The Project- A Zouis Fanficti...

By NandosNation

153K 2.9K 712

**** Includes Lirry/Narry/Nosh**** Louis Tomlinson has never been popular. Zayn Malik is the school's most po... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Co-author announcement!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hey guys!
Thank You
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
What you need to know about chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

4.6K 116 43
By NandosNation

Hey! Mallory is baaaack! Finally. I'm SO SO SO SO SO sorry for making you all wait so long because I couldn't write. SO EXCITED THOUGH BECAUSE CHAPTER 13 IS HERE!!! *does happy dance in a circle* Leave your comments below on what you think :D I also have to apologize to Kaitlyn because I promised to write this chapter while she was busy and I took so long :( But I'm here now TADA! Don't hate me! Vote/Comment/Follow

-----Louis' POV-----

I was in the car with Zayn, staring out the window. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him looking at me repeatedly and I finally met his gaze at a red light. He grinned at me and squeezed my hand. 

"What's wrong, Lou?" He asked, concern dwelling in his eyes

"You know," I grumbled, leaning my head against the window. "I feel so bad for Niall. He's my best friend Zayn! I don't know how much longer I can keep this from him. Harry should be ashamed of himself." I rocked Zouis back and forth half-heartedly as she whimpered. 

Zayn nodded as he pulled into my driveway. "Harry will remember I think. At least a bit of it. I think we should stay out of it unless things get really bad-'

"Things HAVE gotten really bad already! Niall is upset and suspicious. To the point where he and Harry fought," I cut in.

"How do you know they fought?" Zayn said, concerned. I waved my phone in front of his face to show him that Harry had texted me previously. 

"By the way, Harry is at Liam's house. Not Niall's. He's not even trying to make up with him," I said, opening the door ferociously. Zayn followed me out gingerly, trying to keep up with my quick steps. As we got to the door, I handed him Zouis and fumbled with my keys to open the door. Zayn followed me in like a lost puppy and I turned on the dim orange hallway light. 

"Louis, I don't think there's anything we can do until Harry remembers that he kissed Liam. We sure as hell know that Liam won't have the guts to say anything about it because he wants to watch out for Niall's feelings," Zayn said, slumping down on the couch with Zouis snoozing on his lap. I kicked a pillow and huffed.

"Watch out for Niall's feelings my ass. He just is scared Niall will be mad and he's scared of us." 

"I think it's partly to watch out for Niall as well. C'mere, you're all wound up." Zayn said, setting Zouis on a chair with a blanket and tackling me to the couch. I failed to stifle a laugh as Zayn hovered above me, making faces. I leaned up and bit his nose, making him yelp and sit up so he was straddling my waist and sitting on a certain area. Now that, I wasn't expecting. 

"Erm.. Zayn," I mumbled as he rubbed his nose. He mumbled a response and I looked down to where he was straddling me. Zayn's clear brown eyes followed my gaze and he grinned devilishly at me. 

"Are you uncomfortable with this?" Zayn teased, moving his hips around slightly and causing me to tense up. My eyes widened and I shook my head.

"Ah.. No! Nope, I'm fine." I said, hastily clearing my throat and looking at the ceiling instead of at Zayn, who settled his hand on my chest. 

"So, you wouldn't mind if I moved around a little?" Zayn asked, chuckling. I narrowed my eyes at him and he moved his hands up slowly to pin my wrists above my head. I have to admit, I wasn't really struggling or trying to make him stop at all. 

"What are you gonna do," I asked, almost breathlessly. Zayn repositioned himself, still on a certain area making my jeans a bit tighter and I shifted a little, or as much as I could, seeing as Zayn was pinning me down. He leant forward, his minty breath caressing my face as his lips brushed against mine. 

"Hopefully, you."

My jaw dropped. Was he serious? I studied his face for a trace of a smile of laugh, but found nothing. His eyes seemed a shade darker and I realized that they were filled with lust and want. I had to admit, he looked damn sexy right now. I licked my lips, slightly nervous and opened my mouth to try to repond, but his bluntness caught even me off-guard. Zayn raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side.

"Unless... You don't want to! I mean, I don't wanna rush into anything. I'm sorry," Zayn mumbled, taking my silence as rejection. He started to climb off of me but before he was completely off, I grabbed his waist and yanked him back down to my body. Our faces almost collided, but he stopped himself just in time. I looked into his eyes, which now also showed surprise along with excitement. I craned my neck up and brushed my lips against Zayn's, making him squirm a little. 

"Are you sure?" Zayn Asked. I only grinned in response and flipped us over roughly so I was on top of Zayn, in control. I reached down and took Zayn's bottom lip in between my teeth and pulled it up, making him groan.

"I'm sure, I said shortly. I looked him in the eyes and he grinned.

The next thing I knew, our lips collided in a frenzy of heat and passion and I'll leave what happened next up to your imagination ;) 


---Niall's POV---

"That's not fair! You cheated!" Josh cried out as I danced in a circle. We were playing Mario Kart and I had just won six times in a row. I threw my contoller at him and cheered. 

"Josh is a loser! Niall is a winner!" I shouted, throwing my arms in the air. Josh crossed his arms and pouted, looking utterly adorable- err, cute! I mean- just cute. Right? 

