Redemption Penalties

Door CatWinchester

12.3K 225 35

Robin Hood Fic. What if Meg didn't die? This is a rewrite of season three, starting from the end of Episode 9... Meer

Redemption Penalties
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Two

1.5K 30 4
Door CatWinchester

Chapter Two

Over the next few days Guy took good care of Meg. She tired easily and slept a lot but her wound was healing well with no signs of infection setting in.

Guy had managed to steal some simple garments for her to wear. He would have liked to clothe her in dresses fit for a queen but he knew that would be impractical for forest living.

After a week she felt much stronger and began accompanying Guy every morning when he went to fetch water. They often held hands on this walk but Guy never attempted anything more. Meg would swear he cared for her yet every time she tried to show him affection he would turn away and busy himself with something else.

In the long evenings they talked. Meg filled him in on her life to date, though it was a very boring tale compared to his. She was the only child of a local land owner and her mother had died in childbirth. Her father had wanted a son yet had been left with a daughter. He had been trying to marry her off since she was fourteen, seeing her as a burden and an uncomfortable reminder of her mother. Her spirit came from his lack of care and being left to her own devices for so much of the time.

At only seventeen, Guy had expected her to quickly tire of life in the forest but she seemed to take it in her stride.

In turn, Guy filled in many of the gaps in his story for her. Every time he told her more about himself he expected her to finally reject him, yet she never did. She questioned him, certainly, but she never rejected him.

He often wondered why she liked him, what it was that she saw in him. He knew he didn't deserve her and he knew this his rejection of her affections stung, but he also knew he couldn't let her get too attached to him. He admitted to himself that he would never have the strength to leave her, he was far too selfish for that, but he also knew that death would soon take him from her in one form or another, so in all good conscience he couldn't let her grow more fond of him.

When he hunted he often found her words running through his head. She spoke of a life abroad, and what an appealing picture she painted for him at times. In all honesty though, Guy knew he could never be happy running away. When his parents had died, he had run and he had vowed then, never again.

Last night she had talked of Spain and painted a beautiful picture. He was remembering the descriptions she had read about and shared with him when he heard someone moving in the brush behind him.

Hood! It had to be him.

Finally Guy had his chance for revenge.


Guy held his hand out to help Robin up and marvelled that it didn't feel anywhere near as odd as he expected.

"I have horses at my camp," he said. "We'll be faster on horseback."

Robin nodded and followed Guy through the forest.

After listening to Malcolm Loxley's tale, Guy felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Now he knew both that he hadn't killed his parents and that he had a sister alive and well in York.

Since he had little in the way of family very few people realised this, but family was important to Guy. Ever since his parents had died he had spent his life trying to rebuild his family. Letting Isabella go with Thornton had been the hardest decision of his life but he had truly believed she would have a better life with him. Since that day he had been searching for the right person to start a family with; to rebuild his family with.

He had thought that person was Marion but he had been wrong. Her heart had never belonged to him.

When Isabella returned to him he was pleased. He was angry that she had wanted so little to do with him for so long and he was worried about Thornton's reaction to her departure, but he was happy to have his sister back at his side. Until she had betrayed him.

Now he knew that, no matter how ill fated their union, Meg was the woman for him. She loved him as Marion had loved Robin, unconditionally and with all her heart.

He also had a sister. A sister he hoped would be as loyal to him as he felt towards her. A sister he might love and trust, as he had once loved and trusted Isabella.

He was still a condemned man of course, still an outlaw, still a traitor and as yet he could still see no way out of the death sentences hanging over his head but somehow despite all of this, the tiniest sliver of hope had crept into his heart.

Maybe there was a way and if there was, maybe he could have the family he had craved for so long.

As he neared his camp though he slowed to a stop.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked him.

Robin might be almost family but that didn't mean that Guy was ready to trust him.

"There's something at my camp," Guy said. "Before we go any further, I need your word that you won't try and take it from me."

"What? You have treasure stored there or something?" Robin scoffed.

"What I have is more precious than any treasure," Guy said in all seriousness.

Robin looked at him. If Guy did have treasure at his camp, Robin had every intention of taking it at some point but right now he needed Guys cooperation. Besides, Guy's turn of phrase had piqued his curiosity.

"Fine, I won't try and take it," Robin agreed. No, he wouldn't try and take it, he would take it. Semantics, but it kept his conscience clear.

After a beat Guy nodded and continued on. A few minutes later they arrived at the camp but Meg was no where to be seen.

"So what is this treasure?" Robin asked as Guy looked around the cave.

