Oh My Blog!

By HornOkPlease

800 90 49

Samara's notched up from diary writing. Have you? - cover by @miracles- ||This work mainly consists of fluffy... More

Notes and Prompts
#Janya <Part 1>
#Nickara <Part 2>


20 4 2
By HornOkPlease

/Write a scene where a(n) OTP gets mixed up in a love triangle./

Post #8 : Geometry sucks, especially triangles with love in them

Now I know how Damon and Elena felt when Stefan tried butting into their business. Not good at all.

Arghhh! I'm so angry right now! Want to know why?

Well, it started with me deciding to go to the supermarket to buy some treats for myself. You ask what's wrong in that? It's the fact that my brother's best friend a.k.a my ex volunteered to drive me there. AND my lovely brother didn't see the problem in that at all no matter how many times I pleaded with him to say no, hence sending me alone with him.

But no it doesn't just end there, there's more to it.

In the car, I tried my best to ignore him. Even kept texting bae (and invited him to join me, worst mistake ever) to annoy him. Everytime he'd say he wanted to talk to me I'd turn the volume of the radio up with the excuse that I loved the song playing.

By the time we reached I could see he was fuming but I couldn't care any less. He was the one who volunteered to ferry me around, I hadn't forced him into it. He should've thought of it before he opened his big mouth. But then once again, had he had the ability to think I wouldn't have found how he cheated on me when he was very obvious with it.

So yeah, I got off the car the second he parks it and started walking away from him. Once again if only it was that simple. Seconds later he's holding onto my wrist, stopping me from going ahead.

And here I shall quote our conversation, word to word -

Him : We need to talk.
*takes a step closer to me*

Me : *glaring at his hand around my wrist* I don't think we have anything to talk about.

Him : Yes. We do.
*takes one more step closer*
(Like seriously what is this? A game of stepping stones or what?)

Me : Oh really, about what?
(I really hope I looked bored at that moment, because trust me I was. I already knew what he was going to say. Or at least I thought so.)

Him : About how you're mine. And no asshole can take you from me.
(Cue the alpha-male howl)

Me : *completely shocked* Excuse me?
(Did he just bad-mouth my bae?)

And look at the nerve of him to actually lean forward and pucker up after saying that! Who does he think he is? Jacob? And me, his Bella? Hell no.

The good thing was I turned my face away, saving myself and my dignity.

The bad thingS (yes, plural) being -
1) The kiss landed somewhere on my neck, smack behind my ear.

2) Karma is a serious bitch who hates me so much that at that exact moment I saw bae arrive at the supermarket with his cousins. And I'm sure he saw what happened, his one word text message later received composed of a "Why?" confirmed that for me.

Oh My Blog. Screwed it for an eternity now.

In short I didn't get to buy my chocolates or ice cream, had to walk back all the way home crying to myself and bae won't reply back to me now. I don't know if I should be more angry at how my life took a turn or upset that I wasn't given a chance to tell my side of the story.

At least I have my teddy to hug onto as I wallow in self-pity.

Somehow surviving,
Sama xx

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