Wrapped Around Their Fingers

By Ky_Free

1.8K 28 1

The great world-renowned fighter, Pyrrha Nikos, begins her studies at Beacon Academy in order to continue her... More

Jaune's Struggle and Pyrrha's Realization
Everyone's Asking the Same Thing
Sparks Flying
Classes Resumed With a Little Fun
A Bump in the Road
A Slight Bit of Tension
Forgiven and Forgotten
Summer Break

Hiding in Plain Sight

194 3 0
By Ky_Free

Blake's POV

Every day was a bit of a struggle. It wasn't just for Yang and I. It was also for Jaune and Pyrrha. No one knows about us. The one person who wasn't helping the situation much was Weiss. She's always so suspicious and sometimes a bit nosy. She began watching the four of us closely. Ruby, Nora, and Ren haven't really taken any notice.

It's gone from days to weeks to months now. The Vytal Festival wasn't too far away now. Of course, Weiss wants to walk down the docks. I groaned internally. As we walked through downtown Vale, I kept my arms crossed. "Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks," Yang asked with a slight hint of irritation. She wasn't the only one.

"Ugh they smell like fish," Ruby added while pinching her nose. The smell of fish didn't bother me. I loved it actually. With Weiss still facing the docks and her back to us, she started talking.

"I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today," she said as she turned around. "And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it's my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom." I knew her sneaky little plan from the start.

I turned towards Yang slightly. "She wants to spy on them so she will have the upper hand in the tournament," I said.

Weiss turned around, crossing her arms. "Huh, you can't prove that," she scoffed. That was when Ruby noticed the excessive amount of police tape and broken windows to a dust shop just down the street. The four of us walked over to see what was going on.

"What happened here," our leader asked one of the policemen.

The one writing things down on a pad looked up to answer her question. "Robbery, second dust shop hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle," he said as he walked away. He started to talk with his partner.

"They left all the money again," his partner complained. That caught Ruby's attention.

"Yeah, it just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much dust?" His partner said something else. "You thinking, uh, the White Fang?" The policeman slightly waved his gun in the air in a circular motion.

"Yeah, I'm thinking that we don't get paid enough." That's when Weiss pitched in once the officers finished their conversation.

"Hmph, the White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates," she said with a hint of attitude. That really annoyed me. Yang probably noticed.

"What's your problem," I asked bluntly.

"My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane," she said.

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus."

"Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet," Weiss scoffed.

"So they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale."

"Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago. Maybe it was him," Ruby spoke up.

"That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal," the heiress stated with irritation. My blood was beginning to boil with anger.

"That's not necessarily true," Yang added. That's when we heard someone shouting to stop a Faunus. The four of us ran over to the docks again to see what was going on. That's when a monkey Faunus boy jumped off the rail of the ship and landing on the dock.

It wasn't long before the police started chasing him. As he ran by us, he winked at me. It only took us a few minutes to start chasing after him since Yang said that he was the competition. As we turned a corner, Weiss bumped into some girl. She even asked her, which her name was Penny, if she knew the boy who we were following. That was the last straw when Weiss kept calling him all sorts of names. "Why do you keep saying that," I questioned angrily.

"Huh," Weiss replied, not knowing what I was referring to.

"Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He's a person!" I was pissed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or this lamp post as a lamp post," she asked with her known attitude.

"Stop it!"

"Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time, he'll probably join up with those other Faunus and the White Fang." I clenched my fist.

"Urgh, you ignorant little brat!" I turned around and started storming off. Weiss followed me, continuing our argument. It was even continued by the time we got back to the dorm. Weiss told us about her run-ins with the White Fang. What she said next was the last the very last straw.

"No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!"

"Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around," I shouted in her face. Then I realized that I just let my secret slip out. They all looked at me, Weiss widening her eyes. "I..." I ran off without a second thought.

Yang's POV

My heart sunk when she was forced into saying she was a faunus by Weiss' stubborn nature. I watched my girlfriend bolt out the door without another word. Ruby was calling for her to come back but she never did. I just glared at my stuck up teammate. "What's your problem," she snapped. I got up from the chair, not breaking my gaze at the heiress.

"You. You just scared her off and it's like you don't even care! She's our teammate Weiss, our friend. Do you realize how much it was hurting her to hear everything you were saying against the faunus? Do you see why she was defending them even if they were in the White Fang? You're so self-centered!" I couldn't be in the same room as her right now. I walked out the door and didn't look back. I went in the opposite direction than Blake. I wanted to go after her more than you would know, but I have a feeling that she would just run away from me no matter what. I just walked and walked farther away from my dorm. I could feel my eyes filling themselves with tears. When I found myself far enough away from the dorms and people, I just broke down. I sat on the ground with my hair covering my face to hide my tearing eyes.

"Where are you Blake," I whispered through my tears.


When I walked back to the dorm, I just felt alone. I hoped that Blake was back and asleep in her bed. When I placed my scroll over the pad to unlock the door, my heart broke to see her bed empty. I sighed solemnly and softly. I saw that Ruby and Weiss had already fallen asleep while I was gone. I grabbed my pajamas and walked into the bathroom to get changed. I shut the door quietly. My fingers curled around the hem of my black shorts and slipped them off, followed by the rest of my clothes. When I walked out, I placed my clothes aside and began to climb up to my bed. However I stopped. I looked down at her empty bed. So I decided to sleep in her bed instead for tonight. When my head hit her pillow, the sweet aroma of vanilla came to the surface for me to breathe in. I fell asleep instantly as her scent soothed me to sleep. I hope that she comes back soon.

