got dressed and walked into town. I went straight for the high school. By now the graduation was probably over and they were all in the gym. I walked in and pushed us through the crowd until I stumbled across my friends.

"Surprise!" I yelled causing them to look at me. They snapped their heads towards me and smiled. The girls attacked me first before I went up and hugged the guys.

"Guys, I want you to meet my best friend in the entire world. Jerry. Jerry this is Chloe, Duncan, Evelyn, Jason, Brooklyn, and Ben." I said introducing them.

"Hey." Jerry said smiling. They responded in a chorus of heys and what's ups.

"I just wanted to come and say congrats and I'm so happy that I met you guys." I said beaming at them. They smiled back.

"We love you too Isabelle." They replied.

"Ooh, wait. Ex alert. Evan is here. I don't want you to be caught off guard." Clo said looking uneasy.

"It's fine. I was..." I said before Alex came up behind them.

"Hi Isabelle." He whispered. I swallowed hard. I had been avoiding him.

"Hey Evan." I whispered back just staring at him. He walked up to me and pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around him. He pulled out and looked at me.

"Um. Long time no see huh Belle?" He said smiling at me.

"Yea. I hope all has been well." I said trying to sound normal. I could see our friends watching our every move.

"Oh you know. The usually ups and downs." He said reaching out to brush a piece of my hair away, but pulling away. "Why are you wet?" He asked smiling.

"Oh. Jerry and I went swimming." I said looking up at him. "Oh Jerry. How rude of me. Evan this is Jerry. Jerry this is Evan. I don't believe y'all have met." I said not even realizing I was speaking in my country accent. Alex and Jerry looked at each other.

"Nice meeting you bro." Alex said grabbing Jerry's hand.

"Right back atcha." Jerry said shaking it firmly.

"Hey Isabelle. Can we talk?" Brook asked nodding me over to her.

"Evan would you mind keeping Jerry company for a couple minutes?" I asked sweetly.

"Sure. No problem." He said before I walked over to the girls.

"What's up baby dolls?" I asked.

"Are you and Evan still into each other?" Clo asked bluntly.

"Oh wow. No. Of course not. We've been broken up for like a year. It's just that we haven't seen each other since then. It's just weird seeing each other I guess." I said convincingly. And I mean it's true. Evan and Isabelle have been broken up for about a year. Alex and Ela are engaged. Talk about awkward.

"You can totally see that you two are not over each other. Even if it's been a year. Maybe you guys should give it another shot." Eve said hopefully.

"I don't know. I don't think it'd work out. Anyways, girls, I have to go. I basically snuck out of my graduation to come see y'all. I just wanted to say bye and that we need to catch up whenever we happen to be back in town together." I said looking at all of them. I knew they were going to the same college. They've been planning that since as long as they remembered. They were going to be happy. The boys got football scholarships. They were all going to be happy. I could've probably been happy with them. Or with my friends. I could've gone to normal high school. I could've not gone through the past couple years. I could've lived my life not knowing that Gallagher Academy even existed. I could've. And I would've probably been happy. I had plans before this place. Me and Jess and Dee and Jade we had plans before this. Now, here looking at my friends. My normal friends. I'm jealous. I'm jealous because now I'm seeing what my life could've been like if I never went to Gallagher Academy.

"We're so happy we met you Isabelle." Clo said before they gave me a group hug. We pulled out and we were all crying. Typical teenage girls.

"Bye. I hope you guys have a long happy life. I'll never forget about you guys." I said giving each of them a hug. I walked back to Jerry.

"Let's go." I said grabbing onto his arm. He nodded before backing away from Alex.

"Wait." I heard Alex said before grabbing my arm. I spun around and he planted a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. "Goodbye Isabelle." He said against my lips.

"Goodbye Evan." I said backing away. That would be the last time that Isabelle and Evan meet. That was their grand goodbye. Alex and I are probably never going to have to be them ever again. I linked arms with Jerry and walked away. Though Evan and Isabelle are over, I don't know what's in store for Alex and Daniela. Jerry and I walked through the town for a while. I don't think either of us really wanted to go back. We knew if we did, then reality would sink in. The reality that it was actually all over. I don't think either of us was ready to face that harsh truth. So we kept walking. We walked around until the sun started setting.

"I think we should head back to the hotel before someone gets worried about us." Jerry said simply.

"Yeah." I replied. Since our school was under construction we rented out this hotel nearby and stayed there. We had classes out in the garden, in the shed, by the lake, or anywhere else on our school campus that wasn't destroyed. Jerry and I walked back to the very nice hotel in town that we were residing. We separated. He going to his from and I went to mine. I opened the door and waited to hear the sounds of my best friends.

"Where have you been?!" They asked in perfect unison. I know them too well.

