Long Lost Friend (Mitch X Rea...

By megafangirl05

53K 1.7K 559


The Tickets
The Mall
Getting Ready
The Concert
The Drive
Singing On Your Way Home
Conflicted Feelings
To The Hospital
Back Home
Telling (Fr/n)
Memories and Walk-ins
Telling the Group
Hanging With Kirstie
Another Walk-in
Shopping with Scott: Part 1
Shopping with Scott: Part 2
Talking to your "Family"
An Invitation
Semi-Alone Time
Changing Medical Conditions
Finally Getting Out
The Hair
Small Talk and More Pain
"Alone" Time
The Makeup
Finishing Touches
Finally There
To The Literal Premier
A Night Out
A/N: 7K!!!!!!!
Problems at the Club
Getting Back (pt 1)
Getting Back (pt 2)
"I've missed you"

Phone Call

1.3K 52 7
By megafangirl05

"Hello,is this ms.(f/n) (l/n)?" A lady says on the other end.
"Uh, yes. Who is this?" You ask.
"I am Dr Jamie Smith and I work at the local hospital. Your friend (fr/n) told me you would be the best person to call. You live with her?" The doctor asks.
"Yes ma'am. What happened?" Apparently (fr/n) was a t the hospital.
"(Fr/n) was in a car accident. I wasn't major but she has a concussion. She just needs to stay in the hospital until tomorrow afternoon." She explains.
"I know this is an odd question, but do you know if the car is totaled?" You ask her. You couldn't be driving her everywhere.
"No ma'am. I am pretty sure it wasn't that bad. Want me to tell her that you said hello?" She asks.
"Yes please. Thank you for calling. Good bye." You hang up the phone and put it on the coffee table. You lean back on the couch and let out a breathe you weren't aware you had been holding.
"What happened?" Mitch asks. You take another deep breathe. "(Fr/n) was in a minor car accident. She has a minor concussion and I need to go pick her up tomorrow afternoon, well more like this afternoon. But she should be okay."
"Good. I guess you were right about something being wrong. Good intuition." He tells you. You smile. You sit there a minute before remember you told him you would drive him home. Crap. You could barely get up, let alone drive.
"I think I'm too tired to drive. Do you think you could drive for me?" You say/ask. "If anything I'm even more tired than you are." He answers. Well that just plain sucks you think. But you don't say it out loud. If you tried to drive you might be the next one to end up in the hospital along with Mitch.
"You stay here until morning if you want. We can watch TV until then." He smiles and thanks you. You grab the remote and put on your favorite show. Hopefully he wouldn't mind it. This was a new episode that you had on DVR. You were trying to stay awake for it but about half way through you lay over on the arm of the couch and drift off.


You find yourself in your apartment sitting on the couch next to Mitch. You can tell your dreaming when you see all of the extra crap on the table and the art on the walls. The voice is on the television. Jess is on the screen just about to sing set fire to the rain. She starts to sing and she does awesome, but when it comes to the judges, they hate it. Then the show changes to a movie you had just been cast for. You were playing the role of Sigyn in a marvel movie. Loki's wife. It was like a preview. You saw yourself in a scene with Tom and Chris. But before you saw anything the "channel" changed again. This time it was just country music playing. You look over at Mitch, who had been changing the "channels". He looks at you. You were sitting right next to each other. He leans in and is just about to kiss you when
You wake up

You wake up in your own bed. You have no idea how you had gotten there, but you were comfy and it was only 4 in the morning. You think back to the dream. Was it predicting the future? Was it telling you something? Or did it mean nothing? Who knew. You push the thought out of your head.
You get out of the bed and head into the living room. You see Mitch sitting on the couch watching sponge-bob. He looks up when you walk in. "Hey." You just walk over to the couch and sit down next to him, but not too close.
"Would you care to explain how I ended up in my bed?" You ask. He turns the TV off and looks at you. "I guessed which one was yours, based on the guitar and keyboard. You had fallen asleep on the couch and I thought you might want to sleep in your own bed. So I picked you up and carried you to your room." He says. The tips of his ears are turning pink. You would laugh if your whole face wasn't the same color.
"Sorry." He says.
"No! Its okay. Thank you."
"What do you want to do until its time. I don't think I can fall asleep again." You look over at him.
"Yeah. I fell asleep a little bit after i brought you in there. I guess we can watch some TV...or we could come up with something else to do." You think for a minute. You really don't have any idea. "We can get caught up on what each of us have been doing. A little boring.. But we don't have anything else to do."
"Yeah. So I guess I can go first?" He nods his head. Time for a long story.

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