Guy didn't answer but when he saw that one set of saddlery was missing, he ran to the meadow behind the cave where the horses were tethered. Robin ran after him, confused.

"Meg!" Guy roared as he saw her trying to mount the white horse. He ran over to her. "Stupid girl, what are you trying to do, get yourself killed!"

"I was worried about you!" she yelled back. "You've been gone for over a day."

"So you thought you'd rip your stitches out and kill yourself to punish me!"

"No! I was going to search the forest for you if you must know and I thought I'd be faster and safer on horseback. Now where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick."

Robin watched the argument with interest. Considering how angry Guy was, Meg didn't look the slightest bit afraid of him.

Suddenly the fight went out of Guy and he pulled Meg to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you."

Meg was slower to calm down but after a moments hesitation she hugged him back. When they separated Guy cupped her cheek.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I have much to tell you." Guy looked over at Robin as though remembering he was there.

"I'll take the horses back to camp and get the other one saddled," Robin offered.

Guy hesitated but his desire to speak to Meg overcame his distrust of Robin and he nodded his agreement.

Robin led the horses away and when he was out of ear shot Guy began explaining what Malcolm Locksley had told them the night before.

"You have a sister?" Meg asked, as they slowly headed back towards the camp.

Guy nodded.

"And if we don't save her, she's due to be executed by the Sheriff of York in four days time."

"What for?"

"I don't know but I can't let it happen, Meg."

"Of course not," she agreed without hesitation.

"But I also don't want to leave you on your own."

"I'll be fine for a few days." she assured him. "My wound is healing nicely and I have enough food to last a day or two."

"And what if the Sheriff's men should find you?"

"I'll stay close to the cave."

"Where they can trap you?"

"Then I'll come with you."

"No, it's too dangerous."

"Well you have to choose," she said. "Either I stay here or I go with you."

If she had been fully recovered she would have insisted on going but she knew she would only be a hindrance at the moment. Still, there was no reason she couldn't wait somewhere in York for them to break their sister out then come and get her.

"So which is it?" she demanded.

Robin hadn't meant to eavesdrop on them but the wind was carrying their conversation towards him.

"If I might make a suggestion," he called as he turned back towards them. "There is a third option."

"This doesn't concern you, Hood." Guy called back.

"Well it concerns me and I want to hear what he has to say," Meg said, turning to Robin.

"You could come and stay with the others at our camp." Robin said.

"No," Guy said immediately.

"I think it's a great compromise," Meg argued. "You and Robin can go off and play the dashing heroes while I'll have people around me if I should need help."

Guy knew she was right but all he could see was Robin taking Meg from him, as he had taken Marion. It wasn't rational, he knew that but then when was love ever rational?

"Meg, please. I... I don't trust him."

"But do you trust me?" she asked, taking his hand in both of hers.

"Absolutely not!" he looked incredulous. "You're wilful and reckless and impulsive. I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you."

She dropped his hand.

"In that case I am definitely going to Robins camp." She turned and marched towards Robin.

"Why?" he asked, jogging beside her.

"Because you don't want me to."

"You see!" He said. "Reckless and impulsive. Meg, they're outlaws."

"So am I!"

"They're dangerous!"

"I can take care of myself."

"No you can't!" he was getting exasperated.

"I saved your sorry life, didn't I." She marched straight past Robin, back towards Guy's camp.

Sensing that he had lost, Guy stopped chasing her and paused beside Robin.

"Don't say anything," Guy warned him.

Robin didn't try very hard to hide his smile but he did keep silent as they followed in Meg's wake.

Meg packed up a few belongings in a bag and Guy tied it onto his saddle. He mounted the horse then Robin helped Meg on behind him. She winced in pain but made sure that she made no sound. She had a nasty feeling that Guy would kill Robin if he thought she was hurt.

They made their way towards Robins camp at a walk, though Meg could tell that both Guy and Robin were in a hurry to get going. She assured Guy that she could handle a faster pace but he was adamant it would aggravate her wound. An uneasy silence enveloped the group until Robin decided to break it.

"So, Gisborne," he said. "It strikes me that you and I have similar goals."

"To rescue our sister, you mean?"

"I was thinking slightly longer term. We both want Prince John and Isabella out of the way."

"And you think we could work together, do you?" Guy didn't sound convinced.

"I think we already are," Robin pointed out.

Guy didn't answer and they rode on for a while before Meg spoke up.

