Forever Young : Im Jaebum

By jjakbbam

80.1K 3.4K 1.5K

"Place me in your heart, the way the night keeps the stars." More

「 forever young 」
「chapter one」
「chapter two」
「chapter three」
「chapter four」
「 chapter five 」
「 chapter six 」
「 chapter seven 」
「 chapter nine 」
「 chapter ten 」

「 chapter eight 」

5K 268 51
By jjakbbam

When I woke up, I did not expect to find JB sleeping right outside the bedroom door.

And I accidentally woke him up when I practically screamed out of surprise.

"What the hell are you screaming about in the morning?" he muttered, his eyes still half-closed.
"Well, why are you sleeping there?"
"I think you locked the door when you went to bed last night," he yawned, getting up and stretching. "Anyway, what's for breakfast?"
"I don't know yet,"

I walked past him, heading to the kitchen and looking inside the cupboard. I was feeling lazy to cook so I took out a cup ramen and a pot and started boiling the water.

"Get me one of that, will you?" he called out to me as he went to lie down on the couch. I rolled my eyes but did what he asked.
"What time did you sleep?" I asked him after putting hot water in both cups, pushing his feet off so that I could sleep.
"I don't know. Two?" he answered, his eyes closed.
"What were you doing?"

I slapped his leg, causing him to yelp and his eyes to shoot open immediately. He sat up quickly, shooting a glare at me.

"What was that for?"
"How could you put songwriting before sleep?"
"I didn't want to forget the idea, though!"
"Let me hear it, then,"
"No problem," he shrugged and got up, heading to the kitchen to get his cup ramen.

I followed him, sitting at the table in front of him and opening it. He was already eating, even though it was still burning hot and he practically just sat down. How he could eat so fast? What, does he have freezing breath that his tongue doesn't get burned?

Minutes later, he finished eating and he threw his cup in the garbage can. He went to get his laptop and speakers, and sat back in front of me.

"Here, listen," he said, waving his hand to catch my attention. I didn't mind him and continued eating. After I finished, then I threw the cup away and listened to him.

He pressed play and soft music came out of the speakers, then he started to sing. Just from the first verse, I already couldn't hide my smile. The lyrics were really good, and his voice was as beautiful as ever, and he was rapping, too.

"Where do you get the lyrics from?" I asked.
"I don't know," he shrugged. "I just sat there, listening to the instrumental, then I get lyrics that fits the mood. I rephrase it to fit the song, and that's that. And your idea of course. The want to be forever young,"

When I gave him the idea, I had no idea the song would turn out like this. It was so good, and it's not that I'm doubting him. I'm just surprised he can make such a nice song despite it being his first time.

"You're really talented, Jaebum,"
"Thanks, but I'm still missing one last part. It's actually annoying to see that one part blank." he frowned. "Help me."
"Show me the lyrics,"

He got up again but this time, he got a notebook. He flipped it to a page somewhere in the middle and handed it to me. I scanned the page, reading the lyrics again and again.

I reached over for the pen and started writing, occasionally scratching them out to rephrase it better so it would fit the song. He leaned over to see what I was writing.

"Oh, that's sweet," he commented. "'Listen to me baby. Can you hear my heart say it loves you?'" he read aloud, before a mischievous smile made its way to his face. "What's with that line? Do you love me?"

I avoided answering that.

"I still need a third line," I looked up at him. He looked at the page.
"How can you write the fourth line without a third?"
"I don't know. It just feels like a good fourth line,"

He shook his head, chuckling, and he reached over to ruffle my hair. He took the notebook from me and stared at it for a long time. I could see his lips move without sound, and I could tell he was thinking of what could be written there.

He kept on writing lines and crossing them out, shaking his head. He scratched his nape and wrote another line but crossing it out again immediately.

"What about something along the lines of asking if she will accept your feelings?"
"Oh, like what I do to you?" he raised his eyes.

I felt myself blush. He hasn't said anything like that directly for the past few days, ever since we drank and he kissed me.

"In a way, yes," I nodded, ignoring the heat of my cheeks and the fact that he was smirking.
"So you're telling me to write 'Why don't you just accept my feelings?' straight out, like that?"
"Does that fit the song, though?"

He shrugged, writing it down then crossing it out and writing one. He did that repeatedly for the next five minutes, just to find a suitable line.

"I got it! 'Embrace my sincerity towards you' It fits!"
"It sounds so deep, though. Sing it for me," I said. "I want to hear how it sounds!"

He laughed and played the instrumental again, skipping it directly to that part and singing, still scanning the lyrics quickly.

Listen to me baby
Can you hear my heart say it loves you?
Embrace my sincerity towards you
Just stay beside me, like this

"Wow." I started clapping slowly. "I think that's going to be my new favorite part. Your voice is so nice,"
"Why don't you sing it this time?" he pushed the notebook back to me.
"No thanks," I shook my head. "I'm probably not going to do it any justice, so why bother?"

He frowned at me, but eventually gave in. He let out a sigh and leaned back against his chair. Moments later, he suddenly reached over and poked my cheek while a playful smile was on his lips.

"Let's go out again tonight,"
"Yes. Again." he nodded. "I'm going to do something for you tonight."
"Does it have anything to do with alcohol?" I raised my eyebrows. He didn't answer. He was just smiling at me.


Any comments?? ^^
I just realized that this story will actually be ending after two chapters... Well... I'll just try to make the last two better then :)

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