Alpha and His Luna

By dandulene

598K 13.5K 975

''Alpha Ross Lynch of Black Night pack!'' the man said and everybody looked up the stairs. And there stood th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 21

13.4K 301 32
By dandulene

Laura pov.

I woke up after a beautiful sleep. I looked at Ross and his head was in my hair, his arms around me and his legs tangled with mine. I smiled up at him and put my hand on his cheek. I stroked my thumb under his eyes.

I felt him lean closer to my hand. I smiled and kept on stroking his cheek.

''This is how I want to wake up every morning.'' Ross whispered but kept his eyes closed just feeling my hand on his cheek.

Ross pulled me closer and snuggled his head deeper in my hair.

''Why don't we?'' I asked and pulled my hand away from his cheek but he stopped me.

''No leave it there. I like it.'' He whispered with his deep morning voice.

''What are we going to do today?'' I asked him.

''Let's make this our day.'' He said.

''What?'' I asked him.

''Today is going to be our day. Let's stay in bed for few hours and watch some movies. After that let's go on a date.'' Ross said and pulled me closer again.

''What about breakfast?'' I asked him and pulled my hand away from his cheek but put it on his chest.

''I'll ask somebody to bring us breakfast'' he said and opened his eyes. I looked at his eyes and smiled. He smiled down at me and kissed me. This kiss was sweet and slow, not like other kisses we had.

''No I don't want anybody to serve us. I will go get the food'' I said and was about to get up but Ross pulled me back.

''No, I'm going ask somebody to bring us food. This is our day. Let's just relax.'' He said.

''But Ross you now that I don't like people serving us'' I said.

''I know but only today.'' He whispered and started to kiss my neck.

''I fell like a bitch asking people to do things that I can do.'' I whispered trying not to moan.

''You are not a bitch'' Ross whispered and continued to kiss my neck, ''The pack is honored to help the Luna''

''But not serving her'' I said and was about to pull away but Ross again stopped me before I could.

''They are honored with helping the Luna anyway they can.'' he said and pulled his head up so he was looking in my eyes.

''But...'' I said and Ross glared at me, ''Fine''

He smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my neck again. This time I couldn't keep the moans in.


Just like Ross said, after few minutes a girl younger that me walked in and brought us our breakfast. I apologized to the girl for doing this, but she said that it's okay. She said that she was happy that she could help the Luna and Alpha some way.

When she walked out Ross smirked and said that he was right about what he said. I just growled at him and he laughed.

We ate our breakfast and watched some movies. The whole time Ross was holding me close to him. He wasn't even watching the movies. He was just looking at me the whole time.

In the second movie the boy apologized at the girl for what he did and the girl forgave him. They started to kiss and because they were alone at her house, they went inside and started to make out. When Ross heard the moans of the girl he got hard and started to kiss me with so much power.

After making out with Ross I got up and walked to my closet to get dressed. I put on some blue jeans and a yellow top. I brushed my hair and put it up in a bun. Next I put on a little bit of make-up and then walked out.

Ross was sitting on the bed waiting for me. I walked up to him and he pulled me in his chest. He buried his head in my stomach and I brushed my hands through his messy, blond hair.

He moaned and I smirked. I tugged the end of his hair and he moaned again. I pulled away from him and he pouted.

I sat down on his lap and he kissed me. He licked my lip asking for entrance and I let him. He explored my mouth and his hands found their way under my top.

''I love you.'' he said between kisses.

''I love you too.'' I said and pulled away.

''Why do you always pull away when the fun begins?'' he pouted as I got up.

''Because you said that we will go on a date. And I want to go now.'' I said and sat down next to him.

''Right now?'' he asked and I nodded, ''Fine''

He stood up and walked to the closet to get ready.

''Hey, I forgot to ask you what to wear.'' I yelled from the other side of the door.

''What you are wearing is fine.'' he yelled back.

I walked around the room and grabbed some things and put them in my bag.

Ross walked out of the closet and walked up to me. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans with black sneakers. You could see his muscles trough the shirt.

He put his arms around me and asked, ''Ready princess?''

I nodded and we walked out of our room and down the stairs.

In the living room Jane was sitting on Harry's lap watching a movie. I smiled at them. It's good to know that Jane has finally found her love.

I pulled Ross to the kitchen because I wanted to drink some water. When we walked in I saw Emma giving James a kiss. James was glaring at Aiden while Aiden was laughing his ass off.

''What's going on here?'' Ross asked and let me go so I could go get my water.