"I think it's a good idea." She could have sworn she heard Guy growl but ignored it. "You're just one man, Guy, it makes sense that the more of you there are, the easier things will be."

"It'll never work," Guy said stubbornly.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because even if I agreed, Hood's people would never accept me."

"They will if I tell them to," Robin argued.

"Just like that?" Guy scoffed.

"No, not just like that. They'll listen because I'm right and because they respect me. I'm not saying it'll be easy, mind you, but I didn't think you'd be the type to let a little bad feeling get in your way."

"I'm not," Guy assured him. "But I am rather opposed to being killed in my sleep."

"Really?" Robin asked. "You didn't look too bothered by the idea of dying a few weeks ago."

Guy realised Robin had a point, he had been ready to die, willing even. Now though, he realised that he would do almost anything not to.

"Guy, please," Meg said. "For my sake just give it a try. If it doesn't work out, we can always leave."

Every instinct Guy had was telling him to keep Meg away from the outlaws and Robin, but she had sounded so worried about him that he found himself unable to refuse her.

"Fine," he agreed.

They continued on for a few minutes more until, much like Guy, Robin stopped his horse before they got to the camp.

"We go no further until I know I can trust you," Robin said.

"You can trust me," Guy sounded contemptuous.

"How do I know that?"

"Because you'll have Meg," he said simply.

Even before today Robin had seen Guy offer his life for Meg's at the execution. He might not understand it but Guy genuinely seemed to care for the girl.

"That's good enough for me."


As Guy walked into the camp with Meg and Robin, it took the outlaws a few moments to notice him but as soon as they had, they scrambled for their swords and bows. Guy moved to stand in front of Meg so she was shielded.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Kate demanded.

"It's okay," Robin assured them. "You can lower your weapons. Guy's one of us now."

No one lowered their weapon.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Much asked,

"It means that Guy has agreed to join is in our fight," Robin explained as he walked forward and lowered their swords and bows for them. "He's going to help us bring down Isabella and the Prince."

"You can't be serious!" Kate yelled, though she didn't raise her sword again. "We can't trust him."

"She's right," John agreed.

"I think we can," Robin argued.

"How can you say that after what he did to my brother!" Kate raised her sword again.

"Kate," Robin placed his hand on her sword and gently forced it down. "Things have changed."

"What things?" she asked.

Robin explained about their sister in York. He wanted to go into more detail and tell them more of what his father had revealed to them but he suspected Guy wouldn't like that. If he told them, he had to do so discretely.

Now that their weapons were lowered, Guy brought Meg out from behind him, though he kept a protective arm about her waist.

"So what's she doin' 'ere?" Allan piped up remembering Meg from her trial.

"She's with me," Guy finally spoke. "She's injured so she's staying here with you while Robin and I go to York."

"I can speak for myself," Meg snapped, though she was slightly unnerved by the people watching her and made no move to leave Guy's side.

"Of course," Guy agreed, unwilling to have a spat with her in front of the outlaws.

"Tuck, why don't you get Meg settled in," Robin suggested, heading out of the hide so he could speak with the others in private. John, Much and Kate followed him but Allan stayed behind with Tuck, curious about his former masters appearance in their camp.

"This way," Tuck gestured to Guy and Meg.

They followed him over to a bunk.

"This is a turn up for the books," Allan said as he joined them. Guy ignored him.

"Meg is wounded," Guy said to Tuck. "I've taught her how to clean the wound and change the dressings but she'll need some privacy."

"I understand," Tuck assured Guy. "We have privacy screens we can erect around her bunk. She will be well taken care of, I can promise you that."

"Thank you," Guy said sincerely.

"We'll let you settle in," Tuck said, taking Allan's arm and leading him away from the couple.

"How do you feel?" Guy asked as Meg settled down on the bunk. He knelt down in front of her.

"I'm fine," Meg smiled. "I'm more worried about you."

"Robin and I can take care of ourselves."

"I know, but that doesn't stop me worrying."

Guy gently pushed her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. For all his assurances that they would be safe, he knew this would be dangerous and he found himself leaning in and kissing her gently. When he pulled away she was smiling.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to do that again," she teased.

He smiled in spite of himself. He was still bad for her but after everything he had learned last night, things didn't feel quite so hopeless today.

"I'm surprised you remember the first time," he said.

"How could I forget?" she smiled.

Guy laughed and leaned forward to kiss her again but she put her finger over his lips to stop him. He frowned, confused by her refusal.

"No more kisses until you come back safe."

Guy smiled with relief.

"That's hardly very fair," he argued.