"Jerry and I went swimming. Then we went to see my friends in town. Then we walked around for a bit before coming here. I just needed to get out and about. I was feeling a bit trapped. I also needed to do some thinking." I said looking at them. They nodded before going back to whatever conversation they were having before I entered. I decided to take this time to get a shower. It was quick. Well, as quick as it could be considering I had to wash my hair. I got out and changed into a sweatshirt and pajama pants. Outside might be blazing hot, but inside this room it was like the Antarctic. I crawled into bed realizing that my friends were already falling asleep. I took this time to read a little bit. I took out a flashlight and the Book Mr. Greyson gave me and opened it to the back. I flipped past the first page and was greeted by a note.

Dear Ela,

As you may know this is a collection of questions and answers that you have been dying to get the answer to. I feel like you are one of the only people I can trust to keep what I'm about to tell you safe. I may have done some terrible things in my past, but I want to take the time now to apologize for all the pain that I have caused you and your family. In the beginning of my term as the leader I was fear stricken. I was always looking over my shoulder, seeing who was coming after me or my wife. It was so hard keeping that secret. Over the years I let the power corrupt me. I let it control me. Something that many other leaders before me have succumbed to as well. I let the power I had fog my vision. Looking back on it as I am now writing this to you, I can see the mistakes of my past. There were so many things I could've handled differently but didn't. I didn't go into this thinking that I would come out the man I became. As I mentioned before I let the power fog my vision. I wanted the whole world and I would stop at nothing to make sure it was mine. I killed many people. I forced people to do horrible things. I manipulated, used, and abused many of my workers. I target you. I am the reason the past couple years of your life have been a living hell. I took your father and then I targeted you. I saw something special in you Daniela. I saw your true talent. Talent that I wanted to harvest and turn into a weapon. You were going to be my token. You and Jerry were going to be idols. Yet, you guys can do so much more than that. You guys can make a real change in the world. You guys are already some of the best agents the world has ever seen. It's about how you use your talent. Don't waste it. And don't forget who you are. You are much better than anyone can ever imagine. Let people underestimate you, just so you can prove to them they aren't even worthy of your time. I'm gone Daniela. I'm gone. I won't bother you ever again. I won't try to damage you life anymore. I want you to live. I want you to be happy. You have to decide what makes you happy. You have to choose your own path. I challenge you. For one minute... one minute sit and imagine your life 10 years down the line. Are you happy? Are you with the person you can't live without? Are you doing the thing you are passionate about? If not then change something. Go somewhere. Experience new things. Be with the person you love. You know what's going to make you happy. Now go do it. Go be happy.

-With love,

Nathanael Greyson

Tears rolled down my face as I flipped through the rest of the pages. There was exactly what he was planning with the whole world war 3 thing. There's an explanation of what the real purpose of the Circle is. There's a list of possible places that Jesse is hiding with the King. There's a detailed explanation of why he chose Jerry and I including our family history. There's a summary of what happened to my dad when he took him. There's Tyler's mom's address. In here was the answer to every question I had set out to find answers to. I feel like I can finally breathe. It's like a weight has been lifted off of me. For years I was confused. It was like I was drowning. Now, I feel like Mr. Greyson got rid of all the water. He saved me. He gave me the one thing I've wanted for years. It is over. It is finally over. There was only one thing left to do. I needed to go to him. I needed to tell him he was the one that was going to make me happy. I needed to let him know I choose him. 

UPDATE!! UPDATE!! UPDATE!! Ok guys, before you read my old author's note, read this one. There is a new story in this series. I repeate THERE IS A NEW STORY IN THIS SERIES!! It's called Dead drop and you really, really, really need to go check it out. Like NOW! It's gonna be really good! okay, well enjoy. 

I'm actually crying. Yes, this is the last chapter. Now before you start freaking out, I have a surprise. So at the end there I kept saying "him" instead of Tyler or Alex. This is for a reason. I still had a bunch of you split between team Tyler and team Alex. Personally I could not choose. I love them both so much (lol I sound like Ela). SO I'm not choosing, and neither is she. You guys are. So... here's how I'm going to do this. I'm going to write and epilogue showing how Ela's life will turn out one year down the line depending if she picked Tyler or Alex. This might take a couple chapters per epilouge. Or maybe it won't. You can read just the Epilogue for the person you want Ela to end up with or you can read both to see how her life would end up either way. So yup. I've never done something like this before. I'm trying this out and I think it's going to be really good. So if you want to see how Ela's life will turn out if she chooses Tyler or Alex stay tuned. I'll probably be posting both epilogues soon.  Hopefully, I am kinda really busy with school and stuff. BUT I'm really excited about this and I'm really hoping you guys are to. 

Now, for the sappy stuff. I really want to thank you guys for sticking with me from the beginning. This has been one hell of a journey. I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. I am so thankful for the support you guys have given me over the years. I actually can't believe that this is the end. And who know... it might not be. I might post another book or two with your favorite spies. Anyways, I love you guys so much. Thank you for being the best fans in the world. I am forever grateful to have gone on this journey with you guys. oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN BABES!

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