"Aww, Joshy don't be sad!" I said, wrapping my arms around him and hanging on him like a sloth. 

"Then let me win the next round!" Josh said, nuzzling his head into my neck. We stood like that for a while before his lips brushed against my skin. My breath caught just a little bit as he did so and I jumped off of him. A look of guilt washed over his face. 

"Oh sorry... Um, I didn't think-" Josh started, but I cut him off.

"No! It's fine! I actually... kind of enjoyed it. I just wasn't expecting it." I said, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. Josh smiled at me, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. My eyes widened and I stared at Josh. Why was he doing this to me? Butterflies from Josh? What?

"Hey Niall! Niall!" Josh called, snapping his fingers in my face. I jerked my head up and mumbled a response. "You ok?" Josh asked, feeling my forehead. As soon as he touched me, warmth spread throughout my body and I relaxed a little bit. I saw the corners of Josh's mouth twitch and I wondered if he could sense how I was leaning into his touch. 

"Yeah," I said, faintly. 

"You're not warm. You're actually kind of cold! Here, come sit with me." Josh said, flopping down on the couch and holding his arms out. My mind immediately wanted me to go jump on the couch with Josh, but then I thought of Harry. What would he think of me practically cuddling with Josh?

But then I remembered that he was probably doing the axact same with Liam and I didn't feel bad anymore. I rushed over and jumped into Josh's arms, making him tip over. 

"Whoa there!" He said, laughing as I snuggled against him. 

"Turn on a movie," I ordered Josh. He rolled his eyes and picked up the remote, switching on the TV, where Finding Nemo was playing. 

"YAY!" I cheered, "Turn it up!" Josh chuckled and followed my command, turning up the volume so Dory was singing "Just keep swimming" at the perfect volume. 

"Would you like anything else, Master Niall?" Josh teased, I looked at him and thought for a while before falling back onto his chest. 

"No. I am perfectly fine right here, right now." I said, with no hint of regret in my voice. 


Ps: I obviously have never been drunk so I don't know what it's like... so if drunk Harry sucks and seems totally not drunk, blame me XD

---Harry's POV---

I lost track of how many drinks I had. All I was aware of was Liam sitting next to me, lauging at the bar. He pressed his face into my shoulder and I almost tipped over, off of my barstool.

"Leeyummmm..." I slurred, grabbing Liam to steady myself, but we both ended up stumbling around. "I'm hot," I groaned, leaning on Liam's shoulder and looking up at him, taking in his jawline, hair, and eyes. "No- wait actually... You're hot. So hot," I said, laughing as Liam looked at me, confused. 

"Whuddyu mean," Liam mumbled, rubbing his head, looking legitimately confused. 

"You're hot Liam, I wanna... I wanna kiss youuu," I said. Liam stared with glazed eyes at me, his mouth half-smiling- half open.

"Okayyy," He said, giggling. I smirked and grabbed his hand and led him to the hall with the bathrooms, tripping over my own feet and laughing along with Liam, though he seemed to be coming to his senses.

"Harreh.." He muttered, blinking rapidly and shaking his head. "Harry, what are you doing?" I held a finger up to his lips and made a 'shh' noise.

"Just let me do it" I slurred, tipping back and forth. Liam shut one eye and looked at me blankly. He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't hear him. I just saw his soft, pink lips moving and craved them on mine. I didn't care what he was saying anymore, all I wanted to do was kiss him.

And kiss him I did. 

(A/N: Screw grammar, I don't know if that's right) 

I pounced forward and pinned Liam against the wall and smashed my lips against his. I almost moaned at the feeling of his lips against mine, I didn't really make out any details, but I know I liked it. Liam responded right away, moving his hands to my curls and pulling my mouth closer to his. I licked my way into his mouth and heard him moan a little, encouraging me more. I slipped my hands underneath his shirt and grinded against him until I heard a voice yelling 


Then a voice saying "Harry! Harry! Harry wake up."

The image of Liam and I kissing faded away and My eyes shot open. I yelled a little when I saw Liam's face close to mine and his eyes filled with concern. I scrambled upright and stared at him and put my hand up to feel his face.

"Are you real?" I asked.

"Am I- What? Yes I'm real. Harry, you were dreaming and you kept... groaning." Liam said, blushing a little. 

"I was dreaming?" I asked, more to myself than Liam. Wait I was dreaming, but it all seemed so real. Same bar, same clothes. It was the same faint memory I had of the bar with Liam, except the gap was filled and- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! 

"That's what happened?!?!" I yelled, shooting up from the couch. Liam's eyes widened and he stood up too. 

"What are you talking about?" Liam asked. I stared at him and put the puzzle pieces together. I was drunk and I only remembered a little of when Liam and I went out. But now I know what happened. 

"We kissed."

I looked up at Liam after stating that. And judging from the facial expression he had, he already knew everything that happened.


OMG finally Harry what took you so long?! Oh yeah my writing ;) THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE and that Lirry is just *fans self* H-O-T hot if I do say so myself! I'm really hungry since I've been giving all of my cookies to all of YOUUU!! I think I shall go stuff my face with all the food I can find :D  Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom...... nom.. OK, Please carry on with your lives *Gives cookie* Because cookies are just >>> *Blows kiss* MWAH!

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