"Fair shmair!" she taunted. "I want you back in one peace and this is all I have to bargain with."

"One more kiss and I promise to return alive and well."

Meg stood firm and shook her head.

"Fine, you evil wench, have it your way."

Meg's smile faded and she threw her arms around his shoulders.

"Be careful," she begged.

"You too," he said, holding her tightly.


Allan watched the pair, fascinated to see Gisborne's softer side. Unlike the other outlaws, Allan had always known he had a heart because he had been there while Guy had risked his own life to keep Marion safe. Something had always been wrong with those shows of affection and loyalty though and Allan finally understood what it was. Marion had never been affectionate or loyal to him.

Allan's feelings for Guy were mixed to say the least but despite everything that had happened, he kind of liked him and even felt a little sorry for him at times. He was pleased to see him with someone who returned his feelings, though at the same time he couldn't help remembering how he had murdered Marion and stolen that same kind of love from Robin.

"Stop staring," Tuck admonished him.

"I'm not!" he argued, knowing full well that he was. "Okay," he admitted. "But it's Gisborne, the cold blooded killer with Meg, the man hater. People would pay good money to watch this."

Tuck just stared at him.

"All right, fine," Allan finally agreed, turning away from the lovers.


"I don't get it, Robin, why is this sister so important and why can't we rescue her, why do you need Guy?" Kate was angry and worried, which made for a volatile combination.

"Luna travelled through the Orient for many years with her master. She has knowledge of exotic weapons that can help us defeat Isabella," Robin explained. "And we need Guy because he understands Isabella and Prince John in ways we never will. I know none of you like it and none of you trust him but like it or not, we need him."

Much looked mutinous but finally nodded his acceptance.

"This is ridiculous," John said, storming back to the camp.

Robin stepped up to Kate and cupped her cheek.

"I know he killed your brother, I know you don't trust him, and you don't have to. You just have to trust me."

"That's not good enough," she said.

"Then think of Meg. I don't know what's between her and Guy exactly but do I know he cares a great deal about her. He won't do anything to me while she's with you."

The fight finally left her and she gave a long sigh.

"I will never trust him," she said. "But I do trust you."

"Thank you." He kissed her forehead. "We have to get going. I want to make it to York before nightfall."

Kate nodded and Robin turned to Much.

"Make sure Meg is looked after, will you? She might be with Gisborne but she isn't guilty of his crimes."

"Of course," Much agreed.

Robin ran back to the camp and Kate and Much shared a long suffering look before slowly trudging after him.


Little John had stormed out of the camp and Allan had followed him. A tense silence had developed between the others, none of them willing to say too much in front of Meg.

"We must get the deliveries to the villages done," Tuck said. Of all of them he was the most willing to trust Meg.

Kate and Much stood up to accompany him. Meg just watched, unsure if she should go with them or not.

"Someone should stay in camp with Meg," Tuck said.

She wondered if he said it for her protection or for theirs. Kate simply glared at Meg so Much volunteered.

"I'll stay. I can get a start on dinner."

"Thank you, Much. We'll be back before nightfall."

Kate and Tuck left and Much headed into his kitchen. Meg made her way over to him.

"Can I help?" she asked.

Much considered her offer for a few moments then accepted. He handed her a small sack of turnips and asked her to peal them. They worked in silence for a few minutes until Much was unable to keep his curiosity at bay any longer.

"What do you see in him?" he asked.

"Who, Guy?"

Much nodded.

"I don't know," she answered honestly.

"He's a monster." Much said, as though that settled the argument.

Meg couldn't deny that.

"There's so much more to him though," she tried to explain. "It's like he's two different people."

"Yeah, bad and badder."

"You might be more understanding if you knew more about his life."

"Like what?"

Meg didn't want to betray his confidence but she knew she had to make the outlaws understand him a little better if they were ever going to trust him.

"I think he used to be a good person," she said. "But then there was an accident and his parents were killed. He blamed himself for what happened and ever since that day I think he's felt condemned. He and his sister lost everything and were turned out of their village. The English didn't accept them because they were half French and their French relatives didn't accept them because their father was English. Everything had been a struggle since then and... I think he lost himself."

"Doesn't make it right though."

"No, it doesn't. And I know he's done awful things but I think he's finally trying to change."

"He killed Marion," Much said. "I can never forgive him."

"I think Marion is what finally pushed him over the edge," Meg confessed. "It doesn't matter how much you hate him for what he did, he hates himself more."

Much didn't know what to make of that.

"Good," he said, without conviction. "Good."

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