''James here is totally whipped dude.'' Aiden said still laughing.

''No I'm not.'' James growled and Aiden started to laugh more.

''Yes you are.'' he said trying to stop laughing.

''No I'm not.'' James growled again.

''Really, then why did you cancel our game night?'' Aiden asked him smirking.

''Uhh...'' James started and then whispered, ''because Emma wanted to go shopping with me.''

Ross started to laugh together with Aiden. I smiled and looked at Emma. She looked at me with a smile.

''Hey dude you are whipped to you know. And even more that me.'' James said to Ross.

''No I'm not.'' he defended himself and I looked at Emma with a smirk on my face. She immediately understood and nodded. I winked at her and looked at Ross.

''Ross is your game night tomorrow?'' I asked him.

''Yeah'' he said smirking at James.

''You can't go.'' I said and turned around to pour some water in a glass.

''What? Why?'' he stopped smirking and asked me.

''I forgot to tell you that you have to come and help me and your mother with house work.'' I said and looked at him.

''What? But it's game night babe, I can't miss that.'' He pleaded. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

''No buts your coming and that's final.'' I said and drank the water.

''Ok'' he mumbled and Aiden fell of his chair laughing his ass off again. James was laughing as well. I smiled at Emma and she gave me a high five. We all were laughing and Ross glared at me. I just winked at him and continued to laugh.

''Looks like James is not the only one.'' Aiden said, trying to stop laughing, but he is failing miserably.

''Hey you won't be laughing when your mate comes.'' I said and continued to laugh.

''Yeah dude, you will be just as bad as us or maybe even worse.'' James said smirking.

''Yeah, I don't think so.'' Aiden said and got up from the ground still laughing a bit.

Aiden is the only one left without a mate between us. Hope he finds her soon.

''Okay, bye guys we have to go'' I said and walked over to Ross who put his arm around my waist.

''Where are you two going?'' James asked.

''A date.'' Ross said and started to pull me away.

''Wait!'' Aiden called and we looked at him, '' You guys don't smell different.''

I looked at him confused, ''Why would we smell different?''

''I thought that you guys would be mated because Ross could do anything with you?'' Aiden said and I blushed.

''Well you see we haven't so bye!'' I said and pulled Ross out who was smirking at me.

We walked out of the pack house and to Ross car. He opened the door for me and I climbed in. He shut the door closed and walked to the other side and jumped in.

''So where are you taking me?'' I asked him as he started the car and drove away.

''That's a surprise'' he said with a smirk and I frowned.

''But I hate surprises'' I said and he smiled.

''Trust me you will like this one'' he said and looked back at the road.


We drove for about ten or twenty minutes until Ross started to drive in the forest again. I looked around. I haven't been in this place...

''Is this our territory?'' I asked him still looking out the window.

''Yes, this is'' he said.

''I haven't been here'' I said and looked at him.

''I know, you haven't seen all of our territory yet. There are more places I have to show you but that will be some other day. Today it's our date time.'' He said with a smiled. I smiled at him and looked back outside.

Ross stopped the car and climbed outside to open my door. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and looked around. Ross put a scarf around by eyes and I gasped.

''Do you really have to put it on me?'' I whined.


''But I will trip and fall.'' I said.

''No you won't. I'm not going to let you fall.'' He said and we started to slowly walk forward.

''Are we there yet?'' I asked about five minutes later.

''No'' he said.

''Now?'' I asked again after few seconds.





''No'' he growled.

''Are w-'' I started but he stopped me.

''Don't even think about saying it'' he growled.

After few minutes of walking I said it again.

''Are we there yet?'' I asked and we stopped walking.

''Yes'' he said and took of the scarf. When he did I gasped.

We were at the beach and the sun was going down. On the sand was a blanket with food on it. A heart of flowers was set around the blanket. Under the heart was written ''I love you''.

I turned around and kissed Ross. He smiled in the kiss and kissed me back. He put his arms around my waist and I pulled away.

''Do you like it?'' he asked.

''No'' I said and he frowned, ''I love it.''

He smiled and kissed me again. When we pulled away we walked and sat down on the blanket. Ross gave me a sandwich and we started to eat.

''When did you do this?'' I asked him, taking a bit of my sandwich.

''I asked the guys for help when we were watching a movie.'' He said and I nodded.

''They have great ideas then.'' I said and Ross shook his head.

''No they don't. After a half hour later they asked me what to do.'' he said.

''So this was your idea?'' I asked and he nodded, ''Well I love it. It's really beautiful out here.''