The sun soon rose a few hours later, hitting my face from the open window. Ruby was beginning to stir as she slowly woke up. She looked down to see if Blake had returned while we were asleep. Although, she found me sleeping in her bed instead. "Yang, why are you in Blake's bed," she asked softly in her sleepy voice. The sound of my sister's voice caused me to wake up. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes.

"What," I asked in a groggy state.

"Why are you in Blake's bed," she repeated. My eyes shot wide open realizing that I fell asleep in her bed last night once I returned. A blush came across my cheeks.

"I, u-uh," I stuttered. From hearing Ruby and I talking, Weiss woke up in a foul mood. Then she also realized that I was in Blake's bed.

"Yang, what are you doing in her bed," Weiss demanded. I didn't know what to say. My heart was pounding as I became nervous. I didn't want them to know, nor did Blake. That's why we kept our relationship a secret. They both stared at me as they waited for me to answer.

"I guess I was too tired to climb up to my bed last night. I didn't come back until after you two fell asleep," I said, letting the lie slip through my lips.

"That's a bunch a bullshit Yang and you know it. There's something more going on between you two," Weiss said bluntly. She honestly didn't care about filtering her words. 'Try to act cool Yang. Don't say anything.' "Tell us what's going on." Her eyes grew colder than they usually were. Shit, I couldn't get out of this now. I sighed and hung my head low as I sat up, resting my hands on the edge of the mattress.

"You were acting a bit weird last night after she ran off," Ruby added, growing a little more suspicious. Now I really know what Blake felt like when I discovered her Faunus identity months ago. I couldn't bring myself to say it. Then that's when Weiss came out and said it for me.

"You two are dating. That's why you both have been acting a bit different over these last few months." Ruby went wide eyed when she heard Weiss come out and say that. She didn't know what to believe. Before either of them could say another word, I nodded my head softly. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"We didn't want you guys to know. It was hard enough for Blake and I to come out and tell each other how we felt," I admitted softly. Ruby jumped down from her bed and walked over to me. I was so overwhelmed with everything going on right now. I felt a tear land on my thigh. "I'm sorry." I got up and grabbed my clothes before walking into the bathroom to take a shower. I locked the door and leaned my head against the wall next to the door. I heard them talking.

"Are you trying to push them away Weiss?"

"No! I just wished that they told us from the beginning."

"Maybe some things aren't meant to be found out Weiss. Maybe they had a reason for not telling us. Yeah, I wish that they told us in the beginning, but I know that everyone needs their space." I continued to cry softly as I listened to them. I couldn't take it anymore so I turned the shower on and threw my pajamas to the side. My tears mixed with the water as it flowed over my body. I don't know how long I was in the shower, but I deserved it. I didn't care. I was worried about Blake and I was mad beyond belief with Weiss. When I finished in the bathroom, I saw that my sister and the ice queen had finished getting dressed. "Now, let's try to find Blake." I nodded and I left before they did.

As I was walking, I met up with Pyrrha and Jaune. "Hey Yang," Jaune greeted, only to see that I was upset. "Is everything okay?"

"Wait, where's Blake," Pyrrha asked in curiosity. I looked up to face my friends. By that time, Ruby and Weiss caught up with me.

"Oh she ran off last night," Weiss said coldly. I clenched my jaw and formed fists. I turned to my teammate with my eyes crimson.

"And it's all thanks to you Ice Queen," I growled.

"Hardly," she said in her defense. "She's the one that ran off because she told us that she was a Faunus." Did she really have to blurt that out without a care?!

Pyrrha and Jaune looked at me, seeing how much this was affecting me. Pyrrha placed a hand on my shoulder and I slowly calmed down. "Yang, we promise not to say anything about this," she said. Jaune was just standing there as he was trying to absorb everything. "You'll find her. I'm sure of it." She gave me a soft smile for encouragement. I smiled back at her.

"You'll find her for sure. Don't give up Yang. She'll come back. Pyrrha and I both know how much she loves you," Jaune added. Weiss and Ruby looked at the three of us.

"You guys knew about them," Ruby questioned. Jaune and Pyrrha looked towards Ruby and nodded their heads. "H-how? How did you know before us?"

"Rubes, it was because of Pyrrha that I told Blake how I felt about her. She and Jaune were the only ones that knew about my relationship with Blake. I couldn't say anything to Blake with you two around and I knew that she couldn't do the same with me. We were scared alright. That's why we never told you!" I was starting to get worked up again. Pyrrha wrapped her arms around me in a hug, so did Jaune. Ruby and Weiss just stood there, not knowing how to process this. When they released me from their hug, I kept my back to my teammates. "I'm going to look for Blake on my own. You two can look for her if you want." I walked off, leaving them behind. I just needed to be alone for now. I needed Blake.


A/N: Dialogue during Blake's POV in the beginning was from the 15th chapter of season one of RWBY: The Stray.

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