Loving a human (Kamigami no A...

By weeburgoo

23.7K 826 229

Akiyoshi Minami is a boy who has been bullied for as long as he can remember. His father and mother died when... More

Akiyoshi Minami
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

2.8K 90 2
By weeburgoo

Normal Pov:

It was just another normal day for Akiyoshi.

¨Freak!¨ ¨Go and die! ¨No one likes you! Do us a favor and rot in a hole!¨ ¨Hahahahah so true!¨ Mean comments were thrown at him from all sides in the orphanage. He pulled his hoody further over his head and tried to keep his tears from escaping. 'It's alright... They don't mean it' Akiyoshi thought to himself and sadly smiled. Then someone pushed him hard, so he fell on the ground with a large thud. He groaned in pain and held his arm. ¨Pathetic¨ one of the teenagers of the orphanage spat at him. ¨Let's go!¨ the bully yelled and the rest of the teenagers followed. He heard small footsteps coming his way so he looked up. ¨Meow?...¨ a kitten cutely sounded and rubbed his/her head on Akiyoshi's leg. He smiled gently and picked up the kitten. The kitten purred loudly when Akiyoshi gently rubbed it's head. ¨Good kitten¨ he smiled and went to the kitchen to get some milk. He set the kitten on the counter and poured some milk in a bowl. ¨There you go!¨ he grinned and the kitten meowed thankfully. The kitten stopped drinking and hissed at a door, no one used. ¨What's wrong?¨ he asked but then he heard it. ¨Akiyoshi Minami¨ a deep voice said. ¨Who's there?¨ Akiyoshi asked and slowly walked to the door. ¨Akiyoshi Minami¨ the deep voice said again. Akiyoshi slowly opened the door and looked around. It was completely dark. ¨Come¨ the deep voice said much clearer. A bright light suddenly appeared and Akiyoshi quickly shielded his eyes with his arm. The light dimmed down and he dropped his arm to his side.

¨A compass?...¨ he mumbled to himself and picked it up gently (look at the pic above to see what it looks like). Then a blinding light appeared and he lost consciousness. 'What' was the last thing he thought.

The light blonde boy opened his different colored eyes tiredly. ¨Where.. am I...?¨ he mumbled and looked around. He was in a beautiful garden. He gasped in awe and smiled widely. He jumped at a sudden noice of someone groaning. He looked at his side to see a purple-haired girl laying on the ground. She suddenly sat up quickly and looked around. ¨No way...¨ she mumbled and almost fell over when she noticed Akiyoshi. ¨Hello! I'm Akiyoshi, Akiyoshi Minami!¨ he said with a large grin. ¨Hi.. I'm Yui Kusanagi.¨ she said and smiled a little. ¨Where... are we?¨ Yui asked and looked around. ¨I don't know. This bright light came and then I woke up here..¨ Akiyoshi said with a cute pout. Yui squeeled mentally and tried not to blush at his cuteness. They stood up and brushed themselves up. Akiyoshi pouted when he saw that Yui was taller than him. (he is 5 ft tall, sorry I forgot to put it in his description) ¨Hm?¨ Yui asked and looked at him. He looked away with a pout and mumbled a 'nothing'. Yui chuckled, because she knew why he was upset. ¨Why are we here.¨ Yui asked again and looked around. Akiyoshi shrugged and looked at the floor. His eyes widened at the sight of a sword and a compass laying on the floor next to each other. ¨Isn't that..¨ he said. Yui looked at him then followed his gaze. ¨That's the sword I found¨ she mumbled and picked it up. ¨This is the compass I found¨ Akiyoshi mumbled at the same time and picked it up.

Suddenly a bright blue light appeared, startling both of them. When the light dimmed down, Akiyoshi and Yui felt a sudden weight on their chest. They both looked down and saw the objects they earlier found, in a form of a necklace.

¨It shrank¨ Yui said and held the shrunken sword in her hand. The door behind them suddenly opened. They looked at each other and nodded. They walked out of the garden into a long corridor. ¨What is this place...¨ Yui mumbled. Akiyoshi just looked around with a large grin on his face. ¨So pretty¨ he mumbled. Yui smiled at him softly. He already felt like a little brother to her, she wanted to protect him from all the bad things of the world. Sadly she didn't know what horrible things happened to him daily, before they arrived at the mysterious place. Yui looked down at her phone and frowned. ¨No service...¨ she groaned and put her phone back in her pocket. ¨Were we kidnapped while we were unconscious?¨ she asked no one in particular.

¨DID WE TRAVEL THROUGH TIME?!¨ she suddenly yelled, scaring the hell out of Akiyoshi because of her sudden outburst. She sighed and dropped her shoulders a bit. ¨Of course not...¨ she sighed. She looked at Akiyoshi and smiled at him. ¨Akiyoshi-kun, we need to figure out where we are, okay?¨ she said. ¨Hai!¨ he smiled. She returned the smile and ruffled his hair.

¨Hello?! Is anyone there?!¨ Yui yelled as they both walked in the long corridor. ¨Helloooo??!!¨ Akiyoshi yelled and cupped his hands around his mouth. ¨A human...¨ a mysterious voice mumbled. Akiyoshi and Yui turned around to see who said that. ¨How sad... that you've been caught up in his cruel game.¨ A handsome man said. He had silky dark green hair, with beautiful red eyes.
¨Excuse me...¨ Akiyoshi started and took a step forward. ¨Don't come close!.. Don't come near me.¨ the man said cutting of Akiyoshi. The man's gaze intensified. ¨It will bring you misery!¨ he said. There was an awkward silence when he finished that sentence. ¨What?¨ Yui said confused. The man ignored her comment and walked away


Hope u enjoyed this first chapter :D

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