''Not as beautiful as you.'' he said and I blushed, ''How about we go swimming?''

''But I don't have a swimsuit?'' I said and he stood up.

''You won't need it.'' he said and pulled me up.

''Ross I don't think I want to.'' I said, but he just picked me up and ran in the water.

''Ross put me down!'' I yelled and he nodded.

''Yes princess.'' he said and dropped me in the water.

''Ross!!'' I yelled before I hit the water. I could hear him laughing, so I grabbed his leg and pulled him under the water. He fell in the water and I started to laugh.

He quickly swam to me and started to tickle me. I tried to get away from him, but he was holding me too strong. An idea came to my mind and I moved my hands. The water was rising up below us and soon we were out of the water. The water created a water mountain above the water. Ross looked around confused. I smirked and jumped down of the water mountain.

Ross tried to jump off, but I moved the water so he was locked in it. He looked down at me. I smirked at him and he growled.

''Laura let me go.'' he said and tried to get out.

''Only if you promise me that you won't tickle me anymore.'' I said.

''I won't tickle you anymore just let me out!'' he said and I nodded. I moved my hands down and the water mountain disappeared. Ross fell in the water with a big splash. I was laughing so hard that I didn't feel Ross grabbing my leg and pulling me down.

''You'll pay for that.'' he said. He was about to tickle me again, but I quickly swam away.

''You said you wouldn't tickle me again!!'' I yelled while I was swimming away.

''I lied.'' he said and swam after me.

He was trying to catch me, but was failing miserably. I was too fast in the water.

I laughed when I saw him stop and swim up to the surface. I swam up to and saw him looking at me.

''It's not fair! You have your powers to help you swim faster.'' he whined like a little kid.

''What powers?'' I asked acting stupid.

'' 'What powers?' '' he said mocking me. I moved my hands under water and poured water on him from behind. He growled and I started to laugh and before I know it I was pulled in Ross warm chest.

''You little.'' he said and I laughed more.

''I little wha-'' I started but didn't get to finish because Ross started to tickle me again, ''You liar!''

''Want me to stop?'' he asked.

''Y-yes'' I said laughing.

''Than repeat what I say 'Ross is the strongest and sexiest man alive' '' he said but I shook my head.

''You're asking me t-to lie in front of y-you?'' I asked still laughing. He started to tickle me even more.

He growled, ''Say it or I will never stop''

''Fine'' I said, ''Ross is the strongest and sexiest man alive''

He stopped and smiled, ''That's better''

He kissed my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist. This kiss was short because I pulled away.

''Come on let's go back'' I said and he nodded.

We swam back to the beach and Ross gave me some clothes.

''Where did you get these?'' I asked him and went behind a tree to put on the new, warm clothes.

''I took some clothes from home because I knew we would go in the water.'' He said and I walked out from behind the tree when I was finished.

''Oh...thank you for that.'' I said and he nodded.

''Come on I have another surprise for you'' he said and grabbed my hand.

''What surprise?'' I asked him.

''You'll see'' he said and we walked in the forest.

We walked for about five minutes and I was about to ask how long we have to walk, but Ross stopped walking. I looked up and saw a small penthouse. I smiled and looked at Ross.

''What are we doing here?'' I asked and Ross started to pull me with him towards the penthouse.

''I just wanted to spend some alone time with you.'' He said and I smiled.

We walked in and I looked around. The house was amazing. There was a small kitchen, a living room with a big TV.

''Who's house is this?'' I asked while looking around.

''No one's'' he said and I looked at him confused, ''This house was built for mates to be alone and away from others.''

He said and came behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and started to slowly kiss my neck.

''Are there more houses build for mates?'' I asked and tried not to moan.

''Yes'' Ross said while kissing my neck, ''This house was built specially for the Alpha and Luna.''

I nodded and Ross continued to kiss my neck. His hands went under my top and I moaned.

"I want my mark to be here so much." He growled while he was kissing the spot where his mark would be.

"Then mark me." I whispered back with a moan and he growled while pulling me closer.

"Mine. My mate." He growled while kissing my neck.

"Yours. Yours only." I whispered back trying not to moan. He kissed my lips and I kissed back. He picked me up and started to walk upstairs. He opened the door to some room and shut it with his foot.

Ross put me slowly on the bed and climbed on top of me, never breaking the kiss. The kiss was getting more and more powerful. Ross asked me to deepen the kiss and I gladly let him. He kissed me with so much power showing me exactly how much he loves me.

This night he marked me as his and we finished the mating process.

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